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Edvige Carboni

The Servant of God, Edvige Carboni, (1880-1952) Mystic, Stigmatic, Victim Soul & Laywoman

The webmaster would like to gratefully thank Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt for translating from the original Italian & Spanish the inspiring and informative passages below. May God reward her for her efforts. 

Edvige Carboni was an extraordinary mystic. She spent her life between the natural and the supernatural; between the human and the divine. Her interaction with the supernatural world was an almost daily occurrence. Jesus, Mary and the saints appeared to her constantly. She also received the stigmata, and had many other spiritual gifts such as ecstasies, bilocation, levitation, reading of hearts, discernment of spirits and frequent visits from souls in purgatory.

Edvige was a lay woman who lived with her family and spent the last years of her life living with her sister Paulina in Rome. She lived a life of charity helping the needy, visiting the sick, and praying and suffering for the conversion of sinners and the souls in Purgatory.

Her Childhood and Youth -The luminous Host
Edvige was born on May 2nd, 1880 in Sardinia, Italy. She was the second oldest among six siblings in the Carboni family. On the day she was born something extraordinary happened. Her mother told her that the day she was born she had seen a luminous host in a monstrance. Because of this, her mother who was very sick used to tell her,“If I die, you must receive Holy Communion every day and you should be very good, because Jesus, a few moments after you were born, showed me a host, as I have told you.”

Another significant event that happened upon her birth was that a cross made of her own flesh was formed on her breast, as if Jesus had predestined her to be His spouse. She was baptized two days after her birth. At the age of four, she was confirmed and at the age of five, she made a vow of virginity. In her grandmother’s house there was a replica of Rafael’s painting of the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus in her arms. When Edvige was alone, she would climb on a chair and say to the Virgin Mary: "'My mother, I love you. Give me your child so that I can play with Him'.'  Many times she let me play with Him. Jesus was so good to me.”

Every afternoon her mother would take her to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament and Edvige would renew her virginity vow with a prayer that Jesus had taught her when they were playing: “My God, I make a vow of perpetual chastity, I consecrate my virginity to You.”

She only finished third grade. Since her mother was very ill, she would send Edvige to do the grocery shopping at night. Edvige always obeyed her parents but felt afraid of walking alone late at night. Once, she saw her guardian angel who told her, “Don’t be afraid. I am with you and I keep you good company.” She said the angel waited for her outside the store and then walked her back home and disappeared.

She learned to do embroidery work so she could sell what she embroidered and bring money into the house. At the age of eleven she made her first Holy Communion. On this occasion Jesus asked her, “Do you love Me?” and she said, “Yes, very much.” After this, she used to pray constantly. She would go to a corral to pray so that her family would not see her. Once when she was fervently praying she saw a young priest who smiled at her and said,“Do you know me?” 
“No,”she answered. “I am St. Luis Gonzaga. I have come to tell you that I love you very much and that you should love Jesus always.” Edvige said that St. Luis Gonzaga has appeared to her many times to teach her how to pray.

At the age of fifteen, Edvige wanted to become a nun, but her mother did not let her. She accepted this as if it were the Will of God. That same year, her sister Paulina was born. Up to then Edvige had only brothers, so she had to help her mother with the housework and also take care of her ailing grandmother. After the age of sixteen, the appearance of Jesus, Mary, the saints and the angels became more frequent.

Victim Soul for the Conversion of Communists
Jesus had chosen Edvige to be a victim soul and she offered herself generously for the salvation of others. Jesus asked her for many prayers and sacrifices because many souls were in danger of eternal damnation.  Edvige wrote in her diary on May 25, 1941: “While I was praying before the Blessed Sacrament, I went into ecstasy and I saw Jesus on the Cross bleeding from each wound. The Blood was falling on the ground. I saw angels holding gold chalices up to the Wounds. The chalices filled up quickly and soon the Blood was falling on the ground again. Jesus was crying. I told Him, “Why are You crying?”
He answered, “Daughter, I cry because so much of the Blood that I shed during My Passion is wasted without bearing fruit.”

On another occasion she wrote, “After Holy Communion, I saw three crosses. Jesus was on the one in the middle, the other two were empty. Then Don Bosco came to me and said,
 “Daughter, Jesus has given me the task of finding victim souls to repair for so many offenses that He constantly receives, especially because of immodest fashion, and for there to be peace among nations. Daughter, after looking for a while, I found you and Gracia. Those two crosses will be one for you and one for her” (Dairy June 12, 1941).
Gracia was one of Edvige’s close friends, who at the age of 33 consecrated herself to Jesus and offered herself as a victim soul in order to obtain peace during WWII.

Jesus asked Edvige to offer herself as a victim especially for communists. She wrote, “I dreamt that the Virgin Mary told me,‘My daughter, promise me to suffer all tribulation, rejection, scorn, and sufferings for the conversion of communists.’”

One day Sister Gabriela Sagheddu, a Trappist nun who had offered herself as a victim so that the Anglican Church would reunite with the Catholic, appeared to Edvige and told her, “Offer yourselves as victims so that communists can come back to the Mother Church.”

In June, 1941, she wrote in her dairy, “While I was praying, I went into ecstasy and St. John Bosco appeared and said to me,‘My little daughter, remember that you have offered yourself as victim for the liberation of poor Russians from Bolshevism, sworn enemy to God.Pray so that soon the Crucified One can enter Russia.’”

Partaker in the Sufferings of Christ and the Stigmata
Edvige wrote down how she received the stigmata in her diary on November 16, 1938:
“One day while I was praying, I went into ecstasy and Jesus appeared to me and said,
‘My daughter, do you want to suffer?’ I answered, ‘Yes. For love of You, I want to suffer.’
Then he appeared to me on the Crucifix, from His Wounds came out rays of light and those rays reached me wounding my hands, feet, head and side. I felt pain in all the wounded parts and I stayed on the ground for several hours. When I woke up, I saw that blood was coming out of my wounds and I felt a great pain. Since that day I got into meditating on the Passion morning and evening.
It is not clear how old she was when she received the stigmata. She recalls being about 29 and her spiritual director thought it was when she was around the age of 33.

She also received the crown of thorns and the transverberation, the wounding of her heart. She wrote that, “One night while I was praying, an angel appeared with a crown in his hand. He put it on my head and I felt a great pain, because it pierced all my head so that during several days I could not open an eye, because it was red and it seemed that there was a thorn in it.”

Another time the angel wounded her heart. This phenomenon called transverberation has happened to many other mystics such as Padre Pio and St. Teresa of Avila.  Edvige wrote, “I was praying to good Jesus, and suddenly an angel appeared and wounded my heart. I still feel that wound now. It is a wound that makes me burn with love for Jesus.”
Flora Argenti testified that she saw the skin on the part of Edvige’s heart burned and blistered and that an intense heat could be felt. She had night shirts with burnt marks around her heart.

The Devil
The devil used to make Edvige suffer in many ways. She offered it all to Jesus for the salvation of souls. VitaliaScodina, a friend of Edvige says: “Many times the devil used to burn the money she had to go shopping. He also poured water on her bed, which later the Blessed Virgin Mary dried. He used to tie her to the bed, scratch her, throw stones at her head; he burned the book that Monsignor Vitali gave her; he would throw around her flour, polenta, pasta, and other things. Some of these happenings I have witnessed myself. For example when the devil hit her with a stick and tied her to her bed. She told me about the other events.  I remember that I could not untie the knots that the devil had tied her with to her bed until I called on the Virgin Mary.”

Once, Edvige saw in a vision that the devil was infuriated and took her “Diary” and wanted to throw it out the window.When she woke up, she found it near the window slightly burned. To prevent this from happening in the future, Mons. Massimi blessed the “Diary” and gave them a box with relics in which to keep it.

She wrote on her diary entry on December 1941,“After Holy Communion, in the chapel dedicated to St. Ann, I saw an ugly beast approach me. He grabbed my bag and took the 100 liras that I had to go shopping. He took the money and turned it into ashes. When I came out of the ecstasy, I found on top of my bag the 100 liras turned to ashes.”

Whenever Edvige was on the way to see Fr. Ignacio (her last spiritual director), the devil hit her hard and kicked her legs so that she would not be able to walk. This also happened when she went to other confessors. Edvige, however, even if she had to limp managed to continue and Satan was defeated.
The devil made her suffer in many ways. Sometimes he would break her dishes, mirrors or glass windows. He would undo her knitting and hit or scratch her. Once he even took the gold fillings from her teeth. On another occasion she had to stay in bed for a while because the devil hit her on the knee with a hammer.

Moving to Mainland Italy
In 1929 things changed in Edvige’s life. Her sister Paulina who was a teacher found a job and was sent to a school in MarcellinaScalo, a town between Rome and Tivoli. Edvige’s father did not want Paulina to live alone so the whole family moved from Sardinia. For the next 23 years until her death, Edvige would live on the mainland. The last 14 years of her life she spent in Rome. In MarcellinaScalo, Edvige took care of her father and taught catechism. She asked Jesus to hide the stigmata in her hands so she could work and Jesus acquiesced to her humble request.

In 1932 Paulina was transferred to Agosta and then to La Forma. In La Forma, Edvige continued teaching catechism and embroidery to some girls. In 1934 they moved to Albano Laziale. In 1937 their father, Giovanni Battista Carboni, died. They said that when he died his emaciated face became beautiful.  He had led a very holy life.

A year after this, Edvige and Paulina moved to Rome permanently. They moved near the Salesian Church named Mary Help of Christians. In 1940 in Rome she met VitaliaScodina who became one of her closest friends and a witness to the supernatural graces that Edvige was enjoying.

Her Piety and Virtues
Edvige lived a life of penance and charity. She did not perform great acts of penance like other saints but she patiently accepted discomfort, sufferings and persecution from people who considered her to be crazy or a seer. She often fasted and generally only ate a piece of bread for breakfast and dinner. Vitalia, her friend, says that one day during the war she found Edvige baking bread made out of flour and ashes because they did not have anything else to eat. Because of eating ashes, Edvige got a stomach ulcer which Jesus later on cured miraculously.

Throughout her life, Edvige had to take care of her mother, her aunt, her grandmother, her father and finally her sister Paulina. She always did it with love and patience. She particularly loved the poor. If someone poor knocked at her door while she was eating, she would give them all her food.  Paulina remembers: “Once we saw an old man sitting on the stairs in front of the Church of St. Paul. My sister approached him, caressed him like you would a little child and gave him her scarf. Another day she gave her skirt to a poor lady.” Edvige used to say: “The poor are my dearest friends. I would give everything for them, earrings, rings… I love them because Jesus loves them… In Heaven we will see all the good done to the poor. They will open the gates of Heaven to us.”

The Holy Father and the priests were very dear to her. She prayed much for them and would not be afraid to defend them when others made uncharitable comments against them. In December 1944, she wrote in her Diary:“On Thursday afternoon, I dreamt I was in the Vatican Church. There were a lot of people. Many were foreigners from many nations. Suddenly the Holy Father came to the balcony and started to speak. He said: ‘Children, in these very sad times which we live, we need to do penance to appease the anger of God, gravely offended by the sins of men.’ He just stopped speaking, when many men and women started throwing stones at the Pope causing him several wounds. Upon seeing him bleeding, some were laughing. He had to leave the balcony. An angel came down on St. Peter’s Square and said: The world is going to ruins. They don’t want to hear the words of the Vicar of Christ.’ I asked him, ‘Who are you?’ -‘I am the Angel of Rome and I live in the Vatican.’”

Edvige had enrolled in many confraternities since she was young. She belonged to the Daughters of Mary in Pozzomaggiore. She also became a Third Order Franciscan in 1906. She belonged to an Association called Friends of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. From 1941 on she joined the Confraternity of the Passion at Scala Santa (The Holy Stairs) in Rome. This is where she met Passionist priest, Fr. Ignacio Parmeggiani, who was her spiritual director from that time until her death. She also had a special relation with the Salesians in Rome since she lived near their Church, Mary Help of Christians. Here is where she used to go to Mass daily and had many visions, including visions of St. Bosco and St. Dominc Savio. In fact, St. Bosco himself invited her to enroll as a Salesian Helper on September 25, 1941.

Supernatural Gifts:
Reading of Hearts and supernatural knowledge
Edvige demonstrated to have supernatural knowledge and the gift of reading hearts. Constantina Sanna says that she took her mother to see Edvige because she was worried about her son, Salvatore, who was in the war and they had not received any news from him. Edvige prayed for a while and then told Constantina’s mother that her son Salvatore was fine and that they would receive a letter from him in two days. She also told them where he was at that moment.  Two days later, the letter arrived confirming all that Edvige had said.

Sor Maria Longaroni declared: “She had the gift of reading hearts because many times she would tell me things that I had thought and help me with doubts that I had and had not told anyone.”

Many people can attest that Edvige frequently levitated during her ecstasies. Mariangela Oggianu declared: “One afternoon, I found the servant of God in the Church, elevated some 20cm over the kneeler without any support. She had her hands together and was gazing upwards and praying fervently.”

During WWI Edvige would go in bilocation frequently to the battlefield and then she would bring back news about soldiers who had disappeared or died. She told Fr. Carta about the death of Luigi Meloni, a young soldier who was believed to be lost in war.

Maria Pinna tells of how Edvige went in bilocation to help obtain a deathbed conversion:
“Between 1928 and 1930. I had gone to Bossa Marina and the parish priest told me that there was a very ill man who had not received the sacraments for a long time. His wife was worried that he would die like that. The priest called an employee and sent him to Pozzomaggiore to ask Edvige to come to Bossa. When the messenger got to Pozzomaggiore, Edvige’s father sent him away. That same day around ten o’clock at night, the wife of the sick man who was alone in the room with him, felt that someone opened the door and came close to her husband. She thought it was the maid but instead saw a person dressed in black with a black scarf over her head leaving the room. She did not see her face. She got up to ask the workers who she was but they said no one had come in. Confused, she went back to her husband’s room where she found he was conscious again (He had been delirious with a high fever). He told her that he wanted to receive the sacrament of penance. They called the priest and he made his confession. The next morning after the priest took Holy Communion to him and celebrated a Mass for him, the man died peacefully in the afternoon.”

In a letter that Edvige wrote to Fr. Ignacio Parmeggiani, she says, “Father, Jesus told me yesterday afternoon:
‘My daughter, pray for the salvation of Chinese communists. They are so bad. So far they have arrested ten Bishops. As I told you the other day, one of them is Mons. Guthberth O’Gara, Passionist Bishop of Nanking.’
Jesus made me see where this Passionist was. He was in a dark cell. The guards were threatening him but he remained silent looking towards Heaven. I was screaming and told those men: ‘You are bad.’
They threatened me but I was high above and they said, ‘She is the witch of the Pope. She is a witch!’
I told them, ‘Remember that one day you will be judged by the good Jesus. If you don’t do penance, you will go to Hell.’
They kept repeating, ‘Witch! Witch!’
Father, pray for the conversion of those lost brothers.”

Paulina remembers that Edvige was taken twice to visit Cardinal Mindzenty in jail and that she talked to him and to Jesus. (Cardinal Mindzenty also received visits from Padre Pio and Sr. Cristina Montella in bilocation during his imprisonment.) 

Edvige also went to Moscow in bilocation and entered Stalin’s room in the Kremlin. She saw him move his fist saying, “I am the strong and terrible enemy of God.”
Edvige said that Stalin had such an ugly stare that it made you afraid to look at him. Vitalia remembers:
“One day I was in Edvige and Paulina’s house. We saw Edvige in deep prayer and heard her say: ‘You have to convert. But if you want to be God’s eternal enemy, you will be.’ When she came out of the ecstasy, her sister asked her to whom she was talking and she answered that she had been to Stalin’s room in Moscow…to her invitation to convert, he had responded, ‘I will never convert. I will be God’s enemy forever.’”

On another occasion, St Sebastian wearing a Roman officer’s uniform came to Edvige and said,“Take 20,000 liras and come.”
Then in bilocation they went to a cave near San Buenaventura del Palatino where there was man about to commit suicide because he was unemployed. Saint Sebastian said,
“Stop. I am St. Sebastian and I have come to save you.”
The man dropped the gun. The saint said, “These two women have brought you 20,000 liras, which is all they have. I promise you that in two days you will find a job.”

Edvige foretold who the next Pope would be to her spiritual director, Rev. Carta. With the election of Pope Benedict IX in 1914 her prediction was confirmed. She also predicted the election of Pope Pius XI. She likewise predicted the softening of the Passionist Rule, which took place nine years later. This was revealed to her by the founder of the Passionists, St. Paul of the Cross who appeared to her.

Supernatural Light
While her sister Paulina was away studying, Rafaela Piu, a friend of Edvige’s used to keep her company at night. On night, she woke up and found Edvige knelt before the Crucifix in ecstatic prayer. The room was filled with a strong blinding light. Adela Ianucci also witnessed this when she was a child. She saw Edvige praying in the midst of a bright light in which figures of angels and saints moved about.

Supernatural Communions
Many times during her life, Edvigereceived Holy Communion from Jesus himself or from a saint. Her friend Vitalia says that several times she found Edvige in prayer with a host on her tongue and could not explain how it got there. Paulina said that one morning when she woke up, she found Edvige in ecstasy with a Host on her tongue. She later asked her about it and Edvige told her that St. Paul of the Cross along with two other Passionists (St Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother and Nicolini) had come to give it to her. Other times she received Communion from St. John Bosco, St. Dominic Savio, St. Vincenzo Strambi and others.

Her Guardian Angel
Edvige’s Guardian Angel was her faithful friend and helped her in all her needs.  Sister Teresa Josefina Azzena said, “My uncle made me read some letters that seemed to have been written by highly educated people, while Edvige had no schooling. Those letters had been dictated by her Guardian Angel. Some of them were written in Latin a language that Edvige did not know. My uncle told me that one day the devil gave Edvige a blow to her hand and that the blood which came out of that wound unto the paper made the design of a carnation, which I have seen with my own eyes. My uncle Francesco also told me that on day Edvige had been in ecstasy in Church from the morning until noon. When she went home after a very short time she sent a dish of pasta to the parish priest. My uncle who was curious went to her home to find out who had prepared the pasta. Edvige’s father said it had been Edvige, but later they found out that it was her Guardian Angel that frequently helped her with the household chores.”

Her friend Vitalia says that Edvige could see her Angel who would make their beds when she was ill. The Angel also used to help her wash the clothes she needed to get ready. Even Jesus himself one day came to help her wash and dry the clothes.  She told Paulina and Vitalia that Jesus had pretended to wash the clothes but that He had not touched it. He commanded it and the clothes became white and folded.

Blessed Virgin Mary
Her love towards Mary and the Importance of the Rosary
Since she was five years old, Edvige had seen the Virgin Mary come to life from a painting at her grandmother’s house. Throughout her life, the Virgin Mary appeared to her many times telling her to love Jesus, to offer her sufferings and to pray the Rosary for sinners.

She wrote in her Diary on March 1942: “The Virgin Mary appeared to me with tears in her eyes. I approached her and said, ‘Why are you crying?
‘I am crying because I cannot appease the anger of my Son against the human race. If men don’t do penance, the war will not end and much blood will be spilled. My daughter, immodest fashions and dishonesty have enraged God. Pray and do penance. Pray the Rosary frequently. It is the only powerful weapon to attract the blessings from Heaven.’”

On January, 1942, she wrote: “After Communion I was in ecstasy. I saw the Virgin Mary holding a basket full of white rosaries and other different colors. The Virgin was taking those Rosaries and giving them to the people who were there to pray. From each of the beads of those Rosaries a kind of fragrant water descended. There were thousands of Rosaries and she distributed all of them. Then turning toward those souls she told them,
‘Sons and daughters, with these Rosaries you will be able to extinguish the fire that has spread throughout the world. This is the most powerful weapon. Man cannot find a more powerful weapon.’ And having said this, she disappeared.”

On another occasion she wrote, “After Holy Communion, I saw an angel that had beautiful irises and roses. He told me, ‘If you pray the Rosary everyday with faith and attention, I will form roses out of the Hail Mary’s and Irises out of the Our Father’s. I will put them together to make a beautiful crown that I will give you in Heaven. That’s why in this month of May, pray the Rosary frequently.’”

She also had the following vision:“One day after Holy Communion, I found myself in a prairie, and on a throne I saw Mary Help of Christians covered with a great mantle. On the plain there was a terrible wind and fire storm, Suddenly, St. John Bosco appeared. He was running through the storm calling men and women to save themselves by taking cover under Mary’s mantle. Thousands took cover under Mary’s mantle, but other thousands did not want to enter and laughed at those who did. Don Bosco in the midst of the storm got on top of a table and started to preach saying,‘You will die because of your own fault, come under the protection of our Celestial Mother.’

St John Bosco
But they, having hard hearts and being indifferent to his words were deaf to the saint’s exhortation. I saw the fire surround them while they were trying to escape. This did not seem as a vision to me, since I felt I was awake with all my senses. Even today when I remember, I shudder seeing those hardened souls that preferred to be burned instead of obeying Don Bosco’s voice. But those who were under Mary’s mantle were safe.”

The Blessed Virgin Mary gave the following prayer to Edvige: “The Celestial Mother appeared to me and said,
‘You are so sad. You and your sister don’t have faith in me, your mama. Don’t you know that I am the treasurer of all the graces? Pray this prayer to the Holy Trinity: -Oh Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, Oh Jesus and Mary, Oh Saints in Heaven, I ask this grace through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.’”

The Virgin Mary also taught her another beautiful little prayer: “Madonna of Love, Holy Virgin, help me become a saint, because you can do it and you want it.” In Italian it rhymes.

On September 8th, the Blessed Virgin Mary told her: “Today is September 8th, the feast of my birthday, my daughter, trust in me. All the graces go through my hands. This date is the one the infernal enemy hates the most, because with my birth came the salvation of the world.”

Moving Saint Statues
Edvige had several statues in her house that were frequently seen by others changing place.  Flora Argenti remembers: “On January 22, 1948 my brother Dyonisio and I went to visit Edvige. We had left our hats on a coat rack at the entrance. Upon leaving, when we were going to get our hats, there were no longer there. We found them in Edvige’s bedroom on the head of the Infant Jesus’ statue. Edvige explained that our heads were in His hands and our hearts in His Divine Heart…on February 29, 1948, we found the statue of the Infant Jesus that was always in her bedroom, at the front door. I can certify that many times I have seen that statue change places.”

Her friend Vitalia says that many time the statue of St. Joseph and the Infant Jesus appeared at the front door or somewhere else in the house. This also happened with the statue of St. Genaro. Once Vitalia came to Edvige’s house and found the statue of St. Joseph on the front door. The door was locked. I knocked on the door and when Edvige opened it she found me with the statue in my arms. She took it and put it back in its place. Edvige used to say, “St. Joseph is so good. He who does not believe let him try. I chose him as my father. In all my necessities I go to him, and he always helps me. St. Joseph is a great saint. Love him and invoke him.”

Visits from Saints
Edvige was frequently visited by saints.We have already mentioned episodes with St. John Bosco, St. Dominic Savio, St. Paul of the Cross and St. Sebastian, but there were many others.

St. Ann: Edvige wrote in her diary,“After Holy Communion, I seemed to be in front of a painting of St. Ann. Suddenly the image became alive and her eyes looked at me. She told me,
‘My daughter, I am praying for world peace. Jesus is outraged and I and His mother cannot appease Him. There are so many sins of impurity. You, my daughter, pray and make people pray for peace.’” Another time she wrote in her diary: “I was praying to the Virgin and to St. Ann for my nephew. My good grandmother St. Ann approached me and said,‘My daughter, trust your grandma Ann. I will obtain that grace for you.’”

St. Sebastian: Edvige loved St, Sebastian and received many revelations and help from him. He appeared many times in her room to give her advice and exhort her to be humble and to lead a holy life. He usually appeared to her on his feast day. When her spiritual director, Mons. Vitalis died, St. Sebastian told her that he would be her director.

St. Genaro: In 1951 Edvige bought a statue of St. Genaro in Naples. This saint would tell her:“Courage Edvige. I was also a martyr like you.” One day Flora Argenti was sad and when she was leaving Edvige’s house found the statue of St. Genaro at her feet. Edvige told her friend that St. Genaro wanted to console her.

St. Rita of Cascia: During a pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Rita of Cascia, Edvige went into ecstasy. Her friend Vitalia saw her and at the same time smelled a horrible stench. When Edvige came out of the ecstasy she told Vitalia that the stench was coming from the people visiting the Shrine that were not worthy to be there. St. Rita had told her that only their presence had been pleasing to her.

St. Therese of Lisieux: Edvige wrote in her diary: “I seem to have seen a religious while I was praying. I looked at her carefully and I knew it was St. Therese. Smiling, she said to me,
‘Trust in God. Jesus helped me reached perfection because I abandoned myself completely in His Divine hands like a little girl in the arms of her mother.’
Then she took rose petals and threw them on my bed and on my sister’s bed.”

St Therese of Lisieux
On another occasion St. Therese appeared and said to Edvige in a dream. After having spread roses on their beds, she told them: “Pray, pray. Jesus is enraged with the sins of men. Instead of reparation, the commit the most horrible sins: dishonesty and shamelessness; sins that God hates the most. For those sins, He has always punished men. Even in the Old Testament He destroyed Sodom and Gomorra. So many get married without thinking of the great duty they have to God. They bring forth many flowers (children) and these flowers belong to God. They have to take care of them; instead, unfaithful gardeners, they don’t water them with the Living water of the Word of God. Unfaithful mothers that ruin their plants, entrusted to them by God…It is a grave sin when a mother does not educate her children Christian faith.”

When she woke up there were five fragrant rose petals on Paulina’s bed and three on mine. The perfume was heavenly.

On September 1943 Edvige wrote in her diary: “I dreamt with St. Therese. She has a bouquet of white roses in her hand. She threw the petals on my sister’s bed. On each petal the words “Hail Mary” were written in red. There were about 50. Then she collected them again and said to Paulina,‘If every day you say so many Hail Mary’s with devotion and perseverance, after your death, on your tomb there will bloom a flower with petals inscribed with the words ‘Hail Mary’.

