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Prayer in the Divine Will for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Prayer in the Divine Will for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

From the writings of Luisa Picarreta (translated from the original Italian by Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt)

In the entry of March 14, 1919 in Volume 12 of the writings of Luisa Picarreta, she wrote:
“Being in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself and I saw my deceased confessor. A thought came to me, ‘ask if you are obliged or not to tell, and therefore to write that which you have not told your confessor.’ 
I asked him telling him what the matter was and he said, ‘Yes, you are obligated.’ And he added, ‘Once you offered a beautiful suffrage for me. If you knew how much good it did to me, the refreshment and consolation that I felt and the years (in purgatory)it shortened!’ 

I said, ‘I don’t remember. Tell me what it was and I will repeat it.’ 

He said,‘You entered in the Divine Will and took the power, the immensity of His love, the great merit of the sufferings of the Son of God and of all the Divine Qualities…then you came and poured everything over me and I was bathed in the Love that contains the divine power, a bath of beauty, a bath of the Precious Blood and of all the divine qualities. Who can tell the great good that you did to me? They were all baths that contained power and divine greatness. Repeat it for me. Repeat it for me…’

The following prayer was inspired by the above writings of Luisa Picarreta and may be said for nine days as a novena:

Eternal Father, I immerse myself in Your Divine Will, I take and make mine all His power, the immensity of His love; I make mine the great merit of the sufferings of Your Son Jesus Christ, all His Passion, His every wound, His every thorn, every drop of His Blood, and I make mine all of His most holy humanity, His every act, all of His merits, His Holiness and His Divinity; I take all the acts of the Blessed Virgin Mary, all of her holiness, her merits and her sufferings, and making this infinite capital all mine, I pour it over the souls in Purgatory (especially over the soul of ……..), so that immersed in this bath of power and divine immensity, their sufferings may be shortened and they may be admitted sooner into Your Presence in order to Praise You in the Celestial Homeland. Amen.

Blessed Maria Droste & her remarkable devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Blessed Maria Droste and the extraordinary events surrounding her great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

As requested by Jesus, Blessed Maria Droste sought and eventually obtained a formal Papal consecration of the entire universe to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on June 11, 1899. Her mission fulfilled, she died at 3pm on the Friday just three days before Pope Leo would make the solemn consecration, after the Pope himself was miraculously healed through her intercession.

"My mission on earth will be completed as soon as the consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is accomplished."
-Statement of Blessed Maria Droste to her spiritual director

Born on the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sept 8
Maria Droste zu Vischering was born on September 8, 1863 in Munster, Germany, one of seven children of Count and Countess Clement Droste zu Vischering. As a child, Maria was like a tomboy; she was full of energy, played hard, and had a very strong will. Her mother stated that of her seven children, Maria was the most difficult to care for, stating:"She never cared for her dress and would run into the mud and jump into wet grass and bushes until she was so dirty so that she would have to change out her entire outfit."

A "saint" with a very strong temper
Even in her youth, her siblings complained that when Maria got angry at times she would bite, scratch and spit – so they teasingly nicknamed her the ‘little wildcat’. In fact, especially during the early part if her relatively short life, she struggled in conquering her strong temperament which, if challenged or provoked, could erupt like a volcano, yet afterwards she would be deeply repentant for her sudden outbursts. She often fought with her mother, to the extent her mother seriously wondered if Maria would not be able to learn to moderate her temper, would she be able to become a nun like she had wanted since her early youth? Yet she had a most compassionate heart and could not bear to see others suffering, and from her childhood she always felt drawn to the poor and sick of the village, and would often visit them when her parents permitted it.

Concerning her strong nature, in one of her letters she wrote: "...And as for my impatience and irritable temperament, thanks be to God I have not yet had difficulty with that....But I ask you to pray for me so that these faults will disappear, and that I can make my own the sweetness and humility of the Heart of Jesus."

Her frail health
The other test for Maria during these years was her frail health; she hated having to be always careful and to be mindful of herself, yet she understood that this time was a time of preparation and purification. At age 15 she went to a convent school run by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart at Riedenburg. There, she developed not only an even greater love for the Sacred Heart, she also developed a pneumonia which went undiagnosed or treated for awhile, causing her to have to return home. In a letter she explained how she felt called to spend this time reunited with her family to make up for her earlier selfishness and self-centeredness (from a letter to the family).

Blessed Maria Droste age 14
The beginning of her mystical experiences and her devotion to the Sacred Heart deepens
While Maria would try to hide her health issues and many of her inner battles from most people; all the more unknown was her deep and mystical experiences with our Lord - already happening at this time, which gave her great peace.  After receiving communion on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, our Lord said to her, “You will be the bride of my heart.” 

Maria was shocked and even ashamed that Jesus could possibly say such a thing to her, because she knew very well her faults and weaknesses. She felt completely unworthy of such a great honor. She asked her spiritual director if maybe Jesus was making a mistake by choosing her, but he calmed her saying, “How can you say this when HE himself is choosing you?”  She wanted no one to know of her ‘great secret’ as she called her inner experience with the Lord.    

In 1885, Maria began to live like a nun in her own house – she cleared all unnecessary furniture out of her room and followed a timetable for herself.  Her parents insisted that she would be at least present at the family meals as they were suspicious of anything extraordinary. The records show however that Maria was still not too strict with herself – some relatives went on record saying that she would leave her ‘cloister’ to hear the news or gossip about the wider family and neighbors. 

During this time she kept and treasured a little statue of the Sacred Heart, a gift of her parents.  It was a miniature of the statue in the chapel of the castle which she later took with her when she entered.  (This little figure still exists in one of the convents in Germany).

Maria formally becomes a Good Shepherd Sister
After 7 long years of waiting, at age 26 Maria finally enters the convent of the Good Shepherd Sisters in Münster on 21st November 1888. On 10th January 1889 she formally receives the habit (incidentally this occured on the exact same day and same year that St Therese of Lisieux also received the habit). Maria was filled with joy when she heard the name in religion that was chosen for her--Maria of the Divine Heart – a very unusual name in Germany.  

Her main duties were to attend to visitors at the convent (doorkeeper) and to help care for and teach the young girls that were entrusted to the Sisters. She had a winning way with the girls she taught and cared for and she attributed all this to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She said: "When you are appealing to His Divine Heart for the conversion of a soul, He will never refuse you, although sometimes He demands much prayer, sacrifice and suffering." 
And about caring for the girls she said,“When I preferred a girl it was always the most unhappy and most unfortunate one.” 

In a few lines of her autobiography she described the graces she received during this time period:
"By His words of instruction, consolation and love, which I received while at home and during my novitiate, I can truly say that our Lord Himself directed me, even though as need and opportunity arose I always submitted to my director."

And also in this section of her autobiography she wrote:
"During my novitiate our Lord consoled me several times during Communion and on days of Exposition. It was then that He taught me to bear the cross and made me understand that my sufferings would increase and that I would need to take up the cross and remain united and nailed to it with Him

Work and prayer
Maria’s yearning for a contemplative life was growing and she struggled with the question of how to combine a deep inner life along with a busy workload – she wondered if all of her work took away from her devotion to Jesus? The Lord himself gave her the answer during Holy Week 1890 when she heard His voice saying, “When you work I work through you. When you rest I rest in you. In everything you do it shall not be you, but Me within you. I see with your eyes, work with your hands, speak with your mouth and I pray through you.”

Once again in her Autobiography she writes:
"....My Divine Spouse caused me to feel His presence in such a vivid manner; He filled me with such hunger and thirst for possessing and loving Him that sometimes it seemed impossible to keep on living. Ah! in such moments it seems that the soul is imprisoned and that our bodies impede it from flying towards its only good. Desires to die filled me at those moments. In order to be united to Him, to love Him Who alone can satisfy us, one would pass through all the sufferings of hell. These graces of intimate union with our Lord, this hunger for Him was so strong that my heart could literally feel it.
"...The soul favored in this way by our Lord must prepare itself for many bodily sufferings. A soul on fire with desire to love and possess God needs corporal sufferings in order to soothe it. Suffering, humiliation, abandonment are never enough for one who wishes to suffer for our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore I endured terrible temptations, torments of conscience, memories of my family, spiritual and bodily sufferings--but always I suffered from not being able to suffer more."

Maria is sent to Portugal and becomes the superior of the convent in Porto and begins to become sick with Myelitis
In 1894 she was sent to a mission in Portugal where she was appointed the Superior of the convent in Porto. The convent had been struggling with a lack of devotion and discipline along with very poor finances, but this was soon to change under the guidance of Maria. In the city of Porto people began hearing of this "holy" Nun from Germany. Many visitors began arriving at the door to visit with her and ask her prayers.  In time Maria’s Portuguese had improved and she was now able to understand and speak with the people.  Her apostolic zeal and love for Jesus inspired those who knew her and resulted in a sharp increase of children entrusted to the care of the sisters, which soon totaled over 130.

When there was no space anymore she transformed the community room into a place for five children.  She said to her sisters, “My principle is never to refuse a child as long as there is even one little free corner in the house, and to always prefer the poorest and the most abandoned children, because these are the ones so loved by the Divine Heart, and I ardently wish to leave this principle as my testament when I die.” 

Concerning this, one of her fellow sisters stated:“The children saw her as her mother… and trusted her fully.  Her heart belonged especially to the little ones between three and five years of age.  She often called them to entertain and reward them, to teach them little plays and songs.  It was her greatest relaxation after the work of the day.  Sick children she nursed personally.”

Yet, she often suffered from sleepless nights and very strong headaches because of the heavy burden. The headaches actually were signs of developing myelitis which became more aggressive as the time passed (Myelitis involves the infection or inflammation of the spinal cord which often causes severe headaches/migraines).

Jesus speaks to her and asks that the Pope consecrate the entire universe to His Sacred Heart
It was here in Porto that Jesus begins telling her that He desires that the Pope to consecrate the whole universe to His Sacred Heart. On the 4th June 1898, Maria surprised her confessor with the message: “The Lord gave me the directive to write to the Holy Father with the request to dedicate the whole of humankind to the Sacred Heart.”
After consulting extensively with her spiritual director,  Abbot Ildefons Schober OSB, she finally made known this special message to Pope Leo XIII in a letter in June of 1898, and again in January 1899. We shall soon see the miraculous outcome. But for now Maria Drost was becoming sicker by the day.

Her illness worsens and becomes life threatening
From 21st July 1896 she was unable to get up by herself anymore.  She was carried on a chair into the community room. It caused her agonizing pain but with her usual joy and cheerfulness she would hide her it.  Different doctors treated her with procedures that were in reality torture: electrical shock and also glowing hot iron placed upon her back.  It came to a point where Maria existed between life and death.  In spite of her illness she did not stop to write or dictate letters and to look after the affairs of the religious Community.

To her delight her parents and her cousin Wilhelm visited her in September 1896.  Her mother remembered later that Maria was so full of fun that they laughed with her until the tears ran down their faces– but it didn’t take long until they became aware of the true state she was in.

On July 16, 1896, about two months after the inception of her serious illness of myelitis, she wrote her spiritual director, Abbot Schober:
"You ask me particular details concerning my conversations with Jesus. Oh! If I could tell you everything and all at once, how we would praise God together for His goodness and His condescension! My sufferings will increase and will last as long as His love has established for this, but the dawn of the eternal day is already beginning to appear. The singing of the Veni, Sponsa Christi, which I have already heard for some time, becomes ever more sweet and near. You cannot guess how happy I am!
"On the feast of the Sacred Heart I asked our Lord what pleased Him most in my regard---death or my current illness. He answered, 'A vase in a vertical position can hold the most liquid; if it is tipped it cannot be filled.' 
So, my heart must be totally turned towards Him without any other desires in order to receive without obstacle the waters of grace and to acquire many merits. This sweet calling multiplies itself and my heart burns with love and desire. Sometimes He looks at me as if He wants to say, 'Do you want to leave Me alone to carry My cross without helping Me ? Then I do not hesitate to add, 'No! My Savior, I will suffer with you just as long as you want if this will lighten Your cross, especially the cross you are bearing for Portugal.' 

In Porto the word was spreading that the seriously ill superior of the Good Shepherd was a saint and people prayed in churches for her recovery.  More and more people knocked at the door of the convent and wanted to speak with Maria: noble and ordinary people, priests and lay people.  Maria saved marriages, organized Baptisms and First Communions, looked for workplaces, found boarding schools for children, provided a young married couple with a dowry and she brought many, many priests back to the first love of their vocation.  Her cousin Wilhelm said that he became a Benedictine monk because of her influence.  And it was at this time Maria experienced the most intense mystic visions which gave her strength – yet no one knew of these except her spiritual director, the Abbot Fr Ildefons Schober OSB.  

Maria’s health continued to worsen – the diagnosis was now tuberculosis of the spine.  She again received the sacrament of the sick and gave orders in the case of her death.  A sister from Münster came to assist her.

During her entire life Maria was passionately dedicated to the devotion of the Heart of Jesus.  She saw this Heart as the light illuminating the whole world, as an ocean of love, of compassion and kindness.  Maria called herself “Apostle of His Heart” and she ardently desired to draw all people to Christ.  As requested by Jesus Himself, twice she wrote to Pope Leo XIII and tried to convince him to dedicate the world to the Heart of Jesus. As we shall read in the letter below, she told the Pope of a message from Jesus that he (the Pope) was to be healed of the serious illness (tumor) so that he might perform the desired consecration. Here is one of the letters that she wrote to Pope Leo XIII:
Blessed Maria Droste at age 20

Letter of Sr. Mary Droste to Pope Leo XIII
“Most Holy Father,
…By the express command of Our Lord and with the consent of my confessor, I come with
the most profound respect and perfect submission, to pass on to Your Holiness some new
communications that Our Lord has deigned to give me. When, last summer Your Holiness
was suffering from an illness which, due to your advanced age, filled the hearts of your
children with anxiety, Our Lord gave me the sweet consolation that he would prolong Your
Holiness’ days so that the consecration of the whole world to his Heart could be realised.
Later, on the first Friday in the month of December, He told me that he had prolonged Your
Holiness’ days so as to give you this grace (to make the consecration) … He left me to
understand that after having made the consecration Your Holiness would soon finish your
pilgrimage here below.

On the eve of the Immaculate Conception, …I seemed to see (interiorly) this light, the Heart
of Jesus, this adorable sun, whose rays descended on the earth, first narrowly, then more
widely, and finally, lighting up the whole world. I recognized the ardent desire He has to see
his adorable Heart more and more glorified and known and to spread his gifts and blessings
over the whole world. And He has chosen Your Holiness, prolonging your days, so that you
might render Him this honour, console his outraged Heart and draw on your soul the choice
graces that come from this Divine Heart, this source of all graces, this place of peace and
happiness …

You might find it strange that Our Lord would ask for this consecration of the entire world
and not be content with the consecration of the Catholic Church. But his desire to reign, to be
loved and glorified and to embrace all hearts with his love and mercy is so ardent, that he
wants Your Holiness to offer him the hearts of all those who by holy baptism belong to him
so as to facilitate their return to the true Church, and the hearts of all those who have not yet
received spiritual life through baptism, but for whom He has given his life and blood and who
are likewise called to be one day the children of holy Church, so as to hasten by this means of
their spiritual birth …

I come once again to beg with the most filial submission and most lively insistence Your
Holiness to accord Our Lord the consolation he asks and to add to the cult of his Divine Heart
some new brightness as the Our Lord will inspire you. Our Lord has only spoken to me
directly about the consecration, but on different occasions he has shown me the ardent desire
he has that his Heart be more and more glorified and loved for the good of the nations. It
seems to me that it would be agreeable to him if the devotion of the first Fridays be
strengthened by an exhortation from Your Holiness to the clergy and the faithful. He has not
said this to me expressly, as when he talked about the consecration, but I believe I perceived
this ardent desire of his Heart, without however being able to affirm it.

After having, in all sincerity and simplicity, told your Holiness my story, it only remains for
me to ask you, Most Holy Father, with the most profound humility, to forgive my audacity
[Signed] Sister Mary of the Divine Heart Droste zu Vischering, Superior of the Monastery of the Good
Shepherd in Porto (Portugal), 6th January 1899

The cure of the Pope and the holy death of Maria Droste just three days before the Pope makes the solemn consecration of the entire universe to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Already for some time the Pope had been inspired to open the jubilee year of 1900 with a special dedication of the world to Jesus. In early 1899 he permitted the public use of the Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, yet he was inspired to do more, and it was the two letters of Maria that encouraged him and spurred him on to dedicate the entire world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Towards the end of February, 1899, Leo XIII, who was nearing his ninetieth birthday, fell gravely ill. The physicians found a tumor and on March 1st they decided they should operate. The Pontiff attributed his recovery to prayer, especially those of Sr. Maria. He recalled that important letter recently sent him by the Sister in Oporto, telling him that our Lord would prolong his life in order to give him the privilege of solemnly consecrating the human race to His Sacred Heart. During his convalescence the Pope again took up the matter of Sister Maria's letter and passed it for examination to Cardinal Mazzella, S.J., theologian and Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Rites. The Cardinal returned the letter to the Pontiff on March 25, saying, "It is a touching letter and certainly seems as if it could have been dictated by our Lord. Nevertheless the consecration of the world to the Sacred Heart could not be based on a message said to have been received from Heaven by a private person. Such a proclaimation must have a theological base."

After a few days study and consultation, Cardinal Mazzella placed before the Pope the doctrine of Saint Thomas Aquinas, which theologically affirms a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

At this time Maria was totally paralyzed and her inner organs failed.  Shortly after the feast of Corpus Christi she learned from the newspapers of the Papal Encyclical “Annum Sacrum” [which means 'Holy Year'] which was solemnly published on May 25th. In this Encyclical the Pope stated that he would consecrate the entire world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that year, which would fall on Sunday, June 11th, 1899, after a three day Triduum of prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He also mentioned in the Encyclical that he had been healed of a dangerous life-threatening disease, and privately he attributed this cure to the intercession of Sister Maria, and more evidence of this can be read in Maria Droste's letter to him above. And concerning the consecration of the universe to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, afterwards Pope Leo stated "This is the greatest act of my pontificate!"

Pope Leo XIII
The announcement that the world would be consecrated to the Sacred Heart was made personally by the Pope to Monsignor Doutreloux, Bishop of Liege, Belgium. Pope Leo XIII, in the course of a private audience given that prelate in April, 1899, said to him, "We are about to perform the greatest act of our Pontificate."

The Pope also told him. "There are in the world some holy souls who receive communications from Heaven and sometimes the Pope is so convinced of these that he cannot doubt that they come from God. What would you say, for example, if someone made known to you a desire that you had wanted to hide in the very depths of your heart without letting anyone know about it? Would you not see in this a proof of divine intervention? Well, this is what happened when the consecration of the universe to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was spoken of."

