A calendar of Feast days & Memorial dates for the lesser known Mystics, Saints & holy persons of the Catholic church that are on this website.
[Photo left: St Gemma Galgani, extraordinary stigmatic, mystic & victim soul -feast day April 11]
Christians endeavor to see and appreciate the world and all of God's creation through the eyes of faith. And it is because of our faith in Christ that we look upon our human death not as an ending, but as a new and most glorious beginning- for it is on the day of our deaths that we are born into eternal life, to be forever united with God in the Blessed Trinity, along with the Virgin Mary, the Angels, and the Saints for all of eternity. And it is precisely for this reason that Catholics do not so much honor the birthdays of the Saints, but instead of their births we honor and celebrate the dates of their earthly deaths, because it is on this day that they are born into everlasting life--their true birthday! And so it is that the Feastday or Memorial of the Saints, Blesseds and holy persons is normally always celebrated on the day of their earthly deaths.
There certainly are plenty of websites that list the feastdays and memorials of the popular and well known Saints, Blesseds and holy persons--no need to repeat that information here. So the emphasis of this page is to list the feast days of the lesser known Saints and holy persons, especially the lesser known Mystics of the Church, many of which are highlighted on this website.
Religious Calendar of feast days and memorial dates for the lesser known Saints, Mystics & holy persons.
Maria von Morl, mystic, stigmatic & victim soul -Jan 11
Little Nellie of holy God (Nellie Organ) -Feb 2
Marthe Robin, mystic, stigmatic, victim soul & foundress -Feb 6
Magdalena Gornik, Sloveninan mystic, stigmatic and victim soul -Feb. 23
Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, mystic & messenger of the Divine Will -Mar. 4
Maria Domenica Lazzeri, mystic, stigmatic & victim soul -April 4
St. Gemma Galgani, extraordinary mystic, stigmatic & victim soul -April 11
St. Bernadette Soubirous, visionary of the Lourdes apparitions, -April 16
Sr. Maria Antonia, Brazilian nun who saw her guardian Angel since childhood -Apr. 24
Marie Rose Ferron, American mystic & stigmatic -May 11
Gabrielle Bossis, mystic -June 9
Blessed Elena Aiello, Italian mystic, stigmatic & victim soul -June 19
Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, wife, mother & mystic, -June 19
Rhoda Wise, American mystic & stigmatic, wife, mother, Catholic convert -July 7
Servant of God Brother Marcel Van, Vietnamese mystic, -July 10
Servant of God Sister Consolata Betrone, Italian mystic -July 18
St. Mary Magdalene, first mystic of the Church -July 22
Blessed Maria Pierina de Micheli, mystic & prophet of the Holy Face devotion -July 26
Maria Esperanza de Bianchini, Venezuelian mystic/visionary -Aug. 7
Servant of God Louise Lateau, mystic, stigmatic & victim soul -Aug. 25
Blessed Mariam Baouardy, mystic -Aug. 26
Blessed Dina Belanger, Canadian mystic and foundress -Sept. 4
Therese Neumann, German mystic, stigmatic & victim soul -Sept 18
St. Padre Pio, Priest -extraordinary mystic, stigmatic & victim soul -Sept. 23
Maria Valtorta, mystic & author, known as the "pen of Jesus" -Oct 12
Blessed Alexandrina da Costa, Portuguese mystic & victim soul -Oct. 13
St. Paul of the Cross, priest, founder & mystic -Oct 19 (or Oct 20 in the USA)
Pere Jean Lamy, mystic and founder, -Dec. 1
St. Charbel Makhlouf, priest -Dec. 24
Josefa Menendez, mystic who gave messages of mercy from Jesus -Dec. 29
-May the prayers and the holy example of the Saints, Blesseds and devout souls of all ages lead us to everlasting life! AMEN +