That same month Edvige had another dream with St. Therese: “She looked at me happily and said
'Your sister’s name and your name are written in Heaven. However, if you don’t correspond to grace, they will be erased. I mean that you need to correspond with good works, with charity, with humility, with obedience; which are all dear to Jesus. Love everyone as your brother or sister. Forgive all who have wronged you. I always loved Jesus, up to the point of dying for love of Him. My sisters always loved me since I was a child and they rejoiced when the saw how much I loved Jesus. There was no jealousy. Paulina, I love you so much. Correspond to the graces Jesus has given you. Be always good and humble with everyone.”

St Gemma Galgani
St. Gemma Galgani: Edvige admired St. Gemma Galgani and considered her to be her spiritual sister. She was even present at St. Gemma’s canonization which took place on May 2nd (May 2nd is also the birthday of Edvige and the day of the beatification of Padre Pio). On September, 1943 she wrote: “Again, I dreamt with St. Gemma Galgani. She was as beautiful as an angel. She approached me and said,
‘Love sufferings and scorn. When I was in the world I had to endure so many that no one can imagine.’”

St. Dominic Savio: St. Domini Savio appeared to Edvige several times. One time was on the day of his beatification. He was happy and smiling and told her and her sister: “Become saints. Jesus wants it. Always love Mary and the Pope. Jesus wants it.”
Then he disappeared.

St. John Bosco: This is the saint that appeared to her most frequently. Once she said she had a dream with him. He came to her with a book. I read and saw that all the good works that my sister had done were written there. Then I saw a blank page. St. Bosco told me, ‘That day You and Paulina did not do such and such good work that you were going to do. That’s why Jesus on that day did not write in anything good or bad. But it remains blank, which Jesus does not like when you don’t do something out of weakness.”

St. Francis of Assisi: Edvige wrote: “Jesus made me see the glory of St. Francis. I saw that he was resplendent. The most beautiful one in Heaven.”

St. Padre Pio: Paulina attested that her sister Edvige had many visits from Padre Pio. One day Edvige said to her, “I spoke to Padre Pio. He was so affectionate with me. Like a father with his daughter.” Jesus had spoken to Edvige about Padre Pio telling her that it was necessary for him to stay in the world until he was old because he needed to convert many souls. It seems that since they met in bilocation, she never felt the need to go meet him in person. Once a lady from the same region as Edvige went to see Padre Pio and he told her, “You have come here looking for me? Well I tell you: In your region there is a saint, her name is Edvige Carboni. In God’s sight she is greater than me.”

St. Paul the Apostle: After Holy Communion, St. Paul the Apostle appeared to Edvige and told her smiling: “Daughter, you are worried about little things. If you only knew how much I suffered in my apostolate! Hunger, thirst, scorn, imprisonment. Tell Jesus to do with you as He wishes for the salvation of souls and for the coming of the Kingdom of His Sacred Heart.”

St Catherine of Siena: On April 9, 1950, Edvige went on pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Catherine in Siena. After Holy Communion, she saw St. Catherine who approached her all dressed in white and said: “My sister. Become saints. Become saints. Time is short! I wish Pauline were less scrupulous.”Then she caressed Edvige and disappeared.
Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the saints very often provided Edvige with material things she needed, especially during WWII. Jesus gave her some shoes and a skirt. St. John Bosco once brought her half a Kilo of rice and St. Dominic Savio brought her coffee.

Visions of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory
Edvige had visions of people who had gone to hell, of souls who were in purgatory and requested her help; and of souls who entered heaven.

Vitalia states: “There was a young man who lived in Edvige’s building. He never listened to her advice to repent. He was a nonbeliever and died suddenly from an electric shock in his place of work. They had enough time to take him to the hospital, but when he was there he rejected the priest and the sacraments. 

One day Edvige saw him surrounded by flames, condemned. He was cursing her and reproached her for not having prayed more for him. Jesus consoled Edvige, telling her that He had mercy on this man by sending him a priest, but that he had rejected him."

There was another case of a man who was leading an honest life but who would never receive the sacraments. Jesus told Edvige to write to this man and tell him that unless he changed his way of life, he would be punished. The man did not want to repent and later on, Jesus let Edvige know that he also had been condemned.

Jesus also let Edvige know of a dentist in Sardinia who had been condemned:
“My daughter, that dentist that died a few months ago did not want to recognize me as His father, and I did not recognize him as a son.”

A well-known case was that of a priest who during WWII would give conferences denying the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist at a University in Rome. After his death, he appeared to Edvige who used to pray for him. He told her that he had been condemned because of the books he had written against the faith and because of the scandal he had caused. To prove to Edvige that this was not her imagination, the priest picked up a book in her room and upon his touching it, it was completely burned.

Concerning purgatory, Edvige wrote in her diary on October 1943: “Someone appeared and touched my wrist and burned me. I did not know him. He was dressed as an official. He told me,
‘I died during the war. I would like some Masses celebrated by Mons. Vitali. You and your sister should offer Holy Communion for me.’
After having the Masses celebrated and the Communions offered for his intentions, he appeared to her again surrounded by light and said, ‘I am going to Heaven where I will pray for you two (Edvige and Paulina), and especially for Mons. Vitali. I am a Russian. My name is Paolo Vischin. My mother had educated me in the Faith, but when I grew up I let myself be led by bad influences. At the moment of death I repented and remembered what my mother taught me as a child.’”

Edvige wrote in her diary:“While I was praying in front of the Crucifix, a person appeared to me suddenly all in flames, a heard a voice say, 
‘I am Benito Mussolini. The Lord has allowed me to come to you in order to get some relief from my sufferings in purgatory. I beg you as an act of charity to offer for me all your prayers, sufferings and humiliations for two years, if your director allows it. God’s mercy is infinite but so is His justice. One cannot enter Heaven until one has paid the last penny of the debt owed to Divine Justice. Purgatory is terrible for me because I waited until the last moment to repent.’

On spring day in 1951, Jesus told me after Holy Communion: This morning the soul of Benito Mussolini has entered into Heaven.’”

On another occasion Edvige wrote: “I dreamt with a teacher who had died a month ago because of a bombing. I saw she was in a brilliant light but her arms were a little burned. The rest of her body was healthy and beautiful. She said,
‘Look at me now. All I need is one more Mass and I will be liberated. Please have Mons. Vitali say one for me.’”

The Virgin Mary told Edvige that her aunt was in purgatory because many times she had skipped Mass on Holy Days of obligation. Her brother, Giorgino also appeared to Edvige and told her that he was in purgatory and had to remain there for eight years. He asked for prayers and took her hand when he said goodbye, leaving her a scar from the burn that lasted until her death.

On All Souls Day, Edvige would be filled with joy as she contemplated long lines of souls who came to thank her for her prayers as they entered Heaven.

In 1923, her friend Mercedes Farci died at the age of 28 from TB. A few days after her death, Mercedes appeared to Edvige dressed in white and told her that she was enjoying the presence of God and the joys of Heaven.

Jesus allowed her to have a view of Heaven. On August 1941 she wrote: “Jesus told me,‘Come and you will see beautiful things.’
I went walking up to a beautiful gate which had two angels, one on each side guarding it. The gate had a sign which read ‘Those who are dishonest and immodest cannot enter.’ The angels made me enter. I happily entered. It was a piece of Heaven. How beautiful! Plants and flowers I had never been seen before. The floor was covered with pearls and precious flowers. Then they signaled me not to go any further. I saw a Salesian priest approach me holding a key in his hand. He opened the door where it was written, “Salesian Garden.” Inside there were priests and lay people of every age. It was a beautiful garden with plants and flowers that I had never seen and everyone was singing happily.”

Her Holy Death
On February 17th, 1952, Edvige got up early in the morning and went to Mass as usual. She came home and prepared a meal before going again to Church to hear Fr. Lombardi preach. Edvige and Paulina got back home around 8:30 pm by train. Soon after, Edvige started complaining that she was not feeling well. She said twice, “I am dying” and then “I can’t see.”
Paulina called the doctor and also the priests from their parish Mary Help of Christians. Two priests came and gave her the last rites. She passed away that same night at 10:30pm from angina pectoris, a lack of blood flow to her heart. She had a reputation of sanctity when she died and many people already testify to miracles she was wrought after her death.
Pena, Ángel, O.A.R., Edviges Carboni:El perfume de Dios, Lima, Perú (www.libroscatolicos.org)

Madau, Ernesto, Ti chiami Edvige, Roma, Ed. G.E.I., 2006

Lord Jesus, with faith we turn to You, remembering the words: “Look and you will find, ask and it will be given unto you, knock and it will be opened.” Deign to glorify on Earth, Your faithful servant Edvige Carboni and through her intercession grant us the grace to imitate her virtues, her steadfast patience, her love towards God and neighbor, and the grace which we humbly implore. Amen.
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be)

For more information or to report graces received:
Padri Passionisti
Santuario Scala Santa
Piazza Giovanni in Laterano, 13
00184 Roma, Italy 

The Wizard Clip & Mystic Voice -Newspaper article from 1926

-Pranks of 'Clipping Ghost' continue for years in mountain home.
[This is Part 2 of the remarkable events detailing the interaction of a soul from purgatory with a once Protestant family in Virginia leading up to their unforgettable conversion to the Catholic church. Part one: "A Voice from a soul on the other side- the Wizard Clip" can be read here.   I recently discovered this old newspaper article, typed it up and published it here to provide more details of this story. -Glenn Dallaire ]

Monday November 1, 1926

Winchester, Virginia-- Off railroads , bus lines and main highways in Jefferson County West Virginia lies a charming little Village of about 300 inhabitants. This town has 3 names:  Smithfield, Middleway and Clip-- the last and best known being derived from the famous manifestations of the “Clipping Spook.”

Anyone in Middleway, young or old, Catholic or Protestant, can tell the story of the Wizard Clip. And when the tale has been related, the narrator will shake his head and say:  ‘I am telling you just as he was told to me by my grandfather. I cannot explain it. ’  The story is well recorded in history.

In 1790, Adam Livingston came from Pennsylvania and settled on 70 acres of land in Middleway.  He and his wife dwelt there in peace for 4 years. Then one the evening there came a stranger to the door bagging for hospitality.

The wayfarer, as soon transpired, was seriously ill, and was a Catholic. Livingston was a Protestant and he had a prejudice against Catholics.  So when a sick man begged that a priest be sent for before he died, this request was resolutely denied the stranger.
“There is no priest in this neck of the woods” answered Livingston “and even if there were, he’d never darken my doors!”
Imploring, weeping and protesting, the traveler died without Confession.

A popular book written about this story
No sooner had the stranger drawn his last breath then trouble began. Mysterious presences were felt haunting the rooms of the log house, and mournful murmurings penetrated the silence.

One by and name of Jacob Fonter was called in to keep vigil [over the recently deceased guest]. When entering the room the candle that he carried in with him was suddenly extinguished. Other candles were then lit, but none would burn. Horses were heard trampling around and around the house.  

After the burial of the stranger on the farm, Adam Livingston’s dishes suddenly tumbled from their shelves and were broken. His furniture was moved by unseen hands. Coals leaped from the fire out into the room. Money suddenly disappeared. One adversity followed another. The barn burned to the ground; the farm animals tails were cut off. The heads were severed from the bodies of his hens.

Next was heard the uncanny grind of unseen shears in action, clipping, clipping… An invisible presence passed through the house, the yard and the barn on a destructive mission. No one was perceptible to the senses.  But the family wash was clipped from the clothesline. Clothing and bedding was found shredded into ribbons. Boots, linens and harnesses all bore the mystic incision of the crescent. [ie. -were cut into a crescent shape].

A skeptical old lady from Martinsburg, hearing of the strange occurrences, came to visit the Livingston’s to investigate. She brought with her, wrapped and hidden in her pocket, a silk cap. This finery did not escape the scissors of the ghost. When unfolded it fell to pieces.

Any doubter suffered at once from the offended spirit. A young bridegroom visiting the Livingston’s, declared: ‘I don't believe in ghosts.’  But he soon found his boots-- the ones he intended wearing to his wedding—cut into spirals, and his coat reduced to circular fringe.

The climax was reached when Livingston's wife was smitten with an incurable malady. The afflicted husband then had a dream. Holding onto roots and bushes he was climbing a precipitous mountain.  At the top stood and imposing figure in Churchly robes. A voiced whispered: ‘This is he who can relieve you!’
The next day Adam Livingston visited the Episcopal rector in Winchester, the Reverend Alexander Balmaine. But this man neither resembled the figure in his vision nor wore the same vestments. He next visited Father Dennis Cahill [a Catholic priest] in Shepherdstown, who proved to be the personage of his dream. Father Cahill returned with Livingston to his home. When the priest and entered the house, he sprinkled holy water through the rooms and prayed. The offended spirit seemed appeased. The clipping ceased and Mrs. Livingston recovered from her illness.

In gratitude for this deliverance, Livingston willed a part of his farm to the Catholics. The deed is on record in Martinsburg to this day. And the Livingstons [eventually] moved back to Pennsylvania.

Another popular book detailing the story
The Catholics for many years have been in possession of part of the farm north of town.  A red gate into this precinct is labeled ‘Priests Field’. Here has been erected a little chapel near the banks of the Opequon River. And annually on All Souls Day, services [Mass] is conducted at this Shrine.

The original house where the strange events transpired is now gone. It stood in a flat, rocky field edged by a deep brook fringed by willows, on the edge of town. A woman in Middleway says if a careful search is made, the old foundation can be discovered.

About 50 years ago another dwelling was built upon the property. It stands in an adjacent field facing the road to Bunker Hill. For thirty years, this homestead has been occupied by two sisters. “We do not believe in witchcraft, we can only state what happens; we cannot explain it.” stated one of these woman the other day.  “We are not afraid, for we do not hear anything nor see anything. But we find things clipped.  Oh yes –handkerchiefs, coats, bundles of clothing in the garret, counterpanes, bed linens in the press. And they are always cut in the form of a crescent as if circular scissors had been used. We would not think so much of it if they were straight cuts, but they are diagonal. I had a brand newlawn dress hanging in the garret. When I went to get it, it was ruined, all clipped to pieces, and each cut to the form of a crescent. Another strange thing—for two years, grass different from the rest of our lawn, very green and about a foot wide has come up over by the fence in a perfect circle.
“I have no clipped articles to show you for I gave the last that I had to Father Curran of Harper’s Ferry, who came here to negotiate the purchase of the property.

“The Catholics have been after it for years, and we would not part with our home. But we have sold at last. We are to have possession of the place as long as we live. What the Catholics will do with it I do not know. Some stay they intend to build a school here.”
-End of newspaper article-

The All Souls Chapel as it stands today as part of the PriestField Pastoral center on the original Livingston property
A few interesting notes concerning this story:

-The All Souls Chapel mentioned in this story, which was later built on the property in honor of all the souls in Purgatory remains until today (see photo to the left). In 1978 when a retreat center was built on the tract, aptly named PriestField Pastoral Center, it belongs to the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston.

-In the early 1900’s, Father J.A. Curran, a Marist priest from Harper's Ferry (as mentioned in the article) gathered evidence concerning the events, and later wrote a book about his discoveries. Unfortunately this writer has been unable to find any copies thus far-(If anyone has a copy, please let me know). As stated in the story, he was also instrumental in purchasing the remainder of the original Livingston property (now known as PriestsField Pastoral center)

-As explained in Part 1 of this story, the 'Mystic Voice' taught the Livingston family all about the Catholic faith, teaching them to say the Rosary and joining them in their prayers, and during this time the family received many extraordinary graces. Soon after the events began the entire family converted to the Catholic church. 

Those interested in more details about this story should refer to Part 1 here.

How the St Padre Pio relic locket rosary is made

A few of the old collection of Padre Pio relic holy prayer cards
The relic inside the St Padre Pio relic locket rosary comes from my personal collection of old Padre Pio relic holy prayer cards issued by the Postulator General of the Capuchins in Rome. The majority of these cards come from the early years when Padre Pio was a "Servant of God" or a "Venerable", and some are also from when he was a "Blessed". Therefore the fragment of cloth that is inside the rosary locket is a authentic relic and is attached to the seal of the Capuchins--both of which were originally affixed together to the holy card.
St Padre Pio authentic relic locket rosary

-For those interested, the Padre Pio relic locket rosary is being offered here.

Letter to the Archdiocese of Dublin requesting an official statement on 'Maria Divine Mercy'

April 16, 2014. Thankfully today the Archdiocese of Dublin just released a Official Statement concerning Maria Divine Mercy which greatly clarifies the official position of the Catholic church concerning the alleged private revelations of M.D.M. which have gained quite a large following throughout the world over the past several years. Below is a letter letter that I had written last fall to the Archdiocese of Dublin requesting an official statement on 'Maria Divine Mercy'


Archdiocese of Dublin                                                                                      November 15, 2013      
Archbishop  Diarmuid Martin
Your Excellency,
My name is Glenn R. Dallaire and I live in Bristol, Connecticut in the U.S.A. I am the webmaster/owner of the Mystics of the Church.com website, along with four other Catholic websites  listed beneath my signature below.
I am writing to you today to inquire as to your official position concerning the alleged visionary in your Archdiocese who, in an effort to remain anonymous, goes by the name of “Maria Divine Mercy”, and who for some three years has promulgated a significant amount ofalleged  “heavenly messages” on a website called “TheWarningSecondComing.com”.  I am sure that you are also quite aware that these alleged “heavenly messages” of this visionary “Maria Divine Mercy” have received the attention of tens of thousands of the faithful throughout the world, and that each the “messages” are translated into a variety of languages.
Additionally, in case you have thus far not yet been informed, I wanted to bring to your attention that her identity has just recently been revealed to the public (as of November 8, 2013) on several websites, most particularly on the website http://midwaystreet.wordpress.com/2013/11/  and to be very frank your Excellency, the information that has been revealed pertaining to her identity and the details of her life are not very conforming to the life of an authentic mystic, such as those whom we read in the lives of the approved Mystics of the Church.
So it is, your Excellency, that at this time due to the recent revelation of her identity this past week and the accompanying disconcerting facts concerning her life, that I would like to very humbly request that your Excellency would consider formally making a public statement/ official pronouncement concerning “Maria Divine Mercy” and her alleged heavenly messages, for the sake of faithful and the salvation of souls—especially those who are following Maria Divine Mercy and her “Messages” and are therefore in great need of a clear position from the Church through the person of your Excellency, the local Archbishop, whose responsibility alone it is to judge such matters.
I sincerely thank you in advance for your kind attention to this important matter.

Union in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
Glenn R. Dallaire
42 Crown St
Bristol, Connecticut, 06010

The death of Joey Lomangino -A blow to Garabandal believers?


The passing of Joey Lomangino -Well known promoter of Our Lady of Garabandal
-A possible unfulfilled prophesy and also a sign for Garabandal detractors 

The passing of Joseph Lomangino on the anniversary of the first apparition and also the last public message of Garabandal
6/18/2014- Lindenhurst, New York. 
June 18, 2014 has marked the passing of Joseph "Joey" Lomangino, precisely 53 years ago to the day of the first alleged heavenly apparition (June 18, 1961) to four young girls in Garabandal, Spain. After the first initial appearance of St Michael the Archangel on this date, the Blessed Virgin Mary would allegedly appear on numerous occasions to the children until the final public message, once again on June 18, 1965. And for this reason, June 18th is the primary feast day of the events of Garabandal, since it marks the date of the first apparition to the children in 1961, and also that of the last public message of the Blessed Virgin Mary on that same date in 1965. And so it is that also on this very significant same date that Joey Lomangino died of a heart attack in his home at 10:30AM, lovingly surrounded by his family.

The timing of Joey's passing is not a coincidence
Firstly it should be pointed out that those who have faith in God and in His Providence know very well that God arranges the timing of important events, and those who have eyes to see and ears to hear should very well recognize the hand of God in the timing of Joey's passing on June 18--the anniversary of the first Garabandal apparition, and also the last public message of the Blessed Virgin Mary--for June 18 is truly a key date in the Garabandal apparition.

remember when Pope John Paul II died on the evening of April 2, 2005 which that year was precisely the evening vigil of Divine Mercy Sunday--how so many people overlooked or did not recognize the remarkable sign in the timing of his death, for it was he who fought so hard for the recognition and acceptance of the message of Bl. Faustina and Divine Mercy Sunday--for it was beginning in the 1950's that Bl. Faustina's Diary with its writings on Divine Mercy were originally condemned by the Holy Office---but thanks to Pope John Paul II this original ruling was completely overturned. Thus, the timing of such events such as the death of Pope John Paul II and Joey Lomangino are signs for those with an open mind and heart, and such signs are not meant by God to be ignored or taken lightly.

A possible unfulfilled prophecy
Within hours of Joey's passing, already in comment forum here on this website and on other blogs and websites doubters of the alleged apparitions of Garabandal were quick to point out the apparent unfulfilled prophesy concerning Joey:

Letter to Joey Lomangino from Conchita Gonzalez (one of the visionaries of Garabandal)
March 19, 1964 - St. Joseph’s Day
"My Dear Joseph,
Just two lines to tell you the message which the Blessed Virgin gave me for you today at the pines…she told me that the voice you heard was hers and that you shall see on the very day of the Miracle. She also told me that the House of Charity you will establish in New York will bring great glory to God."


"You shall see on the day of the Miracle." --Here we come to the prophecy of the long awaited "new eyes" that were promised by the Blessed Virgin Mary to Conchita in a vision.

Now that Joey has passed from this life, many have jumped to the conclusion that this prophesy is false and unfulfilled. And at first appearance this writer would have to agree that such is the case. But, reading carefully the prediction of what the Lady in the vision said to Conchita---that is that Joey would see on the day of the Miracle---well, one has to recognize that there are other interpretations and possibilities than the most obvious and apparent one, and I will leave it to the reader to consider other such possibilities.

Keep in mind that this writer is not making excuses for what appears to be an unfulfilled prophesy, only that there are other possibilities and interpretations contained in such a message.

The failed prophecy that wasn't--The prophesy that St Padre Pio would see the Miracle of Garabandal before his death.
When the great St. Padre Pio died on September 23, 1968,  many who were familiar with the events of Garabandal were surprised because the 'Great Miracle' prophesied at Garabandal had not yet occurred, because of the well known prophecy by the Blessed Virgin to Conchita that Padre Pio would see the Great Miracle, however his death by all appearances at first SEEMINGLY negated this alleged prophesy.

When Conchita found out Padre Pio died in Sept. 1968, she (along with many others!) were surprised and dismayed. However, several weeks after his death as dusk settled at Garabandal, on October 16, 1968, a telegram from Lourdes arrived, carrying the name of a woman in Rome whom Conchita knew. The telegram urged her to depart immediately by car to receive something on behalf of Padre Pio.

Fr. Combe, a French parish priest from Chazay d'Azergues in the diocese of Lyon and a great promoter of the cause of Garabandal was in Garabandal that day. He and his collaborator B.L. Ellos took Conchita and Conchita's mother Aniceta in their car and set out that night for Lourdes. In the morning of October 17, Conchita received on behalf of Padre Pio a short written message, a large section of the veil that had covered Padre Pio's face after his death, and also one of Padre Pio's gloves. Delivering these gifts to her from Padre Pio was the Italian Capuchin, Fr. P. Bernardino Cennamo.

Conchita took advantage of this meeting to ask Fr. Cennamo:
"Why did the Virgin tell me that Padre Pio would see the Miracle?"
He replied: "Padre Pio saw it [the Miracle] before his death. He told us himself"

The lesson? Things are not always what they first appear to be, and we should not come to quick conclusions based on first appearances. 

Joey Lomangino was a devout and pious man who spent his life spreading devotion to God and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Along with founding the Workers of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Center in Lindenhurst, NY, for many years Joey tirelessly traveled about to countless places giving conferences on the message of Garabandal--a message of prayer and reparation. He will be fondly and devoutly remembered by the many who met this remarkable man over the years. Whether one is favorable towards Garabandal or not, everyone should appreciate and recognize the fact that Joey was a very kind and pious man who spent his life spreading devotion to God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and his great spiritual friend, Padre Pio.

As to the authenticity of the alleged apparitions at Garabandal, it is up to the Church to make the final decision. In the meantime, the faithful are free to come to their own personal judgement after careful discernment. 

-Eternal rest grant unto him O' Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him.

Please feel free to comment below. The webmaster only asks that you be always charitable in your commentary. Thank you in advance! 

Consecration of a new baby to Jesus and Mary

Consecration of a new child to Jesus and Mary

Jesus and Mary: We kneel before You today to consecrate and entrust our new baby to You. We pray that this child may be always united to You through an unbreakable heavenly bond of love. As for ourselves, we reaffirm our own personal consecration to Jesus and Mary, and we pray for the grace of being always united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, never to be separated from these two loving Hearts.

We humbly ask Jesus to pour out His most precious Blood upon our new child and upon all of our family, that we may be cleansed of all of our sins and protected from all evil. May our Blessed Mother cover all of us under Her heavenly mantle, draw us close to Her and lead us ever closer to Her Divine Son. We ask this in Jesus Holy Name, AMEN +

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy upon us! Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
Jesus and Mary, we love You, save souls!

Irving Francis Houle -Family man who bore the stigmata

Irving "Francis" Houle (1925-2009)
Irving “Francis” Houle –A modern day American family man who suffered the Passion of Jesus

-Father of five children from Michigan who received the stigmata in 1993 at age 67, and prayed over tens of thousands of people during the remainder of his lifetime.

The primary source for this article is the book “Francis”–A True Story- Family man suffers the Passion of Jesus daily” by Father Robert J. Fox, Fatima Family Apostolate, 1999. In more recent editions the book was renamed “A Man Called Francis”and can be purchased here.

Childhood –The first appearance of Jesus
Irving “Francis” Houle was born on Dec. 27, 1925, in Wilson, Michigan, the son of Peter and Lillian (Bennett) Houle. The information quoted below was given to Fr. Robert J. Fox by Reynold, the brother of Francis.
"In our family there were seven; six boys and one girl. Our aunt, a Franciscan nun in Milwaukee, who lived to be 101 years old, had much influence on our family.

"Our parents had the daily rosary in the family each lent. Our father would take us to the rural Church and each Sunday after Mass the children would say the Stations of the Cross with our father. Dad would tell us to say three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys at each station.