One can see through these words that the Pontiff had his own private inspiration concerning the consecration, and Sister Maria Droste was only the instrument or "prompter" who led Leo XIII to take action. The Pope had told Maria’s parents already at a private audience and congratulated them on “this chosen soul”.  Maria was overjoyed at the news and spoke with her assistant about the preparations for the Feast of the Sacred Heart which should be celebrated in the most solemn way in the convent, but as we shall soon see, she was to pass from this life to view the papal consecration from on high.  Her mission completed, on Friday afternoon, the 8th June 1899 at around 3pm Jesus took Maria from this life, so as to be able to view the Solemn consecration with Him in heaven.  At the same time of her passing from this life, in the chapel the sisters had begun the first Vespers of the Tridium of the celebrations for the consecration of the world to the Sacred Heart, as requested by the Pope in his encyclical a few weeks prior.

At her funeral Maria was carried in a special procession: Six members of various noble families volunteered for this special service, and never was it seen before that these lords together carried a coffin through the city. It was a sign of the great veneration and esteem that the local people had for her.

Sister Maria had told her confessor: "My mission on earth will be completed as soon as the consecration is done."  For the final three years, she had suffered greatly from a spinal disease which had led to a gradual paralysis. On June 8, the day of her passing which was also the day the Solemn Triduum was to begin, Sister Maria personally received two copies of the Encyclical sent by the Holy Father. She died later that day at the age of 35, after the recitation of First Vespers of the Feast of the Sacred Heart. She was beatified by Pope Paul VI on November 1, 1975.

Out of her great love for Jesus and for the love of souls Maria had given everything--Her homeland, her family and her whole self.  May she inspire us with her great love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
-Blessed Maria Droste, pray for us!
A great love for you Jesus is always longing deep within me. You have called me and I joyfully follow you. Your heart is beating within me. In you, Lord, I trust and I know that you will not abandon me. -Blessed Maria Droste of the Divine Heart of Jesus (Maria Droste zu Vischering)

-For those interested, there is a free online book (biography) about Blessed Maria Droste which can be read on the Good Shepherd Sisters website here.
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The Supernatural Virgin Birth of Jesus as described by a mystic & also an exorcist

Sr. Maria Chiara Scarabelli (1912-1994)
The Supernatural Virgin Birth of Jesus as described by a mystic, and also another account by an exorcist
The webmaster would like to gratefully thank Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt for translating from the original Italian the inspiring and informative passages below. May God reward her for her efforts.
It is a dogma of faith that the Virgin Mary remained a virgin after giving birth to the child Jesus. Some believe she gave birth like any other woman. However, if she conceived in a supernatural way by the power of the Holy Spirit, and if she was preserved from sin from the moment of conception, then the birth of Jesus, true God and true man, must have been entirely unique. 
The supernatural nature of Jesus’ birth has been confirmed by several mystics throughout the centuries, such as Venerable Mary of Agreda whose account of the supernatural birth of Jesus can be read here, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich whose account can be read here, and also in the visions of Maria Valtorta whose account can be read here, just to name but a few. 
In addition to these, more recently the supernatural Virgin birth of Jesus is confirmed by the mystic Sister Maria Chiara Scarabelli, an Italian mystic who died in 1994, and also by some recent exorcisms performed by Fr. Francesco Bamonte, the current president of the International Association of Exorcists, both of which we will investigate a bit below.
A Vision of the Birth of Jesus
This is the vision that the mystic Sister Chiara Scarabelli (1912-1994) had of the birth of Jesus, taken from the book, "I Tesori della Trinita nel Cuori della Madre"(The Treasures of the Trinity in the Heart of the Mother):
"It was Christmas Eve, in the evening, I was in the choir praying, when I found myself in Bethlehem (I don’t know if I was there with my body or not).
I found myself in front of Mary and Joseph who were looking for a place to spend the night, but everyone refused them, there was no place for them. Having exhausted all possibilities, Mary turned to Joseph saying, “What should we do? I feel that the moment to give birth to Jesus is approaching.”
Her husband responded sweetly, “Don’t be afraid, Mary. God knows everything and sees everything. I am sure He will provide.”
The headed towards the fields and found a shepherd. Joseph stopped him and asked him if he knew where they could spend the night. The shepherd, looking at Mary asked, “Is she you wife?”  Joseph answered yes and the shepherd said, “What an angel she is. Follow me. I think we will find an empty cave.
After a long way, he sees a cave. He said, “I am going to see. I hope it is empty.” He ran ahead, then he turned saying, “It is empty,” and he took them inside asking, “Do you need anything? I would willingly stay but I have to take care of the sheep.”
There was a small entrance and then a small cave, I think it was where animals took shelter. St. Joseph prepared a stack of hay, a type of bed, and he put his cloak over it.  Then he told his wife, “Mary, you are tired, rest. It will do you good.”
-“Thank, you Joseph, for your tenderness. What about you?”
-“I will be at the door to guard it.”  He then lit a small fire to warm the air and sat down. After a while, he came to see if his wife was resting but he found her kneeling, and asked her, “Aren’t you sleeping?
She answered, “No, Joseph, I have to pray.”
He left her alone and went to pray. After a while, I don’t know exactly how long, a bright light came through the ceiling which illuminated everything, and then there appeared a white cloud that enveloped the Immaculate Virgin, it was so beautiful that I don’t have words to describe it. Her eyes were fixed ahead and a ray of light was shining on her face, I don’t know how to explain.
She looked and smiled. It seemed like a conversation with an invisible being from whom the light was coming.
Sr. Maria Chiara Scarabelli
St. Joseph, upon seeing this splendor and his wife who appeared to be in Heaven, prostrated himself with his face on the ground, feeling confused. I don’t know how long the conversation with the invisible being lasted, when I saw Mary extending her arms and receiving the small child Jesus….What happiness!…What joy!….I can’t explain, not even the expression of the Celestial Mother towards the Son of God…human words are not enough…I let those who are more intelligent than me try to explain it. The light that was shining on her face disappeared. Now her gaze was fixed upon her Son. It seemed like and ecstasy of love.”
Thus we can see how the vision of Sr Maria Chiara Scarabelli is very similar to the visions of the birth of Jesus by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, Venerable Mary of Agreda and also Maria Valtorta. 
Sr. Maria Chiara Scarabelli wrote this vision because her spiritual director ordered her to do so and also she asked the Virgin Mary to explain what was unclear to her director and expressed her feelings of inadequacy for such a task. The following is part of her dialogue with the Virgin Mary:
“How is it possible, O Mamma, to speak about your celestial face when you were speaking to the Father? The light coming forth from that Divine Being was transfiguring you.
-"My daughter, you are too small; you cannot understand or support the joy that your Mamma experienced in giving birth to the Son of God. He came out of my womb like a ray of sun that pierces a glass, and immediately He was taken to heaven to be adored by the Celestial Court, which was fair. Then, He was given to me, who am His Mother. You saw a ray of my joy, but you could not understand everything."
"But tell me, Mamma, you already know it, but tell it to this poor little one. Is it true that when you gave birth to Jesus you experienced pain like all the other creatures, like that priest told us?
- "No, my little one. You don’t believe that and you do well. Let certain priests say whatever they want. I am telling you that I was in an ecstasy of love, I have experienced the joy of Paradise. Believe me, whom am the all pure Immaculate Conception.” (Notebook #68)

An account by an Exorcist
The following is from the book "La Vergine Maria e il diavolo negli esorcismi"  (The Virgin Mary and the Devil in the Exorcisms) by Fr. Francesco Bamonte (2014):
"It was a few days before Christmas 2006 and there was a lot of discussion about the attitude of some theologians that disagreed with the teaching of the Church by denying the virginity of Mary. Besides, even though this has not been defined, they affirmed that the Virgin Mary suffered during childbirth. Right around those days when [during an exorcism] we were praying the third joyous mystery of the Rosary, meditating upon the mystery of the Birth of Jesus the devil suddenly said,
When that One (Jesus) was born of that one (the Virgin), there was a light like when He was resurrected.”
A few days later, during the Octave of Christmas, To the marvel of all creation, in a light that illumined and enveloped all inside that cave, a Child was born who did not damage the holy body of His Mother. It was a unique birth in the world and there will never be another like it again. And that Mother with a stupid gaze and tears of joy received Him with an indescribable love.”
A few days before Christmas 2007:
You cannot imagine the amazement in those eyes with those tears falling from them, because She could not understand how it was possible that She had the Child in her arms. How did She do it? What amazement!…What love!(Here the evil one started to cry out of pain because of the harm the memory of the coming of God on Earth caused him.) And She covered Him because it was cold, and She kissed Him.”
Then he added to our great surprise, this extraordinary declaration about the love of God for us by becoming man, and choosing to suffer and die for us:
If only you understood how much love has moved everything, if you only understood, I would be destroyed! If only one man, a single man understood 1% of the love that moved That One to come to Earth, I would be destroyed, because it is so great, so great that you cannot imagine it.”
Bamonte, Francesco. La Vergine Maria e il diavolo negli esorcismi. Milano: Paoline, 2014
Comitato Sr. Maria Chiara Scarabelli. Il Tesori della Trinita nel Cuore della Madre. Conegliano, Italy: Editrice Ancilla, 2009
Check out the lockets, rosaries and books in the Mystics of the Church Gift Store!

Catherine Passananti- The Mystic of Boston

Catherine Passananti
The Mystic of Boston: Catherine Passananti(1894-1978)
By Angelica Avcikurt
Few seem to know that about fifty years ago, in the Italian neighborhood in the North End of Boston, there was a lay mystic called Catherine Passananti (1894-1978). She spent hours in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament and was called by Jesus, “Catherine of the Blessed Sacrament.” She had many encounters with Jesus and Mary in the Blessed Sacrament and kept a dairy of her life, visions and messages received. Her writings have come down to us thanks to Mons. Donato Conte, a firm believer in her holiness, who published four books about her. Catherine was also the foundress of the Secular Institute of the Sons and Daughters of the Holy Eucharist in Boston. She was professed with 6 companions on December 8, 1971 at the Convent of the Daughters of the Church in Rome. She spent her life praying, helping others, and was sent on “missions” by Jesus throughout the US and to other countries.
Catherine was born in Boston on January 6, 1894. Since her family was not rich, she only had an elementary school education. The family home was in the North End, the “Little Italy” of Boston. She lived there at 222 North St. for 75 years until she had to go to a nursing home. Catherine’s grandparents emigrated from Avellino, Italy in the late 19th century. Her parents Federica (1869-1954) and Genneroso Perillo (1862-1925) had 8 children: Rosina (1905-1910) and Adelina  (1910-1920) died at an early age; Luigi, died at the age of 9 due to a fall in a playground in Boston; Francesco (1892-1970), Catherine Passananti, Concetta Pizzimenti (1895-1997), Josephine (1908-1989), and Aida Covino (1914-2000).
It is unclear from the sources when her mystical experiences started. It seems that she started getting messages from Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament during a retreat she made in Brighton: “In 1924, I went to the Cenacle Convent in Brighton, with a group of ten girls. We made a private retreat. We boarded there for five days. The Mother also taught me how to meditate before the Blessed Sacrament and to ask for anything I needed most, but I had to always be in a state of grace. I did get many messages for my entire family. I would get the answers but sometimes they would come in strange words, but eventually I would understand them.”(A Mystic of Boston, p.21) Her friend Geraldine Piva, later named Geraldine of St. Gerard by Jesus, and the second companion, after Margaret Laracy, the Lord chose for Catherine, recalls what Catherine told her about that retreat:
During that time, it came to her mind that when people where before the King or the Queen, they didn’t turn their backs on them, but walked backwards as they left to show their respect. Since Christ was a King, she felt she should do the same, and so, left the chapel walking backwards. A nun, Sister Teresita, was at the chapel and watched what Catherine was doing. The sister asked her why she was walking backwards while looking towards the altar and Catherine explained the reasons for her behavior. Then, Sister Teresita said, ‘I think you are the one I must pass the gift on.’ She asked Catherine if she could meditate and Catherine answered she didn’t know what the word meant. The Sister explained the meaning of that word and asked her if she was willing to learn how to meditate. Catherine agreed to do that.” (In the Divine Light, p.201)
Catherine married at an early age in Sacred Heart Church in the North End in 1910, the church where she had been baptized and made her first Holy Communion. After the wedding, the couple went to live in her parent’s house. They had no children and her husband left her after 24 years of marriage in 1934. After that, she spent most of her life in her family home caring for her mother Federica and her sister Josephine, who never married. In her diary, she talks to Jesus about the problem with her husband: “Lord, I have a serious problem with my husband. He does not love you as I would like. What can I do, Lord? I await your answer, because my husband does not listen to me. I trust in your help”
Catherine, take rest. Be patient. Trust. Continue to speak of me to him. How can you expect that he believes (sic), if you do not speak to him of Me?”
–“Lord Jesus, I ask you to give me patience; not to let me be impetuous and answer in a strong way as I have done today. Why have I raised the tone of my voice, I don’t know. Help me Lord.” 
–“Catherine, learn to listen to Me more and more, in all moments of your life, each day. Use more words of love as you do with others. Share all that is beautiful in your heart, and know that I love you.” 

And on another occasion: “Lord Jesus, tell me how I can resolve the problem with my husband. What can I do? I say it to You, beloved. I cannot tell You a lie. You know that I have this problem. It is unresolved. I always trusted in You but I didn’t receive an answer until now, only silence. I feel the solitude. I feel that you have in a certain way, abandoned me in my suffering. I heard several judgements dear Jesus. What can I do? Today I will not leave Your Presence until You give me an answer. I do not like to see You crucified and bloody for sins committed by my husband. Today I decide to know the solution and I know You will give it to me.” And the answer came to her: My daughter come to Me. Give Me your heart and I shall give you My heart. In this moment I give you the solution to the problem. The thing you must do is love your husband.  Every day in the Presence of My Father who is in heaven, put the person who has caused you much suffering and we should see a change. (A Dove of God, p.95-96)  Unfortunately, this is all we know about the relationship with her husband from the sources. We don’t know what happened to him after he left or whether he had a conversion later on in life.
The Blessed Virgin Mary in her Life
Catherine had a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary on March 25, 1945. The blessed Virgin told her, I am the Lady of All Titles. I appear to you as the ‘Lady of the tabernacle Door.’ This country is made up of foreign people. This country must help foreign countries.” (A Mystic of Boston, p. 23)
On January 13, 1948, she had another vision of Jesus, Mary and a group of Carmelites. During this vision she is given a scapular, “She was sitting on a throne, with the Babe on her lap. Holding Him with her left arm, and two people below kneeling. Our Lord said, My Mother suffered from the birth to the death.” He meant, the birth of her Child, and the death of her Son; for the Babe turned to be Our Lord, dead in her arms. He said, Please, Mother, take care of this child for she needs help.Mary then gave me a scapular and said, “Never part with it.(A Mystic of Boston, p.50)

Catherine was very devoted to the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary and many times Jesus asked her to say the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary or the Rosary of the 7 Sorrows. Geraldine Piva tells of a vision that Catherine had related to the 7 sorrows of Mary: “Catherine told me that she admired the flowers in the Garden and Our Lord said,Look under the flowers.” And she saw worms eating the roots. Our Lord said,It is the evil(trying/destroying souls).” She said, she then saw Our Lady dressed in black crying. Catherine asked Our Lady if she could help, and Our Lady put her hand to her heart and said, “My First Dolor for the conversion of sinners.” (Each time placing her hand on her heart.) “My Second Dolor for people and religious suffering in the hands of the enemy.” 
“My Third, for all those that receive Communion at the birth of my Son shall be cured.” 
“Fourth, for the dying.” 
“Fifth, for all humanity that fears the atomic bomb.”
“Sixth, for all my children to keep them pure and protect them from being attacked by the enemy.”
“Seventh, for all broken homes that they may be united.” (A Mystic of Boston, p.65)
Catherine Passananti was present during the last apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Bronx on November 14, 1945. The Blessed Virgin Mary  allegedly appeared to Joseph Vitolo (at the age of 9) and other children at the Grand Concourse in the Bronx, NY from October 29th to November 14th, 1945. The time Catherine went, she saw Our Lady turning towards the four corners dressed in blue. Catherine did not return to shrine at the apparition site until 1961. Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament told her to go there and to take Joseph to the Shrine. She had a message for him. After this she went back many times as requested by the Lord to give messages to people there. Catherine asked the Lord what title should be given to the Lady of the Bronx, or the Lady of the Grand Concourse, as she was known, and the Lord told her she was to be called Our Lady of the Universe. On occasions, Our Lady appeared to Catherine at this Shrine as Our Lady of Sorrows.  Catherine was instrumental in the purchase of the Shrine which was given to 7 devotees of the Virgin Mary, including Joseph. It was also through Catherine that Joseph met his wife Grace with whom he had two daughters. (In the Divine Light, p. 221-223)
Visions of Purgatory
It seems that Catherine was sometimes taken to Purgatory to assist the Poor Souls. On October 6, 1947, she wrote down this vision: “I saw people below ground level, thousands of them in rows. Immorality. Are these people to be saved? “To have them lifted up, they must be cleaned (sic) by prayers, many prayers.” I saw Jesus. Mary, Joseph and my Guardian Angel of my right. The protector Angel (on my left) will take me to the people.” (A Mystic of Boston, p. 43)  On March 8, 1963 she was taken near the pit of hell, which she often refers to: “Our Lord came to me and said, Come with Me, I will take you near the pit of hell. I got frightened. We went, it looked like a large cellar or basement but it was very light. I saw a priest there, he was behind a wall-only it was half. Behind the half wall, I saw a priest, I saw him from the waist up. The place did not impress me, for there was much light. The priest was bald in the center of his head-hair circled around the bald head. He looked like a monk. Our Lord said,You have saved a soul. (A Mystic of Boston, p.348) A couple of weeks later, she had another vision, “I see way out, in a wide space-full of people screaming help us. Guards were holding them back. I asked who they were. I was told, “Suffering souls near the pit of hell.(A Mystic of Boston, p.349)  In another vision she was shown how these souls near the pit of hell are able to move away from the entrance and regain hope when we pray for them. (A Mystic in Boston, p.361)
Catherine's mother Federica Passananti
Her Mother, Federica
Her mother, Federica, was a very pious woman, a daily communicant who prayed the Rosary constantly. Catherine considered her a saint and Jesus told her repeatedly that one day her mother, Federica, would be canonized. On September 22, 1951, while Federica was still alive, Jesus told Catherine, Your mother will grant many graces after her death.(A Mystic of Boston, p.124) On April 19, 1955, Catherine had a vision about her mother, “Here lies a Saint to be canonized. To be written on stone.” (A Mystic of Boston, p. 153) Catherine’s mother died on December 10. 1954. Her mother started appearing to her as soon as 8 months after her death. On October 6, 1955, Catherine wrote, “I see my mother, way up high, standing in full length on a cloud. And she spoke to me and said, ‘I will go visit her. It will not happen.’” (A Mystic from Boston, p. 158)  As it happens many times in Catherine’s dairy, there is not context to this situation, so it is not clear what her mother was referring to. Even though Catherine keeps seeing her mother frequently after death, she mentions that Jesus revealed to her when her mother entered Heaven, which was 5 years after her death, which would mean that the first apparitions of Federica to Catherine were as a soul in Purgatory. “Dear Lord, you told me in the Blessed Sacrament my mother Federica, went to Heaven 5 years after she left this Earth. My father Joseph, left this earth in 1925, after 40 years he went into Heaven. My mother, is now in Paradise.” (Moments Divine, p.96)
About a year after her mother died, she had this vision, “I see a grave. My mother on top, laid out, and roses spread around her. I was told to bring roses from the shrine (her mother’s shrine at home) and spread it around her and say the Rosary.” (A Mystic of Boston, p. 161) Later, her mother told her that she could give these roses to whomever she wished. Jesus told her to visit her mother’s grave with her friends frequently. Geraldine Piva recalls, “We used to bring roses to her grave. One day, Catherine, Margaret (her old companion) and I went to visit her grave, in compliance to our Lord’s requests. The roses didn’t stand upright and kept falling on her grave (several times), so that I said to Catherine, ‘Perhaps they want to touch the ground.’ Catherine said, ‘You may be right.’ So, we took every rose and put it on the ground; afterwards, they stood upright. Shortly after, Our Lord told Catherine to take some of the earth from the grave back home. Our Lord told her to get some roses and have them touch the earth she had previously taken home. Those roses were given to some people who wished to keep them. Many favors were granted and so Our Lord said, ‘There are roses in graces and graces in roses’.” (In the Divine Light, p. 202-203)
On July 11, 1962, Jesus told Catherine, “Give a picture of Federica to Rose Signorelli (a friend of Catherine who lived in Yonkers, NY) and to pray to her. Federica will not refuse her. Those that have received favors, peace of mind and heart; those who have received graces, may give a little charity in memory of Federica.” (A Mystic of Boston, p.319) Catherine was so convinced that her mother would be canonized that she felt very confused when Jesus told her to go to a nursing home, but she still trusted God: “Now we must move from this house. I lived in this house 75 years. You said there would be a shrine to Federica here, but it is all changed. You do understand what is in my heart. You said, ‘Federica would be canonized in time.’ You spoke to me in the Blessed Sacrament, before my mother left this earth. But me and my family are happy to know that 5 years after Federica left this earth, You, dear Lord, told me she entered into Heaven, not to have Requiem Masses anymore, now she has entered into Paradise. My family and I, are very happy that she is in Heaven. We are looking forward that Federica will be canonized.” (Moments Divine, p.105-6)

Mystical Graces and Experiences
Catherine experienced several other mystical phenomena. In one of her diary entries, it seems that she has received Holy Communion miraculously. On May 12, 1956, Jesus told her, I have classed thee among the Apostles, for you have faith. Open your mouth wide.”  She did and the host went into her mouth (A Mystic of Boston, p.173)
She also experienced the crown of thorns. She wrote on July 3, 1953, “I was the Blessed Virgin on my left with a crown on her head. I noticed especially, her crown was with prongs. Then I see before me, Our Lord with the Crown of Thorns on His Head. He took the crown and placed it on my head and said, ‘Make a Novena 12 days, and say 12 Our Fathers, Hail Mary’s and Glory Be for the 12 thorns.’ 
Then there were roses on my mother’s bed.” (A Mystic of Boston, p.176)
On March 8, 1958, she had a vision of her mystical espousal, “Afternoon, 3 p.m., I went to bed very weak and I had a vision. There was someone standing on my left, but in front of my left. He took my left hand, where I had my wedding band, and said,‘I bless thee.’ He put His right Hand on my finger, and pointed at my wedding band, and said, With this ring I wed thee.’ (A Mystic of Boston, p. 223)
Catherine was visited by several saints, such as St. Gerard and St. Joseph. She also had many after death appearances of Pope Pius XI. On April 4, 1949, Jesus told Catherine, “He will be exhumed, blessed and elected among the saints, Pope Pius XI.” (A Mystic of Boston, p.83) 
One day Catherine asked Jesus who were her Guardian Angels and Jesus replied, “St. Michael, Mary-cousin of My Mother Mary, Saint Teresita (St. Therese of Lisieux), and your mother, Federica.(A Mystic of Boston, p.375)
Like many victim souls, Catherine was able to mystically assist the dying. She had this experience on January 13, 1957: “Sunday afternoon I went to bed feeling very sick. In the vision, I was carried down, down, down. Then, I felt my head was to explode. The veins in my body were about to explode .I suffered and suffered. Then the voice said, ‘Has passed away, or the person has passed away.’ I asked was it a she? Someone I know? I know, I am sure for I could not go through all that suffering if I did not know the person. And the voice said, ‘He, he has just passed away.’ I came to; my eyes wide open, but could not see anything. Then I went through a torture of my body. My whole system was realized (sic), and very weak. I was sensitive for what I went through, my heart was very weak. I could not cry for a while. And then, to my heart’s content, I cried, and cried, and cried. I wonder if I was sorry for myself. I hope not.” (A Mystic of Boston, p. 194) We don’t find out who that person was. Might it have been her husband?
She also experienced her own dying in a vision when she was in the Bronx on June 16, 1963. She says, “It was confusion, I was on my deathbed.” In a frightened voice she started calling, “Ma, Ma” but felt that her mother could not help her. The only one who could help her was a little man, whom she had seen in a previous vision, who came from near the pit of hell. She said he was very humble like a beggar. She heard the Eternal Father saying, I am Just. You are a creature.” She concludes writing about this experience by saying, “It is frightening, but I don’t mind having gone through it. Always pray for the dying, it is so hard to die.” (A Mystic of Boston, p.354-356)
Messages and Prophecies
When friends and relatives realized Catherine was getting messages from God, they would bring their troubles to her and ask for advice. She would take all these problems and questions before the Blessed Sacrament and very often was given messages for people that brought great comfort to them. Again, Geraldine Piva, recalls, “Once, someone was given a message different from that (sic) expected and so, they started to discuss the contents of the message. When he went before God, she said much to her regret, ‘But Dear Lord, they don’t believe.’ Our Lord replied, Catherine, my child, they don’t understand.’ Then Catherine said, ‘At times, I don’t understand either. ’ Our Lord replied,Catherine, don’t you realize that, on some occasions, I don’t want you to understand?’ (In the Divine Light, p.195)  This may explain why some of the prophecies that she received about world events turned out to be wrong, such as Trumann’s reelection to the Presidency in 1952. (A Mystic of Boston, p.129). She also said that Pope Pius XII would die before his 82nd birthday, but he died 6 months after his birthday on October 9, 1958. (A Mystic of Boston, p.199) She also got wrong the year of her death. On May, 1974, she wrote, “I have seven more years before I leave this earth.” (Moments Divine, p.69)  However, she died 4 years later in 1978.
Some of the messages she received are very interesting. For example, talking about other religions, Jesus told her, I AM not in Body in other Religions, but in Spirit. I do possess them in all Religions. If they cannot receive Me in Body, they shall receive Me in Spirit. Now, my child, do not be disturbed for there are many things that are not right, it will be corrected. (A Mystic of Boston, p.406)
John Haffert, the prolific Marian writer, met Catherine and asked her prayers for the success of his first book. When she asked Jesus if his book would be successful, He told her, Yes. In the future, it will be tremendously successful; he will write more books in time. I have blessed him in his traveling. He is much precious in My Heart. (A Mystic of Boston, p. 492)
About receiving Holy Communion in the hand, Jesus told her,I am not pleased but it must be accepted.(A Mystic of Boston, p. 618)
Finally, she felt that it was part of her mission to denounce the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. On November 8, 1971 when she asked Jesus if He approved of the Pentecostal Movement, He replied, “It is diabolical.” (A Mystic of Boston, p.652) She even wrote a letter to Pope Paul VI stating, “My Dear Holy Father, Pope Paul, the all-powerful Vicar of Christ, I have a secret for you from the Blessed Sacrament, You are to be warned of the great disaster coming on its way. The disaster of the Pentecostal Movement. Our Lord said in the Blessed Sacrament, “It is diabolical,” they have changed the name to Charismatic Movement. Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament said, “It is one in (sic) the same” meaning Pentecostal and Charismatic.” (A Mystic of Boston, p. 809) She was given the mission to go to several convents to give this same message. (Moments Divine, p.99)
Her Life and Mission
Catherine Passananti’s mission was to do the will of God. By spending endless hours in front of the Blessed Sacrament, Catherine learned to hear her Master’s voice and carry out His requests. Jesus directed her as to what prayers and sacrifices she had to offer and for which intentions, what messages she had to deliver and where she had to travel. He chose her companions and her spiritual directors. Therefore, when we look at her life, we can see it was God’s mission, not Catherine’s; she was just a faithful servant.
During her lifetime, she was directed and helped by many priests chosen by God. Her first spiritual director was Fr. Joseph Reardon, a Maryknoll priest, who directed her until his death in 1959. Just a few days after his death, he started appearing to Catherine and asked her to take messages and bring consolation to his family. Other priests she worked with were Fr. Cantwell, Fr. Sullivan and Fr. John Santyr. In 1951, Our Lord instructed her to take her messages to Fr. Dougherty, a Redemptorist priest at the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, in Roxbury, because he had been chosen to take these messages to Cardinal Cushing. Fr. Dougherty asked why he had been chosen and Catherine said because of his great devotion to the Holy Spirit. (In the Divine Light, p.198) In 1957 Catherine had cancer and underwent 4 operations but she mentions that it was Jesus who cured her.
Catherine had an intense prayer life and formed many prayer groups. Jesus would tell her what intentions to pray for in the Rosary. In her diary she writes down how Jesus directed her. This is a typical entry from January 14, 1961:
”Kneel down. Make your sign of the Cross. Repeat, ‘Oh My God, I am heartily sorry…’ Sit down, Start with your Joyful Mysteries. First ‘I believe in God,’ three Our Father’s to the Blessed Trinity. Begin with the first Joyful Mystery-For those that are condemned to death. 2nd-For the dying. 3rd-For the poor and hungry souls. 4th-For all that are carrying their Cross. 5th-For humble souls. Begin with the Sorrowful Mysteries. 1st-For the most suffering souls. 2nd-For those near the pit of hell. 3rd-For those that have refused Me as their God and Father. 4th-For all those that have purged Me. 5th-For all those that stood by Me at the Cross. Now for the Glorious Mysteries.1st-For all souls in Heaven. 2nd-That we will all rejoice in the end. 3rd-For all that are filled with the Holy Spirit and they will be close to My Heart. And ask My Mother to help. 4th-For all that are confused and do not understand. Ask My Mother, Mary, to help all. 5th-That you will rejoice with My Mother and she will conquer in the end.” (A Mystic of Boston, p. 303-304) She was frequently asked to pray the Rosary for Martin Luther and all priests in darkness.
Jesus often asked her to pray the Chaplet of the Holy Trinity. The following is a prayer to the Holy Trinity that Jesus gave her:
Most Holy Trinity I commend myself to Thee. I do promise not to offend Thee, nor displease Thee. On this very day, I will offer You all my doings, temporal and spiritual. I must also remember not to be displeased in Your doings.” (A Mystic of Boston, p. 270)

She also ministered to abandoned children. In 1949, the Lord told her, “You will meet the children at the end of the road.” Together with her companion Margaret Laracy, she found the St. Vincent de Paul Home for children that was literally “at the end of the road.” For the following two years Catherine and her group spent every Sunday with the Sisters at this home. (In the Divine Light, p. 199-200)
The Lord sent her on Missions throughout the country and also to Peru and Venezuela. About this, she writes: “Sometimes, I can’t understand myself. Especially when you send me on Your Missions, in strange countries with names or places. Of course, we do find the place in the end. But I do want to thank You many, many times, for having us return to our homes safe and not too hurt. I know You will always protect us no matter how difficult it is.” (Moments Divine, p.39)
In 1969 she met Rev. Mother Olivia, Daughter of the Church, in her convent in Rome. This is the convent where on December 8, 1971, Catherine and her companions would make the profession of their consecration as the Seven Daughters of the Church of the Holy Eucharist. They made their profession to Msgr. Joseph Conte. Then, they went to St. Peter’s square to receive a Papal blessing of Pope Paul VI, who welcomed them and blessed them as the “Seven Daughters of the Church of the Holy Eucharist from Boston.” (A Mystic of Boston, p.654)
When she was 75, she moved together with her sister Josephine to a nursing home in the North End as instructed by the Lord. Her family house was sold.
In 1972, Fr. Remingo, Pastor of the Sacred Heart Parish in the North End, asked her to conduct Holy Hours on the First Fridays of the month. She was reluctant but Our Lord gave her permission and she did this until her death in 1978.
Monsignor Donato Conte, author of four books about Catherine Passananti
The Mission Continues: Msgr. Donato Conte
All the information for this article was taken from the four books that exist about Catherine Passananti all written by Msgr. Donato Conte. What is interesting is that Msgr. Donato Conte never met Catherine during her lifetime. He came to learn about her and her writings in 1993. Msgr. Conte lives in Rome but has been coming to spend his summers at St. Florence Church in Wakefield, MA for years. In 1993, a parishioner named Estelle Filadoro, told him, “Finally I have met a priest that is able to understand my spiritual life and my spiritual confidences, and able to enjoy and venerate the divine intimacy of Catherine Passananti with Jesus’ Heart, with Mary and with the Blessed Sacrament. During my life I have met many priests, but I find God’s will only in you, Msgr. Donato Conte. I have waited. I have waited for a long time, and I have waited in His time, in God’s time and in God’s will.” 
Msgr. Conte replied, “Estelle, please, I do not speak English; I do not speak English at all well.” To which she answered, “God will help you, do not be afraid, Champion of God, and Catherine of the Blessed Sacrament will be with you.” (In the Divine Light, p.14)
In the summer of 1994, he was given the personal diary of Catherine Passananti by Grace Gallo, a cousin of Catherine. Msgr. Conte describes his reaction: “Reading it, I was really amazed. It is difficult to find a person who, without a high school education, is able to speak so deeply, and to teach spiritual theology better than a theologian. She teaches a true spiritual theology and supernatural experience. During the reading of the personal notes I was surprised to find a person so close to God, a person inspired and moved by the Holy Spirit. I was surprised at feeling the same emotions and the same feelings that I feel when I stand in front of Jesus Christ, closed in the Divine House of the Tabernacle, and finally, I was surprised to realize that Catherine Passananti had the same theological knowledge that I have.” (In the Divine Light, p.15)
On September 1st, 1995, on an Alitalia flight returning to Rome, he had a mystical experience: “A voice came from above and repeated to me many times: Donato, please talk about Catherine Passananti, speak, speak, write a book about her personality and spirituality.’” (In the Divine Light, p.15)
Another confirmation about his special Mission with Catherine was that one night he had a dream about a woman, not tall, dressed in black, who told him, “You have to write my life, your name, spiritually has always been present among my spiritual friends (Father Donato). Read my notes and you will understand.” 
That same night, a woman called Dolores called him about 11:00 o’clock at night, woke him up and started talking to him about Catherine Passananti. (In the Divine Light, p. 16-17).
Msgr. Conte has followed the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and has published 4 books about Catherine. He is a firm believer in her holiness and the importance of her message for our times, and he has written: “Catherine, the mystic of the beautiful American city of Boston, had a depth of divine intimacy with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and with the Blessed Mother, our Tabernacle Door on this earth…I believe in her, this humble creature of God, and I believe with all my heart, my strength and my life. I wish that other spirits, other souls would be open to this extraordinary walk of faith and love made by the Italo-American, Catherine Passananti.” (A Mystic of Boston, p.1064)
The four books about Catherine Passananti written by Msgr. Donato Conte are:
  1. In the Divine Light, Vatican City: Vatican Press, 1997.
  2. A Dove of God, Vatican City: Vatican Press, 1998.
  3. Moments Divine: Catherine Passananti, Vatican City: Vatican Press, 2000.
  4. A Mystic of Boston, Vatican City: Vatican Press, 2006.

Cora Evans, Servant of God

Cora Evans--See coraevans.com for more info
20th Century California Mystic,
On The Road To Sainthood
Servant of God
Cora Evans
By: Jonathan Mack, PhD RN NP.
(The webmaster would like to gratefully thank Jonathan Mack for his work in writing this wonderful article. May God reward him for his efforts.)

Cora Evans is a 20th century Catholic mystic with an amazing story of conversion and mystical journey.   The information and photos from this article are the  from the Cora Evans web site (http://www.coraevans.com)  and curated from several of her published writings.  I have had the pleasure of meeting the custodian for Cora’s writings,  Mr.Michael McDevitt, who is the nephew of Cora Evan’s spiritual Director, Fr. Frank Parrish, S.J..  Michael’s Aunt and her Physician Husband were close friends of Cora and personally witnessed many of her Charisms.

The Vatican currently considers Cora a “Servant of God”, which is an initial step in the process towards sainthood.  Christ’s plan for mankind’s salvation involves selection of  individuals like Cora to carryout earth bound missions.  Cora’s mission included promulgating the Mystical Humanity of Christ , which is a way of prayer that encourages people to live with a heightened awareness of the indwelling presence of Jesus in their daily lives.  (CoraEvans.com). During her life she experienced such mysticisms  as the stigmata, ecstasies, bi-location, and  mystical writings based upon visions shown her by Jesus Christ.

Cora’s journey began with her birth on  July 9,1904 in Midvale, Utah.  Her first mystical experience happened when she was 3 years old in the form of  an apparition of the Blessed Mother.  She was unable to comprehend the vision but it left a profound mark upon her life.  It was not until years later did she finally understand its meaning and message (Cora Evans.com)

Cora was a  baptized into the Mormon faith at 8 yrs. of age and Cora lived her Mormon faith while participating in the  close nit community life the Mormon faith is well known for.  Cora and Her husband, Maclellan “Mack”  Evans, where married on June 4, 1924 in the worldwide headquarters for the Mormon faith, Salt Lake City Utah Temple.  The marriage ceremony within the Mormon Church is unique  and left her disillusioned with the Mormon faith.  Based upon that experience Cora began a 10 year journey ultimately leading  her to the One True God (CoraEvans.com).

The following 10 years Cora and Mack had three children while living in Ogden Utah. They both suffered the  pain and disappointment of losing one of their children during infancy.  During this time Cora continued to investigate various religions but found none that met her longing.  She considered Catholicism but due to pervasive ant-catholic sentiments within the Mormon church she ruled it out as a viable option.

Cora had a turning point while she lay ill in bed on  Dec 9, 1934.  While alone she  listened to the radio and feeling too sick to change the channel she began to hear  a radio program called the “Catholic Radio Hour”.  As she listened to the broadcast of Monsignor Duane Hunt he spoke about the Blessed Mother and the Catholic faith.   She found the messages from Monsignor Hunt conflicted with what she had come to understand as a Mormon about the Catholic faith.

After recovering from her illness Cora followed her curiosity about the Catholic faith and visited St Joseph Catholic Church located in her community.  What followed were several meetings in her home between the parish priest for St Joseph Church, Father Edward Vaughn, and several  Mormon bishops.  Cora became aware of the misrepresentations by the Mormon Church of the Catholic faith thus beginning her road to catholic conversion.    