"When Irving was six years old, one day a work horse came home about 5 P.M. The horse was tired and thirsty. An older neighbor boy put all four boys, including six year old Francis on that work horse. Grandpa was sitting on the porch and when he noticed it hollered, 'Don't do that'. It was too late. The horse ran to the water hole after working and wanted a drink. Francis fell off onto a railroad tie onto his chest as an older boy jumped from the running horse.

"Our dad came and picked up Irving and handed him over the fence to our older brother. They called the doctor. I remember that Irving was bleeding from the mouth and nose. The skin on his side was rolled, that is, stretched like as by a finger nail had scratched it badly. There was no penetration or tear on the skin. He was unconscious. We thought he was dead.

"They took him in a car to the hospital 17 miles away. It was about 7:00 P.M. or 8:00 P.M. when they arrived at the hospital. The doctor took X-rays and said, 'I don't know if this boy will sur­vive. He has three broken ribs. His lung is punctured by one of these broken ribs. He is hemorrhaging badly. In this condition I do not want to operate tonight. We will see what tomorrow brings. I will do nothing this night. I will leave the ribs as is.'

"Our parents called our aunt who was the nun, Sr. Speciosa, to ask if she would pray for Irving. All the nuns got up and prayed.

"The next morning the doctor was amazed that the ribs were no longer puncturing the lungs and the hemorrhaging had stopped and all was beginning to mend within 12 hours. With a new X-ray they could not see any place where the lungs had been punctured or any of the ribs broken."
[Concerning this, Irving himself told Fr. Robert Fox that about 4 A.M. the next morning he revived and called his mother to ask who was that beautiful man who stood over his crib with his hand upraised. His sudden recovery and the story of the boy was soon related to the bishop who could only conclude, "It must have been Jesus."] 

Reynold continued his account above as follows:
"I remember when we were boys on the farm. Irving had the job of keeping the wood pile near the stove as we burned wood for heat. It seems since he was a boy Irving was a perfec­tionist. He was very particular that no one disturb the order and neatness of his wood pile over which mother had put him in charge. He is still that way. The flowers in his yard, on the cem­etery of our parents, all must be beautiful and in perfect order.

"I remember when we had the family rosary. Irving at the ages 8, 9, 10 would kneel on the floor-register. You know those floor registers they had so some of the heat from the lower room could get to the upper rooms, etc. Irving would kneel on the register while we prayed the rosary to offer up the extra pain to Jesus. When he finally got up you could see the design of the reg­ister in his knees.”

Adult life and Marriage
Irving was raised in Wilson until age 17 and attended Harris High School before moving to Escanaba, Michigan in 1942. He graduated from St. Joseph High School in 1944. The day following his high school graduation, Irving entered the U.S. Army. While serving his country, he received the European, African, Middle Eastern Theater Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal, and the American Theater Service Medal. He was honorably discharged on June 20, 1946.

On Nov. 17, 1948, Irving married the former Gail LaChapelle at St. Joseph Church in Escanaba and eventually had five children: Stephen, Peter, John, and twins Matthew and Margo.

Over the years, Irving was employed with Robert’s Shoes, Montgomery Ward, Northern Chemical Supply, Harnischfeger Corporation, and worked for 15 years at EMP as the first plant manager. He was a member of St. Joseph and St. Patrick’s Church and was active with the Knights of Columbus. Irving was a simple hard working man with no college education and no formal religious or theological studies.

Differences between Irving’s mystical graces and mission, and that of most other Catholic mystics
Before relating the mystical graces and heavenly gifts that Irving was purportedly given, this writer found several interesting differences in regards to Irving’s mystical experiences and mission in comparison to the majority of other Catholic mystics throughout history.

-Unlike many mystics, Irving mystically experienced the passion of Jesus every single night of the year, including Christmas eve, Easter Sunday etc.

-Unlike many mystics, Irving was called to a public healing ministry of laying his stigmatized hands upon the people of God.

-Unlike many mystics and most especially stigmatics, Irving was married with children. The majority of stigmatics throughout history have been professed religious, --most of them also being women—with the remaining being primarily lay women and only a scant few ever having been married. This writer personally cannot find another married male stigmatic that has been widely accepted in the Church.

These facts, among others, certainly make Irving’s case of mysticism a very interesting study. And so let us delve a little deeper into the specifics of Irving's spiritual journey. 

Stigmata of Irving "Francis" Houle
The Stigmata –Good Friday, 1993
The date on which Francis first received the stigmata was on Good Friday, April 8, 1993. He was 67 years old. Prior to this, on Ash Wednesday Jesus appeared to Irving all covered in wounds and during this same Lent of 1993, Francis received an interior locution which was a forewarning of what was in store for him.  He does not remember the precise date; only that it was early in Lent.  The message of Jesus was as follows: 
“My beloved son, I am asking you to prepare yourself, my son, to receive my Holy Wounds.  I will be using you in a special way, but I need you to continue to pray.  Place your complete trust in me and do not be afraid of the future, for I will give you the necessary graces to accept this gift.  You will be persecuted, as I was persecuted.”

“I want you to consecrate yourself to my Mother.  That way you will become closer to me.  For she was blessed above all creatures, but she was hidden during her lifetime by the Holy Spirit.  She will look after you and protect you.  I am surrounding you with people whom you can trust when you have your difficulties.  Go to them and I will speak to you through them.  You will know these people by the peace in your heart.  My peace is always with you, my son.   Now go and prepare yourself.”

As mentioned above, Francis first received the stigmata on Good Friday, April 8, 1993. A few weeks later his brother Reynold would witness Irving’s nightly sufferings firsthand, and he testifies as follows:

"In 1993 Francis called me, we have always been very close, and said, 'Reynold, I think it seems I may be the Stigmata.' He came to spend a few days with me.

"On Sunday night, June 6, 1993, Francis and I had gone to bed about 11:30 P.M. Francis had told me that he was getting some bad pains on his head. Francis was sleeping in a single bed in my spare bed room.

"At 12:45 A.M., Francis called and said to me, 'Reyn, do you want to come in and put your hands on my head. You may re­ceive some special graces. I think I am getting the Crowning with Thorns. But now you don't have to if you don't want to.'

"I was awake when he called and had been saying the chap­let of divine mercy. I went into his bed room and it was like he was out of it. He had no idea I was there. I put my hands on his head. I don't think he knew I had my hands on his had or even that I was in the room. It seems I may have been called in to wit­ness what he was going through. Maybe I was meant to record it.

"Francis had told me earlier that what I was seeing meant I was the first one to witness his purification-suffering. You see, at night, after 12:00 A.M. is when the greatest number of sins are committed. The suffering I witnessed started with his head-pains, the crowning of thorns. Then the pain went to his feet. His feet were moving all over in great pain as if he were being crucified through the feet. Then the pain went to his hands. His movements were very slow and he would holler and make mournful sounds.

"By Francis' movements and the moaning in great pain, I could see I was witnessing the sufferings of our Lord when He was crucified. I could see it all step by step. This started that night at 12:50 A.M. (June 7, 1993) and ended at 1:25 A.M. I wit­nessed Francis' purification-suffering. I went to get the camera \ and took pictures which I am sending to you.

"When I first went into his room I placed my hands on his head for about ten minutes. I could tell he was suffering the agony of the crowning of thorns. I noticed that the pain then went down to his feet as he was moving them slowly while he was moaning in great pain.

"After the foot movement stopped, Francis slowly, very slowly, moved his right hand up and stretched it out, as if some­one was guiding his hand to prepare it for the first nailing. There was no sound at this time.

"Then I noticed a lot of finger movements. It looked and sounded like he was being nailed to the Cross. Francis was moan­ing in quick agonizing groans. I could tell he was in terrible pain and I felt so bad. I said to Jesus, 'I am sorry that they did this to you.’

Irving "Francis" Houle mystically suffering the nightly Passion of Jesus
"Then I could see that his hand outstretched had been nailed down. Again his moaning changed to long moans. He was in great agony. Even though I could see that his hands had been nailed down in the suffering Francis was going through, he kept moving his fingers over and over, as in an agony and n:oaning real loud sounds. He did not stop moaning through all this,

"When his left hand moved off his chest very slowly, as if someone was guiding it up to be nailed, it went right past me while I was kneeling near his bed and I thought at first he was reaching for my rosary that was lying there. But all the while it was his left hand stretching out to be nailed.

"Now I don't mean that I myself heard sounds of hammers pounding in big nails. No. But from Francis would come the ir­regular groan or shouts of pain like in the rhythm of nails being driven into his hands. At each pound he would holler in pain. It was so loud, if I had had the windows open I'm sure the neighbors would have heard it and wondered.

"I could tell when both hands were stretched out he had been nailed mystically through pain and suffering. It was a mystical crucifixion, Then all at once, he stopped moaning. I think this is where Jesus died on the Cross because Francis stopped moaning. To note the death of Jesus both arms seem to go limb, his arms fell as if someone was taking him off the Cross. After the arm fell his arm movements were very, very slow.

"Then his arm slowly moved back to his chest as if someone was guiding it back. Finally there were no more movements, no more moaning. He was resting in peace. I think this was right af­ter Jesus was taken off the Cross. His head was turned to the right through it all, just like one sees on crucifixes. It all ended at 1:25 A.M. June 7, 1993.

"The next morning after Francis got up and left his room, I noticed blood on his pillow. I asked him if he had put his hands up to the pillow and he said 'No.' When I went to brush off the pillow I found a small thorn.

"The wound marks on his hands are both on the palm and top of the hands. The inside of palm, high on the hands, looks like nail heads. The top side is wide open. The size of the wounds vary from time to time. It seems that when he prays for people, they bleed more and become bigger. Francis tells me that he goes through 'the purification suffer­ings every night.'

"I understand the wounds bleed especially at special feasts, especially on the top. Inside the palm they bleed especially when he prays over a lot of people."

One of the most prominent things that made Irving different from most mystics of the Church is that Irving mystically and physically underwent the events surrounding the Suffering and Death of Jesus Christ every night throughout the entire year, but even more pronounced on all the Fridays of the year and during Lent, and with an even greater intensity during Holy Week.

As the stigmata wounds persisted, over the years eventually five different doctors were consulted in an effort t to determine the medical cause of the wounds. No medical explanation was ever found and additionally what confounded the medical experts was that despite the ongoing open wounds and bleeding, there was never any infection.  Also of great interest was the fact that the wounds did not heal.

His healing mission –the laying of hands
Another significant difference between Irving and most mystics of the Church is that Irving was called to a public healing ministry. While Irving always strove to remain out of the limelight, his dual “mission” was to suffer for souls AND to lay his hands upon God’s people--especially those who were suffering physically, mentally or spiritually.

Francis mission was to be a victim soul who suffers and prays for others. While he received many messages from Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary, some of which can be read in Fr. Robert J. Fox’s book “Francis”, the messages themselves were for Francis personally, and not intended for the public. Not long after receiving the stigmata the Blessed Virgin Mary gave him an important message containing within it what was to be a important mission for Irving:

On May 2nd, 1993 at 2:15AM Francis received the following message from our Blessed Mother: 
“My dear Son: 
Go out and TOUCH MY CHILDREN.  Your hands are my Son’s hands.  Continue to evangelize.  Bring back many to the Sacrament of Penance and to celebrate the Eucharist.  You are under the protection of me and my Son. Look around. You are surrounded with love, love, love. 
Thank you my son.”

and another on June 8, 1993, 2:00AM : 
“My beloved Son: 
I come to you this night to tell your how much your prayers and suffering have meant to my Son and I.  Your suffering has been long my child.  Your have pleased my Son and I.  We will continue to be close to you….

You are to pray and to use your hands to touch my children.  I am your Mother and I will show you the way.  Just trust in Jesus for He will allow no harm to come to you. 

This is a journey to the Father, who loves you.  Do not falter my son, for I am with you.  You belong to my Son, not to this world.  I bless you this night and ask you to share this blessing with all my children that come to you.  Share my message with them.  Tell them of the love and mercy of my Son.  Pray, all of you, for those who have gone astray. 

I love you and all my children .  Go now, take my words into your heart, for they are nourishment which will help you, my beautiful ones, to grow. I pray with you and for you. 
Your loving mother.”

And other similar messages reputedly from the Blessed Virgin Mary:
....Continue to use your hands and touch my chil­dren .... Tell those who have stayed close to you and prayed with and for you, my Son has given them a special blessing and my angels surround them. Pray for your priests for I love them dearly."

..... Continue to touch my children. Many have come back to my Son. Use your hands. I will show you the way. Trust in Jesus for He will allow no harm to come to you .... " 

Before speaking of Irving's prayer ministry among the faithful, it is very important to point out that he was very humble and was extremely reluctant to engage in any kind of public ministry. However, he was being repeatedly prompted and encouraged by these recurring heavenly messages to not only pray for others, but to “touch” the people , and he soon was convinced that such was God’s will, and thus a public healing ministry began to take shape that eventually touched tens of thousands of people during the remaining 17 years of his life.

Throughout the years, the ‘healing services’ as they were often called, normally took place in Catholic churches, and were normally held after Mass. Irving did not like to speak publicly and would often point out to priests and others that “I was not told to preach to the people; I was only to touch them with my hands.” When pressed to speak, he would briefly talk about his childhood, his parents and family. He would never speak about the stigmata, visions or any of the other supernatural graces that he received.

Stigmata of Irving Francis Houle
Irving's stigmatised hands became extremely hot during prayer services
One of the many interesting facets of Irving's laying of hands upon the faithful and praying for them individually was that soon after he began doing so his hands would become very, very hot, to the extent that it became necessary at each healing service to have a bowl of ice water nearby, so that Irving could occasionally submerge his hands into the freezing water to cool them. While we cannot come to any conclusions as to what was occurring on a spiritual level when Irving was praying for others and laying his hands upon them, we can however surmise that there must have been something special occurring on at least the physical level in what concerns his stigmata, given the intense heat that he would feel in his hands.

Over the years, Irving laid his stigmatized hands upon tens of thousands of people, and many physical and spiritual healings have been documented, along with many other blessings too numerous to count.

The suffering caused by the skeptics
Concerning the ongoing skepticism of certain individuals in regards to his stigmata, Irving stated:
"About the suffering, the physical things, I would say these I can handle, but the persecution, the skeptics, and the sly remarks made - that stays in your heart."

And comparing the physical pain of the stigmata and the nightly experience of undergoing the Lords passion in comparison to the emotional suffering caused by others he stated, "When the pain of the passion is over, it is over until the next night, and I don't worry or think about it. But persecution stays in your heart continuously. That is what I find the hardest. So many beautiful things happen, but there are some trying to destroy all that. That's what hurts."

Irving stated that he told Jesus that ..."there would be no purpose for him to continue his life if he could not suffer for the conversion of sinners and for the salvation of souls.” In short, he believed his two fold mission and purpose in life was suffering for people, and bringing them to Jesus. And soon after receiving the stigmata Irving soon learned that his suffering would not only be physical, but also mental, due to the doubts cast by certain individuals. Yet, the Blessed Mother had warned him early on:

Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 2:30 A.M., October 2nd, 1995.
My dear Child:
I come to you my child. I see that you are very tired. I open my arms to you and to those who love and support you. Yes, you have been hurt many times; this will continue because of the love you have for my son Jesus.

You are to suffer the Passion. You said "Yes" to my good Jesus. All hurts, persecution, betrayals and pain is the Pas­sion. You will continue to suffer. This is all for conversions and many will be saved.

Continue to touch my children whom you are led to and to who I lead to you. Continue to pray for those who have gone astray, stay close to my holy priests. You will help them as they will help you.

You must know my Son is at your side and I am always with you. Many graces and blessings have been bestowed on you my child. Use them for the glory of God.

My child, know that you have pleased my Son. I ask you to continue your journey. I bless you, my child.
Your Loving Mother. 

Irving in his own words
In February of 1995, Father Robert J. Fox interviewed Irving for his aforementioned book ““A Man Called Francis”, some excerpts of which are as follows:

Can you give me your age, place of birth, etc.[Asked in 1995]:
“I am 69. I was born December 27, 1925 in Spalding, Michi­gan. My father's name was Peter. My mother's name was Lillian. Our family, oldest to youngest was AI, Gladys, Reynold, Donald, Bob, and myself. Ray was the youngest who passed away about ten years ago. My brother Don passed away a year ago. Our na­tionality is Canadian Frenchmen. On both sides, my parents came from Canada, the Montreal area.”

How long is the passion or suffering?
“It will start about 12:30 A.M. It does last thirty to thirty-five minutes [of intense pain] but then after I don't know if I am in a trance or what, but it seems that all the things I see, the sins and the war etc: is going through my mind. I just have to pray for these suffering people. The sinners and all these things. This can go to 2:30 or 3 A.M. Many times I perspire so much I have to change my pajamas. That one hour and a half or so afterwards its like I am in a different world. “All these things are coming to me; the civil wars, the abortion, all the homeless and the sins that one reads ab.out, the murders, the abused children, the abused women, all this comes to me and I have just such a power to pray, "Please Lord, please Lord, stop all this sin .... " It's a very touching time. I can't explain it, Father.

Irving "Francis" Houle reflecting upon the Passion of Jesus
Do you have pain in your hands at all times?
“No I don't, but I feel my heartbeat in them all of the time. Yes, after midnight, that is when the pain starts. And in my feet, very little. My side, my whole upper body pains; my head - just like someone clapped those thorns on my head. That is how it starts - the thorns in the head. That is when I know this is all going to start every night. Then my whole upper body is just like it is being ripped apart and then my hands. Oh! my hands Father. At times it is unbearable.”

Do you ever think that people are not in grace?
“Yes. How I can tell, I don't know. Especially when I lay hands on someone I almost can feel that or if they are just there to see what it is all about. I have a good idea about people that way.”

Do you fear dying during the suffering after midnight?
“No. I do not fear it. If that is what our good Lord wants, if that is His will, that is fine with me. No I do not have that fear.

Are the wounds always painful when bleeding and when not bleeding?
“Well, the only time I really get the pain is when I am in that passion. Sometimes they bleed and the pain is terrific when I go through the suffering at night. They will bleed Thursday afternoon and Thursday evening. I feel a strong heartbeat. Yes, I then I dislike opening up my fingers because they hurt. But the tremendous pain is only at night.”

And from another interview by Father Robert J. Fox on July 8, 1995:
I asked if he actually sees the very people for whom he has had to suffer, he replied:

Are these people you suffer for teenagers?
"No, not so much teenagers," said Francis, "they are older. I would say mostly in the ages from 25 to 40. Sometimes I have seen a young person."

You actually see the very persons you have been suffering for especially?
"Yes. I see what they look like but I don't recognize who they are."

The opinion of the Catholic Church
While during his lifetime no formal investigation was been carried out by Irving’s home diocese of Marquette, throughout the years the two bishops who presided in turn over the diocese kept a careful watch over the events surrounding him.
On August 10, 1998, Bishop James H. Garland wrote to Father Robert J. Fox concerning Irving:

August 10, 1998


Dear Father Fox:
I was able to have a visit with Irving Houle last month. Your book [First Edition] had something to do with my asking him to talk with me. We had a good visit and I am very much impressed with Irving's faith and humility. I can find no fault with the activity that he is exercising. It seems to be helpful to many people. I was happy to give him my blessing.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Reverend James H. Garland Bishop of Marquette

In his turn, Bishop Alexander K. Sample had followed his predecessor, Bishop James H. Garland who retired in 2005, in granting Houle approval to continue his work of healing among the faithful.

Concerning Irving, Bishop Alexander K. Samplesaid he was impressed by Houle's desire to seek his bishop's blessing of his ministry.
"He was respectful that way, and wanted to be in communion with his bishop," he said. "He wanted to make sure his bishop approved of what he was doing."
"He didn't draw attention to himself," Bishop Sample continued. "He gave the glory to God and not to himself. That was a confirmation for me that he was authentic."
As for the stigmata, the bishop said neither he nor Bishop Garland sought official confirmation of the wounds, satisfied that the man himself was blessing enough for the Diocese of Marquette.
"He clearly touched the lives of many people," Bishop Sample stated. "He helped many people, and that certainly was a blessing to the Church and to our diocese."
In fact, as a great signal of the esteem the diocese officials had for Irving, after his passing his local diocesan newspaper published a lengthly article about him,  which is very rare in diocesan newspapers to publish detailed information concerning the passing of a lay person.  

Irving “Francis” Houle passed from this life on Saturday, January 3, 2009 (the first Saturday of the month). He was 83 years old and had borne the wounds of Jesus for over 15 years. He is buried at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery in Escanaba, Michigan. He was one of the very few married laymen in the history of the Church believed to have been a victim soul who bore the stigmata. For sure he was a humble and pious man who was very compassionate towards others. It is this writers hope that perhaps someday the Church will investigate the possibility of a cause for beatification/canonisation, because without a doubt Irving's life shows how sanctity through suffering and sacrifice is not only for professed religious who have consecrated themselves to the religious life, but for everyday laypeople as well.

Oh! my Jesus. My heart is so heavy. Your burden is too much for me to bear.
Please my Jesus, let me take your Cross for a while. Just to let you know I care.
Look upon me, dear Lord with eyes of your mercy. May your healing hands rest upon me.
If it be your will, please give me health, strength and peace.

For those interested, there is a great video about the life of Irving Francis Houle here.

The primary source for this article is the book “Francis”–A True Story- Family man suffers the Passion of Jesus daily”  by Father Robert J. Fox, Fatima Family Apostolate, 1999. 
In more recent editions, the book was renamed “A Man Called Francis” and can be purchased here and also from My Mothers House religious bookstore in Escanaba:
My Mothers House
Sandy Boucher
2015 - 10th avenue So.
Escanaba, MI  49829
Telephone: 906 786-2116
Email: blessedmothershouse@gmail.com

For those interested, relic lockets and relic locket rosaries are available in the Mystics of the Church Gift Store here

Saints who have battled with Christian persecution and also a Litany of prayer for persecuted Christians

Bl. Marco D’Aviano
Calling upon the Army of heavenly intercessors in this time of persecution of Christians throughout the world

In support of all the Christians who are being persecuted throughout the world, especially in Iraq, let us have recourse to these powerful saints who have confronted the threat of Islamic Fundamentalists in the past.

1.  St. Pope Pius V and Catherine of Cardona, Carmelite nun.
The battle of Lepanto, which took place in October 7th, 1571, was decisive for the protection of all Christendom in Europe. The victory which was wrought clearly through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary gave rise to the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary since it was by the recitation of the rosary requested by Pope Pius V, that the invading Moors were miraculously defeated. However, little is it known that Our Lady of Mount Carmel revealed to a hidden Carmelite nun that since the members of the Christian armies were not worthy of winning the battle, she should offer herself as a victim. The nun was Venerable Catalina (Catherine) of Cardona, O.C.D. who had been the governess of Prince Don Juan of Austria, leader of the Christian armies, before she entered Carmel. Venerable Catherine went into a cave to pray and do penance for victory at the Battle of Lepanto of (Revista Carmelitana: VII, 228).

2. Bl. Marco D’Aviano (feast Day August 13th) and Pope Innocence XI.
The victory at the Battle of Vienna in 1683 when again the whole Christendom was threatened by the Ottomans had also a spiritual support. In June 19, 1683, Sister CandidaColomba Falchinetti, wrote to Pope Innocent XI to tell him about a dream she had had in which a beautiful Lady told her to convince the Pope to have 1000 Holy Rosaries prayed by the Carmelite Friars at Our Lady Of Victory Church (Madonna della Vittoria) in Rome, to have victory in this battle. Bl. Marco d'Aviano played a key role as an adviser to Emperor Leopold and as a powerful intercessor. Bl. Marco D’Aviano, was already known as a miracle worker, offered prayers and sacrifices for the army known as the 'Holy League’ and predicted their victory. (Bellina, Marcello, Padre Marco D’Aviano,Tavagnaco, Italy: Edizioni Segno, 2014)

3. St. Antonio Primaldoand the Holy Martyrs of Otranto (Feast Day: August 14th).
Antonio Primaldo and his companion martyrs, also known as the Martyrs of Otranto, were 813 inhabitants of the city of Otranto in southern Italy who were killed on August 14, 1480 by the Ottomans when they refused to convert to Islam. They were beatified in 1771 and were canonized by Pope Francis on 12 May 2013.   

4. Saint Camilla Battista da Varano and Bishop Luigi Padovese,
Bishop Luigi Padovese was named Apostolic Vicar of Anatolia in 2004. In 2010, a few months before the Middle East Synod took place in Rome, he was murdered in Iskenderun, Turkey on June 2. His concern for the Christians in the Middle East and the dialogue between religions has been preserved in a letter he sent a few months before his death to the Poor Clare Nuns of Camerino, Italy to entrust to the intercession of Saint Camilla Battista da Varano the Middle East Synod that would take place at the time of her canonization. (Martinelli Paolo, Mons. Luigi Padovese, Unomo di communione, Italy: Editrice Velar, 2011)

The following Litany includes saints and holy persons who have lived or been martyred in the Middle East, have been involved in interreligious dialogue, or who have obtained Muslim conversions.