Cora was subsequently baptized on March 30, 1935 followed by her First Holy Communion the next day.   Cora’s husband Mack and her two daughters  followed her into the Catholic faith.  Father Vaughn credited Cora Evans directly  with many Mormon conversions to Catholicism within her community totaling many hundreds.

Vow Day for a Mystic
Cora began experiencing mystical phenomena while still living in Utah and on  July 1938, she had a profound mystical experience. Cora wrote about this event in the autobiography of her mystical life, titled "Captain of the Ship." During this deep ecstasy Cora made the choice to serve God for the rest of her life. She described the state of her soul as being intimately united to God, and referred to this as her vow day:
"It was necessary for me to live my chosen vocation with Him as my companion. By loaning Jesus my humanity for Him to govern as well as dwell within, would make my life a living prayer for He was life, living life within me, and my body now dead to me was His living cross, His cross to take to Calvary, Calvary, the door to eternal life” (Excerpt Cora Evans).

Move to Southern California and Spiritual Guidance

Photograph of Cora Evans taken during ecstasy by Mary Parrish McDevitt
(sister of Father Frank Parrish, S.J.) with hand-held box camera using a
time exposure so as to not disturb the mystic. The stigmata are
visible on left hand facing camera.
(Image from Cora Evans.com)

On Mar 17, 1941,  5-years after her baptism, and first communion her family made the painful decision to relocate to southern  California. This was due impart to her husbands inability to acquire employment  which drove them to leave family and friends.   There she joined St. Cecelia Church, Archdiocese of Los Angles. As Cora began having experiences with greater frequency, including visitations by saints, she sought out guidance from the church.    In response to her search for spiritual guidance, on February 20, 1945, Father Frank Parrish, S.J. was appointed her confessor and spiritual director by the Provincial of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits).

Fr. Frank Parrish, S.J.
(Image from Cora Evans.com)
Meet Fr. Frank Parrish
The Mission Entrusted to Cora by Our Lord
Cora Evans with Father Frank Parrish, S.J.
spiritual Director for Cora Evans
(Image from Cora Evans.com)

On December 24, 1946, Jesus revealed the mission entrusted to Cora. She learned that she was to promulgate the Mystical Humanity of Christ, a way of prayer that encourages people to live with a heightened awareness of the indwelling presence of Jesus in their daily lives. It is Eucharistic spirituality, and Jesus promised to foster the devotion. Father Frank served as the spiritual guide of Cora's soul for the rest of her life. His written account of events is testimony to Cora's heroic virtues and her reputation of sanctity.
Doctor John McDevitt, M.D. (Doctor Jack)
and Cora Evans, circa 1948.
Mary wrote on the back of the photo,
'My favorite snapshot of Cora.
The expression on her face looks
so much as she appeared most of the time.
(Image from Cora Evans.com)

Hidden Mystic
Cora Suffers The Stigmata
Cora's gifts of mysticism included suffering the wounds of Christ, known as the stigmata; the phenomena of bi-location associated with deep insight, the fragrance of roses associated with her presence, known as the odor of sanctity; visionary experiences, known as ecstasy; and profound writings far beyond her education level are not in and of themselves sufficient grounds for the declaration of sainthood. It is the story of her life with the proof of heroic virtues that places everything else in context
(except from the Cora Evans website).  Cora’s writings amount to volumes of books.   She was said to type rapidly and in order to keep up, rolls of paper were attached to the type writer allowing her to type unhindered by having to stop to change paper.

Prior to writing "The Refugee from Heaven", Cora Evans expressed her gratitude to our Lord:
"I knelt in prayer to thank Jesus for His gift of knowledge and for the gift of writing He had given me, better to describe His life and infinite love into our world."

Cora prayed about the graces bestowed on her, the craft of writing, and the responsibility of accurately conveying our Lord's wishes:
"My soul gives Thee thanks for this great trust, and in that trust I believe Thou will help me write the knowledge for souls to use as a steppingstone to love Thee more. Cora Evans, Age 32 God's gifts were so clearly caught up into my soul, there to write them for His glory for souls on earth. To begin such a task is only to lose myself in the mystery of time and pretend that I am a citizen of Jerusalem taking notes from the Master's lips. I am just the reporter and of myself filled with many imperfections."
She continued: 
"To understand, Beloved, the path of my mission would be to say with deepest sincerity, not my will be done, but Thine." She always positioned writing as "an act of continuous praise for the glory of God."(Excerpt CoraEvans.com)

Macintosh HD:Users:jmack:Desktop:rolls-shelf-paper.jpg
Picture of Cora Evans with some of her writings.  
Note the long rolls of paper  in her hand.  
At the end of a typical day of typing she
would have 20 or 30 feet long
(Cora Evans.com)

Final Years And Passing
In 1957 Cora Moved from Los Angles to  Boulder Creek in Northern California, joining the Saint Michael Parish, Diocese of Monterrey, California.  There she would live out her life  continuing to experience mystical phenomena including the stigmata.  Cora prayed that she would be given the same gift as Saint Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower, spending her heaven on earth doing good, and promised to pray for all who asked for her intercession.  On Mar. 30, 1957 Cora passed away peacefully.   An interesting footnote: Cora died exactly  Twenty-two years to the day she was baptized into the Catholic faith (March 30, 1935).  

Cora’s Spiritual Director
Cora’s spiritual director was a thoughtful and devoted priest with no prior experience guiding a soul such as Cora Evans.  He provides the following quote when he was alive: 
“It is very easy to convince oneself of the abundance of charismatic graces that adorn the soul of Cora Evans, by merely reading her writings. Keeping in mind that she is a woman with little worldly education, her words of wisdom, her words of knowledge about the most exalted mysteries of religion, are charisms. What is still more extraordinary is the fact that in all her revelations, divine messages, etc., nothing is ever found that is not in accordance with sound theology. Many new details about Catholic truths, deeper knowledge of theological truths, add new light and evidence to the deposit of faith, especially regarding the humanity of Christ, the Holy Eucharist, and the indwelling of Christ.” Father Frank Parrish, S.J. (1911-2003)Confessor and Spiritual Director to Cora Evans

Current Status of Cause for Sainthood:
Declared Servant of God
The Cause for Cora Evans sainthood was opened and announced by Bishop Garcia. and declared Servant of God on Feb. 15, 2011.     On Mar. 29, 2012, the Vatican grants nihil obstat, authorizing the Cause of Beatification and Canonization to proceed. A letter signed by Angelo Cardinal Amato, S.D.B., prefect, Congregation for the Causes of Saints. The Diocese of Monterey, California, is proceeding with the investigation of her life and writings.  This includes the investigation into miracles including cures that are attributed to Cora Evans intersession.

Prayer for the Intercession of Cora Evans
Cora prayed that she would be given the same gift as Saint Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower, spending her heaven on earth doing good, and promised to pray for all who asked for her intercession.  The Archbishop of San Francisco granted the Imprimatur for the intercessory prayer, written by Cora’s Spiritual Director,  Father Frank Parrish, S.J..

Dear Jesus,
You blessed Cora Evans with many supernatural mystical gifts as a means of drawing us to a deeper and more intimate union with your Sacred Heart through Your Divine Indwelling, Your Mystical Humanity. I ask You through her intercession to help me in my special request (name the favor) and my efforts to do Your will here on earth and be with You, Your Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph and the whole Court of Heaven forever.

Say three times: the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father

Cora’s Writings Spur Profound Questions
Front cover to Cora Evans’s book title: Refugee from Heaven

One of the writings Cora produced is titled the “Refugee from Heaven” (Coraevans.com).  This book chronicles several important periods in Christ’s Life.  The book is similar to the Life and Revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich or writings by Venerable Sister Mary of Jesus Agreda (Mystical City of God) in that the writings are generated from private revelations chronicling the life, selected events, and death of Jesus Christ.   

The book was inspired through visions  shown to her by Jesus Christ during her many ecstasies. Cora would later sit down to  type what she could recall of these visions  at incredible speeds demonstrating writing ability far in excess of her level of education and usual writing ability.

Belief in private Revelation is not required by  the Catholic Church but rather  left to personal discernment.  However,  if we assume Cora’s writings are in fact divinely inspired it provides several new insights into the life of Christ as well as the death and burial of John The Baptist. New information is revealed in; The Refugee from Heaven, which may spark questions that may never be answered. Questions from the book include:  Will the swaddling clothes of Jesus Christ  be uncovered? Will the place of prayer built by John the Baptist be found? Is the body of John the Baptist incorrupt? Does this book lend support for the Shroud of Turin? And the most profound revelation of all: Will the Church finally locate the Holy Grail? Cora provides new details of historical and archaeological significance. And what are we to make of Cora's interpretation of the words spoken by Jesus, Mary, the apostles, and others?

Michael McDevitt, custodian for Cora’s writings, offers a suggestion upon reading the book: “If anything causes doubt or concern, rely on Sacred Scripture”.

Cora prayed, "Please give me the grace to remember the vision and understanding in Thy wisdom to better relate to friends Thy hidden mystery of love for them . . . help me, Jesus, to write them as You would like them written for Thy glory to be better known among men." 
The purpose of her life, the suffering she endured, and her writings inspire us to live with awareness of the presence of Jesus. When you practice this way of prayer, known as the Mystical Humanity of Christ, you take Jesus with you wherever you go (Cora Evans.com).

Biographical Time Line And Cause For Canonization

  • Cora Evans, 1904-1957

July 9, 1904
Birth, Midvale, Utah; child of Laura and Robert Yorgason

Cora is baptized a Mormon (8 years old).

Jun. 4, 1924
Mormon Marriage to Mack Evans, Mormon temple in Salt Lake City (this location is the worldwide headquarters for the Mormon Church). Cora completely rejects Mormon religion based on the secret ritual and what she considers to be false teachings about God. Cora begins ten-year search for the true religion.

Dec. 9, 1934
Future Catholic Bishop is catalyst for Cora’s Conversion – Ogden, Utah: Cora listens to radio talk by Catholic Monsignor Duane Hunt (later he would become Most Reverend Hunt, Bishop of Salt Lake City), decides to visit local Catholic Church.

Mar. 30, 1935
Cora baptized a Catholic by Father William E. Vaughn, Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Ogden, Utah

Mar. 31, 1935
Cora receives her First Holy Communion

1936 - 1939
Cora influences more than 1,000 Mormons to visit Saint Joseph Catholic Church and numerous conversions follow

July, 1938
Ogden, Utah: mysticism – During this deep ecstasy Cora makes choice to serve God for the rest of her life. Describes state of her soul as being intimately united to God. Cora refers to this as her “vow day.”

Cora and Family Move to Los Angeles, California
Mar 17, 1941
Cora moves to Southern California and is active at Saint Cecilia's Parish.

May 21, 1942
Apparition of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Feb. 20, 1945
Father Frank Parrish, S.J. (1911-2003) appointed confessor and spiritual director by Father Joseph King, S.J., Provincial of the California Province of the Society of Jesus

Dec. 24, 1946
Mission entrusted to Cora Evans reveled to her by Jesus. Cora learns she is to promulgate the Mystical Humanity of Christ (the Divine Indwelling) within souls – as a way of prayer in the United States and throughout the world. Jesus promises to foster the devotion.

Based on ecstasies, and in complete obedience to her spiritual director, Cora writes numerous profound manuscripts and diaries.

Mystical Phenomena witnessed by priests, religious, and lay people. Many testimonies are written.

Jul. 30, 1947
Stigmata- Cora begins experiencing the stigmata. She endures frequent pain for the rest of her life in the palms of her hands, head (crown of thorns), feet and over her heart.

Cora prays that Our Lord will allow her to be like the Little Flower, Saint Therese, helping souls on earth after her death.

Moves to  Monterrey, California
Cora moves to Boulder Creek in Northern California, Saint Michael Parish.

Jan. 4, 1957
Most Reverend Duane Hunt (1884-1960), Bishop of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, visits Cora at her home in Boulder Creek, California.

Mar. 30, 1957
Cora enters Eternal Life. Twenty-two years earlier on this same date, March 30 (1935) Cora was baptized a Catholic.

Burial in crypt in the Fatima Wing of the Mausoleum adjacent to the site where the California Jesuits are buried in Santa Clara, California.

Canonization Process
Michael McDevitt is appointed custodian of the writings of Cora Evans.

Organization founded by Father Frank Parrish, S.J. conducts first retreat at the Jesuit retreat house in Southern California.

Organization officially named “The Mystical Humanity of Christ, Inc.” incorporated as a Catholic services organization entrusted with the promulgation of the Mystical Humanity of Christ as a way of prayer throughout the world. Initial non-profit status granted.

Dec. 29, 2003
Founder, Father Frank Parrish, S.J. enters eternal life.

Jul. 14, 2004
Mystical Humanity of Christ, Inc. classified as 501 c 3 non-profit organization by the Internal Revenue Service.

The remarkable story of Cora Evans told to Most Reverend Richard Garcia, Bishop of Monterey, California. Canon Law requirements reviewed.

500-page Petition for opening the cause for Cora Evans presented to Bishop Garcia.

Jan. 27, 2011
Renowned postulator appointed: Fr. Joseph Grimaldi, JCD (formally Promoter of Justice for the Cause of St. Damian of Molokai).

Feb. 15, 2011
Cause for Cora Evans opened and announced by Bishop Garcia. (When the cause for sainthood is formally opened by the Bishop the person is declared a Servant of God. The Vatican later confirmed this in their letter granting the cause the nihil obstat). 

Feb. 18, 2011
Imprimatur Granted for the Prayer for the Intercession of Cora Evans by Most Reverend George Niederauer, D.D., Archbishop of San Francisco. Prayer card published.

Oct. 6, 2011
Fr. Marc Lindeijer, S.J., Jesuit Postulator, provides guidance during a meeting in Rome, Italy.

Oct. 6, 2011
Monsignor Robert Sarno, Congregation for the Causes of Saints, provides guidance, meeting in Rome, Italy.

Mar. 9, 2012
Article announcing the cause for Cora Evans runs in Archdiocesan newspaper: Catholic San Francisco.
Article goes viral, achieves worldwide exposure.

Mar. 29, 2012
Vatican grants nihil obstat, authorizing the Cause of Beatification and Canonization to proceed. Letter (written in Latin) signed by Angelo Cardinal Amato, S.D.B., prefect, Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

Jun., 2012
Bishop appointed Fr. David Schuyler, S.M., J.C.D., Episcopal Delegate. Upon his death, Bishop Garcia appointed Fr. Robert Hayes, J.C.L. to serve as Delegate.

Nov. 17, 2012
Cause for Cora Evans presented to faith community of Monterey, California, at the Cathedral of San Carlos.

Sep. 24, 2013
Front page feature article appears in 5th largest newspaper in the United States, San Jose Mercury News. Article goes viral. Organization contacted by people in 34 states and 12 foreign countries.

Nov. 23, 2013
Saint Rose of Lima Parish retreat in Newtown, Connecticut introduces parishioners to Cora Evans. Rosemary Rioux prays that Cora will intercede on behalf of her daughter.

Nov. 27, 2013
Rosemary's daughter, Jennifer, reports complete cure of Lupus.

Dec., 2013
Publishing business launched to make writings of Cora Evans available.

May 13, 2014
Bishop Garcia authorizes investigation into reported cure attributed to Cora Evan’s Intersession.

October, 2014
The Refugee from Heaven published in both hard- and soft-cover editions

Further Information About Cora Evans
If you would like further information and wish to read Cora’s writings, please go to: http://www.coraevans.com

Several of her books are available for purchase as well as additional information regarding Cora’s mission to spread the “Mystical Humanity of Christ”.
“My beloved, if I can glorify Thee by staying on earth, then I am willing to stay for the love I have for Thee.”-Words of Cora Evans to Jesus during a very serious illness.

Webmaster note: I would like to point out for those interested that our friends over at Spirit Daily are also offering the book"The Refugee From Heaven" mentioned in the article above.

-Support this website! Check out the rosaries, lockets and books in the Mystics of the Church and St Gemma Galgani Gift Stores!

The miraculous apparitions of St Michael the Archangel in Rome and in Mexico

Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome where the Virgin Mary and St Michael appeared 
St Michael the Archangel to the rescue: How the Prince of the Heavenly Host was sent to miraculously end two horrific plagues on the same date (April 25) centuries apart; one in Rome and one in Mexico

-The amazing stories behind the Castle of the Angels in Rome and St Michael's well in Tlaxcala, Mexico

“At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people." Daniel 12:1 

First miracle: The plague in Rome miraculously ended--The Virgin Mary and St Michael appear to Pope St Gregory the Great
In the year 590, when Saint Gregory the Great was elected pope, Rome and all of Italy was in the midst of a deadly plague. In fact, Pope St Gregory was elected because his predecessor, Pope Pelagius, himself died of the plague on Feb 7th. On April 25 of that year, the holy pope St Gregory requested a public procession through the streets of Rome to beg for an end to the epidemic. An icon of Our Lady that was painted by Saint Luke the Evangelist was carried at the head of the prayerful entourage.

A closeup of St Michael atop the Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome
As the procession wound along the Tiber River, the Litany of Saints was intoned. At the conclusion of the litany, Saint Gregory’s gaze was drawn upwards and he suddenly saw the heavens open. Saint Michael the Archangel along with numerous other Angels descended above the crowd and a heavenly perfume seemingly filled the air. The angels began singing the “Regina Coeli” to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was seated on a throne above Michael and the Angels.

Completely overwhelmed by the incredible sight, Saint Gregory concluded the angelic chorus by singing out the closing line of the Regina Coeli: “Ora pro nobis Deum, Alleluia!” (Pray for us to God, Alleluia!).

At the conclusion of the vision, the great pope witnessed Saint Michael sheathing his sword, and the plague at once came to an end. The beautiful Church called Castel Sant’Angelo (pictured left) was commissioned at the site where Saint Michael and his fellow angels had appeared on that day.

From then on, the date (April 25th) of the apparition marking the end of the plague thus became the fixed date for the annual procession that would come to be known throughout the Catholic world as the “Greater Litanies”, since it was St Michael along with the Angels who joined in reciting the Litanies on that day. Nowadays the "Greater Litanies" processions are sometimes called "St Mark's processions" because the date also coincides with the feast of St Mark.

Second Miracle: The plague in Tlaxcala, Mexico--on April 25th, 1631; St Michael appears once again during the the April 25th "Greater Litanies" Procession

More than a millennium after ending the plague in Rome, and exactly 100 years after Our Lady's apparitions to Blessed Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill (Guadalupe, 1531) we come to the year 1631 with another Mexican apparition, which like the Romans finds the native people of Tlaxcala, Mexico also ravaged by a merciless plague. The illness, called “cocolixtli” by the locals, was a horrible form of smallpox that was devastating the people with immense sufferings and numerous deaths. As had been done on April 25th throughout the Catholic world since the time of Pope  St Gregory, the people of Tlaxcala took part in the procession of the Greater Litanies, praying for an end to the plague that was mercilessly afflicting them. It was once again at time of great suffering that God chose to send Saint Michael to mitigate the plague. 