Litany for Persecuted Christians
Lord, have mercy upon them.
Christ, have mercy upon them.
Lord, have mercy upon them.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven,
have mercy upon them.
God the Son,
Redeemer of the world,
have mercy upon them.
God the Holy Spirit,
have mercy upon them.
Holy Trinity, one God,
have mercy upon them.
Holy Mary, pray for them.
Holy Mother of God, pray for them.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for them.
Mary, help of Christians, pray for them.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for them.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for them.
Our Lady of Victory, pray for them.
St. Joseph, pray for them.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for them.
St. Gabriel the Archangel, pray for them.
St. Raphael the Archangel, pray for them.
St. Francis of Assisi, pray for them.
St. Anthony of Padua, pray for them.
St. Peter Claver, pray for them.
St. Gemma Galgani, pray for them.
St. Padre Pio, pray for them.
St. Bernard and Companions, you 5 Holy Franciscan Martyrs, pray for them.
St. Antonio Primaldo and Companions, pray for them.
Bl. Marco D’Aviano, pray for them.
Sister Candida Colomba Falchinetti, pray for them.
St. Casilda of Toledo, pray for them.
Bl. Peter the Venerable, pray for them.
Sister Mary de Mandat Grancey, pray for them.
St. John Capistrano, pray for them.
St. Charbel, pray for them.
Bl. Ramon Lull, pray for them.
Bl. Charles de Foulcauld, pray for them.
Bl. Miriam Baouardy, pray for them.
7 Holy Trappist Martyrs of Our Lady of Atlas, pray for them.
St. John XXIII, pray for them.
St. Pius V, pray for them.
Sister Catherine of Cardona, pray for them.
Ven. Maria de Jesus de Agreda, pray for them.
Bishop Luigi Padovese, pray for them.
St. Camilla Battista da Varano, pray for them.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously, hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.
Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us.
In His infinite love and mercy may our Lord Jesus Christ grant heavenly protection and grace to all who are persecuted for the sake of the Christian faith. In Jesus holy Name, Amen + 

The Birth of Jesus as shown to Maria Valtorta

Italian mystic, Maria Valtorta (1897-1961)
The Birth of Jesus as shown in a vision to the mystic, Maria Valtorta (1897-1961) 

Vision of Maria Valtorta on Jun 06, 1944:
I still see the inside of the poor stony shelter, where Mary and Joseph have found refuge, sharing the lot of some animals.
The little fire is dozing together with its guardian. Mary lifts Her head slowly from Her bed and looks round. She sees that Joseph's head is bowed over his chest, as if he were meditating, and She thinks that his good intention to remain awake has been overcome by tiredness. She smiles lovingly and making less noise than a butterfly alighting on a rose, She sits up and then goes on Her knees. She prays with a blissful smile on Her face. She prays with Her arms stretched out, almost in the shape of a cross, with the palms of Her hands facing up and forward, and She never seems to tire in that position. She then prostrates Herself with Her face on the hay, in an even more ardent prayer. A long prayer.
Joseph rouses. He notices that the fire is almost out and the stable almost dark. He throws a handful of very slender heath on to the fire and the flames are revived, he then adds some thicker twigs and finally some sticks, because the cold is really biting: the cold of a serene winter night that comes into the ruins from everywhere. Poor Joseph must be frozen sitting as he is near the door, if we can call a door the hole where Joseph's mantle serves as a curtain. He warms his hands near the fire, then takes his sandals off and warms his feet. When the fire is gaily blazing and its light is steady, he turns round. But he does not see anything, not even Mary's white veil that formed a clear line on the dark hay. He gets up and slowly moves towards Her pallet.
« Are You not sleeping, Mary? » he asks.
He asks Her three times until She turns round and replies: « I am praying. »
« Is there anything you need? »
« No, Joseph. »
« Try and sleep a little. At least try and rest. »
« I will try. But I don't get tired praying. »
« God be with You, Mary. »
« And with you, Joseph. »
Mary resumes Her position. Joseph to avoid falling asleep, goes on his knees near the fire and prays. He prays with his hands pressed against his face. He removes them now and again to feed the fire and then he resumes his ardent prayer. Apart from the noise of the crackling sticks and the noise made now and again by the donkey stamping its hooves on the ground, no other sound is heard.
A thin ray of moonlight creeps in through a crack in the vault and it seems a blade of unearthly silver looking for Mary. It stretches in length as the moon climbs higher in the sky and at last reaches Her. It is now on Her head, where it forms a halo of pure light.
Mary lifts Her head, as if She had a celestial call, and She gets up and goes on to Her knees again. Oh! How beautiful it is here now! She raises Her head, and Her face shines in the white moonlight and becomes transfigured by a supernatural smile. What does She see? What does She hear? What does She feel? She is the only one who can tell what She saw, heard and felt in the refulgent hour of Her Maternity. I can only see that the light around Her is increasing more and more. It seems to come down from Heaven, to arise from the poor things around Her, above all it seems to originate from Herself.
Her deep blue dress now seems of a pale myosotis blue, and Her hands and face are becoming clear blue as if they were placed under the glare of a huge pale sapphire. This hue is spreading more and more on the things around Her, it covers them, purifies them and brightens everything. It reminds me, although it is somewhat softer, of the hue I see in the vision of holy Paradise, and also of the colour I saw in the visit of the Wise Men.
The light is given off more and more intensely from Mary's body, it absorbs the moonlight. She seems to be drawing to Herself all the light that can descend from Heaven. She is now the Depository of the Light. She is to give this Light to the world. And this blissful, uncontainable, immeasurable, eternal, divine Light which is about to be given, is heralded by a dawn, a morning star, a chorus of atoms of Light that increase continuously like a tide, and rise more and more like incense, and descend like a large stream and stretch out like veils…
The vault, full of crevices, of cobwebs, of protruding rubble balanced by a miracle of physics, the dark, smokey repellent vault, now seems the ceiling of a royal hall. Each boulder is a block of silver, each crack an opal flash, each cobweb a most precious canopy interwoven with silver and diamonds. A huge green lizard, hibernating between two stones, seems an emerald jewel forgotten there by a queen: and a bunch of hibernating bats is like a precious onyx chandelier. The hay from the upper manger is no longer grass blades: it is pure silver wires quivering in the air with the grace of loose hair.
The dark wood of the lower manger is a block of burnished silver. The walls are covered with a brocade in which the white silk disappears under the pearly embroidery of the relief, and the soil… what is the soil now? It is a crystal lit tip by a white light. Its protrusions are like roses thrown in homage of the soil; the holes are precious cups from which perfumes and scents are to arise.
And the light increases more and more. It is now unbearable to the eye. And the Virgin disappears in so much light, as if She had been absorbed by an incandescent curtain…and the Mother emerges.
Yes. When the light becomes endurable once again to my eyes, I see Mary with the new-born Son in Her arms. A little Baby, rosy and plump, bustling with His little hands as big as rose buds and kicking with His tiny feet that could be contained in the hollow of the heart of a rose: and is crying with a thin trembling voice, just like a new-born little lamb, opening His pretty little mouth that resembles a wild strawberry, and showing a tiny tongue that trembles against the rosy roof of His mouth. And He moves His little head that is so blond that it seems without any hair, a little round head that His Mummy holds in the hollow of Her hand, while She looks at Her Baby and adores Him weeping and smiling at the same time, and She bends down to kiss Him not on His innocent head, but on the centre of His chest, where underneath there is His little heart beating for us… where one day there will be the Wound. And His Mother is doctoring that wound in advance, with Her immaculate kiss.
The ox, woken up by the dazzling light, gets up with a great noise of hooves and bellows, the donkey turns its head round and brays. It is the light that rouses them but I love to think that they wanted to greet their Creator, both for themselves and on behalf of all the animals.
Also Joseph, who almost enraptured, was praying so ardently as to be isolated from what was around him, now rouses and he sees a strange light filter through the fingers of his hands pressed against his face. He removes his hands, lifts his head and turns round. The ox, standing as it is, hides Mary. But She calls him: « Joseph, come. »
Joseph rushes. And when he sees, he stops, struck by reverence, and he is about to fall on his knees where he is. But Mary insists: « Come, Joseph » and She leans on the hay with Her left hand and, holding the Child close to Her heart with Her right one, She gets up and moves towards Joseph, who is walking embarrassed, because of a conflict in him between his desire to go and his fear of being irreverent.
They meet at the foot of the straw bed and they look at each other, weeping blissfully.
« Come, let us offer Jesus to the Father » says Mary. And while Joseph kneels down, She stands up between two trunks supporting the vault, She lifts up Her Creature in Her arms and says: « Here I am. On His behalf, O God, I speak these words to You: here I am to do Your will. And I, Mary, and My spouse, Joseph, with Him. Here are Your servants, O Lord. May Your will always be done by us, in every hour, in every event, for Your glory and Your love. »
Then Mary bends down and says: « Here, Joseph, take Him », and offers him the Child.
« What! I?… Me?… Oh, no! I am not worthy! » Joseph is utterly dumbfounded at the idea of having to touch God.
But Mary insists smiling: « You are well worthy. No one is more worthy than you are, and that is why the Most High chose you. Take Him, Joseph, and hold Him while I look for the linens. »
Joseph, blushing almost purple, stretches his arms out and takes the Baby, Who is screaming because of the cold and when he has Him in his arms, he no longer persists in the intention of holding Him far from himself, out of respect, but he presses Him to his heart and bursts into tears exclaiming: « Oh! Lord! My God! » And he bends down to kiss His tiny feet and feels them cold. He then sits on the ground, and holds Him close to his chest and with his brown tunic and his hands he tries to cover Him, and warm Him, defending Him from the bitterly cold wind of the night. He would like to go near the fire, but there is a cold draft there coming in from the door. It is better to stay where he is. No, it is better to go between the two animals which serve as a protection against the air and give out warmth. Thus, he goes between the ox and the donkey, with his back to the door, bending over the New-Born to form with his body a shelter, the two sides of which are a grey head with long ears, and a huge white muzzle with a steaming nose and two gentle soft eyes.
Mary has opened the trunk and has pulled out the linens and swaddling clothes. She has been near the fire warming them. She now moves towards Joseph and envelops the Baby with lukewarm linen and then with Her veil to protect His little head. « Where shall we put Him now? » She asks.
Joseph looks round, thinking… « Wait » he says. « Let us move the animals and their hay over here, we will then pull down that hay up there and arrange it in here. The wood on the side will protect Him from the air, the hay will serve as a pillow and the ox will warm Him a little with its breath. The ox is better than the donkey. It is more patient and quiet. » And he bustles about, while Mary is lulling the Baby, holding Him close to Her heart, and laying Her cheek on His tiny head to warm it.
Joseph makes up the fire, without economy this time, to have a good blaze, and he warms the hay and as it dries up, he keeps it near his chest, so that it will not get cold. Then, when he has gathered enough to make a little mattress for the Child, he goes to the manger and sorts it out as if it were a cradle. « It is ready » he says. « Now we would need a blanket, because the hay stings, and also to cover Him. »
« Take My mantle » says Mary.
« You will be cold. »
« Oh! It does not matter! The blanket is too coarse. The mantle is soft and warm. I am not cold at all. Don't let Him suffer any longer! »
Joseph takes the wide mantle of soft dark blue wool, he double folds it and lays it on the hay, leaving a strip hanging out of the manger. The first bed for the Saviour is ready.
And the Mother, with Her sweet, graceful gait, moves to the manger, lays Him in it, and covers Him with the strip of Her mantle. She arranges it also around His bare head, almost completely covered by the hay, from which it is protected only by Mary's thin veil. Only His little face, the size of a man's fist, is left uncovered. Mary and Joseph, bending over the manger, are blissfully happy watching Him sleep His first sleep, because the warmth of the clothes and of the hay has appeased His crying, and made Him sleepy.
"A fuller Christmas Story" -compiled by Joseph Costa

Pursuant to the Gospel that Jesus dictated to Maria Valtorta, He said the following, in a conversation with some of His disciplines when they went to visit the grotto of His birth at Bethlehem:
"... here [Bethlehem] the night of the twenty fifth of Chislev [Jewish month], Feast of the Lights, Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin [Mary], the Immanuel, the Word of God made flesh, for the love of man: I Who am speaking to you."
As you would already know, Immanuel means: "God is with us." Jesus is true God and true Man. If you re-examine the Gospel according to St John, you will notice that he tried as much as possible to highlight the fact that Jesus was, is God.

Poor St Joseph was utterly disheartened when no one had charity on the heavily pregnant condition of his Betrothed, Virgin Mary, perpetual ever Virgin. The inn keeper, Hezekiah, a Judean, could have found a "hole" in his crowded hotel, but did not do so because he was seemingly prejudiced against poor, unknown Galileans, as were Mary and Joseph there, although both were descendants from the line of king David, a Judean. Joseph then knocked on many private doors asking for lodging, and they all said no.

When he and Mary finally went to the grotto after all failures to get lodging, there was only an ox there, and the stench therein was somewhat unbearable. Their donkey duly went and placed itself alongside the ox. It is inferred that the donkey knew that it had carried its Creator to Bethlehem.
At the time, the same night, for the delivery of Baby Jesus, a beam of Light entered the dark grotto and went to Mary. She immediately stood up and was encircled by that Light, that expanded, and Mary disappeared in ecstasy into that Light. A short time later, She emerged from that Light, standing with naked Baby Jesus in Her arms. Joseph did not see all this in this short interval. She then gave Baby Jesus to Joseph to hold so that She could get a (meagre) garment for Him. Joseph then went between the donkey and the ox in order to get some warmth for naked Baby Jesus, as it was a bitterly cold winter's night. [I can't recall whether Baby Jesus first cried at this point or when He was placed in the manger that was full of rough straw beneath that meagre garment.]

During this short interval of Mary's absorption into the Light, the grotto, for the short interval, was miraculously turned into a glorious palace room of unimaginable splendour. Everything was turned into precious stones or magnificence, and even the animal excrement on the ground was turned into precious stones or other magnificence.

The shepherds, 12 in all, came soon after with a sheep's skin (for Baby Jesus), and with a lamb that had recently lambed and so had milk. Baby Jesus was crying, being hungry, and Mary for the moment had no breast milk to feed Him with, for the time being, as She was not yet lactating. After a few days, the shepherds were able to find accommodation for the Holy Family in the Bethlehem town proper. Mary later lactated and was then able to breast feed Her Baby Son and God.

The 3 kings or wise men from the East came when Jesus was about 6-12 months old, a toddler. All the 3 kings experienced a sort of "pre-Pentecost," as they, as well as all their servants, all spoke and understood severally in their own native language. Very soon after, the Holy Family had to flee for Egypt, for king Herod wanted to kill the Child Jesus, and the gifts of the 3 kings served for this purpose, as well as for acquiring or renting a poor house in Egypt, and finally to buy furniture for their despoiled house in Nazareth when they finally returned home. The money from the 3 kings ended at this point. The pyramids were visible from that house in then Matarea, Egypt.

Satan had a gut feeling that Jesus was then in the world, and was actively, desperately, looking for Him, in order to destroy His Mission. But the Father cast a veil over the Holy Family to prevent Satan from recognising Jesus before the appointed time - a veil of ordinary living. Satan knows the present and the past, but not the future. Satan is extremely intelligent, having once been magnificent Lucifer and prince of all the angels. No man can defeat Satan in debate, except God.

Joseph and Mary were fully married in accordance with the Jewish traditions at the time, except that the marriage was never carnally consummated. God knows where to lay His Gifts. Before they married, Joseph and Mary offered their chastity to God, except that Mary had already offered Her virginity to God when She was about 2-3 years old and then known as the "Flower of Nazareth" because of Her exceptional beauty. Had Adam and Eve not sinned at the beginning, earth would have been a pre-Heaven, and man (and woman) would have been conceived and born similarly to how Jesus was: by the power of the Holy Spirit, Who is the real Spouse of Mary.

Mary, the Madonna, was born Immaculate, i.e. without Original Sin. She was conceived in a natural way by their married parents, St Joachim and St Anne, who never knew that they had given birth to the Mother of God and ours. Anne did not experience any discomfort or pain in carrying Mary, nor with Her delivery. Mary always brings joy, not pain. Except for Her parents and those who assisted at Her birth, no one else on earth had ever seen Her Body.

Mary is the Father's masterpiece of Beauty. The Father says to us: be good, come to Heaven, and enjoy beholding the beauty of Mary. The Father created the colour of wheat, golden, to match the colour of Mary's hair; the colour of the sky, sky-blue, to match the colour of Her eyes; the colour of the pearl, white, to match the colour of Her teeth; the colour of the lily, white, to match the colour of Her skin; the harmonious speech of the nightingale to match the sound of Her speech; and... the weeping speech of the turtledove to match the sound of Her weeping... Our Lady of Sorrows.

Jesus and Mary are now both in Heaven, more beautiful than ever, with Their transformed magnificent glorified human Bodies, except that Jesus' glorified Body still carries, by His will as an exception, the Stigmata but in a glorious way, to remind us for all eternity how much it cost Him to redeem and save us. St Joseph and all the other humans in Heaven await the end of the world and the Last Judgement before they can acquire their own beautiful glorified body. Those born on earth with a deformed body will, if they are good and go to Heaven, acquire a glorified body more beautiful than the angels'. Life in Heaven is an eternal present in unceasing joy. God has given us an easy road map to get there: obeying the immutable Ten Commandments.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. +

One additional note from Maria Valtorta's visions concerning the events during the time of the birth of Jesus: 
-The slaughter of the innocents in Bethlehem ordered by King Herod: Maria saw the number of babies killed as being exactly thirty-two, of which eighteen in the actual town of Bethlehem and four-teen in the nearby country. Also six baby girls were slaughtered as the hired cut-throats could not tell them from baby boys because they were dressed alike, and also because of the darkness and their hurry to kill. The above information was given by Maria Valtorta on a separate sheet added to the original manuscript.

Those interested can read more about the mystic Maria Valtorta--the "Pen of Jesus" here

Charlie Johnston -An alleged prophet with a critically important message for humanity

Charlie Johnston of Colorodo
Charles Johnston and the upcoming Storm -An alleged prophet with a critically important message for humanity
By Glenn  Dallaire

We report; you discern.
January 1, 2015 -Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God
As the introduction of the home page of this website declares, this website is devoted to the Mystics of the Church; not only those who have been approved by the Church, but also those who thus far have not yet been approved--In fact, from the beginning my primary goal for this website was to help spread knowledge and devotion to the little known Mystics of the Church. And this mission, I believe, is still ongoing. So long as a particular mystic/visionary/prophet has not been officially condemned by the legitimate authority within the Catholic church, or has stated/published anything contrary to Church doctrine, then I am willing to publish their life story and/or their message here. However, as one can see by my articles on this website, I normally stick to writing about mystics/visionaries who have passed into eternity.

With all of the above in mind, I have contemplated and prayed about writing this particular post concerning Mr. Charles Johnston for about a month. I have reflected upon and studied Charlie's writings and prophetic message since my friend Gretchen kindly told me about him, and his website, back in mid-November 2014.

Charlie Johnston during his 3200 mile pilgrimage
To be very honest, I have hesitated to write and publish information about Charlie here, because over the years I personally have had some very spiritually painful experiences with living visionaries/mystics, and am therefore very cautious and reserved when it comes to speaking or writing about such persons. Yet, at the same time it must be acknowledged that Charlie's message,if authentic, is extremely important for humanity, as it concerns the time period in which we are presently living, along with the very near future.

His prophetic message primarily concerns the salvation of souls during the "Storm" which according to Charlie is said to be soon forthcoming, and which will be overtaking the entire world. And so, after weeks of prayer and reflection, I will file this report trusting that the Holy Spirit will guide you to proper discernment.

By way of a very brief biography, Charlie Johnston is a 58 year old Roman Catholic layman currently living in the diocese of Denver, Colorado. Born and raised a Christian Fundamentalist, in 1991 he experienced a powerful conversion into the Catholic church. He claims to have been receiving heavenly visits from Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Archangel Gabriel, and other heavenly visitors since early childhood, that is for over 50 years, and has been guided in his prophetic mission for 20 years by three Catholic priests who are his spiritual directors. Charlie suffered a severe neurological event at 9:03AM on Good Friday, 2003, which still affects him physically to this day. Although suffering from this painful nerve damage, from Feb. 11, 2011 to Aug. 21, 2012 he walked 3,200 miles across the country, sleeping in the woods, meeting people and praying as he went. Charlie states that is was God who willed that he make the journey, and so he simply obeyed. The pilgrimage culminated in a partial climb up Mt Meeker, Colorado, upon which Charlie has been told by his Angel that one day a Shrine will be built. There is a very extraordinary reason as related here as to why he was unable to summit the mountain, but suffice it to say it was not God's will.

My summary of Charlie Johnston's prophetic message for these times:
It is not for me to give an in depth analysis or commentary of Charlie's alleged mission and prophetic message for these perilous times in which we are living--I leave it to Charlie to speak of his mission for himself. If interested, you can visit his website entitled "The Next Right Step" here.
But here is a brief summary of what I personally have perceived Charlie's message and mission to be from in his writings:

Charles Johnston
-Charlie foresees a "Great Storm" that is now coming upon the world which will effect all of humanity. It will consist of a series of  grave catastrophic events, one in succession upon another, each with progressively greater intensity and effect. He emphasizes also that there will be some "false dawns" in between the calamities. One part of this will be that humanity will be at war with itself, like one great civil war upon the whole of the earth. He states that North Korea is the "dragons tail" and while things will start from there, the countries to really watch for is most especially China, whom he calls a "bad actor", but also Russia. But, ironically in the end Russia will unite with the USA and other countries to help to put an end to the horrible warring conflict of that time. There will also be a battle with Islamic forces, which will eventually be overthrown, but this will be another false dawn, as the battle with China will then arise, showing the Islamic conflict to have only been a cub of a challenge.

In fact, according to Charlie the Great Storm will begin with a Muslim jihad. In a interview in July of 2012 with Michael Brown of Spirit Daily here, we read: When everything "explodes," a Muslim jihad will be in the first series of events, he believes, but"that's not the real danger. The real external threat comes from the Red Dragon, China." Now for some specifics, he adds."From the beginning I had insisted that there would be a rise in wide-scale stark terror as a primary method in this storm. I had written in ’01 that we would see a significant warming in our relations with Russia for a while, followed by them dramatically hitting the rocks again. But I told the priests [who serve as his spiritual directors] to keep their eye on Russia, because in the end she will be our most steadfast and reliable ally. As I have also said since the start, the storm '…will break through North Korea, but will not be centered in North Korea.' " 
-Have we perhaps been seeing some of this with the Sony &North Korea cyber hacking debacle, and even more so with the great ISIS advance in Syria and into Iraq, and their perceived establishment of a Islamic caliphate? Let alone all of the other extremest Muslim jihadist attacks that have been occurring in France and throughout the world?

During this "Great Storm", many, if not all, of our support structures will successively fail, specifying for example technology and the economy, which will be very gravely effected throughout the entire world, and he also foresees the collapse of entire governments.

Charlie's mission and message is, as I personally perceive it, is firstly to warn of this upcoming "Great Storm", just as God, in His infinite love and mercy, has always done with the prophets going back to the Old Testament. He says that when the Great Storm comes people will think it is the end. But he insists that it is not the end, and that it is not God's punishment, but it IS the consequences of what we have done. It is---and these are Charlie's words--"Our reclamation"---it is God, in His infinite love and mercy, calling His people back to Himself.

-The second part or facet of Charlie's mission is to point out how we are to live and act during these perilous times. It is a simple message: "We are to acknowledge God, take the next right step and be a sign of hope to those around us. Trust-Do-Love, knowing that God is always close at hand for us"

When the Blessed Virgin Mary said, “I am the handmaid of the Lord,” She was acknowledging God. When She said, “Let it be done to me according to your word,” she resolved to take the next right step. When She went to visit her cousin, Elizabeth, to help her with her pregnancy, she was being a sign of hope.

And so it is with Charlie's simple message for us: “Acknowledge God; take the next right step; and be a sign of hope to those around you, knowing that God is always close at hand." And this, according to Charlie, is how we are to weather the "Great Storm" that is soon to come upon us.

-According to Charlie, throughout the period of (but most especially during the peak) of the Great Storm, the overwhelming vast majority of humanity will "lose hope"--these are Charlie's words, but with all due respect I would think that "hope" is maybe not the precise word---I personally think it is that everyone will have their faith shaken, like all of the apostles during Jesus passion of whom all (except John) ran away and abandoned Him. The point is, as much as we think we will be always be faithful and a sign of hope for others, no matter what befalls us, it seems that when the horrible time of the Storm and Its unimaginable sufferings comes upon us, those who will be the great heroes of faith-hope-and-trust in God will be very, very few among us, like John vs. the rest of all the other apostles who ran away and abandoned Jesus. So Charlie insists that we not kid ourselves thinking we will be always faithful like John, but warns us, like Jesus did with Peter at the Last Supper with the prophesy of the rooster crowing three times, that we too will abandon Him for a time when the passion and confusion of the Great Storm comes upon us, for"the spirit is willing, but the flesh is very weak." -May God help and strengthen all of us. But God warns us of this ahead of time, that we might recall it when the time comes, so that afterwards we might take courage and be a sign of hope for others. 

Charlie Johnston
The Rescue
When all will seem lost, towards the end of the year 2017 will come the miraculous "Rescue". It will come directly through the visible intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, coinciding with the 100 year anniversary of Her apparitions at Fatima in 1917 in which She promised that when all seems lost humanly speaking, "In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph."*

During the time of the Rescue there will be a miraculous sign that everyone in the world will see, and all will recognize it as coming through the heavenly intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Concerning the "Rescue" in late 2017, Charlie states that it is the one large scale prophetic message directly from heaven that has not been subject to any interpretive efforts on his part. It has been revealed to him bluntly and plainly, along with orders to let everyone know of it.

After the "Rescue" through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the now completely renewed humanity will have to rebuild its societies and structures once again, but this time it will be done with a profound humility, trust and love for God and the Blessed Virgin Mary, while seeking always His holy will in all things, just as in the Lord's prayer: "...Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven".  Immediately after the "Rescue" will come a prolonged - but natural - period of peace, joy and prosperity. Also after the rescue there will be a great Shrine-Church built on Mount Meeker in Colorado, which will be one of the many great signs of God's infinite love for humanity during this upcoming renewed time for humanity.

If you do choose to visit Charlie's website, I humbly suggest that you may first want to read the "God's Plan" link at the top of the website, because it gives a good overview of Charlie's alleged mission. I would suggest also that you read the "comments" section beneath each article for many detailed perspectives from Charlie and many others.

In the end, the near future will tell whether Charlie's prophecies are from God, or not, and to those who may object to my posting the above information on this website thinking that to do so is imprudent, I respectfully reply with St Paul: "Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:19-21), and then elsewhere in the Holy Scriptures we read: "Indeed, the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7), and so with this in mind I leave everyone free to respectfully post their comments/opinions below.

"My purpose is to reassure people of God's loving intention for them in the trials that are now breaking, to help strengthen them to endure until the time of deliverance." -Charlie Johnston
Also for those interested, Charlie Johnston on video talking about his experiences:
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three:
*At Fatima on July 13, 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary stated in part "If My requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father (Pope) will have much to suffer and various nations will be annihilated.....In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to Me. Russia will be converted, and a period of peace will be given the world"

Our Lady of Kibeho- The heavenly warnings that went unheeded with tragic consequences


The Rwandan Genocide in 1994 that Mary warned of 12 years before 
Our Lady of Kibeho—The heavenly warnings that went unheeded with tragic consequences

Beginning on No­vember 28, 1981, the Blessed Virgin Mary (and later Jesus) chose to appear at regular intervals to a group of teenag­ers in the rural countryside of Kibeho, Rwanda, giving them urgent heavenly mes­sages intended to be shared throughout the country and the entire world. Because of the great importance of the alleged heavenly messages, the Church immediately began investigating the visionaries and the messages, and on June 29, 2001, the local Bishop formally and officially approved the events pertaining to three of the visionaries.