On this occasion, instead of appearing to a saintly Pope, this time the great Archangel chose to manifest himself to a lowly native Indian named Diego Lázaro de San Francisco (sometimes called Diego de San Lazaro), who was only seventeen years old at the time.  Towards the conclusion of the procession, Diego Lázaro suddenly saw Saint Michael in a vision, and the great Archangel spoke to him in his own native language (Náhuatl) stating:

A painting of St Michael appearing to Diego Lázaro
“You are to know that I am Saint Michael the Archangel, and I have come to tell you that it is the will of God and mine that you tell the inhabitants of this place, and everywhere abroad, that near a valley between two mountain ridges you will find a miraculous spring of water that will cure the people of their ills. You will find it beneath a great boulder. Do not doubt what I have told you and do not neglect what I have sent you to do.” 

As soon as St. Michael disappeared, Diego Lázaro was initially filled with holy joy. Astounded by the heavenly vision, he immediately asked others in the procession if they to had seen Saint Michael. The puzzled looks and replies of those around him made it clear he was the only one who had seen the Prince of the heavenly host. Confused, Diego Lázaro thought perhaps he imagined the whole encounter, and he decided not to tell anyone about his experience. 

St Michael issues a grave warning
After a few days, the great archangel appeared to Diego Lázaro once again, and this time he was very displeased. He thundered:
“Why did you doubt what I have told you? Because you have not done as I requested, you too will be stricken with the plague that is devastating your people.” 

Immediately Diego became severely ill with the “cocolixtli”. He remained in this grave state for about a week, until the Archangel's next appearance. During this time thinking that his life was coming to an end, his family called for a priest, and he received the Sacrament of the sick.

St Michael makes another appearance to Diego Lázaro, leading him to the miraculous spring, and cures him
Just when those around Diego were convinced that he was passing from this life, St Michael intervened once again. This time, everyone present saw a dazzling light, which scared them tremendously, causing them all to flee from the hut. Describing afterwards what had happened, Diego states that St Michael took him by the hand:

“Saint Michael transported me to the place he had told me about before. With Saint Michael going before me through the night, everything was illuminated as the great prince passed, as if it were midday. Rocks and branches split apart as he passed, clearing a path for us. As we reached a certain spot, I saw Saint Michael holding a golden staff topped with a cross.

‘From the place I touch with this staff you will see flowing the miraculous spring I told you about during the procession. Make it clear to everyone that the illness you have suffered is a fruit of your disobedience.’ 

“Having said this, a great whirlwind rushed in amid the din of screams, wailing and moaning, as if a great crowd were being driven from the place. I shook with fear. It appeared the entire mountain ridge would tumble down on top of me during the turmoil.

‘Do not fear; these are the sounds made by the demons, thine enemies, because they know the great benefits that through my intercession the faithful will receive in this place from Our Lord. Many, seeing the marvels worked here, will convert and do penance for their sins, and all will give thanks to God for His mercies. Those who approach with lively faith and sorrow for their faults will, with the water from this spring, obtain relief in their labors and needs, and find a comfort in these waters for the sick on the point of death.’

San Miguel del Milagro statue inside the Church
“Having said this I saw a brilliant light descend from heaven, piercing the ground at the site of the spring. Saint Michael then said,

‘This light that you have seen descend from heaven is the virtue God in His Divine Providence gives in this spring for the health and relief of the sick and needy. Make this known at once to everyone. That they may believe your testimony, I promise to work a great prodigy through you.’

With that, Saint Michael disappeared, and I found myself here in this hut once again, completely cured.”

Doubts and miracles- News spreads and a great boulder is miraculously moved
Diego’s family and friends were of course astounded by not only the great flash of light that drove them in fear out of the hut, his story afterwards, and most of all his sudden cure which completely amazed them. Keeping in mind St Michael’s command to spread the devotion, Diego went at once to the local superior of the Franciscans, Friar Hernando García Rendón, Guardian of the convent of Natívitas, The priest listened with interest as Diego recounted the story, yet he was unsure what to make of it. He decided to send Diego to the Governor of Tlaxcala, Don Gregório de Nazienzen, who was known for his learning.

Diego recounted to the governor the entire story of Saint Michael’s appearance to him. Sadly, Don Gregório concluded that the tale was false and he commanded Diego to return home at once, warning that he did not want to hear any more about apparitions, and threatening to punish him if he did. Diego returned home as he was told, deeply disappointed but undaunted in his mission to spread word of the miraculous spring water.

Diego then met with his family and a few friends and he led them to the place where Saint Michael had revealed the spring. As they approached, they saw a great boulder blocking the spot. Together the men tried to move the boulder, but it would not budge. It was at this moment that Diego remembered Saint Michael’s words: “I promise to work a great prodigy through you.”
Asking everyone to stand back, he said a prayer for Saint Michael’s assistance. He then walked up and moved aside the massive boulder as if it were almost weightless. The spring that was beneath gushed forth with crystalline water. No one there doubted the truth of Diego’s words, and word quickly began to spread of the miraculous water throughout the countryside.

A young girl stricken with the dreaded smallpox saw a vision of Saint Michael in a dream, instructing her to drink some of the miraculous water. A relative brought her the water, and she was restored to health. Hearing this, Diego asked her to give testimony to the governor, however she refused fearing harsh treatment from the skeptical leader. In a neighboring village, another miracle followed soon after, this time a young lady cured of the same dreaded disease by the miraculous water. Again, Diego failed to convince this woman also to speak to the governor.

Months went by and Diego felt understandably discouraged in his efforts to convince the governor. On November 13, St Michael once more appeared to him and said,
“Why do you act cowardly, and are negligent in what two times now I have commanded you? Do you want to be punished once again for your disobedience? Arise, and have diligence in making known what I have commanded to you.”

Cures abound through "San Miguel del Milagro"
Diego at once went to the spring, and filled a jug with water. This time bypassing the hostile governor, he went to the Bishop of Puebla, Don Gutierre Bernardo Quiroz. The kind Bishop listened attentively to the remarkable story of the apparition and its aftermath up to this point. Calling to mind how the Heavenly Father often had revealed the mysteries of his kingdom to simple people, he came to the conclusion that the young Indian man before him was sincere. He promised that he would make an investigation, ordering that the holy water be distributed among the sick in the area. All those who drank it afterwards greatly improved or completely recovered their health. The news of these cures were immediately reported to the Bishop, and were spread amongst the people in Puebla, Tlaxcala and other regions, and people began to arrive at "St Michael's well" from many places.

San Miguel del Milagro Church
The Official Church Investigations
There have been three official investigations into the apparition of Saint Michael to Diego Lázaro. The first was made the year following the events by order of the bishop Gutierre Bernardo Quiroz. He ordered Professor Don Alonso Herrera to appear personally in the place, and after having obtained precise information from a number of witnesses, he gave a firm approval, and upon fulfilling his assignment, the canon remained completely convinced of the authenticity of the apparitions, even celebrating a high Mass for the devotees in a nearby Church on Oct. 29, 1632. Based on the numerous testimonies and verified miracles, Bishop Don Quiróz gave ecclesiastical approbation, and ordered the first chapel to be built.

Eleven years later, Bishop Don Juan de Palafox ordered the second investigation with the following decree:
"After having visited the site and having informed ourselves that it seems the marvelous things that God has worked by means of the Archangel have foundation, we give a commission to the Licentiate Gabriel Pérez de Alvarado, priest of Natívitas, to investigate this foundation. Given in Puebla, on Dec. 1, 1643." 
There were ten witnesses chosen, seven Spaniards and three Indians. Among the latter were numbered Andrés Pérez, who was Diego’s cousin, and his maternal grandmother, Isabel Castillán Xuchitl, The interrogation was concluded in January of 1644.

The third investigation was made by a Canon of the Cathedral of Puebla in 1675.

Since 1631, pilgrims from all over the world have come to visit the site and the Church of the miracle which is appropriately entitled "San Miguel del Milagro"and to partake of the miraculous water from the spring. The visionary, Diego de San Lazaro, died at age 20, just 3 years after the apparitions. He consecrated the last three years of his short life totally to the service of the holy Prince Saint Michael, and of the sick who came to the miraculous spring. He was the janitor of the first small chapel built at the site of the apparitions, and he soon became an infirmarian to the sick who came on pilgrimage. He was diligent in caring for the sick; he washed them with the water and clay from the fountain, and he encouraged them with his fervent words. His life was austere and penitent; he spent long hours in prayer, to such a degree, that his life and his virtues became another firm testimony of the veracity of the apparition. Today his holy remains are entombed behind the church’s high altar. Processions continue to this day and the faithful especially flock to the shrine on April 25th, the day Saint Michael first appeared during a procession, and September 29th, the Feast of the Archangels Gabriel, Raphael and Michael. Just as Saint Michael promised, conversions have taken place due to the marvels that have occurred there over the centuries.

For further information:
"San Miguel del Milagro: The Apparition of Saint Michael in Mexico", Crusade Magazine, Jan-Feb 2015, pages 9-12.

Saint Michael's Well -The Apparitions of Saint Michael to the Indian Diego Lázaro

Spanish readers can reference the book "Narracion de la maravillosa aparicion que hizo el Arcángel San Miguel a Diego Lazaro de San Francisco" by Fr. Francisco de Florencia, SJ, published 1898 in Puebla, Mexico.

Archbishop of Denver ruling on Charlie Johnston

Charlie Johnston in 2015
The Archdiocese of Denver's statement concerning Charlie Johnston

Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of Denver has decided to strongly advise the faithful to exercise prudence and caution in regards to Mr. Charlie Johnston’s alleged divine visions and messages.

March 7, 2016, Denver, Colorado
As published today on the Archdiocese of Denver website, His Excellency Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila has issued a statement concerning the popular purported Catholic prophet, Mr. Charles Johnston.

In October 2015, the Archbishop formed a panel of three diocesan priests--two theologians and a canonist- to investigate the prophetic mission and message of  Mr. Charles ("Charlie") Johnston. The team met with Charlie on a few occasions, during which they interviewed him on a variety of matters pertaining to the mission to which he believes God has called him to. For his part, Charlie Johnston actively participated in the inquiry in a spirit of openness and obedience to the Church.

A significant part of the investigation centered around the archives of Charlie's writings, particularly those of his letters to his three priest spiritual directors for approximately the past 18 years, along with his current writings that are published on his blog, charliej373.wordpress.com. Additionally, they studied a few of the videos of Charlie's public conferences, which were given free of charge around the country last summer (2015).

To summarise the statement from the Archdiocese, Archbishop Aquila's decision at this point is essentially a wait and see approach while "advising the faithful to exercise prudence and caution in regards to Mr. Charlie Johnston’s alleged divine visions and messages."

Not an approved speaker for the Archdiocese of Denver
Additionally, the official statement declares that "Mr. Johnston will also not be approved as a speaker in the Archdiocese of Denver."

One  must recognize however that “...not be approved as a speaker for the Archdiocese” is not in any way a negative judgment. In the comments section of the article I wrote about Charlie Johnston awhile back there have been a couple of individuals referencing  the "...not be approved as a speaker in the Archdiocese” statement in an attempt to show that Charlie Johnston has somehow received a negative judgment from the Archdiocese-- This is NOT the case. 

What the  "...not be approved as a speaker" statement means is that Charlie has not sought, or received, official approval to speak within the Archdiocese, and that there is currently no intention to grant approval. In most, if not all, Dioceses across the country, one must apply—and receive-- official approval as a speaker before one is permitted to give speaking engagements or conferences in any of the Catholic churches within the Diocese.  This prior approval measure is to protect the faithful from unqualified or disingenuous speakers. If the Archbishop was to grant approval for Charlie to speak within the Archdiocese, it would be interpreted as a implicit approval of his private revelations, and such is not in keeping with the cautionary approach related in today's Statement from the Archdiocese.  

It is important to note here also that Archbishop Aquila has not restricted Charlie in any way, most especially from speaking publicly about his purported private revelations and prophetic messages, either in conferences or on his blog. He therefore remains free to speak publicly in public venues on private property within the Archdiocese of Denver and abroad--just not in Catholic churches within the Archdiocese. For his part, out of respect for the Archbishop, up to this point Charlie has only conducted private meetings in the Denver area, and one would suspect he will likely continue to do so, as opposed to the public conferences he has given outside of the Archdiocese.

The author visiting with Charlie Johnston in July, 2015
A brief biography of Charlie Johnston and his purported prophetic mission and message--The great “Storm” and subsequent “Rescue” that Charlie believes will soon envelop all of humanity
Charles (or “Charlie”) Johnston is a 60 year old Roman Catholic layman living in Denver, CO. Throughout his varied career he worked for a time as a newspaper editor, a radio talk show host, and also a political campaign manager. Charlie suffered a severe neurological event at 9:03AM on Good Friday, 2003, which still affects him physically to this day. Although suffering from this painful nerve damage, feeling called to do so by God he walked 3,200 miles across the country, from Feb. 11, 2011 to Aug. 21, 2012, sleeping in the woods, meeting people and praying as he went.

He claims that since his early childhood he has been frequently visited by Jesus, Mary and especially the Archangel Gabriel, whom he often simply calls “My angel”. The sole reason for these alleged heavenly visits purportedly has been-- and is--to inform and prepare the world for a purported great worldwide “Storm” which, according to the visitors, will bring a grave series of catastrophic events that will encompass all of humanity.  

Charlie states that this great “Storm” consists of a worldwide economic  collapse, resulting in the toppling of governments around the world, along with a series of wars; the first war being “…the confrontation with, and fall of political Islam”, followed by a “...confrontation between the Judeo-Christian world and the current government of China.” 

To summarize Charlie's prophesies for the "Storm", he essentially predicts a crippling worldwide economic collapse resulting in societal chaos and strife in an unprecedented scale, bringing with it serious disruptions in all areas of society, including technology etc, along with a war between China and the rest of the Judeo-Christian world which all together will, according to Charlie, bring humanity to a point wherein most everyone around the globe will lose hope.

However, in late 2017, Charlie prophesizes a miraculous "Rescue" through the direct intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which according to Charlie, all of humanity will witness and personally experience. This predicted miraculous Rescue will put an immediate end to the Storm, and humanity thus renewed will begin rebuilding its governments and societies. 

Time will very soon tell whether Charlie's private revelations are authentic, or not
Along with the prophesies concerning the Storm and the subsequent Rescue in late 2017, Charlie has also stated that President Obama will not finish his term as president, and that the next leader of the USA will not be elected, that is, he will not come through the normal political process; he has stated that there will probably be no presidential election, but if there is, it will be irrelevant (in other words, even if someone is formally elected, according to Charlie there will definitely be no swearing in ceremony for that elected person come January 20, 2017). Given the current presidential election and "swearing in" timeline, one can assume therefore that the predicted Storm would have to be underway before the end of this year. Ultimately therefore, time will very soon tell whether Charlie's revelations are authentic, or not. 

Meantime, Archbishop Aquila has wisely taken the wait and see approach, while urging caution and prudence concerning Charlie's private revelations. Since up to this point no one has apparently found any serious doctrinal errors in Charlie's writings or statements, a wait and see or "neutral" approach is in fact really the best choice, at least in this writers opinion. The prophesised events, or lack of events, will soon reveal the truth, one way or the other. One would also do well to keep in mind the part of the Archdiocese statement that says: "As has been demonstrated with other alleged apparitions, the danger exists of people placing greater faith in a prediction than in Christ’s words and promises."

Those interested in reading more info about Charlie Johnston and his purported prophetic message and mission can read the article I wrote last year entitled "Charles Johnston and the upcoming Storm -An alleged prophet with a critically important message for humanity". As with the original article, I file this article also under the "We report, you discern" principle.
"Many continue to think that the Storm is God’s punishment of us. IT IS NOT. Get that out of your head. The Storm is what we have brought on ourselves. It is an evil that is entirely wrought by our hands. God has nothing to do with it. If you don’t firmly get that right, you will get almost everything else wrong. The great evil is that we have convinced ourselves that we are sufficient to ourselves, that we are masters of our destiny with no need for God, whatsoever"
"But, God has a plan for us and for our reclamation. He never leaves us bereft. Acknowledge God; take the next right step; and be a sign of hope to those around you, knowing that God is always close at hand." -Charlie Johnston

Charlie Johnston in 2015 during FOCUS TV interview
Additional information: (March 10, 2016) -A brief timeline of predicted events that should prove useful for discernment in the coming months.

The eight public prophesies that have purportedly been given to Charlie
 In his article entitled "Go Forth", Charlie reveals eight worldwide events that he believes are to occur, as allegedly related to him by his heavenly visitors.
He states: "I only have eight public prophecies that I insist on. Only the visible, miraculous Rescue by Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception in late 2017, is time sensitive. Five things must happen between now and the Rescue, but can happen at any time during that period. They are:
– The continued toppling of governments throughout the world, including that of the U.S. The toppling of a government does not mean the nation shall fall. 
– The confrontation with and fall of political Islam. 
– The mass conversion of most Muslims 
– The confrontation between the Judeo-Christian world and the current government of China. 
– The alliance between Russia and the U.S. to lead the Judeo-Christian world to endure the confrontation with China. 
-Then, after the 5 things above comes the miraculous "Rescue" through the Immaculate Heart of Mary sometime in late 2017.

It is important to note in the information above that Charlie does not speak here of the prophesy concerning Obama not completing his term, and how the next leader of the USA will not come from the result of the usual political process (election). Yet we know for a fact that this information also is a prophesy that comes from his "visitations", which I will show in the info below. Both on his website and also in at least two videotaped conferences (Birmingham video from 46:00-50:00, and also the Santa Maria Vineyard video at 1:23:30) Charlie has emphatically stated that President Obama will not complete his 2nd term as President, and that the next leader will NOT come from the normal political process. He stated that while it is possible that there could be an election, whoever the person that will be nominated will not be sworn in on January 20, 2017. Specifically, on his website he stated:
August 2, 2015 at 9:30 pm
Donette, I said bluntly on the Birmingham Video that President Obama will not finish his term. I said that he would be eledted [elected] before he received the nomination to my priests, that he would lead us into the fullness of the Storm, that he would leave office in chaos and disgrace before his term was finished, and would live to convert in the end.
And again on Jan 8, 2016 in his post entitled "Through a Glass Darkly", he states:
"I have often said there will be no presidential election this year. Actually, there are some narrow circumstances in which there could be, but the results would be irrelevant. What I was told was that President Obama would not finish his term and that our next stable national leader will not come from the election process. You could have an explosion of events after an election and before an inauguration. You could have Obama declare a national emergency, cancel elections, extend his term and then depart before the extension was up. The most likely scenario is that everything will be up in the air before election, but there are narrow circumstances where that may not be." -(emphasis is mine)
And so, barring any additional statements from the Archdiocese of Denver, the summary above can be used to determine the authenticity of Charlie's prophesies, when the time-frame of the predicted events comes.

Hypothetically speaking, I personally feel that even if all of the events listed above leading up to the "Rescue" were to in fact occur, I believe that only the Rescue itself would ultimately confirm Charlie's prophetic mission and message. In other words, while the things that are predicted to occur during the "Storm", like the economic collapse and the toppling of governments, the confrontations with political Islam and then China, the alliance with Russia etc. if they actually do occur, then these signs would certainly weigh very, very heavily in Charlie's favor.

Yet ultimately however I believe that authenticity rests solely on the prophesised miraculous worldwide "Rescue" through the Immaculate Heart of Mary in late 2017. This event, should it occur, coupled with the fulfillment of the other events Charlie has predicted during the Storm, would give indisputable evidence of the authenticity of Charlie's prophetic mission in my opinion, and I could only assume such would be the opinion of most everyone else. It would constitute a heavenly confirmation.

And so, it seems to me that there are essentially two outcomes that can occur, each with their own timeline. The first outcome would be that of one or more failed predictions, and the second outcome would be the fulfillment of all (or most?) of the predictions pertaining to the Storm, and culminating in the miraculous Rescue. So for now, we watch, wait and pray.

Devotion to the Holy Wounds of Jesus as described by various mystics

Devotion to the Holy Wounds of Jesus
Importance of the Devotion to the Holy Wounds for our Times

The webmaster would like to gratefully thank Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt for compiling the inspiring passages below taken from the private revelations of numerous mystics. May God reward her for her efforts. 

Although devotion to the Holy Wounds has a long tradition in the Church and in the lives of the saints, never before has it been more important than now. Several mystics have stressed the urgency of this devotion for our times.

A 20th German Carmelite mystic, Sister Maria of the Crucified Love, was given the following revelations about the devotion to the Holy Wounds:

-“Where will you turn to, when in the coming time, the difficulties grow still greater? My Sacred wounds will be your surest refuge. Nowhere are you better protected.” (p.16)

-“Implore now the special graces that I have reserved for this age. They are incalculable treasures that my heart wishes to distribute, especially when you pray to Me for grace and mercy for the sake of my Holy Wounds and My Sacred, Precious Blood.” (p.17)

-“I desire devotion to My Sacred Wounds to be promoted in prayer and in writing. Time presses ever more urgently, and for mankind salvation through My Sacred Wounds is indispensable.” (p.25)

-“My Sacred Wounds are the remedy for the future. Pray, pray that people will accept this remedy, for there is nothing else that can save them.” (p. 73).

(The above quotes taken from the revelations given to Sr. Maria of the Crucified Love, from the book "By His Wounds You Are Healed". Wurzburg: 2003. Book can be purchased from JMJ Religious Books)
Next, from the prophecies of mystic Marie Julie-Jahenny
Our Lord asked us to remain devoted to His Precious Blood and not to forget the pious practice of offering all our prayers and works in union with the Divine merits and graces of His most Precious Blood.
Words of Our Lord (date?): “Never forget to renew persistently the offering of Precious Blood. You will be consoled, all you who honor My Precious Blood, nothing will happen to you.”
Those devoted to Our Lord’s Wounds will also be shielded from punishments like a ‘lightning rod’. (date?) The devotion to the Holy Wounds will be a lightning rod for the Christians who will have kept it.” (i.e. kept faithful to it.)

Next we have an entry from the Diary of Anneliese Michel, a victim soul who was possessed by the devil. This entry is dated October 15, 1975:
Lucifer:The snotnose (ie- Anneliese) blurt out everything. Now she also receives suggestions from that One (Virgin Mary)…By her order (the Virgin Mary), the five holy wounds should be venerated in a special manner. The Holy Face should be venerated.” 
(LeBlanc, Lawrence, "Anneliese Michel: A True Story of a Case of Demonic Possession"ebook: Location, 737)

And more recently in an alleged message from the Virgin Mary on May 19. 2012 to Mario D’Ignazio in the apparitions of "Contrada di Santa Teresa" in Brindisi, Italy, the Virgin Mary reportedly said:
“I am here. Listen to me. I desire that you adore and immerse yourself in the Wounds of Jesus, making sacrifices for love. They are the remedy for the evil in this world. Call upon them so that they may heal the heart of man, a heart that forgot God, a heart incapable of loving and giving itself. Love is manifested in the donation of self. Pray the Chaplet of the Holy Wounds every day because it is very powerful. Teach it to your brothers so that they may practice it and this devotion may be made known. In the Wounds of My Son there are graces concealed from the Divine Clemency of the Father Most High.”

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich’s visions of the Church and the Holy Wounds:
“...Again I saw St. Peter’s with its lofty cupola on whose top stood Michael shining with light. He wore a blood-red robe, a great banner in his hand. A desperate struggle was going on below – green and blue combatants against white, and over the latter, who seemed to be worsted, appeared a fiery blood red sword. None knew they fought. The church was all red like the angel, and I was told that it would be bathed in blood." 

"The longer the combat lasted, the paler grew the color of the Church, the more transparent it became. Then the angel descended and approached the white troops. I saw him several times in front of them. Their courage was wonderfully aroused; they knew not why or how, and how the angel struck right and left among the enemy who fled in all directions. Then the fiery sword over the victorious whites disappeared. During the engagement the enemy’s troops kept constantly deserting to the other side; once they went in great numbers. Numbers of saints hovered in the air over the combatants, pointing out what was to be done, making signs with the hand, etc., all different, but impelled by one spirit. When the angel had descended, I beheld above him a great shining cross in the heavens. "
"On it hung the Savior from whose wounds shot brilliant rays over the whole earth. These glorious wounds were red like resplendent doorways, their center golden-yellow like the sun. He wore no crown of thorns, but from all the wounds of His head streamed rays. Those from His hands, feet, and side were fine as hair and shone with rainbow colors; sometimes they all united and fell upon villages, cities, and houses throughout the world. I saw them (the rays) here and there, far and near, falling upon the dying, and then souls entering by the colored rays into the Savior’s wounds."

"The rays from the side (of Jesus) spread over the Church like a mighty current lighting up every part of it; and I saw that the greater number of souls enter into the Lord by these glittering streams. I saw also a shining red heart floating in the air. From one side flowed a current of white light to the Wound of the sacred side, and from the other a second current fell upon the Church in many regions; its rays attracted numerous souls who, by the Heart and the current of light, entered into the side of Jesus. I was told that this is the Heart of Mary." 

"Besides these rays, I saw from all the wounds about thirty ladders let down to the earth, some of which, however, did not reach it. They were not all alike but narrow and broad, with large and small rounds, some standing alone, others together. Their color corresponded to the purification of the soul, first dark, then clearer, then gray, and, at last, brighter and brighter. I saw souls painfully climbing up. Some mounted quickly, as if helped from above, others pressed forward eagerly but slipped back upon the lower rounds, while others fell back entirely into the darkness. Their eager and painful efforts were quite pitiful. It seemed as if they who mounted easily as if helped by others, were in closer communication with the Church. I saw, too, many souls of those that fell on the battlefield taking the path leading into the body of the Lord." 

"Behind the cross, far back in the sky, I saw multitudes of pictures representing the preparation begun ages ago for the work of Redemption. But I cannot describe it. It looked like the stations of the way of Divine Grace from the Creation to the Redemption. I did not always stand in the same place. I moved around among the rays, I saw all. Ah, I saw inexpressible, indescribable things!"
"When the combat on earth was over, the church and the angel became bright and shining, and the latter disappeared; the cross also vanished and in its place stood a tall, resplendent lady extending over it her mantle of golden rays. There was a reconciliation going on inside, and acts of humility were being made. I saw Bishops and pastors approaching one another and exchanging books. The various sects recognized the Church by her miraculous victory and the pure light of revelation they had seen beaming upon her… When I saw this reunion, I felt that the kingdom of God was near. I felt so sensibly the approach of the kingdom of God that I was forced to run to meet it crying tears of joy.”
~Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich – December 30, 1819
Consecration of our children to the Holy Wounds
There has been a pious practice of consecrating one’s children or loved ones to each of the Holy Wounds. This has produced many saints such as St. Veronica Giuliani. Before Veronica’s mother, Benedetta Mancini, died, she consecrated each of her five children to each of the Five Holy Wounds of Jesus. Ursula (St. Veronica) was consecrated to the wound of Jesus’ side. Throughout her diary it is clear that St. Veronica had a great devotion to the Holy Wounds.
Father Giuseppe Tomaselli
Father Giuseppe Tomaselli, a 20th century Italian exorcist and spiritual director to special souls such as Natuzza Evolo, said in one of his tapes: “Jesus told a soul:‘Kiss My Wounds often. Kiss them very often.’ The soul replied, ‘How many times in a day?’ Jesus answered, ‘Numberless times. Kiss them often because the Wounds of Jesus are springs of grace and mercy.”
Father Giuseppe also advised the following, “It is good that everyone wear a crucifix and kiss often during the day the Holy Wounds. The practice of those good mothers or good religious daughters in which they place a soul into the Wounds of Christ is praiseworthy. For example, a mother could say: ‘I have 5 children: I place each one of my five children in a specific Wound of Jesus. Those who, for example, have other sinners, can place one or more sinners into each Wound in order for the Wounds of Jesus to save many souls.” 
Lux, Cristiana. "Don Giuseppe Tomaselli: Grande Mistico, Grande Guaritore, Grande Esorcista"pp.16-17

Sister Mary Martha Chambon and Devotion to the Holy Wounds of Jesus Christ
Sister Mary Martha Chambon (1841- March 21, 1907), a nun of the Religious of the Visitation of Chambery, could be called the apostle of the Holy Wounds. Like St. Margaret Mary, a saint from the same religious order, whom Jesus entrusted with the Devotion to the Sacred Heart; Sister Mary Martha Chambon was entrusted with the Devotion to the Holy Wounds. 

One year on the Feast of the Visitation, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her together with St. Margaret Mary and the Founders of the order to confirm her mission. The Blessed Virgin Mary told her: “Blessed Margaret Mary reproduced the Sacred Heart of my Son in order to give Him to the world…and you, my daughter are chosen to arrest the justice of God in making known the merits of the Passion and of the Holy Wounds of my unique and beloved son, Jesus.” 

Jesus, Himself, revealed to her the many advantages and graces that can be obtained through this devotion to His Holy Wounds:
“My daughter, each time you offer to My Father the merits of My divine Wounds, you gain an immense fortune.”

"Behold wherewith to pay all debts. Fear not to show My Wounds to souls. The way of My Wounds is an easy and simple way of going to heaven.”
“I will grant all that is asked of Me through devotion to the Holy Wounds. Those who will honor them will have a true knowledge of Jesus Christ.”
“There will be no death for the soul that expires in My Wounds, They give true life.”
Then, Jesus taught her these two aspirations:
“My Jesus, pardon and mercy through the merits of Thy Holy Wounds.” 
 Jesus indicated that this aspiration should be repeated often near the sick as it is promised to bring solace to soul and body. The second prayer that Jesus taught her was:

“Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Wounds of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to heal the wounds of our souls.” Jesus promised the conversion of the sinner who would make this offering.

The sisters in this convent arranged these two aspirations into the Chaplet of the Holy Wounds, also called the Chaplet of Mercy, in order to facilitate its recitation. These aspirations, which are indulgenced, can be said on any rosary or chaplet, or may be said as single invocations during work. The Chaplet of the Holy Wounds can be found at the end of this article.

Sister Martha Chambon had great zeal for souls, especially the dying. Jesus told her:
“You must offer the merits of the Holy Wounds for persons who die in the night or during the course of the day.” Jesus told her of this great gift He had given to her community: “Behold your treasure. The treasure of the Holy Wounds encloses crowns which you should take and give to others. One day these souls for whom you shall have obtained a holy death by your prayers, will turn towards you to thank you. All men shall appear before Me on the judgment day, and I shall then point out My privileged Spouses, who shall have purified the world by My Holy Wounds.”

Another practice of Saint Mary Martha was offering her actions in union with the Holy Wounds for the conversion of sinners and for the souls in purgatory. In this way, she obtained the release of many souls. The chaplet of the Holy Wounds is a very efficacious way of helping the poor souls. Jesus told her once: 
“My daughter, look at my Wounds, offer them for the souls in Purgatory. The sufferings of My Holy Passion, behold the great remedy for these souls; but its merits must be applied to them.”

The sisters in the convent of Sister Mary Martha in Chambery have received many letters of graces that have been obtained through the chaplet of the Holy Wounds and the intercession of Sister Mary Martha Chambon.

Sister Mary Martha Chambon in prayer
According to Sister Martha Chambon, one of the promises that Jesus attached to the recitation of the Chaplet of the Holy Wounds, also called the Chaplet of Mercy, was that:
“At each word that you pronounce of the Chaplet of Mercy I let a drop of My Blood fall on the soul of a sinner.” 
Sister Mary Martha was granted a vision in which she saw Jesus holding a cup full of His Precious Blood and how He placed a drop of His Blood in different souls, including the souls of her mother and father. This brought great consolation to Sister Mary Martha. Jesus then told her:
“The graces that I bestow in this manner are never lost.”

St. Andre Bessette, the wonder worker of Montreal, Canada had a great devotion to the Holy Wounds because he had read the life of Sister Mary Martha Chambon. He did his best to propagate this devotion. .He received this book from a nun who frequently came to visit him. He attached such great importance to this devotion that the next time this nun came to visit him, he asked her for 18 more copies of the book, “to convert 18 sinners.” 

That sister answered, “You surely do not mean that Brother Andre. I do not have them, and they are not to be found in Montreal.” 
“That does not matter,” he replied, “I must have them.” 
Then a miracle of Divine Providence happened. When that sister returned to her convent and went to the library, she found two dozen copies of that book carefully wrapped up. No one in the house could tell her where the books came from.

(Bergeron, Henri-Paul. "Brother Andre:The Wonder Worker of Mount Royal", Montreal, Canada: St. Joseph Oratory, 1997. P.125.)

Jesus told Sister Mary of the Crucified Love: “To Sister Mary Martha Chambon, I entrusted the devotion to My Sacred Wounds and its promotion as a mission of atonement. Yes, I entrusted this task to her heart. She still bears it there today as a most profound duty of love, in the complete union with My Heart, in the betrothal of the Cross. Come to her with your intentions. Bring her with you in prayer and intercession. She has been permitted to be your advocate in the many difficulties and sufferings that can and may be healed through the merits of My Sacred Wounds. Yes, commit yourselves entirely, as she did, to the apostolate of My Sacred Wounds. Consecrate your entire life to this mission and follow the way of Love that Marie Martha walked as an example for you.” 

Currently, the beatification cause for Sister Mary Martha Chambon is underway.

(The above quotes from Sr. Chambon are taken from: Religious of the Visitation of Holy Mary of Chambery, "Sister Mary Martha Chambon", Saint Louis, MO: Monastery of the Visitation, 1930, and also the aforementioned book, "By His Wounds You Are Healed", p. 106. )

For those drawn to the spirituality of the Passionists, it is noteworthy to point out that the Passionist Order celebrates the Feast of the Holy Wounds on the Friday after the Octave of Easter.

Prayers of devotion to the Holy Wounds of Jesus

Revealed to Sister Mary Martha Chambon
To be recited on regular Rosary beads
On the Crucifix:
O Jesus Divine Redeemer, be merciful to us and to the whole world. Amen.
Strong God, Holy God, Immortal God, have mercy on us and on the whole world. Amen.
Grace and mercy, O my Jesus, during present dangers; cover us with Your Precious Blood. Amen.
Eternal Father, grant us mercy through the Blood of Jesus Christ, Your only Son; grant us mercy, we beseech You. Amen, Amen, Amen.
On the large beads:
V. Eternal Father, I offer You the Wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ.
R. To heal the wounds of our souls.
On the small beads:
V. My Jesus, pardon and mercy.
R. Through the merits of Your Holy Wounds.                    

Maria Graf-Suter
Prayers of Maria Graf-Suter (1906-1964):
In union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I salute and adore the Holy Wound of Your right hand, oh Jesus, and I place in this Wound all the priests of Your Holy Church. Give them, every time they celebrate the Holy Sacrifice, the fire of Your Divine Love, so that they may be able to communicate it to the souls entrusted to them. Glory be… Amen.
I salute and adore the Holy Wound of Your left hand, and I place in it all those who are in error and all the unbelievers, those poor souls that do not know you. For the love of these souls, please send, Jesus, workers to your vineyard, so that they may find their way to Your Sacred Heart. Glory be… Amen.
I salute and adore the Holy Wounds of Your feet, and place in them all the hardened sinners that choose to live in the world. I especially entrust to You those who will die today. Don’t permit, Jesus, that Your Precious Blood be lost to them. Glory be…Amen.
I salute and adore the Holy Wounds of Your Holy Head, and I place in these Holy Wounds the enemies of the Holy Church, those who are still striking you today and persecuting you in your Mystical Body. I beg you, Jesus, convert them and call them like you called Saul to make him St. Paul, so that soon there will be but one fold and one shepherd. Glory be…Amen.
I salute and adore the Holy Wound of Your Sacred Heart, and place in it, Jesus, my soul and all those for whom you want me to pray, especially those who suffer, who are afflicted, all who are persecuted and abandoned. Give them, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your Light and Your Grace. Fill them with Your Love and Your true Peace. Glory be… Amen.
Prayer of St. Veronica Giuliani:
‘My God, I ask you for souls. Let these Your Wounds be voices for me and say with me: O souls redeemed by the Blood of Christ, come to this source of love. I am calling you and these Holy Wounds speak for me, but all of you come.”
Prayers of Sister Mary of the Crucified Love:
Eternal Father, I offer You the bleeding and victorious Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in them my own life, for Your glory and for every individual soul. Amen.

O Jesus, bless us with all the fruits and the effects of Your Holy Wounds; have mercy on us who seek refuge in You. Amen.
Saluting Our Lord’s Five Wounds
Glory be to Thee, most sweet, most gentle, most benign, most noble, most excellent effulgent and ever-peaceful Trinity for the roseate wounds of my only Love!
(After St. Gertrude the Great repeated this salutation 5,466 times, the Lord appeared to her bearing golden flowers on each Wound and said to her:
“Behold in what glory I now appear to you. I will appear in the same manner to you at your death, and will cover all the stains of your sins, and of those also who salute My Wounds with the same devotion.”
(St. Gertrude the Great, "The Life and Revelations of St. Gertrude", Rockford,IL: Tan Books and Publishers, 2002, pg. 388)

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Jesus death on April 3, 33AD and Divine Mercy Sunday

Does Divine Mercy Sunday this year (April 3, 2016) coincide with the actual date of Jesus crucifixion, the day when the "Heart of Jesus, fountain of Mercy" was opened for us?

-An interesting consideration for this "Year of Mercy": The possible alignment of the date of this years Feast of Divine Mercy and Jesus' death on April 3, 33 A.D. 

What was the precise date of Jesus crucifixion? The short answer is that we do not know for sure, but the Scriptures do give us some very significant clues, like the fact that it occurred in conjunction with the Jewish feast of Preparation day for Passover (John 19:31), that He died under Pontius Pilate (Mt 27:2) and that it occurred a few years after the fifteenth year of Tiberius’s reign which marked the beginning of John the Baptist’s ministry (Luke 3:1), all of which, among others, has allowed scholars to narrow it down to just two likely dates,  April 7, 30 A.D. or April 3, 33 A.D.