At the beginning of the events, the initial messages all came from the Virgin Mary, and they were full of her love for her children here on Earth. Early on, the content of the messages was often in­structional, providing spiritual direction and guidance for people to live more devout lives, repent of their sins and reject sinful temptations, so as to draw closer to God. Mary's instructions for humanity included urging everyone to pray the rosary every day to ward off evil; and for all people to open their hearts to one another, and to help one another.

Soon however, some of the Virgin Mary's messages began to contain frightening predictions of war, catastrophes, and corruption that She said the world would be facing in the coming years. She gave the young visionaries ter­rifying glimpses into a future in which people's hearts would be dominated by hatred instead of love, and where the planet would be torn apart by wars of religion, failed economies, collapsing governments and natural disasters.

Kibeho visionaries Alphonsine, Marie Claire and Anathalie
The Rwandan Genocide--The prediction of “a river of blood”
But amidst the messages of encouragement to repentance and love of neighbor there was one very significant message that seemed to be the most important of all the Blessed Virgins messages; in 1982 the Blessed Virgin specifically predicted the horrible 1994 genocide--12 years before it occurred.  She said that "a river of blood"would flow across Rwanda unless the Rwandan people stopped harboring ha­tred and animosity for each other, and instead would need to turn their hearts with love and brotherly charity towards one another. And on August 15, 1982, the seers saw “a river of blood, people who were killing each other, abandoned corpses with no one to bury them, trees all in flames, bodies without their heads.” 

On this most notable occasion, August 15, 1982--a day that was supposed to be joyful celebration of the Feast of the Assumption---the Blessed Virgin Mary first appeared to the visionary Alphonsine to be visibly sorrowful and was crying. The visionary was deeply distressed at the sight of our Blessed Mother in tears. She asked Her "Mother, why are you crying? I can't bear to see You in tears!" Alphonsine was then heard to say: "Yes, Mother, I will repeat what you say: 'To the people on Earth: You say three times; You opened the door, and they refused to come in. You opened the door, and they refused to come in. You opened the door, and they refused to come in." 

Suddenly, Alphonsine let out a terrifying heart wrenching scream: "I see a river of blood! What does it mean? No, please!...Why are You showing me this, Mother? Stop...please stop! The trees are exploding into flames, the country is burning!...Oh no!..no!....Why are those people slaughtering each other?

Later that same day, another visionary, Marie-Claire, was given similar visions of her countrymen slaughtering each other en masse, and she cried aloud in horror of the images she was being shown. It is estimated that there were 20,000 people in Kibeho that day, and all were terrified of what they had heard through the visionaries.

  At that time this vision and the Blessed Virgin Mary’s prophecy seemed completely unrealistic to most, even though it is true that the Rwandan’s have a very long history of tribal feuds and the animosity amongst the different tribes and social groups has always been a significant problem for the country. What the Virgin Mary soon began to plead for is for the people to abandon this hatred based on tribal affiliations, and to see all of their fellow Rwandans’ as brothers. She strongly encouraged all peoples to have a love and concern for others centered and based on the love and mercy of Her Son, Jesus. And by practicing this love, She said the looming civil war and bloodshed could be averted. Sadly, too few Rwandans heeded Our Lady's advice, and the country descended into madness, mayhem, and murder, just as She had predicted. If they had only listened to the Virgin Mary's warnings when She appeared in Kibeho, the bloody genocide never would have happened!

Our Lady of Kibeho holding a Rosary
The Holy Rosary—The instrument through which the genocide could have been averted
Through her visionaries, the Blessed Mother urged all Rwandans to seek Her help to embrace Christ's love and forgiveness. She said that the surest and best way to accom­plish this was by praying the rosary every day. The Virgin Mary said that the rosary was one of the most powerful tools in the world to defend us against temptation and evil. She pleaded with everyone to pray the rosary at least once a day, no matter what religion they belonged to, and promised all who did would receive special spiritual graces and blessings.

Jesus warning 12 years before the genocide
Along with the Blessed Virgin, Jesus Himself also appeared many times to the visionaries at Kibeho, urging the people to repent of their sins and to seek to live virtuous lives. Like the Blessed Virgin Mary, He also warned of a bloody civil war that would soon occur if the people did not change their tribal/sectarian animosity for one another. During an apparition 12 years before the genocide, Jesus had shown Segatashya (one of the alleged visionaries) images of homes in flames and people being hacked to pieces by killers armed with machetes. The Lord told Segatashya that this was what would happen if people continued to sin and to hate one another. When the bloody genocide gripped Rwanda, Segatashya himself was shot by a death squad.

A summary of what occurred during the genocide
Throughout the course of 100 days from April 6 to July 16 1994, approximately 800,000 Rwandan Tutsis and some moderate Hutus were massacred in the Rwandan genocide. During this period, more than 6 men, women and children were murdered every minute of every hour of every day. This incredible rate of killing was maintained for more than 3 months. Along with the intense bloodshed, it is believed that approximently 250,000 women were raped during the 100 days of genocide (a precise count is such circumstances is impossible) and roughly 30% of the women who were raped during the genocide were infected with HIV/AIDS.  In many cases, this resulted from a systematic and planned use of rape by HIV+ infected men as a weapon of terror and future genocide. There were 10 times as many widows(women) than widowers (men) with almost 50,000 widows, and  there were approximately 75,000 children who were orphaned as a result of the genocide.

Rwandan Genocide
The Rwandan genocide is a warning and a precursor to what could come to all of humanity
Yet, the warnings of the Blessed Virgin Mary were not just for Africa. For She told the seer Marie-Clare Mukangango :  "When I tell you this, I am not addressing myself strictly to you, child, but I am making this appeal to the world.  Today, man empties things of their true value. Those who are continually committing sins are doing so without any acceptance that what they are doing is wrong."

Like Segatashya, sadly Marie-Clare Mukangango too was also killed during the genocide. She said the Virgin described the world as “being in revolt against God” and that the world “is on the edge of catastrophe.” And in yet another message to the seers we are told: “ The world hastens to its ruin, it will fall into the abyss… The world is rebellious against God, it commits too many sins, it has neither love nor peace. If you do not repent and do not convert your hearts, you will fall into the abyss."

Heaven warned of the bloody genocide if the Rwandan’s did not change their hearts—they did not, and 12 years later they suffered unspeakable horrors. In Kibeho and elsewhere in recent times, Jesus and Mary have been warning ALL of us that we must change our hearts—we must be converted and repent of our sins—or we too will suffer unspeakable horrors as a result and consequence of our sins and our hard hearts. Are we listening, or have we not learned from the tragic events in Rwanda? -Lord Jesus crucified, have mercy upon us! 
"Do not forget that God is more powerful that all of the evil in the world....The world is on the edge of catastrophe. Cleanse your hearts through prayer. The only way is through God. If you do not take refuge in God, where will you hide when the fire has spread everywhere?"-Our Lady of Kibeho

Maria Teresa Carloni, A modern day mystic and stigmatic

Maria Teresa Carloni, A modern day mystic
Maria Teresa Carloni, (1919-1983) A modern day stigmatic with exceptional mystical gifts
-The mystic who came back to the Catholic faith at age 32

The webmaster would like to gratefully thank Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt for translating from the original Italian the inspiring and informative passages below. May God reward her for her efforts.

Maria Teresa Carloni, a twentieth century mystic, is better known in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria than in her native Italy. Known as the “Voice of the Silenced Church”, she dedicated her whole life to the persecuted Church under the Communist Regime during the Cold War.
Early Years
Maria Teresa was born in Udine, Italy on October 9, 1919 into a rich and aristocratic family. At the age of four, she became an orphan, and together with her brother Adolph, went to live with her grandmother. As a child and adolescent, she suffered from terrible scruples. This together with the fact that she met some priests and religious that were not leading edifying lives, kept her away from the Church.  
However, she desperately wanted to find God. At the age of 17 she tried once more to go to confession, but was misunderstood by the priest. She walked out of that church thinking she would never return but she turned to the Crucifix and said to Jesus, “We will meet again.”
From 1939-1943, she studied to become a nurse. Although she felt she was far from God, she offered many sacrifices for the conversion of her patients and was even fired from a hospital unit for opposing abortion.
When the Second World War started, she worked as a nurse for the Sovereign Order of Malta in Rome. Because of her outstanding service, she was given the Silver Medal of Valor by the military.
While she was living in Rome, she fell in love with a young doctor. This young doctor, however, was tragically killed on the St. Angelo Bridge when they were together on a medical visit at night.
Maria Teresa Carloni and Pope Paul VI
Her First Meeting with Pope Pius XII
After the bombings of the San Lorenzo neighborhood in Rome during WWII, everyone went there to assist the wounded, including Pope Pius XII. Maria Teresa was there aiding the wounded when she saw a “priest dressed in white.” She did not recognize the Pope and told him, “Hurry, Reverend Father.” And he did as he was told.
Sometime later, she accompanied the soldiers from the hospital to an audience with the Pope at the Vatican. He recognized her and said to her, “How come you have not come here in such a long time?” [meaning to Church]. Not knowing what to answer, she said, “I haven’t been well.” To this, he replied, “So, you lie to the Pope?” Later, remembering this moment, she said she wanted the ground to swallow her.
Her Conversion at age 32
After finishing a degree in Pedagogy in 1946, she returned to her native Urbania. On April 16, 1951, at the age of 32, she had a conversion. She made an appointment with the Parish Priest of St. Francis Church, Father Cristoforo Campana, because her grandmother was dying. She also wanted to speak with him, and told him all about her bad experiences with the Church and that this was her final attempt to come back. Fr. Campana accepted to be her spiritual director and she returned to the Church.
On June 16, 1951, after asking her spiritual director, Maria Teresa makes a vow of perpetual virginity. From then on, her prayer and penitential life became more intense.
The Beginning of her Mystical Experiences: Inner Locutions
While working as nurse at the Bonomelli Foundation of Milano, a charitable institution, she was sent to the small town of Spotorno, to do educate children about TB prevention. Soon after her arrival there, an epidemic broke out and she was quarantined with the children. This is when her first mystical experiences started and she then began writing letters about it to her spiritual director, Fr. Campana.
She felt that another person was talking inside her head and when it stopped, she would answer. At the beginning these dialogues lasted just a few minutes, but as they became longer, she used to leave whatever she was doing and hide somewhere so that people would not become alarmed.
Her spiritual father, of course, was cautious, and told her not to pay attention to this Voice, that it was probably her imagination. However, no matter how much she tried to ignore this, it continued and her fighting it took a toll on her health.
Once she was back in Urbania at the end of March, 1952, Father Campana wanted to look into what was happening to her. This is what he wrote:
While she was speaking to me, I noticed that she would half close her eyes, become distant, and start talking to “someone” invisible. It would last from between fifteen minutes to half and hour. Then everything would return to normal. She would become embarrassed when she realized I was there and would say:- 'It is not my fault. You are still here?”
Fr. Campana, consulted many books about mystical phenomenon, and since her conversations were highly spiritual and he found no doctrinal error in them, he decided to allow this to continue. This took place regularly every Friday.
Maria Teresa receives the Stigmata
One Friday when Fr. Campana was present, he heard the “Voice” say to him, through Maria Teresa, I want to repeat my Passion in this creature. You, being her spiritual father, can accept or reject this from happening, because you are the authority that represents Me, but know that this is My will.”
Even though Fr. Camapna understood who was talking to him, he asked, “But who are you?” 
I am Jesus. This soul has offered herself to me and I have accepted her offer. She will be a victim for the salvation of many, according to what she has told you. 
What should I do?” 
Next Good Friday, her hands feet and heart will be pierced. The wounds will not appear externally, because everything must remain hidden, as you said, but later, whenever you want, you can make them appear and they will be seen visibly.
In this dialogue, we can see the greatness of the priesthood in Jesus’ words. Jesus leaves the decision of whether the stigmata will be internal or external up to Maria Teresa’s spiritual director, Fr. Cristoforo Campana, who later became a Monsignor.
When Maria Teresa regained consciousness, she did not remember anything of what was said in this dialogue between Jesus and her spiritual director. Fr. Campana then asked her, “If Jesus wanted a closer union with you, to unite you to His sufferings, what would you say?” 
If He wanted this, then I am willing.”
“He wants it.” Fr. Campana replied.
On Good Friday, April 11, 1952, [which incidentally is also the feast day of another stigmatic, St Gemma Galgani] Fr. Campana went to see her at 2:45pm and found her suffering in bed. He asked her if she was suffering much, and with her teeth clenched almost unable to open her mouth, she said, So much.” At 3:00pm Fr. Campana witnessed her terrible suffering as she appeared to be nailed to the Cross and then it appeared she had given her last breath and expired. She remained like that for a few minutes, and then opening her eyes, she smiled and said, It is done.” However, she was not able to get out of bed until midnight.
Mystical Espousal
On December 20, 1952, Maria Teresa received the grace of the spiritual marriage. The “Voice” had asked Fr. Campana to bring her to Church. At 9:30 she knelt before the Altar and almost immediately a dialogue between her and Jesus began. Fr. Campana heard the following: “Jesus accepts to be your husband but he wants his wife to be like him, persecuted, trampled on, slandered, and suffering always in body and spirit.”
Fr. Campana then heard Jesus tell him, Go up to the altar, lift the tablecloth, take the gold ring and put it on my wife as a tangible sign of my espousal to her. The priest found the ring and placed it on Maria Teresa’s finger telling her, “It is not from me. “Someone” is giving it to you as a sign of His union with you.”
That ring had been left at the Altar by a wife who was disappointed with her marriage.
Her Special Mission, Victim soul and Bi-location
On January 4, 1953, Fr. Campana finds out that Ivana Puskin had died. Ivana was the great granddaughter of Alexander Sergeevic Puskin, considered to be the father of contemporary Russian literary language. Ivana was Catholic and was active in the underground Church movement. She had offered herself as a victim for the salvation of Russia, but had purposely excluded Stalin’s salvation because of the horrendous crimes he had committed.
One Friday, when Maria Teresa was suffering the Passion of Jesus in her body, Jesus informed Fr. Campana of the death of Ivana Puskin and asked him to tell Maria Teresa if she wanted to take the place of this victim for the salvation of Russia and the other countries ruled by the doctrine of atheistic materialism. Maria Teresa answered, If the Lord wants it and gives me the necessary strength, I accept. With this acceptance her spiritual and physical sufferings increased and so did the demonic attacks.
At the beginning of March, 1953, Stalin was dying. The following Friday the “mysterious voice” told Fr. Campana, Now, I will ask you something, if you allow it and this creature agrees. Before Stalin dies, I want to give him the possibility of being saved, like I do with all redeemed souls, despite his crimes. If you two accept, I ask you to offer these three hours for the soul of Stalin. But don’t be alarmed by the sufferings that this creature will undergo.
Maria Teresa accepted this and suffered terribly for three hours. Fr. Campana who was with her, could not stop crying and saying, “Enough.” After the three hours she came back to normal. It seems, however, that Stalin did not benefit from the grace that Jesus offered him at the moment of his death. Blessed Elena Aiello, another Italian mystic, was granted a vision of hell in which she saw the soul of Stalin and a place for his followers.
After Stalin’s death, the persecution of the Church in the Communist countries continued. In the meantime, Maria Teresa’s sufferings increased and according to Fr. Camapana new mystical phenomena started. One Sunday afternoon, Fr. Campana heard the “Voice” tell him that Cardinal Stepinac, from the place he was confined, had managed to organize in the mountains surrounding Krasic, groups of faithful which he visited with other clandestine priests, Croatians, and refugees from nearby countries. He used to go see them once in a while to encourage their faith. That Sunday, the Cardinal’s legs were hurting him more than usual because of bad circulation, but he wanted to attend at all cost that meeting in the mountains. The “Voice” asked Fr. Campana to tell Maria Teresa if she would take the Cardinal’s pain upon herself to free him from it so that he could go to this meeting. She accepted and immediately went to bed because of the pain in her legs. In the meanwhile, Cardinal Stepinac was able to fulfill his mission.
This taking upon herself the sufferings of others, together with the phenomenon of bilocation, started happening almost daily as she assisted priests who were being tortured in communist countries.
Maria Teresa Carloni with Pope Paul VI
Fr. Campana noted that Maria Teresa started sweating blood on Good Friday, 1954 and bilocated for the first time on December 6 of the same year. This  first bilocation was to Cardinal Wyszynski, who was suffering because of having been tortured.
Actually, she became like a transmitter-receiver for persecuted persons. She could hear people calling for help from far distances. These mystical phenomena allowed Fr. Campana to make contact with leaders of the persecuted Church, who could not contact the Holy See. Through this special mission of Maria Teresa, Fr. Campana would keep the Pope up to date with what was happening in these places.
Besides traveling by bilocation, Maria Teresa also traveled physically to many of these places and was able to visit leaders of the Church even in prison. Her first trip was to Innsbruck, where she met with Card. Stepinac, and visited Card. Mindszenty in prison. She wrote a report about this trip entitled, “From Innsbruck to Rome,” which was given personally to Pope Pius XII.
Often she went by bilocation wherever she was needed. After the failed rebellion in Hungary, Fr. Campana sent her there in bilocation to encourage the Hungarian people. These trips in bilocation would take a toll on her physically and spiritually making her very weak.
Her mystical ability to read souls and detect blessed objects, and Pope Pius XII
Earlier we mentioned her first providential encounter with Pope Pius XII in the Roman neighborhood of San Lorenzo after a bombing. Because of her special mission, she would get to meet many times with Pope Pius XII in the Vatican. Her spiritual father would make the appointment with the Pope. When she would arrive in Rome at the train station, a Swiss Guard would come pick her up to take her to the Vatican. She sometimes had dinner with the Pope and then they talked all night. The Pope was very interested in what was happening in those areas, he even cried when he heard of the tortures and the sufferings those people had to endure. Pope Pius XII also invited her to Castel Gandolfo.
At that time, in 1955, Pope Pius XII was concerned about the Eucharist and about how Mass was being celebrated by priests. Since he knew that among the many spiritual gifts that Maria Teresa had, was the gift of being able to tell apart consecrated hosts from unconsecrated hosts, he ordered Maria Teresa to attend all the Masses celebrated on June 13, 1955 from 7-8:30 in St. Peter’s Basilica and keep a record of how many Masses where celebrated by priests who were in a state of grace, how many in a state of grace but with imperfection, how many in venial sin, how many in mortal sin, how many were sacrilegious, and how many were celebrated in a distracted manner.
Maria Teresa later met the Pope to give him the report: Masses celebrated with attention and intention, 6; Masses where the celebrant was distracted but the Mass was still valid, 8; Masses in which the celebrant was so distracted that the consecration did not take place, 1; Masses celebrated by priests with deliberate venial sins, 5; Masses celebrated by priests in mortal sin but not sacrilegious, 2; sacrilegious Masses, 0.
A Eucharistic Miracle
The day she gave the Pope this report, she had lunch with him and then they took a walk in the Vatican Gardens. During their walk, the Pope took out of his pocket a theca with 4 hosts. He showed them to Maria Teresa and asked, Which of these 4 hosts are consecrated?” 
Maria Teresa, making two of them fall on the ground, pointed to the two left in his hand and said, These ones are consecrated.” 
To this, the Pope said, Let’s ask the Lord to give us a sign that these are consecrated. Then suddenly, two blots of blood appeared on the two hosts that the Pope was holding. The Pope was moved to tears and knelt and so did Maria Teresa. She gave one of these hosts to Maria Teresa and told her to put it in a Theca and keep it close to her heart under her clothes.
There were many meetings between Pope Pius XII and Maria Teresa Carloni. On September 30, 1956 at Castel Gandolfo, Pope Pius XII was present during Maria Teresa’s mystical suffering of the three hours of agony. She lay on the papal bed and the Pope knelt at the bedside crying.
Her last audience with Pope Pius XII was on September 29, 1958 at Castel Gandolfo. At this meeting Maria Teresa told him about her recent trip to Russia (August 6-17, 1958) The Pope cried a lot when he heard of the terrible sufferings of the people there, and then said to Maria Teresa, “Goodbye, my daughter.”
On October 9 at around 3:00am, the Pope appeared to Maria Teresa at her home in Urbania to entrust to her the Silent Church [the Church in persecuted areas under the Communist regimes]. At 3:52, Pope Pius XII was dying in Castel Gandolfo.
Many years later, when Maria Teresa was distressed because of problems and tensions among the Curia in Urbania, Pope Pius XII appeared to her dressed in red on the anniversary of his death. She asked him, “Why are you not wearing white?” He replied, “Because you love the martyrs and not the clergy. You are “anticlerical” but I understand you. It is not your fault. You are just a victim. At the end of my life I was also “anticlerical.” Being “anticlerical” today means being against those priests who are not priests, and not against God and the clergy who defend him.” 
But where are those priests?” she asked
There are very few, even though there are many priests in the world. Good night.” and then he disappeared.
Maria Teresa and Pope John XXIII
Maria Teresa had four audiences with Pope John XXIII. In the audience of December 20, 1959, in the presence of Cardinal Ottaviani and Cardinal Wedel. Maria Teresa informed the Pope of what was happening in the persecuted Church. This report was based on her visits in bilocation to the leaders of the Church in those countries from December 1-17. The Pope gifted her with a chasuble which she kept in her private chapel in Urbania.
During the audience on March 1961, Maria Teresa spoke to the Pope about the problems of the Church in Sudan, after her recent trip there. She spiritually adopted many seminarians from Sudan and prayed and suffered for them.
On June 3, 1963, she went in bilocation to the dying pope. This is what she wrote:
I went to the sick bed of John XXIII who was dying. He recognized me and entrusted to me the Silent Church. These were his exact words: “I have offered my life for the Council and for the Silent Church. Now I am dying but you should live for this. Upon my death, build the reason for your life and live for that. This is the inheritance that I leave you.”
After Pope John XXIII died, she had several audiences with Pope Paul VI, who encouraged her to continue with her mission.
Her pilgrimage to the Holy Land--Jesus appears three times as a shepherd to Maria and her friend
Maria Teresa made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in January of 1967. In her diary, she writes about three encounters that she and her traveling companion had with Jesus. The first encounter happened at the Garden of Gethsemane. She was with a companion, named Jesus, and they were wondering about the exact location where Jesus had prayed in the garden. Maria Teresa said that they would need to ask Jesus himself where to kneel down and adore. The following is taken from her diary:
January 3, 1967
An unknown group was ahead of us and a friar, who was their guide, led them to the inside of the Basilica. The two of us remained alone in the garden; we looked at the Kidron Valley down below and Jerusalem above. We went from one centuries-old olive tree to the next, caressing all of them with tenderness, trying to avoid the protrusion of the rocks that peek out from the ground, and we asked each other almost at the same time, “Which do you think is Jesus’ spot? We must be very close.” From behind us came the answer in perfect Italian: “You are here indeed, foreigners.” We turned around suddenly, certain that it must be a priest, but instead our eyes met a flamboyant young man, dressed in a local outfit, solemn and not excessively tall. His face was very tanned from the sun; his hair, semi hidden by a veil that covered his back down to his feet like a cape, was a copper red and long like that of a woman; his beard was the same color; his eyes which were a deep sea green revealed a look of unusual intelligence, his voice was baritone yet sweet. The tunic with the veil above his head was sky blue. His habit was white and long down to the ground and tied at the waist with a white belt. His right arm was straight along his side, his left hand, tapered and not rough like that of a working man, was holding a rough and long cane, like the ones that are still used today by shepherds. It serves as a support and to align the sheep. He was wearing sandals made with strips of leather. He was a very common man, except that he was elegant and pristine.
My gaze, maybe for a second, got lost in the stranger’s gaze, and then he turned to my friend, who had turned so pale that he looked like a cloth that had been soaked in lye and he seemed dazed…I had an olive twig in my hand that I had broken off a random tree; it was a beautiful twig, young, green, vibrant. I squeezed it in my fist and hurt it. I realized that that man’s features were not beautiful, rather awkward and ugly but they emanated such manliness that they were attractive. We were three human beings but we looked like three statues. Even nature seemed to have become petrified. I… intended to break the ice, the silence, the stillness, and almost violently asked, “You speak Italian. Who are you?!” That baritone voice, not at all shaken by my explosion, but rather sweet and not less solemn than before, responded “I am the Shepherd.” I remained motionless not realizing the significance of the article, “the” and not “a” shepherd.   Why- I was thinking- did he say “the” and not “a”? He apparently did not give any importance to my thought. He came close to me stretched his right arm to reach one of the centuries-old olive trees that was behind me and gave me a twig. He could not have chosen an uglier twig than that one! Its leaves were dry, dirty, with holes, shriveled. “This olive tree–he said placing the twig in my hand- is the one you were looking for. That is the one that saw the sleepiness of the apostles and the pain of God.” “But it is so ugly – I answered – mine is more beautiful.” “But mine–he replied- is the real one.”
The scene was becoming awesome: my friend was still dazed and had not recovered, he was pale, his eyes were fixed without seeing, and with his mouth open like an idiot.  I could react externally but I felt tormented. The unknown voice continued, calmly and melodiously, “You were looking for the holy spot on the rock: it is here, a stone’s throw away. Put your foot here and turn you back to Jerusalem and you – he told my friend picking up a stone- throw it with your eyes closed. Where it falls, there I cried.” While he obeyed, I, trying to keep my eyes opened, protested, “You are going to break the window of the Basilica.” The hand of the Shepherd took hold of mine without saying a word. The rock flew and seemed to hit an invisible obstacle a few centimeters away from the mosaic window and fell to the ground moving itself to the left. . He said, “It is done: there I cried.” I arrived to that place before my friend because I had seen where the rock had fallen, he had his eyes closed. I bent down and amidst the barren soil the small top of a rock stuck out. He also came running and prostrated himself, he dug his hands into the soil with so much violence that his nails were broken; then he jumped to his feet and yelled like a madman with his arms towards heaven, “It is Him. It is Him. It is Jesus.” The eyes of the Shepherd sparkled with happiness and he started to go away.
I, stunned by what was happening, was anxious to recover my voice as the man was walking away; finally I exploded in a cry, “Stop him. Tell him to stay with us.” My friend didn’t have much voice either but the Shepherd had ears. He was far away and little in our sight, but his words seemed to come from inside of us. He turned around, extended his right hand towards us and we heard him say, “I am not leaving you. We will see each other again.” Then he went on his way, getting farther away until he disappeared. He disappeared from our sight because he was too far. To say that he vanished would be a lie.
They did see Jesus again when they were visiting Mount Tabor. Jesus remembered the Transfiguration and told them that it was erroneously referred to as a “miracle.” It was in fact the cessation of the miracle, since that was his real divine essence. The miracle was his humanity. Then Jesus continued showing them around the places mentioned in the Gospels.
The third time they met Jesus was when then went to see the Mount of the Beatitudes on January 7th:
We were trying to imagine what it was like to be blessed [like the souls in heaven], and the Shepherd came towards us.  He was always the same, only that this time his cape was red and not blue. We were sitting on the grass looking at the lake: “It is very calm here, right?” With these words he reawakened us and we did not get a chance to stand up because he had already sat in front of us.
It is a peacefulness that bores men– he continued – a peacefulness that is perhaps monotonous for those who do not like contemplation and silence.  But monotony raises the mind and the heart of he who has faith; on the other hand, hustle and commotion, cloud the brain. In a strong and changeless peace such as this, the God of Justice will judge souls. They will not be asked details about their lives, they won’t be asked how many hours they worked or prayed, but they will have to answer about charity towards their neighbor. Have you been humble? Have you been meek? Have you suffered worthily? Did you hunger and thirst for justice? Did you have mercy? Have you been pure? Were you instruments of peace? Have you been persecuted for love of me? In truth I tell you, that souls will be judged only based on this, that is, on charity.” Getting up, he blessed us saying, “See you in the Kingdom of my Father. I am waiting for you among the blessed.”