Now, I will not go into all the various details that point to April 3, 33 AD being the most likely date of Jesus death on the Cross, since there are already quite a few excellent articles (like The First Things article here, Jimmy Akin's article here, along with a more scholarly one here , and there are even astronomical signs that point to this date also.

Additionally, as Jimmy Akin points out, tradition has also long since pointed to the April 3rd date, with Jimmy himself laying out the groundwork of facts which have traditionally established this date, and recently we even find Father Z writing a fascinating article linking the eclipses of April 3rd: "Good Friday, April 3 AD 33 – Lunar and Solar Eclipses as Christ died on the Cross."

And incidentally, this date of April 3, 33 is also why it is traditionally believed that Jesus died at the age of 33.

O' Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us...
And so it is that we have the very likely possibility that this upcoming Divine Mercy Sunday (April 3, 2016) may very well coincide with the actual date of Jesus Crucifixion, which would naturally lead one to reflect and contemplate the prospect that on this Divine Mercy Sunday, we may very well also be celebrating the anniversary of the actual date that Jesus died on the Cross, when His side was opened by the soldiers lance from which the Sacred Blood and Water flowed as a Fount of Mercy for us.

And so while we cannot be absolutely certain, this Divine Mercy Sunday we may very well be celebrating a blessed twofold celebration in this time period in which the Pope has declared a "Year of Mercy"! But one thing is for certain, and that is that will all be long gone from this earth the next time this rare conjunction of April 3 and Divine Mercy Sunday coincide, for it will not happen again until 2157 AD!
"For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world!"

"O' Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in You!"

Helena Pelczar: A forgotten Polish American Stigmatic

Helena Pelczar (1888-1926): A forgotten Ohio Mystic and Stigmatic

"I shall bless you with a special gift by which you will be able to recognize sinners, for whom you will bear the sufferings I will send upon you. You will experience much of the affliction, misery and pain that I did during My agony on the Cross. Due to your great love for Me, you will offer all your torments for sinners whom I Myself will point out to you." -Part of a vision of Jesus on February 19, 1918.

Primary source for this article is the book "Helen Pelczar- A Forgotten Stigmatic" by Reverend Fr. Bernard Jarzembowski, Cleveland, 1936 (Polish), republished in English in 2014 by the Rosemarie Publishing House.

Helena Pelczar (or "Helen" in English) was born on the Feast of Christ­mas 1888 in the small town of Korczyna in south­western Poland. Her parents, Salomea (nee Wier­nasz) and Franciszek Pelczar, were but poor peasants, who in spite of their hard work and drudgery could hardly manage to feed their eight children, of which Helen was the second oldest.

Helen started going to school at the age of seven. Cold, fierce winters soon proved the most difficult, for her parents couldn't afford buying her shoes. But little Helen never seemed to complain, even when her legs were so badly injured by frostbite that festering, stinking wounds appeared on them, and she had to spend the rest of the winter at home to recuperate. 

On one occasion, Helen hadn't eaten for two days and she fainted in the middle of a class because of malnutri­tion . Sometimes one of the teachers gave their own meal to this miserable child out of pity. Learning in such conditions was very hard for Helen. She especially had problems with reading, for her only primer for literacy was a prayer book.

On another occasion, she developed a large sore-ulcer on her stom­ach. Her family had a special love for the famous Madonna of Stara Wies, so one day they went on a pilgrimage to St. Mary of the Assumption's Sanc­tuary in Stara Wies in order to ask the Virgin Mary for heal­ing. Her father touched the miraculous painting of Mary in Stara Wies with a piece of linen while praying before it. Afterwards, little Helen touched that "relic" linen upon her ulcer, and it soon disappeared completely..

In 1897 at the age of nine the time came for Helen to receive her First Holy Communion. The pious
girl was waiting for this day with great anticipation to welcome Jesus into her little heart. However, it was feared that she would not be admitted to the ceremony, since because of her families poverty she had no white robe, a required attire for the first communicant. This situation was obviously very troubling for her. In spite of this uncertainty, she continued learning the Catechism with the greatest industriousness. When the day of the First Communion came, the school principal, Mrs. Udwinska, lent her a white dress, and thus Helen's fervent desire to receive Jesus in Holy Communion came true.

However her happiness didn't last very long, because soon afterwards her young mother passed from this life, leaving Helen and her family heartbroken. With no other options, given that Helen was the 2nd oldest child, the heartbroken father asked the nine-year­ old Helen to go into service for the rest of the family, and she did her best each day even though she was a malnourished little girl. Helen grazed cattle on the fields and helped with farm work, both indoors and out. In subsequent years, she was hired as a domestic servant and a shepherdess by nearby neighbors, which brought much needed money to her family. 

Those who knew Helen during these years stated that she was silent and calm, and her sorrow added particular dignity to her appearance. As the years passed, better times fi­nally dawned for her and her family and little He­len wasn't starving anymore. However, one thing about Helen did not change - she found her greatest of joy in prayer and her love and devotion to Jesus and Mary. Those who knew her during this time all pointed out that her devotion was very striking and edifying, and that she spoke rarely. Her favorite prayers were the Rosary and the Way of the Cross. Two of her neighbor-employers, Mrs. Ras and Mr. and Mrs. Jurasz testified that "She was a very honest girl and boys did not seem to hold much appeal for her, although there were quite a few of them around. She fasted from time to time, sometimes not eating for whole two days", and also adding that "Helen was very obedient and there was never any need to coerce her into fulfilling her responsibilities."

Helena Pelczar at around age 10
Jesus answered Helen's love and devotion in special ways. Once, as she was in the church on Good Friday 1909 or 1910, she sank so deep in prayer and meditation about our Savior's Passion, that she didn't notice the passage of time and when she finally decided to leave it was well after dark--in fact, it was so dark that particular night that Helen could hardly see anything. She said a prayer and set off for home when suddenly a strange, miraculous light appeared in front of her. It looked just like a tiny sun and was almost so close to her, that she could touch it with her hand. The light accompanied her until she got home. It lighted her way and disappeared all of a sudden the moment she walked into her house.

As Helen confided to her aunt, Julie Wiernasz, and to her cousin Francis, she first came down with a "strange sickness" in Poland on Easter Sunday 1910 during her service for the Jurasz family. The ecstasy she felt back then lasted for three days and three nights. She was unconscious, with her eyes wide open and insensible to light. She didn't hear a thing, and her body could relate to no ex­ternal stimuli. As she stated later, in her holy state she could at times see the Lord himself, or the Virgin Mary, and also at times certain an­gels or saints.

Within the first few weeks after arriving in Ohio, USA, Helen began suf­fering, as usual, from her “strange sickness”. When she got “sick”, she would lose consciousness; she couldn't move, and she ate and drank nothing. She often experienced intense pain throughout her body during these periods. Once her "sickness" lasted for more than ten days. When she finally recovered consciousness, she was exhausted and felt pain all over her body. She especially felt immense pain in her right side which was all bruised I appearance. She often remained in this state from three to five days. Sometimes after coming out of these prolonged ecstasies He­len would be overcome with exhaustion, and would fall asleep for a few hours. Afterwards, she would feel quite well and would immediately get back to her work.

Upon arriving home after Vespers on Christmas Eve, Dec 24, 1917, Helen began suf­fering very strong pains in her hands and feet. On Fri­day December 28, painful dark round stigmas appeared on both her hands and feet. She also felt pain in her right side, all the way through to her back, which like her hands and feet also turned deep blue. Alarmed by these events, her Aunt asked Doctor Smigiel to come as soon as possible. After careful examination of the wounds, Dr. Smigiel wrote an official opinion in which he claimed that her sickness could not be explained from a medical point of view. These initial stigmata’s lasted for 3 days.

On February 10, 1918 Helen began to suffer pains once again in her hands, feet and side, with each passing day the pain seemingly became even stronger. On Ash Wednesday, 13th February 1918, she was almost bent in agony due to an intense pain in her side. On Thursday evening, Helen became unconscious up until midnight. During this time she had an incredible vision of which she later told her family about.

In ecstasy she saw Jesus who was shedding an amazing light upon her which emanated from His Sacred Heart. The Savior told His humble servant the following:

"Apologize to your godmother [as Helen called her aunt] for anything you could have offended her with and ask her to let you attend Mass every day, if your health allows you. You shall refrain from eating or drinking anything from Thursday noon until Saturday noon. Also from now on, you shall not eat meat any longer. I shall bless you with a special gift by which you will be able to recognize sinners, for whom you should bear the sufferings I will send upon you. You will experience as much affliction, misery and pain as I did during my agony on the Cross. Due to your great love for me, you will offer all your torments for sinners whom I myself will point out to you”

After these words Jesus gave Helen His blessing and then disappeared.

The next day was February 15th, the first Friday of the Lent, 1918. Helen suffered great pain in her body and stayed in her bed. Around 12 noon, purple and red marks started appearing on her hands, feet and right side, with the wounds opening gradually, beginning firstly upon her right hand and foot, then on her left hand and foot. It is worth adding, that before her wounds started bleeding, an unknown, unseen force had placed her right foot and left one so that the wounds of both feet “lined up”, as if nailed together. Her family tried to split Helen's feet, but it brought her even more pain. About three in the afternoon the wound in her right side started to bleed as well. 

According to the physicians report, the wounds on her hands and feet were about one inch long. They were located on the upper part of her palms at her hands, and in the case of her feet, on the upper part of her feet, closer to the ankles. On this second occasion, they kept bleeding without letup until five in the afternoon , and then stopped. The blood created a dark red crust around the injuries. Seeing them, one would get a very good picture of the nail wounds that Jesus Himself sustained.

While the wounds were bleeding, Helen remained unconscious, in a prolonged ecstasy. Her hands and legs were stiff and cold, and the skin on her palms, feet and right side was blue. Her fingers were bended in pain, and her face especially indicated that she was suffering the greatest of agony.

From that day on Helen's stigmata opened and bled on every Friday morning, always around the same time. The Savior wanted the pious girl to suffer as He did, for she was chosen to be His intercessor and as such she was called to suffer in union with Him to convert sinners, participating in a special way in the work of Salvation.

Father Francis Duda was at that time a curate of St. John Cantius in Cleveland, Helen's parish Church. For two years, in 1917 and 1918, he was the visiting priest who gave He­len Holy Communion at home in the times when she was incapable of going to the Church herself because of her great sufferings. Thus, he had a privileged opportunity to observe Helen during these times. He testified that on numerous occasions he had seen the wounds on her hands and feet and how they were bleeding, however out or purity and chastity he did not see the wound in her right side though.  Interestingly, when Helen attended the 7pm Mass herself, her wounds would not open.

Thus during all of Lent 1918, Helen felt and participated in the agony of the Passion of the Christ in a specific way. Along with being drawn into ecstasy and receiving the stigmata every Friday, she would also become still and be drawn into ecstasy each day about half past five, no matter what she was doing at that specific time, and she became insensible to anything that was going on around her. This unusual state would last for about an hour. 

It was usually at seven in the evening when the Mass in the local church of St. John Cantius in Cleveland started, and Helen would often go with her cousin Francis to this Mass. Yet, there were many times however when she was suffering too much to go to Mass, and on these occasions even though Helen was lying still in her bed, she knew exactly which part of the Mass was being conducted, at the precise moment when things were occurring. Up to the very moment of Conse­cration, her hands, feet and right side would become deeply red. When the priest raised the Host, her wounds opened immediately, as if someone had pierced them with a sharp object, and started bleeding. They were bleeding until the Holy Communion was being distributed. When the priest took the Communion himself, the bleeding would suddenly stop, and the wounds would close and heal, and after about fifteen minutest only slight marks of them were left, as if they were old wounds that were mostly healed.

The Blessed Mother appeared to Helen more than once.  One time she appeared with two angels.  One angel held on a pillow a Golden Crown richly encrusted with diamonds, and the other a Crown of Thorns.  The Blessed Mother spoke to Helen asking her to choose one of the Crowns.  Helen, feeling unworthy of holding a Golden Crown, she chose the Crown of Thorns.

As a reward, the next day, the Blessed Mother returned with an angel on one side of her and Helen's mother on the other.  Her mother had been dead for 25 years.  As a reward for having chosen the crown of thorns, signifying pain and suffering, the Blessed Mother now held in her hands the Golden Crown and said to Helen, “This is the Crown that you will be crowned with in Heaven.”

Helen’s own mother encouraged her to embrace her suffering with love saying:
 “My child, suffer with happiness and love everything that the Lord Jesus sends upon you, for you will soon reunite with me in heaven.”

On Thursday, October 17th, 1918, Helen was once again suffering intensely. The flesh of her hands, feet and right side started turning blue and red again, as which normally occurred in preparation for the next bleeding of her stigmata. On the following day, a Friday, around three in the afternoon, a wound on her forehead opened unexpectedly, right above her left eye. It was almost two inches long, and it bled copiously.

Her cousin, Francis Wiernasz, a witness of these events, was under the impression that there were two holes inside the wound. At the same time Helen's left eye became heavily swollen, and the skin around it turned bluish and was quite painful. It seemed to her that an invisible crown had been placed on her head, although no other marks on her head could be seen other than the gash above her left eye. Yet, Francis noticed that blood appeared on her forehead, neck and around her ears. Her aunt, Julie Wiernasz, was deeply moved by this new manifestation, and she could hardly bear the very sight of the painful wound. Crying, she left the room and went to the kitchen.

On March 22, 1918, Helen once again experienced strong pains. Suddenly in a great brightness there appeared to her the Mother of God, carrying the Child Jesus in her arms. This particular apparition was extremely painful for Helen, because the body of the baby Jesus was badly wounded all over, and the Virgin Mary was bent over the Child in pain. Crying, She said to Helen:
"Look, My daughter, how sinners treat My Son:'

Then before Helen's eyes a painful vision of the Passion of Jesus appeared, which began with Jesus in prayer in the garden of Gethsemane, until the agony on Calvary. Helen moaned tearfully while watching some of the scenes, such as the scourg­ing of Jesus, .

Between June 13th and 18th, 1918 Helen experienced another period of suffering. On Friday, June 14th, between three and five in the afternoon, He­len had a vision of Jesus unspeakably battered, tired and completely devastated. His Heart was open and wounded, as if pierced by a dagger. Blood gushed profusely to the ground. On the left side of His Heart a shining Host could be seen, from which three large rays radiated. The Host and the Heart formed a whole. The Host suddenly started to move, and it seemed as if it wanted to break away from the Heart. It inflicted the Heart of Jesus with pain, and divided it into two halves, the Host seemingly ripping from the left side of God's Heart.

Helen did not understand that sorrowful vision. She wanted to ask about its meaning, but the suffering of Jesus caused such a great pain to her that she could not utter a word. After a while, Jesus said to her:
"Do you see this sacred Host shak­ing on all sides and peeling away from my Heart? What is it, that hurts it so terribly? It is the weak and shaky faith of some Catholics. Many abandon the true Catholic faith, enter into various sects and forever lose their souls, for which I shed all my blood. You see me devastated; Yes it is me, who out of an infinite love for my people, humbles and wholly submits Myself to being really and truly present in the Blessed Sacrament in all churches,  yet some do not believe in My presence in the Blessed Sacrament, and moving away from Me abandon and reject the dearest treasure of true faith, and thus perishing forever.”

[Editors note: While perhaps some might have difficulty with the statement above purportedly from Jesus to Helen, it should be interpreted in light of Chapter 6 of the Gospel of John:"Jesus said to them, 'Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you." (John 6:53)

Through this vision, Helen became ever more aware that Jesus wanted her to suffer to make reparation for those who offend Him in the Holy Eucharist. This terrible vision of the wounded Heart of Jesus had never left Helen. Because God gave her the stigmata in her right side, signifying the pierced Heart of Jesus, she was to feel suffering and pain similar to the Heart of the Savior. And because the Heart of Jesus always desires the conversion and salvation of sinners, Helen too was always willing and ready to suffer in union with Him in reparation, and for the conversion of souls. For Jesus revealed to her many times how she could help relieve the pain of His Sacred Heart by helping to save souls from hell through her willing sacrifices, sufferings and prayers.

Once again Jesus appeared to Helen on November 15, 1918. She felt the greatest of sadness, as the Heart of the Savior was bloodied and bruised by sinners. Jesus said to her: 
"Pray for sinners. Ask me to increase their weak faith. Offer to Me your suffering for them, to make them convert, repent for their sins, make a sincere confession and thus escape from eternal damnation"

In 1919 the deadly influenza or "flu" pandemic was infecting people across the globe. Helena's cousin Francis, an eyewitness to the following miracle, relates the event in his own words:

"It was Thursday afternoon. Helen, as usual, began to experience mystical sufferings shortly before evening, and she continued to suffer through the night. On Friday, the suffering became more painful in the anticipation for the stigmata. Around noon on Friday her wounds completely opened and started bleeding until four or the five in the afternoon. Then the blood ceased to flow out of them, by Saturday morning both the wounds and their blue color disappeared, as usual. 

"Going back to Thursday, Helena fell ill and had pains on both sides and in her chest. Helena had much difficulty withstanding the pain, and fearing that she got infected with the Spanish flu, an unusually deadly influenza pandemic taking its toll at that time, she asked for a doctor's visit. I called Dr. Krebs late Thursday afternoon. We waited for him until midnight, but the doctor did not come. 

"On Friday morning it became apparent that Helen was getting the stig­mata. Her hands, feet and side were already turning blue. Seeing this, I thought to myself that at least this time Dr. Krebs will see her bloody wounds (this particular Doctor had never seen her stigmata). But at 9:30 in the morning the stigmatic blue color suddenly disappeared. Then, at 10:00 o'clock the doctor arrived and examining Helena he asked her what hurt. But Helena did not answer because first of all she didn't understand English, and secondly, she couldn't speak during her stigmatic illness. I myself, therefore, told him about the pains in her sides and chest. The doctor examined her, he said she had a pleurisy and that she was quite cold. Therefore he wrote a prescription for a medication and or­dered to apply a patch to her sides. I paid him and he left. But as soon as the doctor left, the stigmatacame right back"

On another occasion, one Friday morning Father Duda brought Doc­tor Kocinski to examine the stigmatic. He wanted the physician to be a witness of mystical wounds and extraordinary suffering of Helena. It was a time when the usual stigmata were open and bleeding and she was in ecstasy. But that day, Helena got out of bed just before they came and began her household work. The priest was surprised, but apparently God did not want a doctor to witness Helena's suffering. When the guests left the house, she lied down and her stigmata began to bleed again.

One day, Helena's guardian Angel told her that her mystical sufferings could be removed if she would not be willing to suffer together with Jesus, but as long as she willingly accepts to suffer out of love for Jesus and sinners, then there will be no earthly doctor who could ever help her. Since then Helen sometimes begged with tears in her eyes for her family not to call for a doctor, claiming that this could not help her anyway.