Maria Teresa and Pope John Paul II -Visits the Pope through bilocation
She met Karol Wojtyla during her trip to Poland when she went to meet Card. Wyszynski, who was the Bishop of Cracow at the time. During the Papacy of John Paul II, she had two audiences with him on January 20, 1979 and February 21, 1980. She was supposed to meet with him one more time but could not attend the audience due to her poor health.
On May 13, 1981, when the Pope was shot, Maria Teresa went to see him at the hospital in bilocation. Fr. Campana left a written testimony indicating that she had gone to see the Pope in bilocation at 8:30 that evening. He considered this to be an extraordinary grace received by the Pope because Maria Teresa had not bilocated for a long time due to her weak state of health. That was probably her last bilocation. She said she remained with the Pope from 8:30pm until 1:00 am. Pope John Paul II recognized her when she went to his bedside but he had never seen her like that before, in bilocation. The following day, Fr. Campana interrogated her as to the details of what she had seen and she described everything in the room. He asked her then, “When you are like that (in bilocation), how are you, young, old?” She answered, I am not a child nor an old lady, neither big nor small, but I feel I am in the fullness of life.”
Towards the end
During the last years of her life, Maria Teresa suffered many physical ailments and mental anguish. At the same time the supernatural sufferings and gifts started to disappear. She died from a Peritonitis on January 17, 1983 at 11:20am. She was buried at the cemetery in Urbania. Following her wishes, the following epitaph was written on her tombstone, “Mihi vivere Christus est, et mori lucrum.”
All documentation about her life and activities were given to the Marian Shrine of Jasna Gora in Czestochowa, Poland.
Di Chi, Alberto, and Luciana Mirri. Martirio e Speranza: Il Carisma di Maria Teresa Carloni.Perugia, Italy: Edizioni Frate Indovino, 2009. Print.
Speziale, Vincenzo. Maria Teresa Carloni: Stimmatizzata.Tavagnacco, Italy: Edizioni Segno, 2014. Print.

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, German Stigmatic and Victim Soul (1774-1824)

Anna Katharina Emmerick (or Anne Catherine Emmerich in English) was born on September 8, 1774 at Flamske, Westphalia, West Germany, to a small farming family. Her parents, Bernard Emmerich and Anne Hiller, were poor peasants, but very devout and pious.  Anne Catherine was baptized at the St. James Church at Coesfeld. As a child, she spent alot of her time as a maid and seamstress until her entrance into the Augustinian Order on November 13, 1803. 

At age 29 she joined the Convent of Agnetenberg at Dulmen, Westphalia. Even during these youthful years, Anne was extraordinarily gifted with ecstasies and visions of Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, her guardian angel, and many of the saints. Although never given an adequate education, Anne had perfect recollection of her childhood days, and she seemed to understand Latin beginning in her very early years. Almost from infancy Anne reportedly had the gifts of discerning holy from unholy objects, consecrated objects or locations, and the identification of relics and from which saints they came. Also during these early years, Anne was often seen making the entire Way of the Cross in her bare feet, even when the snow had covered the ground.

Anne receives the Crown of Thorns
The following is the account she herself has given of the circumstances under which she received the crown of thorns:
"About four years prior to my admittance into the convent, that is in 1798, it happened that I was in the Jesuits' Church at Coesfeld, at about twelve noon, kneeling before a crucifix and absorbed in meditation, when all on a sudden I felt a strong but pleasant heat in my head, and I saw my Divine Spouse, under the form of a young man clothed with light, come towards me from the altar, where the Blessed Sacrament was preserved in the tabernacle. 

In His left hand he held a crown of flowers, and in His right hand a crown of thorns, and He bade me choose which one I would like to have. I chose the crown of thorns; He placed it on my head, and I pressed it down with both hands. Then He disappeared, and I returned to myself, feeling, however, violent pain around my head. I was obliged to leave the church, which was going to be closed. One of my companions was kneeling by my side, and as I thought she might have seen what happened to me, I asked her when we got home whether there was not a wound on my forehead, and spoke to her in general terms of my vision, and of the violent pain which had followed it. She could see nothing outwardly, but was not astonished at what I told her, because she knew that I was sometimes in an extraordinary state, without her being able to understand the cause. The next day my forehead and temples were very much swelled, and I suffered terribly. This pain and swelling often returned, and sometimes lasted whole days and nights. I did not remark that there was blood on my head until my companions told me I had better put on a clean cap, because mine was covered with red spots. I let them think whatever they liked about it, only taking care to arrange my head-dress so as to hide the blood which flowed from my head, and I continued to observe the same precaution even after I entered the convent, where only one person perceived the blood, and she never betrayed my secret.'

Anne receives the Stigmata
In 1811, Anne was forced to leave her convent along with all the sisters when King Jerome Bonaparte closed all of the Religious houses during his reign. Four years before the suppression of her convent, Anne made a visit home with her family in Flamske. One day while she was kneeling and praying for hours before the Cross of the Church of St. Lambert at Coesfeld, Anne had asked our Lord for a share in His Passion as a sacrifice for the sake of her convent. From that time on, she began experiencing terrible pains in her hands, feet and side, an indication that God had given her the invisible stigmata. 

On August 28,1812 (the Feast of St. Augustine), Jesus appeared to her in a vision and imprinted a cross-shaped wound on her breast directly above the heart. Later that same year, specifically on the 29th December 1812, at about 3pm she was lying on her bed in her little room, extremely ill, but in a state of ecstasy and with her arms extended, meditating on the sufferings of her Lord, and beseeching him to allow her to suffer with him. She said five Our Fathers in honour of the Five Wounds, and felt her whole heart burning with love. She then saw a light descending towards her, and distinguished in the midst of it the resplendent form of her crucified Saviour, whose wounds shone like so many furnaces of light. Her heart was overflowing with joy and sorrow, and, at the sight of the sacred wounds, her desire to suffer with her Lord became intensely violent. Then triple rays, pointed like arrows, of the colour of blood, darted forth from the hands, feet, and side of Jesus, and struck her hands, feet, and right side.

When she recovered her senses she was astonished when she beheld blood flowing from the palms of her hands, and felt violent pain in her feet and side. It happened that her landlady's little daughter came into her room, saw her hands bleeding, and ran to tell her mother, who with great anxiety asked Anne Catherine what had happened, but Anne begged her not to speak about it. She felt, after having received the stigmas, that an entire change had taken place in her body; for the course of her blood seemed to have changed, and to flow rapidly towards the stigmas. She herself used to say: 'No words can describe in what manner it flows.'

In 1813, Anne was examined by a group of both medical and Church authorities; an inquiry which lasted for five months. The examiners found Anne to be mentally sound, and they could not find any medical or temporal explanation for the wounds of the stigmata.

Anne lives off the Eucharist alone for 12 years
From the moment she received the Sacred Wounds until her death, Anne Catherine Emmerich took no solid food, existing only on the Sacred Host. In fact, when she would try to eat or drink she would have a severe reaction and would vomit violently when attempting to consume food, even broth. She was however able to consume the Holy Eucharist and her diet consisted only of the Eucharist. 

In 1819 she was once again investigated by high-ranking secular authorities. She was taken away from all of her acquaintances and moved to a house in the country belonging to one of the authorities. They referred to her as 'The Imposter'. She was locked up for three weeks with the authorities watching her 24x7 in 6 hour shifts. Much to the aggravation of her captors, she still consumed no food and bled through her Stigmata even though she prayed not to bleed so they would release her. After three weeks, she was finally sent back to her home in Dulmen by her frustrated captors. Two of them became very sympathetic to her cause. During her last few years, she did not sleep at all, a miracle in itself according to the testimonies of many doctors. She was given shelter by various charitable people in the area, and was bedridden for the rest of her life. God had chosen this gifted soul to become His victim, and she voluntarily suffered and sacrificed as a means of atonement and expiation for the souls that were living in sin.

Because of the great trouble caused by her visible stigmata, Anne implored our Lord to remove them, a prayer which was granted - at least partially - starting in 1819. Over the next seven years, her wounds became less visible until finally they disappeared, except for on special occasions or particular feast days of the Church calendar. They would reappear and continue to bleed, however, during each Lenten season, particularly on Good Fridays. There were other occasions when Anne Catherine Emmerich's wounds would manifest and bleed severely, including some Holy Thursdays and a few Fridays outside of Lent. Yet she was never without the stigmata, for the rest of the time they were invisible but equally as painful.

Her remarkable visions
It is though that the most extraordinary gift that Anne possessed was that of her extraordinary visions, also known as ecstasies. She was given visions of almost the entire life of Jesus, and most of the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary also. These private revelations of Jesus and Mary’s life included the most intimate details and can be considered a complete vision of the Gospel story. The visions of the life of Jesus as witnessed by Anne Catherine are compiled and published in the popular book “The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ” which many view as a true treasure, and her visions of Mary are published under the title “The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary- From The Visions Of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich”.

Other visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich include those of Heaven, Hell, Purgatory along with intimate details in the lives of many Saints. Many of these Saints she conversed with, and she often witnessed events in their lives as if she were right there beside them. The list is truly impressive so only some of their names will be mentioned here: Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary, her own guardian angel, St. Agnes, St. Agatha, St. Emerentiana, St. Paula, St. Dorothea, St. Apollonia, St. Benedict, St. Scholastica, St. Paschal, St. Cyprian, St. Isidore, St. Stephen, St. Lawrence, St. Nicodemus, St.Clare, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Perpetua, St. Felicity, St. Justina, St. Denis, St. Ursula, St. Hubert, St. Gertrude, St. Cecilia, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Augustine, St. Francis de Sales, and St. Jane Frances de Chantal. And this is far from being a complete list. In addition to all of this, she also received many prophecies about future events. Many of these revelations have come true, sometimes with remarkable accuracy.

Angels and devils
Anne Catherine Emmerich was favored since her childhood with the guidance and protection of her guardian angel. God allowed her to entrust her will to this angelic creature, who in turn enlightened her to God's designs upon her soul. Anne even revealed that her angel often took her to various places during her ecstastic moments, throughout all of Europe and even to the Holy Land. Often too, this favored soul would communicate with the poor souls in Purgatory via the guidance of her angel, who led her safely through this place of purification in order that she might visit those who implored her aid. In turn, Anne would pray and suffer in order to help free them from their pain and to help gain their entrance into the heavenly kingdom.

And in regards to the Angels, Anne Catherine stated:
“I see the angels without aureolas (ie. “halos”). They appear to me, indeed, under a human form with faces and hair, but they are more delicate, more noble, more beautiful than men. They are immaterial, perfectly luminous and transparent, but in different degrees. I also see blessed souls surrounded by a material light, rather white than resplendent, and around them a many-colored glory, an aureola whose tints correspond to their kind of purification , I see neither angels nor saints moving their feet, excepting in the historic senses of their life upon earth, as men among men. I never see these apparitions in their real state speaking to one another with the mouth; they turn to one another, interpenetrate one another .... “ (p. 419-420.)

Her Angel guides her in bilocation
"The angel calls me and I follow him to various places. He takes me to people I know or who are complete strangers. We cross the sea as quickly as thought travels. It is he who took me to see the Queen of France in prison. When he comes to take me on a journey, I see a glimmering light, then his luminous form appears before me like a flash from a lantern open in the dark. As we journey along in the darkness a faint light floats over our path. We pass over countries in distant regions, passing over roads, deserts, rivers and seas. We always travel on foot, my knees and feet ache. I often have to climb mountains. My guide is in front of me or at my side. I never see his feet move. "

"He is silent, he makes few motions, sometimes he follows his replies by gestures of the hand or inclinations of the head. He is transparent. He is grave but very kind. His hair is smooth, flowing and shining. His head is uncovered and his long white robe, like a priest`s. I address him freely and never look him fully in the face. I never ask him many questions, as I am satisfied just being near him. I call to him to go to the Angel of the person for whom I am praying. I say,'Now I shall stay here, but do go to such or such place where thy help is need and then I see him go'. When I come to broad waters and know not how to cross, I find myself all at once on the other side and I look back in wonder."

For chosen souls like Anne Catherine who receive mystical graces, our Lord often allows them to be attacked and assailed by the demons, so as to keep them from being prideful and to teach them complete trust in God. Anne Catherine knew all too well the attacks that spring forth from the devil. She once received blows to the face from a demon who appeared to her in the form of a great, black dog. Another time, the evil one tried to hurl her down a ladder. She even experienced icy-cold hands grabbing at her feet with the intention of throwing her to the ground.

In 1813, Anne Catherine was subjected to intense ecclesiastical and medical evaluations lasting for five months. This is only natural, for anyone so highly favored with frequent  states of ecstasy and hundreds of supernatural visions needs to be evaluated by the proper Church authorities; yet a Dr. William Wesener, upon examining her, said the following:"In our communications, I always found Sister Emmerich simple and natural, kind and gracious toward everyone" (March, 1813). 
And here is a statement from an ecclesiastical authority:
“Not only in the spiritual life was Sister Emmerich passive and obedient to her confessor, but in everything, without exception, she sought to regulate her conduct by his directions. Her longing for religious obedience had increased with her inability to practice it due to the frequent ecstasies that would bring her consciousness out of this world and into the next. Her humble forgetfulness of self led her friends to look upon her as being relatively healthy, when in fact she was suffering physically in a variety of ways. Simple, obliging and industrious, she never aspired to be noticed”. --Rev Father Carl E. Schmoger, C.SS.R

Anna Catharina Emmerich
Hierognosis- The ability to discern blessed objects
Hierognosis is a gift which involves the ability to discern holy things from those which are not holy, including the following: whether or not a Host has been consecrated; if an object has or has not been blessed; the presence of a good or evil spirit; and the ability to find lost or hidden objects and holy relics. This charism is closely related to the gift of kardiognosis, and is very common among God's stigmatists; therefore, it is only fitting to believe that souls who are unusually holy themselves would be able to sense when a holy presence is in their midst.
Anne Catherine Emmerich was unusually gifted in the discernment of holy things. Her remarkable ability to sense when an ordained priest was near (even when she did not see him), or the identification of relics or their whereabouts is well-documented.

Father Carl E. Schmoger, C.SS.R., described some of these discernments in his study of this most unusual stigmatist:

"With the gift of prophecy, Sister Emmerich had also received the power of discerning holy objects, even by the senses. Bells that had been blessed by a priest had for her a melody all their own, a sound essentially different from every other that struck her ear; her taste detected the blessing imparted to holy water as readily as others can distinguish water from wine; her sense of smell aided her sight and touch in recognizing the relics of saints; and she had as lively a perception of the sacerdotal benediction (blessing of a priest) sent her from afar, just as if it were given in her presence..." (The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich: Volume II, p. 394.)

Anne herself explained these holy things which she was able to distinguish, such as blessed objects or relics:
“I see the blessing and the blessed object endowed with a healing and helping power. I see them as luminous and radiating light; while evil, crime and malediction appear before me as darkness radiating darkness and working destruction. I see light and darkness as living things, enlightening or obscuring .... (p. 395.)
"I feel irresistibly drawn to look for these relics. They are attracted to me, and I sighed for them! It is easy to recognize them at such times, for they shine with a different light. I see little pictures like the faces of the saints to whom they belong, toward which rays of light dart from the particles. I cannot express it! It was a wonderful state! ..." (p. 417.)

House of the Virgin Mary in Ephesus, Turkey found through Emmerich's visions
How the House of the Blessed Virgin Mary (House of the Dormition) was found due to Anne Catherine's descriptions of the location taken from her visions
In 1891, Anne Catherine's writings of one of the visions she received of the House of the Virgin Mary (the house where the Virgin Mary allegedly lived in towards the end of Her life) led a group of Lazzarist priests from the city of Izmir, Turkey to set out to try to find the place Blessed Emmerich described in Ephesus, or, in the case of one of the priests, to demonstrate that Blessed Emmerich was wrong.

The Lazzarist priests spent two hot summer days looking around Ephesus, finding nothing. When their water ran out, they asked some local women where they could find a well and were directed up the hill to the "monastery." There they found a spring next to the ruins of a little chapel half hidden by the trees in a scene almost exactly as Blessed Emmerich had described.

Afterwards, excavations led to the conclusion that the chapel was built no earlier than the seventh century, but that part of it was erected on the foundation of a much older building, one constructed with materials that the archaeologists said were similar to those used in the first centuries.

Anne Catherine Emmerich died at 8:30pm on February 9, 1824. It was only during the last five years of her life that she began to write down the history of her visions which have become a treasury for many of the faithful. She was Beatified on October 3, 2004 by Pope John Paul II.
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, pray for us!
"Man's value before God is judged by the dispositions of his heart, its uprightness, its good-will, its charity, and not by keenness of intellect or extent of knowledge."  Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich

Blessed Marguerite Bays, lay mystic and stigmatic

Blessed Marguerite Bays -a Swiss mystic who received the stigmata later in life

-Was born on the birthday of the Virgin Mary and miraculously cured on the day that Pope Pope Pius IX solemnly proclaimed the Dogma the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

Marguerite Bays was born on September 8, 1815--the Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary--in La Pierraz, a hamlet of Chavannes-les-Forts, Fribourg, Switzerland, in a French-speaking part of the country. 

Marguerite Bays was the second eldest child of Pierre-Antoine Bays and of Josephine Morel Bays. Her father was a cobbler and had a family farm.  The Bays had five more children: Jean, Mariette, Joseph, Blaise (who died at the age of 12) and Seraphine (the youngest daughter). Marguerite was confirmed in 1823, and received her First Communion in 1826. She attended school in Chavannes-les-Forts for a few years. As she grew into young adulthood, Marguerite learned the craft of a seamstress, and she made ends meet as a "day laborer" seamstress, offering her services each day from one household to another.

Daily life: Prayer, Mass and Work
Without jumping too far ahead in this little biography of her life, Marguerite spent her entire life in the little hamlet of La Pierraz. She was humble in her silence and kept all the favors that God granted her a secret. No extraordinary acts drew attention to her. On the outside nothing distinguished her from her fellow villagers. She remained quiet, unnoticed and this was her intention. Privately in her bedroom she had erected an altar where the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary stood among iridescent bunches of primroses, daisies and violets. She would wake up very early, recite a prayer before the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, then she would help milk the cows and help with the other farm work of the morning. Then she would grab her missal and set off for daily Mass--the Church was a 20 minute walk, and she went each day, year round.

After daily Mass, she would go from household to household, diligently performing her work as a seamstress. Marguerite was not only loved for the quality of her work, but also for the positive influence she had on children. When she took a break from work, she took an interest in them and told them about the life of Jesus.  

Fervent prayers for the conversion of sinners
Marguerite always sought to live continually in the presence of God without drawing attention to herself. She was discrete and quiet, shunning gossip and arguments, which can easily lead to malicious rumors and slander. Without speaking very much herself, while at work she would listen and pay very close attention to the stories the women would tell concerning this or that person in town, for she cared very deeply about the conversion of sinners and the salvation of souls. Her experience was not limited to her own personal salvation, and it deeply hurt her to hear of or see people living in sin, and not practicing their Catholic faith. So she would take these persons to her prayers, praying for their conversion. She offered her sacrifices and sufferings for them. She went as far as to spend half of her nights praying when she knew that someone was behaving badly. She prayed in reparation for their sins, and occasionally she would very discreetly ask one or two devout friends to pray with her for a certain sinner.

Her humility
Marguerite considered herself as a mere sinner before God. She once said "Only the soul which knows her own misery can have great confidence in God, and unless she has such knowledge, it is impossible for her to have true confidence in Him."
While at first glance, Marguerite Bays seemed to be just like anyone else, however those who came to know her were immediately struck by her humility. She always tried to stay in the background and did not want to attract attention to herself. Yet, Marguerite's humility acquires a new dimension for us when we know the divine favors that she received. She did not talk at all about them and endeavored to hide them. The greater God's graces, the more humble she became.

Marguerite makes eleven 125 mile pilgrimages on foot to the Chapel of Einsiedeln
Notre-Dame des Ermites (Our Lady of Hermits) is a sanctuary situated in Einsiedeln, in the canton of Schwyz. In the 19th century, pilgrims went to Einsiedeln on foot. Marguerite was 20 years old when she went there for the first time. At the crack of dawn, she would leave La Pierraz with her bundle. She would then meet her companions and they journeyed together, saying the rosary and other prayers of the faithful. The 125-mile walk took three days, that is to say about 40 miles each day from dawn to dusk. At night, they slept in a barn, giving their hosts a little money. The next two mornings, although very tired and sore, they rose early and without complaint despite the burning sun, the long roads, the weariness and the foot injuries--all for the love of Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary! After a couple of days spent in prayer and devotion, they would make the return trip, once again on foot. All told, Marguerite made eleven of these 120 mile (240 mile round trip) pilgrimages on foot to the Chapel of Einsiedeln.

Marguerite is miraculously healed on the day the Pope proclaimed the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception
In 1853, at age 38 Marguerite began to experience dizziness, acute pain in her stomach and nausea which caused her to vomit. Up until this point in her life she had never had any health troubles despite her frail appearance, and she was in fact a very active woman, generous in her work and capable of walking for hours, as we see in her pilgrimages to Notre-Dame des Ermites in Einsiedeln.

At first she wanted to hide her disease, not take any medicines and suffer silently. However, when her family noticed her critical condition, they made her see a doctor. The diagnosis was serious: intestinal cancer. Surgery was useless in changing the course of the disease and Marguerite's condition became increasingly worse. Marguerite turned to God through the intercession of the Virgin Mary. Her prayers were answered and a miracle took place on December 8.

On December 8th, 1854, Pope Pius IX solemnly proclaimed as a sacred Dogma the Immaculate Conception of Mary. On that day, Marguerite Bays was bedridden and suffering great pain. She prayed nevertheless, sharing the joy of the Church with her heart full of faith. She prayed the Virgin Mary while applying a medal bearing the image of the Immaculate Conception to her wound. At the same moment, she regained her strength, the pain disappeared and the wound healed. Suddenly she was able to stand up. When her family got back from church, they found her sitting on the big stone stove in her room. She was saying the rosary. She was miraculously cured in an instant. She had received from the Blessed Virgin Mary the great grace that she had asked for. However, she did not beg God to ease her pain. On the contrary, she offered herself to God to suffer for the conversion of sinners in any way that He may choose.

Marguerite receives the stigmata
To this writers knowledge, there does not seem to be a description from Marguerite of exactly how she first received the stigmata. What is known is that shortly after her miraculous cure at age 39, Marguerite saw and felt intensely burning red blotches appear on her hands, on her feet and on her chest, and from then on, she was to be linked very closely to Jesus' suffering in His Passion. Marguerite began falling into ecstatic raptures on Fridays, during which she relived the painful Passion and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.  Bleeding wounds opened in her hands, feet and side, and in her great humility, Marguerite hid the wounds from the outside world to the best of her ability, but eventually word got out and the news spread about the miracle.

Marguerite's reaction to the reception of the stigmata was deeply humble. Her humility made her strongly avoid being seen as an elected soul. After receiving the stigmata and recovering from the vision of our Lord's Passion, she was very concerned that her secret might be discovered against her wishes. Fearing that she would be publicly exposed, she supplicated the Lord that He remove the visible marks from her body. The Lord granted her prayers and the stigmata disappeared for awhile. However, Marguerite continued to be closely linked to the Passion of Christ. On Fridays---especially on Good Friday--she experienced the particular grace of accompanying Our Lord as He climbed up Mount Calvary bearing His Cross.  Never did she talk about the divine favors and the confidences she received. When the stigmata reappeared, she would wear gray cotton mittens which covered her hands, except for her fingers.

Except for the medical examination in April 1873, only a handful of people had ever seen her stigmata. One of those who witnessed it was the former regional prefect Jules Grangier who stated:
"...I had vaguely heard of a person bearing the stigmata in the area of Siviriez. I asked a few clerics for information and they told me that a very simple and modest woman from La Pierraz had actually experienced supernatural phenomena on every Good Friday for fifteen or twenty years. I asked if I could see her, but it was pointed out that Marguerite wanted to remain unknown as far as possible and that her family did not like receiving visitors. However, my curiosity kept growing and, like Thomas, I wanted to see to believe. One day, I was ushered into Marguerite's room. I saw a woman in her 50's lying on a bed with her forehead bound. She seemed to be suffering in great pain. I only saw her right hand. On the back of the hand between the bones linking the middle finger and the ring finger, I noticed a round, indented wound...The palm did not bear any marks."

A neighbor of Marguerite, the Dean Prancois Menetrey, wrote the following testimony:
"On every Good Friday at 3 pm, she was transported out of herself, living an ecstasy which lasted one hour. I keep very clear memories of having been able to contemplate the Servant of God during her ecstasy ... Marguerite gradually fell in a deathlike state. All life seemed to have faded away from her. She looked like a real corpse. I had been there since 3 pm. Signs of life gradually reappeared a few minutes after 4 pm. She would begin to breathe again, slowly at first, then very fast, then normally. Color came back to her cheeks. She seemed to be awakening from a sound, deep sleep. Divine and intense joy illuminated her face. She then sighed and said words ablaze with faith, love and gratitude to God, Our Lord Jesus Christ."

The medical inquiry into her stigmata
Given the interest aroused by her stigmata, the priest of Siviriez made a wise decision and opened an inquiry. He sought the unbiased opinion of Dr. Alex Pegaitaz, a 35-year-old doctor from Bulle whose diagnoses were well respected. Known for his keen intelligence and scientific ideals, his skepticism made him a great candidate for an investigation. The diocese tacitly approved of his engagement. On Good Friday, April 11 1873, not long before 3 pm, Doctor Pegaitaz arrived-in La Pierraz with a few clerics. District prefect Jules Grangier gave his own account of Pegaitaz' inquiry:

"At the beginning of the examination, the doctor only accepted the presence of Marguerite Bays' niece. I do not know what happened between the doctor and his patient. All I can say is that we could hear poor Marguerite sighing and screaming loudly from the nearby room. More than once we had to calm the mayor, her brother, for he wanted to throw out the doctor who was increasing his sister's suffering. When the screaming had finally died down, the clerics went into Marguerite's room. I was also allowed to do so. 

"Doctor Pegaitaz bared Marguerite's feet and let us see the stigmata, which were perfectly similar to those on her hands. I  then withdrew to the nearby room. The moaning gradually died down and stopped completely. The ecstasy had begun. It was around 3:20 pm. All the visitors entered to see the devout woman. She was immobile, with her eyes closed and a smile on her lips. She seemed totally absent . from what was happening around her. The doctor wanted to overcome her insensibility. So he began to tickle the soles of her feet. Then he pricked her between the toes with a sharp instrument until she bled. Nevertheless, her limbs remained motionless and her features expressed nothing. The doctor decided to deal with Marguerite's head. He inserted an instrument into her nose, in her eyes and under her eyelids. In vain. The doctor then successively opened both her eyes, but. they did not follow the movements of the light he shone on them. On the contrary, they seemed to focus on a fixed object sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left. He also tried to light a candle and put it right under her nose, but it did not work any better. So he took pliers to remove skin from the stigmata on Marguerite's feet and showed it to us, saying the skin had been burnt. The stigmatized seemed dead. The doctor then closed one of her hands, it stayed closed. He raised one of her arms, it fell back softly. He made her sit on her bed, she fell back naturally.

"After about half an hour of ecstasy, the scientific trials over, leaving Marguerite in peace, she eventually woke up smiling and looking around her. The Vicar went up to her and asked her how she was doing. 'I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm very well, oh I'm feeling very well!' she answered. And her face was glowing with joy."

"All agreed that Dr. Alexis Pegaitaz carried out a reliable examination and he had to admit that there was something he had not been able to analyze. He stated: "What confusion! What astonishment! I have been confronted with the supernatural and prodigious state of this stigmatized persons and it is beyond science. Science cannot understand or explain this phenomenon."

Years later Dr. Alexis Pegaiiaz died in Lausanne. When he became seriously ill, he had his friend Rev. Dean Henry Python, the chaplain of  Les Sciernes come to visit him. He asked for and received the last rites of the Church with great faith.

Visions and prophesies
One day as she was praying in her room, she "saw" three travelers walking towards La Pierraz. They went past the Notre-Dame du Bois chapel. One of them, a Brother from the Hauterive Abbey, entered the chapel and said a prayer to Mary. When the three of them reached the Bays' farm, Marguerite said: "Brother Joseph, it was good of you to go and pray the Blessed Virgin as you went past her chapel!"

At times she was given to know of certain events in the future. Mariette was the daughter of her brother Jean. Mariette's piety was so great that the sisters from the Fille-Dieu Abbey wanted her to share their devout life. But Marguerite told the Abbess: "Mariette will not come because she is going to get married. But her daughter will one day join your Community." And so it was that her great-niece Bernadette, who was born three years after Marguerite's death, eventually entered the Fille-Dieu Abbey and later she became Its Abbess, just as Marguerite had predicted many years earlier.

Her last years were a painful martyrdom. She spent most of the time lying in her room. A kind of inner fire kept burning her. She suffered acute pain in her head, in her throat and in her chest. Nobody knew what was wrong with her. And she would not say a word. She lived only on the Eucharist and drank primarily cool herbal tea and she had become very thin. Her brother Jean said that she felt like a bag of bones when he carried her. Her illness however did not make her at all demanding. She did not want to be relieved and did not do much to ease her suffering. She was given vinegar compresses and ice. She was administered unsuitable medicines, which she first took but then gave up. Eventually she became totally worn out, however she did not complain and patiently endured her great suffering. She did not want people to visit her because she did not want to show how much she suffered.

During Lent 1879, her state continued to deteriorate and she suffered tremendously before she died. She could only stand a few herbal tea's and a panade (a light bread soup with a little milk) every two days. A witness said that an ordinary person would not have survived so long and that Marguerite must have been strengthened by God. Rev. Dean Francois Menetrey alleged that she only lived on the Holy Communion at the end of her life.

An Angel gives her Holy Communion
Another extraordinary grace was reported by Sister Lutgarde Fasel, the Fille-Dieu Abbess and one of Marguerite's great-nieces. One day, her grand-father, Jean, confidentially told her: "I am going to tell you something I have never told anyone before. I am the only one to know this story along with Dean Jean Maillard and my sister, because my sister told him. During her last illness, Marguerite had longed all night for the Eucharist, we tried but we had not been able to fulfill her wishes. So the Good Lord took pity on His servant and an angel came and brought her the Holy Communion. I saw it, and I myself could not believe what I was seeing."

Her holy death on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Marguerite never complained. She endured her pain with angelic patience. She submitted silently to the medical treatments even if she had already realized that human remedies were useless. She suffered without telling anybody, simply repeating that one has to resign oneself. She often kissed her crucifix and contemplated the picture representing Notre-Dame des Sept Douleurs (Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows). She said that praying gave her patience. Marguerite had begged God the grace to die during the feast day of the Sacred Heart and God answered her prayers. She gave her beautiful soul back to God during the octave (eighth and last day) of the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And so it was that on Friday, June 27, 1879 at 3 pm. the Servant of God died, worn-out by her suffering and sacrifices. She had once said "I am willing to breath my last breath in the wound of Thy Sacred Heart."and since she died on the feast day of the Sacred Heart, it seems that the good Jesus granted this special grace to her.

Marguerite Bays' reputation of sanctity has spread beyond Switzerland and numerous pilgrims have come from abroad to see and pray in the places where she lived. Her beatification by Pope John Paul II on October 29,1995 officially confirmed her sanctity, and reinforced the current of fervor and confidence in her holy intercession before God.
-Blessed Marguerite Bays, pray for us!
A few sayings of Blessed Marguerite:
-"We will pray for each other. Pray for me especially because I am really pitiful.  I need the love of God; this love for which I have so much difficulty in meriting." 
-"Honor Our Lady of Seven Sorrows. We will never realize how much She suffered for us."
-"Oh holy Victim! Draw me to Thy side and we shall walk together!"
-"I am willing to breath my last breath in the wound of Thy Sacred Heart."
-"The poor are the favorite friends of Our Lord"
-Blessed Marguerite Bays 

-Primary Source: "A closer acquaintance with the Blessed Marguerite Bays" by Father Claude Morel, 2008.

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven

Adam and Eve talking with God in the Garden of Eden.  By Thomas Cole
The upcoming time of the renewed Man on the renewed Earth---Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven!

By: Glenn Dallaire

The sense of the nearness of God was a part of God's Divine Intimacy with Man that was lost at the Garden of Eden, the Terrestrial Kingdom
Apart from Original sin coming into the world through the sin of Adam and Eve, perhaps one of the greatest additional losses for humanity that stemmed from their disobedience was the loss of the direct communication between God and man, along with the sense of the nearness of the presence of God. In the Garden of Eden, the Father shared a Divine intimacy with Adam and Eve that likely can only be compared to the intimacy between God the Father (in union with the Holy Spirit), and the Blessed Virgin Mary--a most intimate bond between Creator and creature. But we must realize that God's original intention for mankind was to share in an intimate union with him, literally feeling his divine presence and conversing with Him, as a child with his loving Father.
"Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?" He answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid." (Genesis 3:8-10)

Oh! how close and intimate was the communication between God and Adam and Eve, and how close they felt His Divine Presence! The Garden of Eden was truly a Paradise lost!

Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven
The Lord's prayer---the only prayer Jesus ever taught us in the Gospel---states in part"Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

But what is this Earthly Kingdom to come that Jesus is referring to in His prayer, wherein God's Will will be done upon the earth, as it is in heaven? Apart from sin, what is there that differentiates our relationship with God here on earth, in comparison to the beings of heaven with God? While those in heaven enjoy the beatific vision of God, they also enjoy His Divine presence and they participate in open and free communication in Divine intimacy with God in an intense closeness and union. Not only do the beings and creatures in heaven see God, and gaze upon His infinite glory, they literally feel His love and closeness to them at every moment, and they communicate openly with Him.

Now while Adam and Eve did not completely share in the Divine Presence to the extent that the beings in heaven do, they certainly did have an deep sense of the nearness of God, and they communicated with Him openly, as we read in the Book of Genesis. It is because of the sin of Adam and Eve that we--as the sons and daughters of these our first parents---lost a significant part of the Divine intimacy and communication with God that our first parents originally had, along with the sense of the presence and nearness of God. However we must recognize and realize that in the story of the Terrestrial Paradise, this loss of ours was not God's original intention, for His Will was and is based in an infinitely loving desire for an intimate, unitive, and communicative relationship with humanity, His beloved children. While He has remained ever present with us, through the sin of Adam and Eve we lost the intimate sense of feeling His closeness and nearness to us.

The new Adam and the new Eve
 Jesus came as the new Adam, and the Immaculate--Virgin Mary, Mother of God--was sent as the new Eve, to open the gates of heaven which were closed through the sin of Adam and Eve. Through His passion and death on the cross, Jesus took upon Himself the sins of humanity, so that we might be forgiven of our sins and enter heaven. He did not come to restore humanity's place in the Garden of Eden or what was lost in the fall-- he came to cancel Original sin, along with our own personal sins, thereby opening the gates of heaven once again.

God's original Will for humanity will be restored upon the earth
Many theologians and scholars believe that God's original will for mankind in the Garden of Eden, that is, His desire for his creature to feel His closeness and His Divine presence strongly, will one day be restored upon the earth.  Some even believe that all the individuals of humanity will once again be able to openly communicate with God in a renewed Divine intimacy and conversation.

The Mystics share in a special Divine intimacy with God, and therefore foreshadow the people of the upcoming Kingdom 
The Mystics of the Church are a prefigurement to the people of the upcoming Earthly Kingdom
Earlier in this article it is stated: "In the Garden of Eden, God shared a Divine intimacy with Adam and Eve that likely can only be compared to the intimacy between God the Father (in union with the Holy Spirit), and the Blessed Virgin Mary--a most intimate bond between Creator and creature."

We can also recognize how Mystics of the Church foreshadow the people who will live in upcoming earthly kingdom. In their ecstatic visions, the Mystics see Jesus, and they speak with Him in conversations so very loving and intimate. They almost constantly feel His nearness and closeness to them, and they live with a deep and abiding trust in Him. In this most intimate union, some even share in His wounds, and in their suffering as victim souls, His blood is mixed with theirs for the conversion of sinners.  And so it is that the mystics of the Church foreshadow the people of the upcoming "Kingdom come, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

Not that the people of the upcoming Kingdom will be "mystics" in a strict sense, but they will be more mystical, because they will have the renewed sense of God's nearness and closeness to them, but in a very ordinary and natural way. And it may very well be that they will not simply talk TO God, they will talk WITH God, as Adam and Eve did in the Terrestrial Paradise. The people on the renewed Earth will see most everything from a heavenly perspective, unlike the people of this current age in many ways. It is believed that the Kingdom come will be very much like a restoration of the way things were between God and Adam and Eve before the fall---not in all ways of course, but in many ways. And some believe also that in the upcoming earthly Kingdom, God will communicate with the individual, and they with God, much like Adam and Eve in the Garden. In other words, the people of the Kingdom will be much more closely united with God in their overall disposition than we (humanity) are now. They will sense His nearness and closeness to them in a most extraordinary way. Oh, how blessed are those who will live in the renewed Kingdom on earth!

The Kingdom on Earth---"When all will seem lost, in the end My Immaculate Heart will Triumph"
The words of Our Lady of Fatima were a prophesy:"When all will seem lost, in the end My Immaculate Heart will Triumph". It will be the Immaculate Heart of Mary who will bring forth this Kingdom of a renewed humanity upon a renewed earth, but first will come a period of intense purification for all of humanity.  And many sense that it will likely be very, very soon. We must recognize that for this to happen---"Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."---we (humanity) will all first have to be brought to our knees, in recognition of our sins and of how far we have strayed from God and His commandments, and thus humbled, we will deeply repent of our sins and will thus draw down upon us the infinite mercy of God, and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary we will obtain our miraculous Rescue, and thus it will be the Immaculate who will give birth to the Kingdom on Earth.

Then it will be that God's original Will and desire in what He intended His relationship and interaction to be between His beloved sons and daughters---much in the way it was between Him and our first parents in the Garden of Eden---will be in many ways renewed once again. Or to put it as a great friend of mine has stated it:
"....The world will remain perfectly ordinary and completely transformed: people will know and love God as Father - and want to be friends with Him."

Prayer for the conversion of sinners and for those who persecute you

Maria Graf Suter, Swiss Mystic. 
Praying for the Conversion of the “Sauls” of Today, as inspired by the 20th century mystic, Maria Graf Suter
Pray for those who persecute you

By: Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt
Persecution is again at our doorstep. The blood of martyrs is flowing anew like it did at the beginning of Christianity or other decisive times in history. How do we respond to this?  Some just watch the news dumbstruck trying to understand how this could happen in the 21st century; many others storm heaven with prayers for peace in the Middle East and the protection of those who are persecuted; yet few are there who pray for the conversion and salvation of our persecutors.
God does not want the death of the wicked but that they turn from their ways and live (Ezekiel 33:11). This is why He sent Jonah to preach to the Ninevites who were known for their cruelty. This is why He called Saul, one of the greatest Christian persecutors, to become St. Paul, a great and zealous apostle. So listen to Jesus now as he tells you to “love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matt 5:44).  
Revelation of Divine Love for the conversion of sinners
Maria Graf Suter, a twentieth century Swiss mystic, had interior locutions from Jesus and Mary from an early age. These were published in a book entitled, Revelation of Divine Love, which has an Imprimatur. It is an urgent appeal to have recourse to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and to pray the rosary for the conversion of sinners. She was revealed the following about the enemies of Christ:
I heard about the crimes committed against the Cardinal of Hungary and his fellow brothers persecuted for their faith. I thought one should pray for them because their spiritual need was great. But Jesus told me: “I am close to them. Without Me you all cannot do anything. Pray for the enemies of the Church! In that way, your people will be saved.” I prayed the Rosary.
I prayed with all the strength of my soul united to His suffering Heart: “Father, forgive them because they don’t know what they do.” Then, it was as if I saw His open Sacred Heart enlarge and turn into an ocean of love; and I understood how Jesus prayed for His enemies, because after the first sin committed in Eden, they are under a curse and are tormented by Satan. The first and worst action of our enemy is that of blinding men so that they are no longer able to see the danger of sinning, so they don’t pay attention to it and therefore they fall into sin. Jesus loves these souls with a love I cannot express.
Again, when I heard of the persecution of my brothers in the faith, I felt my heart ache. I begged Jesus, asking Him why He did not listen to my prayers and stop the enemies of the Church. Jesus answered me, “My Blood has to be poured for them.” I understood that Jesus wanted His Precious Blood to be offered to the Heavenly Father for the conversion of the enemies of the Church. This was the message I received from Him. Every morning and evening I was to offer the Blood of Jesus to the Heavenly Father praying that it may not be lost, but applied for the enemies of the Church.
Oh why did God made me see that the Holy Spirit remains on the Altar under the appearance of a flame while the celebrant receives Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament? And why do these priests consider the enemies of the Church as their personal enemies who deprive them of the earthly goods which they love, to the detriment of souls? Especially for these enemies, Jesus prays, “They do not know what they do.”
Today, a good priest, who truly offered himself to the Heavenly Father in union with Christ’s sacrifice on the Altar, prayed for his enemies as Jesus did, saying with Him, “Forgive them because they do not know what they do.” Now, he has offered the Perfect Sacrifice in a perfect way. Now he will receive with Jesus all the love of the Holy Spirit, with which will enable him to act in conformity to the Divine Will.
When Maria Graf-Suter heard about the atrocities committed during the Korean War in 1950, like the ancient prophets, she asked God, “How long, Lord, will you permit these enemies to strike your Church? Let me know if you wish to destroy them.” But Jesus answered in a way she did not expect, “My Mercy is without limits.” So she understood that she was called to pray for them and love them, without excluding anyone. Jesus told her, “I want to hear the prayers of the just, those souls dear to me, in order to forgive my enemies.”

Prayers of Maria Graf-Suter
In union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I salute and adore the Holy Wound of Your right hand, oh Jesus, and I place in this Wound all the priests of Your Holy Church. Give them, every time they celebrate the Holy Sacrifice, the fire of Your Divine Love, so that they may be able to communicate it to the souls entrusted to them. Glory be… Amen.
I salute and adore the Holy Wound of Your left hand, and I place in it all those who are in error and all the unbelievers, those poor souls that do not know you. For the love of these souls, please send, Jesus, workers to your vineyard, so that they may find their way to Your Sacred Heart. Glory be… Amen.
I salute and adore the Holy Wounds of Your feet, and place in them all the hardened sinners that choose to live in the world. I especially entrust to You those who will die today. Don’t permit, Jesus, that Your Precious Blood be lost to them. Glory be…Amen.
I salute and adore the Holy Wounds of Your Holy Head, and I place in these Holy Wounds the enemies of the Holy Church, those who are still striking you today and persecuting you in your Mystical Body. I beg you, Jesus, convert them and call them like you called Saul to make him St. Paul, so that soon there will be but one fold and one shepherd. Glory be…Amen.
I salute and adore the Holy Wound of Your Sacred Heart, and place in it, Jesus, my soul and all those for whom you want me to pray, especially those who suffer, who are afflicted, all who are persecuted and abandoned. Give them, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your Light and Your Grace. Fill them with Your Love and Your true Peace. Glory be… Amen.
Heavenly Father, I offer you through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your Beloved Son, and myself with Him, in Him, and through Him, with all His intentions and in the name of all creatures. Amen.

Prayer to Ask for a Torrent of Graces
My Jesus and my all, let a torrent of graces flow from Your Holy Wounds, and from Your Heart, the Fire of Your Divine Love for me and for those dear to me who are also Your children! Keep them in Your Love and Grace! Let a torrent of graces flow from Your Holy Wounds, and the Fire of Your Love, my Jesus, for the Holy Father and all your servants. Give them the Fire of Your Love in order to suppress in them the love for the things of this world, so that they will be able, in Your Love, to lead to You the souls that have been entrusted to them! Send, my Jesus, a torrent of graces and the Fire of Your Divine Love to those You have chosen as instruments of Your Love. For love of Your Holy Wounds, remit to those who show you love and compassion, the curse of sin and its consequence. For the love of Your Sacred Heart, heal the wounds of their souls and their bodies. Pour a torrent of graces, my Jesus, and the fire of Your Love on all poor sinners that are in danger of going deeper into sin. Have mercy especially on those who will die today. Give to all, oh Heart full of Love, the grace of repentance, so that they may be with You in Heaven soon.
Pour torrents of graces and Your Love, oh my Jesus, over all Your enemies. Oh my Jesus, have mercy on them because you don’t desire the death of the sinner. Your mercy is without limits. Give to all of them the grace of conversion, like you gave it to Saul. May they recognize you as the only and true God.
My Jesus, I expect everything through your Holy Wounds. Forgive! “They don’t know what they do.”

Luigina Sinapi, Italian Mystic

Luigina Sinapi
Servant of God Luigina Sinapi, Mystic (1916-1978)
-Was born on the feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary and was miraculously cured on the Feast of the Assumption of Mary
Early Life
Luigina Sinapi was born September 8, 1916 at Itri (Latina), Italy. She was the eldest of five children of Francis Paul Sinapi, a cabinet maker, and Filomena Catena, a licensed midwife. She was born together with a twin girl, who tragically died the same day. Her parents feared they might lose Luigina also, and therefore her birth was registered only two days later. She was baptized with the name of Luigia, but her family and friends always called her Luigina or simply just Gina.
“Beginning in her early childhood, Luigina felt a strong love for Jesus that manifested itself in a desire to live in intimate union with Him, to which she felt herself particularly attracted” writes Cardinal Vallini. Her mother was a pious Catholic, and on one occasion she went to San Giovanni Rotondo to recommend her husband and her daughter to Padre Pio. The good Padre said to her mother: "You have one child in Heaven [referring to Luigina’s twin sister who died at childbirth] and the Lord has great designs on the other who is here on earth”. This was confirmed by Fr. Tarcisio, OFM. Cap. (Zurlo) from Cervinara, the sacristan who was the assistant to Padre Pio.
In 1922 at age 6 she started elementary school, and at age eight she received Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion and also the Sacrament of Confirmation, as was the custom at that time. From that day she never neglected to receive the Eucharist, and if she was sometimes prevented to receive it for I serious reasons she cried, and to whomever derided her she said; "If I don't receive Jesus in my heart, I don't live."
She was "lively and impulsive", remembered one of her younger brothers, as she had the habit of reading to them a passage from the Gospel while their mother was out working, "she would even comment on it", her brother stated. Concerning herself she said with a slight smile "I was always a terrible child.", but others who knew her all recall her being a very good girl.
At 16 years old, Luigina was fascinated by the ideal of the Daughter of St Paul 'to spread the Gospel by the most modern means of communications', so overcoming the resistance of her parents she entered the institute the Pious Society of the Daughters of St. Paul in Rome. Unfortunately she was obliged to leave the institute because of her delicate health. She was comforted by her spiritual director, Blessed Father Guiseppe Timoteo Giaccardo, who exhorted her to offer her life for souls, and to remain in the Pauline family as a laywoman.
Her miraculous cure on the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, August 15
Some particularly extraordinary events marked her life. When she was 17 her mother died suddenly, and she took over the care of her younger brothers. It was not long after that she began experiencing extreme pain in her stomach and she was soon diagnosed with a tumour on the bottom part of the right intestine. The physician could not operate as he believed she would not survive the operation. As the days passed she grew more and more ill and her pain and suffering became more and more acute. 
On August 15, 1933, she and others believed that her last day had arrived. Luigina asked her grandmother to dress her and prepare her for the great passage from earth to heaven, and with much devotion she received the Sacrament of the Sick. She was already in what seemed to be her last agony when suddenly Jesus appeared close to her bed and smiled at her. In her simple childlike confidence and love which from her earliest years she had always addressed Jesus in her prayers Luigina looked at Jesus and said to Him in a loving reproach: "You have not shown Yourself to me for two long years and now that I am dying, you come?"
Then smiling Jesus replied to her:“I have come to give you a beautiful gift. Look!" and He looked towards the other side of the bed where to her great surprise Luigina saw a most beautiful woman sweetly smiling at her. Luigina, believing that it was her own mother who had come with Jesus to take her, exclaimed: "Oh! you have become so beautiful in Heaven, mother? So much so I don't recognize you!" 
But then Jesus said to her: "Look at little closer!"
Luigina Sinapi
Luigina then realized that the beautiful woman was the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus asked her: "We have come to make you a proposal. You are free to choose. Do you want to die and to ascend into paradise, or would you be willing to offer yourself as a victim for the Church and for Priests? ".
As in a very fast film, the Servant of God saw then the situation of the Church and so many priests and religious who were living in danger of losing their souls. She then decided to stay and offer her future life to Jesus, "accepting the hidden sacrifice of victim for the Church, and for priests."
Jesus tells her that she is not to become a nun, but to remain as a lay person in the world. He tells her that she will often be misunderstood, and that she will suffer much, and that she will die alone. He told her she is to be like a violet, hidden but always perfumed. Jesus then presented His Mother to her, to be her special advocate, guide and comfort. "From this point on, the Madonna entered into the life of Luigina by special right", commented Fr. Tarcisio. When Jesus finished speaking, her guardian Angel Samuel took her by the hand, and suddenly she found herself completely healed.
After her miraculous cure, the Blessed Virgin Mary would appear to her on First Saturdays and other special Feast days of the Church.  
From that day, she was always faithful to the simple program which she had clearly felt inside herself: to be a simple lay person living her intense spiritual life mostly hidden from the eyes of the world; to suffer much, and be "a little mustard seed in a furrow in Rome".
In 1934 the family home was lost and the family dismembered, her little brothers were taken by relatives or sent to boarding school while Luigina went to Rome to live with an aunt, working at home, then at the Post Office, and then in the Bureau of Statistics.
Luigina is linked to the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Bruno Cornacchiola at Tre Fontane
On April 12, 1937, as President of the Daughters of Mary she had taken a pilgrimage to Tre Fontane, where St. Paul had suffered martyrdom. One woman who travelled with her (and later chose to enter religious life and became Sister Lidia) remembers:  "You saw that she [Luigina] would pray fervently, but seemingly without much effort. I only now understand what was happening at that time: she was a person of an intense interior life, one who is continuously in relationship with God, very balanced, simple, and very amiable...these people often do not distinguish themselves in any thing, however they distinguish themselves in this."
While she was walking in a grotto near a grove of eucalyptus trees, Luigina saw something that deeply aroused her piety: she found some small bones that would seem human, and she realized they were likely the gruesome remains of an abortion. Saying a prayer or mercy and forgiveness she dug a little and buried a Miraculous medal together with the little bones.
Suddenly in a great light before her she saw the Blessed Virgin Mary, Who said to her:
"I will return to this place of sin and I will convert and make use of a man who combats the Church, and who will desire to kill the Pope. Go to St. Peter's Square and there you will find a lady dressed in black, who will take you to her brother who is a cardinal. To him you will transmit what I have just told you, and you are to tell him also that soon he will become Pope".
Luigina did as told; she went to St Peters square and came upon the woman dressed in black—it was the Marquise Pacelli, who introduced her to Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli. Luigina confided to him the message that she had for him, who answered only:"If they are roses they will bloom "Two years later he was elected Pope with the name of Pius XII.
Bruno Cornacchiola
In 1947, exactly ten years later and in the same place which The Virgin appeared to Luigina - where there is now the Sanctuary of "Blessed Mary of the Third Millennium at the Tre fontane" - the Virgin had then appeared to a certain Bruno Cornacchiola with his children to tell him:"Enough! Re-enter into the true sheepfold of Christ... my Body could not decay and it did not decay ... ". 
Bruno was a protestant tram driver, a former soldier in Spain, and deeply hostile to the Catholic Church. It was just in the days prior to the Blessed Virgin Mary appearing to him that he had decided to assassinate the Pope. But now he began a most extraordinary conversion which shocked and stunned many in the Catholic church in Rome.
For his part, Pope Pius XII didn't hesitate at all and immediately believed in the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Bruno Cornacchiola at Tre Fontane since he was already aware of it for years through the message of Luigina Sinapi. Six months later, October 5, 1947, in St. Peter's Square, Pope Pius XII blessed the statue of the 'Virgin of Revelation" of actual human height, brought to Tre Fontane in solemn procession. Bruno Cornacchiola himself was received subsequently in audience by the Pontiff so that he could consign to him the dagger with which he intended to kill him. When the Pope was asked about all this, Fr. Gabrio Lombardi stated that the Pope had simply replied: "I already knew".
Padre Pio appears to Luigina in Bilocation
In 1950, Luigina was given the grace to see Padre Pio. She had been making visits to the Four Major Basilicas in Rome when she repeatedly saw in front of herself a Franciscan Capuchin, but always from the back. She sensed however that there was something special about him. At the end of the pilgrimage this Capuchin appeared again and suddenly he turned towards her and it was Padre Pio; but in: bilocation!
The strong spiritual bonds between Padre Pio and Luigina have come to be known from the testimony of Fr. Tarcisio in a written statement he gave on April 17, 1982. Once Luigina felt the need to ask counsel of the holy Capuchin regarding the appearances of the Madonna to her; he attentively listened to Luigina and then he encouraged her:"When the Madonna comes, kiss her feet for me".
In 1953, Luigina was unjustly accused theft at the shop where she was employed and she lost her job and lodging. Under accusation, abandoned by everyone, and not knowing what to do she went to San Giovanni Rotondo to see Padre Pio.  Fr. Tarcisio perfectly remembers this occasion, that when he saw before himself this woman who he never saw before, he wondered to himself how it was that she was greeted as “an old friend” of Padre Pio, not realizing at that time the spiritual and mystical bond between the two. He (Padre Pio) gave her a banknote of five lire and also he gave her a closed envelope for a police officer friend who lived in her town: it contained the name of the guilty party. While afterwards she was recognized as being completely innocent, for Luigina it was a period of great sadness and mortifications.
For about twenty-five years she had to live on other people's hospitality, in exchange for her company and her domestic help, and through this she had to bear a number of bitter crosses. A friend that welcomed her in Statute Street, Maddalena Tizian, was witness to some of Luigina supernatural manifestations, to which she personally didn't want to easily accept as being authentic:"I was really the first one to fight her, to not want to believe her, and this made her suffer greatly", she said. And she once said to Luigina that for many people she (Luigina)“was a question mark".
On May 13, 1953, while she was a guest in the house of a member of the Sistine Chapel Choir, Luigina met Fr. Raffaele Preite O.S.M., who recommended to her the maximum prudence in divulging her presumed supernatural experiences. He encouraged her rather to write them down. Thus began with that the understanding that he was to be for twenty five (25) years her spiritual director, to whom she referenced with these words: ''For so many years I have begged the Lord if He wished to grant me a true spiritual guide and finally he granted it to me, when by now I didn't count on it anymore. After having obtained him I made a novena of thanksgiving. I compare myself to an unbridled horse in its gallop, untamed at the bridle. ). I place myself before the judgment of my spiritual father, who I feel to be very close to the Holy Spirit, that he know me well and reveal to me all of my faults. From now on I want to renounce my will in everything. Through him Jesus will trace the way”
A portrait of Luigina Sinapi
A religious sister that served as her nurse, Sister Gerardina Sanita, remembered that Luigina, " ... asked permission for everything from her spiritual director, who she used to teasingly call “Bear”,because he was always seemingly severe with her". Truly because she distrusted herself, she continually sought the advice and the guidance of the priest, to whom she always placed herself entirely. Many can testify that, whatever person came to her, Luigina always sent them first to her spiritual director or the priests whom she knew, and whatever decision she would make, she always passed it through their counsel in obedience to them.
In the later years of her life, Luigina Sinapi was given the great privilege of having Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist present in the small Chapel inside her home on Urbino Street, where it was possible to celebrate daily and Sunday Mass. Her modest home became thus always more, the "center of fervid spirituality up until her death", as afterwards stated Fr. Cammarota. The authorization to have the Blessed Sacrament in her home - which was always renewed by the Vicariate of Rome—was due to Monsignor Pietro Bianchi, who had a deep respect and admiration for the piety and devotion of Luigina.
In 1970, after having lost her secretary job, Luigina continued her true work with even more fervor---she called it an "apostolate of consolation". People came to her and she deeply interested herself in other people's problems, giving and helping in every way she could, without ever asking anything in return. She had little, but her home was always open to all, without time limits she kept company with those who were suffering, and listed to their heartaches, and gave encouragement, and offering advice when necessary.
Her holy death
Concerning Luigina, Cardinal Vallini states (in part):"In her autobiographical slogan ‘A mustard seed in a furrow in Rome’, we see a clear image of the style of the life of the Servant of God: to suffer and to offer her life, in union with the sacrifice of Christ. In the spirit of the Gospel, she wanted to consider herself a small mustard seed left to fall in a furrow for the Church. Luigina, a daughter of the Church, was in service to the Church in so many ways and circumstances, with prayer, counsel, discernment, teaching, material and spiritual help, offering herself as a victim. Truly her spirituality can be synthesized in the expression "to suffer and to offer".
Luigina Sinapi died a holy death at Rome, April 17, 1978, a voluntary victim of the merciful love of Jesus and the Virgin Mary, in a holocaust for the Church and the world".
Her attending medical doctor, Dr. Mark Grassi testified that the last days were of great suffering for Luigina. Yet she was very peaceful, loving and happy. On one occasion, smiling she was overheard murmuring, "I am waiting!"
At the moment she died she was completely alone, just as Jesus had foretold her many years earlier. She was found with her face toward the tabernacle. The funeral was celebrated in the Basilica of the Holy Cross of Jerusalem in Rome, and she is buried in the cemetery Verano in Rome.
Servant of God Luigina Sinapi, pray for us!
Primary Source for this article is the book "Servant of God Luigina Sinapi" by Re. Edward J. Kelty and Rosalina Azaro Pulvirenti, 2011, Editrice Velar.
“When I am asked to help my neighbor, may I never complain like Simon of Cyrene first did when asked to help carry the Cross of Jesus.”–Servant of God Luigina Sinapi

Mystics who were born or miraculously cured on Feast days of the Virgin Mary

Luigina Sinapi, born on Sept 8 and cured on Aug 15th
Mystics who were born on the Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary and were miraculously cured on the Assumption or the Immaculate Conception of the the Blessed Virgin Mary

It is really amazing---A few weeks ago I published an article about the mystic Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, and I had noted how she was born onSeptember 8--the feast day of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The next mystic I wrote about--just two weeks ago---was Blessed Marguerite Bays, and once again, like Anne Catherine Emmerich, she was born on September 8, and also I noted that she was miraculously cured on the day the Pope proclaimed the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary,December 8, 1854.

And then came the article on the Servant of God, Luigina Sinapi, that I just published two days ago, and once again in this case not only was she born onSeptember 8, she was also miraculously cured by Jesus on August 15, the Feast day of the Assumption of Mary into heaven!  So here we have three mystics who were all born on September 8 (Feast of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary) and two of the three were miraculously cured on the two major Marian Feast days, the Assumption and the Immaculate Conception!

In regards to the feast of September 8th, we can recall also where on that day the Blessed Virgin Mary said to the Servant of God, Edvidge Carboni:  “Today is September 8th, the feast of my birthday, my daughter; trust in me. All the graces go through my hands. This date is one of the dates the infernal enemy hates the most, because with my birth came also the salvation of the world.”

And so, obviously seeing the hand of God in the Providential choosing of these specific three dates, I was then therefore compelled to go through this website and gather all of the mystics who were born on September 8 and/or were cured on August 15th or December 8th. And here is the list:

Blessed Marguerite Bays, born on Sept 8 and cured on Dec 8th
Mystics born on September 8--the feast day of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
-Saint Catherine of Bologna, born September 8, 1413
-Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, born September 8, 1774
-Blessed Marguerite Bays, born September 8, 1815
-Servant of God, Luigina Sinapi, born September 8, 1916

Mystics who were miraculously cured on the feast days of the Assumption (August 15) or Immaculate Conception (December 8):
-Servant of God, Luigina Sinapi--miraculously cured on her death bed of a stomach tumor on the Feast of the Assumption, 1933
-Rhoda Wise--miraculously cured of complex foot and lower leg fractures through the intercession of St Therese of Lisieux on the Feast of the Assumption, 1939.
-Blessed Marguerite Bays, miraculously cured on her deathbed on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8th, 1854.
-St Stanislaus Kostka--On August 9, 1568, Stanislaus became very ill with a fever. To those around him he predicted he would soon die, and he then wrote a letter to the Virgin Mary asking that he be in heaven on the feast day of her Assumption on Aug. 15, just six days away. And so it was that at age 18 his mission on this earth was completed, and Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary called Stanislaus to Themselves on the great Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15, 1568.

Finally, as a side note, St Therese of Lisieux was miraculously cured on another Marian date--that of May 13, 1883 which Providentially that year was also the feast of Pentecost, and also the great devotee of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Maximilian Kolbe, died in the concentration camp of Auschwitz on the vigil of the Assumption, August 14, 1941.

And so we can see how God often providentially arranges significant dates in the lives of His beloved children--especially those dates that honor the most Blessed Virgin Mary.Blessed be God in His glorious Providence! 

Passover and Good Friday coincide this year -2015

Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt to freedom
The Jewish Feast of the first evening of Passover and the Christian celebration of Good Friday will coincide on the same date this year--Friday, April 3

-How the Passover Seder meal will be celebrated by Jews on Good Friday this year
By: Glenn Dallaire
Good Friday and the first evening of Passover 2015--The great religious celebrations of Passover and Easter will be even more special this year from a Christian perspective because the first evening of Passover is set to coincide with the Christian celebration of Good Friday this year. What this essentially means for Christians is that the celebration of the Paschal Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday) will be closely aligned with the Jewish Passover feast, very similar to how it actually occurred at the time of Jesus's death on (or around)  the year 33 A.D.

This years near confluence of the celebration of the Passover Seder and the Last Supper
What this means is that this year the Jewish celebration of the Passover Seder--which was the event that was occurring the night that Jesus celebrated the Last Supper--- will occur on the night of Good Friday this year, which is exactly one day later than when Jesus celebrated it on Holy Thursday, that is, the night before his holy death. 

Jewish law does not allow for the first evening of Passover to fall on a Thursday, so it is currently not possible for the two great Feasts to align precisely as they did at the time of Jesus, and so this year's dates are aligned as close as they can get to what actually occurred during Jesus passion and death.

Passover--The blood of a lamb is spread onto a doorpost
What is Passover an how is it celebrated?
Passover, or Pesach is the major Jewish festival that commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, that begins with the recalling of how the Isrealites were instructed by God to kill a lamb and spread its blood on the doorposts of their homes, so that the first born male Jewish children would be "passed over" (hence the name 'Passover'), while the first born male children of the Egyptians were killed by the Angel of God as a punishment for the forced captivity of the Israelites. It always begins on the evening before the 15th day of Nisan (Jewish Calendar) and it is celebrated for 8 days. It is the most significant and most celebrated of all the Jewish holidays, and it begins with the celebration of the Seder meal.

In 2015, Passover begins on the evening of Friday, April 3, 2015 at nightfall, with the first full day of Passover being Saturday April 4th (Nisan 15), and the 8 day celebration ends after nightfall on the evening of Saturday, April 11, 2015. Accordingly, the first Seder 2015 will begin on Friday night (Shabbat), April 3, 2015. 

What is the Passover Seder and how does it relate to Holy Thursday?
The Seder is a festive holiday ritual meal that is always celebrated on the first evening of Passover. It is normally performed in Jewish homes with all generations participating, and it consists of a retelling of the story of the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt, as related in the Book of Exodus (Shemot) in the Hebrew Bible. The word Seder literally means "order", and it is called this because the meal itself is done in a certain specific order that signifies the release of the ancient Jews from slavery into freedom.

Catholic tradition holds that on the evening of Holy Thursday, Jesus gathered together with His apostles to celebrate the Seder. However, on this very special night, He willed that the celebration would be much more than a commemoration of the liberation of the Israelites from earthly slavery to freedom, when the blood of lambs was spread onto doorposts so that the first born children of the Jews would be "passed over" (hence the word 'Passover') for it was on this very night that He celebrated the holy sacrifice of the first Mass by instituting the Holy Eucharist, transforming ordinary bread and wine into His most precious Body and Blood, saying to them: "Do this in memory of Me." 

On that first night of Passover HE HIMSELF was the lamb of God whose precious Blood was to be offered to take away the sins of the world, freeing us from the slavery of sin.

Jesus offers Himself as the Passover Lamb, to take away the sins of the world
First night of Passover and the full moon, which this year will also be a "blood moon"
Passover itself is considered by Jews to be the “Holiday of Redemption”, so its alignment this year with Good Friday is thus very appropriate when viewed from a Christian perspective. As stated above, Passover starts every year on the 15th day of Nissan, and since the Hebrew months are based on a lunar (moon) cycle, the first night of Passover when Jews sit down to their Passover Seder is always on the day of the full moon.

This year, much attention is being paid to Passover’s full moon since it will be the third in a series of four “Blood Moons” taking place over the Jewish festivals. This series of four Blood Moons, known as a “tetrad”, falls during the three Jewish festivals of Sukkot, commonly called the feast of Tabernacles, and also one during this upcoming Passover. Looking back in history, the tetrad of Blood Moons has often served as a harbinger of major events in Jewish history, for example n 1967 when Israel won the Six Day War, and also in 1949 when the Israeli War of Independence ended after the founding of the State of Israel the year before.

And so it is that this year we have a special confluence of the two great feasts--that of the first day of Passover and also Good Friday, along with a "blood moon" all on the same day. May God's blessing be upon Christians, Jews and upon all people of good will!
I would just like to add the following interesting info from and email a reader kindly sent to me:
"Not only is this Holy Week special because [the first full day of] Passover Nisan 15 is on Saturday April 4th, as it was when Jesus died, but if you check the Jewish Calendar Jesus died on April 3rd of the year 33, which is also the date of Good Friday this year!  And the last time the Roman calendar, the Jewish calendar and the Western Liturgical coincided was in 1863! "

Marie Paule Giguere -Mother Paul Marie, Foundress of the Army of Mary--Obituary and Biography

Mother Paul-Marie (Marie-Paule Giguere) age 59
Obituary: Marie-Paule Giguere (Mother Paul-Marie), Foundress of the Army of Mary (L'Armée de Marie), the Community of the Sons and Daughters of Mary & three other religious Associations, passes from this life at age 93.

April 25, 2015: Community of the Sons & Daughters of Mary, Spiri-Maria Chapel, Lac Etchemin, Quebec.

Saturday April 25, 2015 marked the passing at age 93 of a well known alleged mystic and visionary Marie-Paule Giguere, known as Mother Paul-Marie to the members of the religious Communites of which she founded.

Marie-Paule Giguere was born in Lac-Etchemin, Quebec on September 14, 1921, the first girl of ten children born to Ernest and Laura (Begin) Giguere, a devout Catholic family. She married Geroges Cliche in 1944, and together they had five children, however she eventually separated from her husband in 1957.

After the separation from her husband, she was purportedly inspired by heaven to successively found five religious Associations or "Works", beginning with the Army of Mary (August 28, 1971) (known as L'Armée de Marie in French) and later the Community of the Sons and Daughters of Mary which consists of a Community of religious priests, deacons and professed religious sisters and brothers, and also a lay branch called the Family of the Sons & Daughters of Mary, along with two other Associations--the Oblate Patriots and the Marialys Institute. The combined membership of these five Associations numbers well into the thousands throughout the world, the majority of which are centered in Lac Etchemin, Quebec at the Communities 'Spiri-Maria Chapel and retreat center'.

By far the most popular of the Associations founded by Marie-Paule Giguere is the Army of Mary, which was founded on August 28, 1971. From the 1970's to the 1990's, the Army of Mary often held very popular days of prayer in Catholic churches throughout Canada, USA and Europe, many of which were often attended by thousands of persons. Led by Marie-Paule, the group made numerous large pilgrimages to Catholic churches and shrines throughout the world, most notably were pilgrimages to the Vatican, Lourdes, Fatima and Garabandal. 

In 1975, three years after the Army of Mary was founded, Archbishop Maurice Roy of Québec City granted the Army of Mary official Church status as a "Pious Association", as at that time the movement was in good standing. As the years progressed however, the Archdiocese began to have grave concerns about Marie-Paule's alleged messages from heaven, many of which were revealed in the volumes of her autobiography entitled "VIE D'AMOUR" (or "Life of Love" in English), the first volume of which came out in May of 1979.

Marie-Paule Giguere (Mother Paul-Marie), age 33
Difficulties with the Catholic Church leading to an eventual excommunication of the Community
For the Catholic church, one of the first "very troubling" revelations from Marie-Paule came through the Army of Mary's newspaper, which at that time was titled "Marie" (nowadays it is titled "Le Royume" or "The Kingdom" in English) wherein Marie-Paul herself wrote a special article entitled "I am the Lady of All Peoples" --an article which according to Marie-Paule was "ordered by On-High" and in which Marie-Paule declares herself to be "The Lady of All Peoples".

Another early example of an astounding revelation concerning the person of Marie-Paule can be found in her autobiography "Live of Love", Vol XII, page 102, where concerning her sufferings at that time, and also having foreseen certain trials that were forthcoming in her 'mission', the Lord purportedly tells her in an inner locution:
"Accept; the fate of humanity hinges upon your 'fiat'.

These two examples were only the beginning of many astounding revelations over the years concerning the person of Marie-Paule; revelations that would put her, the Army of Mary and the religious and lay Communities that she founded at odds with the Catholic Church, eventually leading up to a formal excommunication by the Vatican. 

On May 4, 1987, Cardinal Louis-Albert Vachon, who was at the time the Archbishop of Québec, formally revoked the decree declaring the Army of Mary as a Pious Association. This was done after a committee of theologians examined the writings of Marie-Paule and other members of the Army of Mary and determined that they contained grave doctrinal errors. In addition, the Cardinal sanctioned the group from holding its days or prayer or any other meetings in any of the Catholic churches within the diocese.

Thus unable to hold days of prayer within the Quebec churches, Mother Paul-Marie was allegedly inspired by heaven to build a chapel in Lac Etchemin, Quebec, known as "The Eucharistic and Marian Center Spiri-Maria" which was completed in the year 2000.

Spiri-Maria Chapel -Eucharistic and Marian Center
As the years progressed, an increasing number of doctrinal beliefs primarily concerning the person and alleged mission of Marie-Paule (Mother Paul-Marie), which were based on her alleged heavenly locutions as found in her autobiography"VIE D'AMOUR" (or "Life of Love" in English) and revealed in the Army of Mary's newspaper "Le Royume", caused much concern in both the Quebec archdiocese, and also in the Vatican, as the additional beliefs --especially those concerning the person and alleged mission of Marie-Paule as the "Lady of all Peoples" and the "Coredemptrix" --were not seen as being in conformity with Catholic theology and doctrine. Because of this, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) issued a Doctrinal Note on August 15, 2001 warning the Catholic faithful of the doctrinal errors that were being promulgated by the Army of Mary and its affiliated branches.

The Lady of all Peoples statue inside of the Spiri-Maria Chapel
Four years after the Canadian Bishops Doctrinal Note came a Pastoral Letter by the Quebec Cardinal Marc Ouellet on April 4, 2005, and also a Pastoral letter to the Sons of Mary priests from the Pontifical Commissioner, Archbishop Prendergast on April 4, 2005, followed by a letter to Mother Paul-Marie from the Pontifical Commissioner, Archbishop Prendergast on June 4, 2005 and two years later on March 26, 2007 , Cardinal Ouellet issued a "Declaration on the Army of Mary" to name just a few of the many public and private attempts by the Catholic church to guide the Army of Mary and its associated branches to reject the new revelations concerning Mother Paule-Marie that were being promulgated within the Community, and to accept only the explicit doctrines of the Catholic church.

Army of Mary at Saint Peters Basilica, Rome. May 31, 1979
The culmination of events leading up to the official excommunication from the Catholic church was the attempted ordination of six men to the priesthood and the diaconate at the Spiri-Maria chapel on June 3, 2007. The attempted ordinations, performed by Father Pierre Mastropietro, a priest within the Community of the Sons and Daughters of Mary, was seen in the eyes of the Church as a openly schismatic act, and thus resulted in a formal Declaration of Excommunication from the Vatican , dated July 11, 2007.

As the Declaration of Excommunication states, any religious or lay member who fails to renounce their affiliation with the Community are thus formally excommunicated. This official public decree, approved by Pope Benedict XVI and signed by Cardinal William Levada, Prefect of the C.D.F., was publicly announced by the archdiocese of Quebec on September 12, 2007. Therefore due to the excommunication, current active members within the Army of Mary/Community of the Sons and Daughters of Mary, whether they be professed religious or laypersons are officially no longer considered as being in communion with the Catholic church. A  decree of excommunication is the severest judgement of the Catholic church against its Members, and is used only in extreme cases as a last effort to lead the errant faithful back into communion with the Church.

Marie-Paule Giguere (Mother Paul-Marie)
Aside from the grave doctrinal controversies and the separation from the Catholic church, there is nevertheless a significant amount of good that can be said about Marie-Paule Giguere, the Army of Mary, and the Community of the Sons and Daughters of Mary and affiliated branches. Throughout the early years especially, numerous persons were inspired by the Army of Mary's conservative and traditional Catholic beliefs and practices, and the days of prayer held throughout Canada, the United States, and abroad led many people into (or back into) the practice of the Catholic faith.

Also, because Marie-Paule was widely believed to be a visionary and mystic, she received countless letters over the years from various persons throughout the world seeking guidance and spiritual advice, and countless persons were greatly encouraged and helped by her replies. In the 1950's she was the host of a radio program on Catholic spirituality (CKRB, Radio Beauce) and often gave spiritual advice to callers.  During the Army of Mary's most popular time period (prior to the Canadian Bishops Doctrinal Note in 2001), the group made a number of generous donations amounting in hundreds of thousands of dollars which were given to the Pope/Vatican in support of the Church.  

There were also numerous monetary collections that were given to charitable organisations during times of need, such as a sizable donation to the Red Cross in 2004 for the Indonesian tsunami relief efforts, to mention just one of many possible examples. Additionally, a number of priests, brothers, religious sisters and laypersons from the Community of the Sons and Daughters of Mary spent a number of years in Jamaica setting up a school and caring for the poor villagers in several communities.

Marie-Paule Giguere has left behind a large number of persons who were greatly inspired and edified by her example of self sacrifice and of loving one's neighbor out of love for God. For her followers, her passing from this life has great spiritual significance--much more than just the passing of a saint; for her followers it is the earthly passing of the Lady of all Peoples, the Daughter of the Immaculate, the Coredemptrix and the Mother of the Kingdom. Aside from the doctrinal controversies with the Catholic church, she will be remembered as a individual who sincerely sought to love God and others out of love for Him, and like many other persons, this writer feels very blessed to have known her.

Funeral Mass of Mother Paul-Marie (Marie-Paule Giguere)
One very interesting fact concerning Marie-Paule's passing on the date of April 25 is that on April 25, 2009 she wrote:
"I see the Spiri-Maria chapel full of people dressed in white. It is my funeral. What joy!"
-Published in "Le Royume" newspaper, number 231, Jan-Feb 2015, page 22

This writer personally attended Marie-Paule's funeral and the Spiri-Maria chapel was in fact completely full of people dressed in white (men wearing white albs, and women wearing the white dresses, as is normally worn for special cermonies within the Army of Mary). So what she "saw" back on April 25, 2009 did in fact come true, and in fact she passed on the very same date of the vision (April 25).

Eternal rest grant unto her O' Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. AMEN +  

Click here for part 2: A closer look at Marie-Paule Giguere and the Army of Mary
For eleven years, the author of this article and host of this website was an active member of the Army of Mary, and was a lay Son of Mary in the Family of the Sons & Daughters of Mary--that is, two of the "Works" founded by Marie-Paule Giguere. I met Marie-Paule many times over the years, and read all of the volumes of her autobiography "Life of Love" and actively participated in the Army of Mary throughout the 11 years. After much soul searching, I left the Army of Mary and its associated branches in June 2007 out of obedience to the Catholic church, due to the schismatic ordinations that occurred in the Communities Spiri-Maria chapel earlier in that month. 

Three months afterwards (September 2007) the Archdiocese of Quebec announced the Declaration of Excommunication issued by the Vatican, as stated in the above article. In this, as in all things, the author and host of this website endeavors always to be in communion with the Catholic church and Its teachings. -Glenn Dallaire
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