Over the years Helen was treated by eight doctors from Cleveland and among them there were three Poles. They tried to help her the best they could, however the root cause of Helen's "illness" remained a mystery to all of them.

Helena Pelczar
On Friday, March 7, 1919, Helen expressed through gestures the way she suffered. Her relatives recognized that she was speaking of the crucifixion. Some invisible force slowly stretched out her arms and legs so badly that all the bones crackled in her body, severely stretching her muscles and tendons to their limits. With her arms and legs stretched, her chest lifted so much that all the ribs were clearly visible. It seemed so that the skin of her body would be ripped in any moment now and all her bones would pop out.

This painful mystical experience of the crucifixion which she was experiencing was almost unbearable for Helena. For a moment she forgot that it was her destiny was to suffer in these ways! The pain was so powerful that it did not allow her to contemplate Our Sav­ior's Passion and His Mother's anguish. Helen was suffering so terribly that she thought she was going to die, so she asked her relatives to call a doctor, thinking that he may relieve her from her sufferings. Right after this request she lost consciousness and had the following noteworthy vision, about which she later told her cousin Francis. 

As she described it, suddenly an Angel appeared right before her. He was wearing a beautiful white robe. Helen said that she had never seen him before, but she was sure it was an Angel of the Higher Order. His expression was serious, almost stern. He then spoke to Helen: 
"Why are you so discouraged about the sufferings that Jesus grants upon you? You should know that no one in the world can help you with the pain. Do you still want to suffer willingly and lovingly, or do you want the Lord to take this grace away from you?"

Helen stated: "I was very frightened that the Lord will take the suffering from me and with great sorrow in my heart I promised the Angel that I will continue to suffer willingly and lovingly everything that the Lord Jesus shall send upon me. At the same moment I saw Jesus in His Crown of Thorns, terribly scourged and wounded all over, so that the pieces of the Most Holy Body were hanging off his bones. The Angel was standing behind Jesus and he held the fainting Jesus in his arms. Looking at Jesus so badly wounded, I thought that my heart will burst from grief and I fainted out of sorrow."

When Helena regained consciousness, she continued to participate in the sufferings of the Crucifixion. She was no longer looking for relief, and while suffering she repeated with resignation again and again the following act: "Jesus, I will endure every­thing ... Jesus!... I will endure everything!"

On this particular occasion, Helena suffered the pains of the Passion and Crucifixion for twenty-four hours. After a day of suffering had ended, exhausted she fell into a deep ecstasy in which she had another vision.
This time Jesus appeared to her in great splendor, in lovely, shiny robes. His face was joyful and docile. The Savior said to her: 
"You see how, my daughter, when you suffer with love, you comfort me and heal the wounds that sinners give to me."

God gave Helena the visible presence of her guardian Angel because he was to be her teacher and spiritual director in the mission that she was called to. This messenger of God often admonished her and chastised her for even minor offenses and sluggishness in suffering. Towards the end of her life Helena told her relatives that he was with her almost constantly.

It happened once that because of her suffering she could not say the evening prayer on her kneels. Hastily, she prayed sitting, then went to bed. After less than two hours, her guardian Angel appeared, saying that her prayer was weak-hearted. Then he placed what appeared to be a wide band on her, which he slowly squeezed. Soon Helen could not bear the pain. With repentance in the heart she promised that henceforth she would always pray devoutly and attentively. The Angel then freed her from the band and then he disappeared.

On another occasion Helen was again exhausted from pain, which lasted all night until the morning. Since it was a weekday, Helen de­cided not to go for a morning Eucharist. Her guardian Angel came to her again. This time he was holding a big stick. He came up with her and hit her three times in the back, saying: "Get up you lazybones and go to the church."

The efforts and sacrifices which do not normally apply to ordinary people like majority of us is absolutely required of those like Helena whom God calls to important missions. Helena felt an intense pain in her back throughout the whole week, right in the place where the Angel had beaten her. Her guardian Angel continuously insisted that Helen not commit any sin, because she herself was called to make penance for the pain given to Jesus by other people with their sins. Thus her Angel was very strict with her in such matters.

And her Angel sometimes used remarkable lessons to teach her to avoid even the smallest of sins. Once Helen had a marvelous vision. Her Angel led her to a beautiful meadow and disappeared. After a while, Helen heard the cry: "Helen! Save me"

Hearing this cry from her Angel she ran toward the voice and saw her Angel in a deep pit, into which he apparently had fallen into. Helen was deeply worried over his misfortune, and she immediately tried to reach down into the pit to help the Angel, but could not reach him. She began to cry, and the Angel was calling for help even louder and louder. Helen kept trying to help him, but in vain. She cried helplessly, as her strength completely left her. Then the Angel himself came up from the pit and looking at her lovingly, with a light smile on his face, he said: 
"You see, child, it is in the same way that I have to toil with you to protect you from evils."

One day in 1919 the Angel appeared to Helen in the room next to hers. He tried to enter the bedroom where Helen was lying on the bed, but his wings seemingly kept him from entering. This apparent clumsy attempt to squeeze through the door aroused much laughter in Helen. Suddenly, the Angel flew through the door in a blink of an eye, got closer to Helen and sat on the bed, right at her head. He asked: 
"Helen, why are you becoming discouraged in suffering today?" 

Though she had complained to her self interiorly a few moments earlier she replied that she was willing to suffer more. The Angel replied: 
"Do not lie, do not lie! He then showed her all of the various instruments which Jesus was beset with during his scourging and crucifixion. Helen deeply experienced this vision and it made an incredible impression upon her.

One day, her Angel suddenly brought Helen in front of a poor hut, which stood near the forest, and ordered her to go inside, saying, "Go inside quickly”, while he remained outside in the yard. Inside the hut she saw an old bed standing behind the stove, and laying upon it she found a dying, abandoned girl, all covered with wounds. 'Oh, I was waiting for you!" the girl exclaimed, and at that moment she died. Helen immediately began to pray and offer her sufferings for the intentions of the girl. A few minutes later, her Angel came inside the hut and stood next to Helen. He pointed to the dead, and said: ''A patient soul goes to Jesus."

As we can see Helen's guardian Angel was a wise teacher, a true guardian and a constant companion. He protected her from committing sins and encouraged her to perform good works, penance and voluntary mortification. He supported her in order that she might worthily fulfill her mission as a victim soul and humbly accept the suffering sent to her by God.

In her visions, her Angel normally appeared to her with wings, however on the occasions when he guided her in Purgatory, he appeared to her as a young man or boy.

Helen suffered for sins, and not only for the sins of the people still living, but also for the sins of the dead. She suffered in her body in reparation for the souls in purgatory who no longer possessed a body, to help to shortening their time of purification in purgatory. And interesting were Helen’s visits to purgatory accompanied by her guardian Angel.

One day the Angel led her to a huge hall, which walls could not be seen. There were countless numbers of souls there. Her Heavenly envoy walked with her through the middle of the vast space. It was filthy and was full of a horrible stench which Helena could hardly bear. They kept walking for quite some time and it seemed to have no end. Eventually Helena asked the Angel to take her from there because she was convinced that she would suffo­cate from the stench. The Angel turned to her and said:
"You can hardly stand it in here. See, the souls who do not have help from anybody reside here"

While walking Helena had carefully examined many of hem. She saw people of different walks of life, and among them there was also priests, monks and nuns.

Helen was touched with this painful sight, which gave her a renewed desire to sacrifice, suffer and pray to help to bring relief for these souls as best that she could.

Helena sees Pope Benedict XV in Purgatory
In 1922, Helen’s cousin Francis Wiernasz was with Helen and they were about to leave for Mass when he noticed that Helen was having a vision. Helen was having another vision. He asked her what had happened. Helen did not hear his question at first, she was occupied with rubbing her clenched hand. When Francis asked his question again, she came to her senses and said: "Look what I have on my hand!" 
Then he saw red marks that could had been left by a strong handshake. He asked, in amazement, what had happened. Helen answered that she would tell him about everything after they return from church.

After the Mass, Helen recounted her vision to Francis, which concerned the recently deceased Pope Benedict XV, who had passed the very same year (1922).

On this occasion, her Angel appeared to her and said: "Come with me." Helen was not ready for a journey at that time and she was lingering, saying that she wasn't dressed decently. The heavenly messenger grasped her hand heavily and took her with him. They passed seas, mountains and woods, villages and towns, until they came to a cemetery at last. From the cemetery chapel came out a priest clothed in pontifical gowns and he stood right before Helen; she immediately recognized the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XV.

Helen was so embarrassed with her inappropriate kitchen apron and dress that she only kneeled and lowered her head. Pope Benedict put his hand on her chin and said to her: "Stand up dear, you don't have to be embarrassed. Your clothes are of no importance here"

As he said this he held out his hand with the papal ring in her direction. Helen, while kissing his ring, noticed that his hands were burned and bruised. Helen was deeply touched by this sight and she could not hide her great astonishment. It was a Pope, after all! She wondered to herself: "Is the Pope also suffering in the Purgatory? Does he need prayers as well?"

While she was pondering this the Pope said: "Pray with me and for me, because I have to pray for the faithful in my chapel, as I hadn't prayed enough for the faithful during my life."

Benedict XV looked painfully at Helen, then he turned around and walked into the chapel. He knelt at an iron kneeler, rested his elbows on it, and prayed.

Those close to her repeatedly recall also how Helen often was shown the state of persons of her Parish who had just died, that is whether they were in heaven, purgatory or damned.

In 1918 the Blessed Mother appeared to Helen. She showed her the events that were about to happen in Poland in the year 1920. Specifically, Helen saw the Battle of Warsaw (August 13-25, 1920). This was a war in which Polish patriots defended the boundaries of their country against the Bolsheviks. Helen saw a figure of Our Lady, Queen of Poland, hovering over an army of young boys led by a young priest, identified as Chaplain Fr. Ignancy Skorupka. With a cross in his hands, he led a charge on the front lines and ultimately was killed on the field. When the invaders saw this apparition, they fell into chaos and began to withdraw their troops in great confusion. This became known as the "Miracle of Vistula". Polish independence was preserved and the Bolshevik Revolution was stopped at the borders of Poland. Thus Helena was given a vision of this extraordinary event 2 years before it actually occurred.

Satan took his revenge on Helen fiercely for the many souls that she took from him through her sacrifices and sufferings. On one occasion she was suffering for the intention of repentance of a certain sinner. During her suffering she was obliged to remain in bed. At one point she got up to go to the bathroom, which was situated on the first floor. Upon going down the stairs suddenly Satan pushed her down the stairs with great force and she tumbled brutally, so that afterwards her whole body was sore and covered with bruises.

Her aunt and cousin were the witnesses of this particular incident. Helen did not speak much of such matters, but as she stood up they heard her say: "You may be pleased and think that I will quit or complain, but I will endure everything!"

For two hours one Saturday morning while she suffering and lying in bed, Satan continuously knocked on the door and windows of her room, terrifying her.

On another occasion, he stood up before Helen in a form of a black ape. He took her hand, pulled it and tried to molest her. She fought back against him and he disappeared only after she hit him with a rosary.

In order to remember these terrible events more clearly, Helen wrote an illustrated brochure titled "Hell". She herself read it often, because she wanted to do her best in preserving the holiness of her soul and salvation of others, always having the terror of Hell always in front of her eyes.

Helen was very reserved and normally did not go on social visits, but on one occasion the local Franciscan Sisters invited her one Sunday. She deeply respected consecrated religious and clergy and for that reason she could not turn down the invitation. During the talk Mother Superior, in the presence of other nuns, asked her directly: "Helen, when will you die?" 
Helen did not answer her question and pretended not to have heard it at all. Mother Superior repeated her question with emphasis. But again she did not reply, acting as if she did not hear the question. The nun did not concede and asked again, this time more in the form of a demand. To this Helen replied "In two years". 

In February 1926, two months before her death, Helena had  a vision of Jesus and angels. Her cousin Francis relates these details of what Helena told him in the following words:
"Helen found herself among the grain fields. The ripe ears of wheat and rye bowed under the weight of the grain. There were two or three an­gels working at the harvest, and the Lord of the harvest near them, wielding a pastoral stick in His hand. Helen recognized Him as the Savior, and watching the heavenly reapers, she confessed: 
'Oh, how would I like to reap as well!' because as far back as she was living in Poland she learned how to harvest. She heard Jesus talking with His angels and she understood suddenly that they were talking about her. She then understood that she will die soon, and the fertile ears of grain, cut by the angels, symbolize her merits of her life, short yet full of suffering. Helen cried, but rather out of happiness than sadness, for she knew she would soon unite with her Heavenly Bridegroom. According to this vision, Helen foretold that she would die after three months from that date."

During the whole Lent in 1926 Helen suffered pain unknown to her thus far. She had problems with breathing and she was sure that she was suf­focating. Her arms and legs were stiff and hurt
so much that the slightest move caused her horri­ble pain, so that no one could even touch her. In spite of good appetite she could not swallow food, and she could not drink fluids as well. All of that made her suffer even more than usual. However, Helena did not complain nor showed impatience. She fervently wished to be the Savior's worthy Bride and if that suffering should help her in achieving this holiness, then she was happy to have the possibility to make herself more similar to the Divine Bride­groom.

Feeling that death is near, Helena asked the nuns from her parish to prepare tertiary habit, because she wanted to be buried as a conventual daughter of the St. Francis as a Third Order Franciscan. The nuns agreed to do so and sewed such a habit in preparation for her last day. In spite of horrible suffering, Helen's joy was great. When she received the habit, she tried it on and put the conventual veil on her head, as if it was the most precious treasure in the whole world.

On Saturday, April 3, 1926, her relatives called for a priest, Father Kazimierski, so that he could give her the Last Sacraments. Helen received Viaticum (Holy Eucharist) and the Last Rites with much devotion. Soon after that she got a very high fever, yet she did not lose consciousness though. Her tongue got thick and sore because of the fever. Yet, in spite of the fact that she could not even drink water she did not complain at all. Her burnt offering was being accomplished.

And so came Tuesday, April 26, 1926--the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel, as it was instituted by the Pope Leo XIII in 1908. It was also the feast of St. Zita, the patron saint of maids and domestic servants. She was for sure also He­lena's Holy Patron, because the girl spent her whole life in service.

Francis described Helen's last moments as follows
"On Tuesday morning we noticed that Helen was already very weak, so we didn't want do disturb her. But when the time for a Mass came, she ordered us to go to the church. She also assured us that she would not die during the time we were at holy Mass. When we came back from the Mass, we understood that He­len was fading away. We called our neighbors, lit up a Paschal candle and placed it near her.

"She kissed wounds of crucified Jesus twice, then she prayed quietly. We noticed that she was silently praying the 'Hail Mary'. Sitting upright on the bed, she sighed twice, put her head on a board and passed from this life while completely conscious. It was a quarter after nine in the morning ... "

Francis also wrote later: 
"Several hours after her death, on her right side in the place where she usually got the heart wound, there was not heart wound anymore however something distended two or three of her ribs so much that her skin almost burst. Her ribs remained like that, yet there was no wound anymore. We do not know what caused her ribs to be distended, as no one could explain it. Nothing like that happened when she was alive."

We know that from the life of St Gemma Galgani for example that this distention of Helena's ribs was most likely caused by the enlarging of her heart which could not contain the presence of God without expanding--a mystical phenomenon found in a number of mystics which has been documented over the centuries. 

Helen died on Marian feast and her funeral took place on May 1st, the first Saturday of the month, a day traditionally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. On her way to eternity she was assisted by three priests: Rev. Kocinski was the main celebrant, along with two vicars. After the Mass and the Rite of Interment the body of Helen Pelczar was buried at Calvary Cemetery in Cleveland in lot 603, section 2l, where it remains to this day.

Photo credit: http://rozaniec.info/zapomniana-stygmatyczka-helena-pelczar/
In 1936, that is about 10 years after her holy death, there were numerous reports of "miraculous music" that was said to emanate from her grave. The introduction in Father Bernard Jarzembowski's book specifically mentions reports of persons hearing the "Ave Maria". According to news reports at that time, it is said that thousands of people were visiting her grave hoping to experience this phenomenon. The news article above relates much of the story.

-Helen Pelczar, pray for us!

Sr. Mildred Mary Ephrem Neuzil and Our Lady of America

Sr. Mildred Mary Neuzil (Sr. Mary Ephrem)
Sr. Mildred Mary Neuzil (1916-2000)--God’s 'Little White Dove', and the apparitions of Our Lady of America

[The webmaster would like to gratefully thank Mr. John Palumbo for compiling this article from various sources. May God reward him for his efforts in promoting devotion to Sr. Mary Neuzil and Our Lady of America.]

Born on the feast of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels
On August 2, 1916, Mildred Marie Neuzil was born of Austrian parents, John and Anna (Smerda) Neuzil. Born in Brooklyn, NY, baptized at Most Holy Trinity, and shortly after moved to Cleveland Ohio. In Austria, her father had been a gardener to Johann Strauss (a renowned Austrian composer), and in America he was a homebuilder.
At the age of 14, Mildred Neuzil entered the active religious congregation of the Sisters of the Precious Blood, a papal community, in Dayton Ohio. Three years later Mildred made her first vows as a professed religious. She received the name Sister Mary Ephrem, a name that means “doubly fruitful”. She carried out her duties mostly in domestic work and as a kindergarten teacher. Her first mission of activity included multiple diocesan jurisdictions in Washington, DC, where she remained until 1937, when she was sent to the Chancery in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was here that God gives her a holy man, priest and later Archbishop to guide her.
By 1940, Our Lord revealed to Sr. Mary Ephrem that her mission was to converge on the sanctification of the family.
”My daughter, I am not loved in the homes of men. And because I am not loved, the Divine Trinity refuses to dwell therein. Children are not taught to love Me, because those who have charge over them have no time or patience to do so.”
Our Lord confides in Sr. Mary His sorrow over sinful man
“My Heart beats with compassion for the sorrows of man. Oh how gladly would I help him bear the weight of his terrible cross, fashioned, for the most part by his own guilt! But alas, he will have none of My help.”
“Pray, pray, pray, oh My Little White Dove pray and sacrifice yourself for the souls of poor sinners. How many are lost because there are no prayers said for them, no sacrifices made for them.”
Sister began to share these experiences with her confessor Rev. Paul Leibold. He would remain her spiritual director for 32 years, from 1940-1972, when he died.
Sr. Mildred Mary Ephrem Neuzil on August 15, 1964
“My little white dove tell your spiritual father- him whom I have placed over you- to guide and direct you. Tell him that My Heart is pleased with his efforts to make Me loved. I will bless him and make his work fruitful in behalf of all the souls entrusted to his care and priestly ministrations. Tell him if he would please Me more to double his efforts in making known the love of My Heart for poor sinners...As a priest after My own Heart I will be with him in all his trials and sorrows. Tell him not to become discouraged at the crosses awaiting him, for I the great High-Priest go before him carrying the heaviest part of his cross...I seek always the humble and lowly of heart."

Then Our Lord goes on to tell Sister Mary:
“...And since I have found two such souls, I have entrusted to them a great mission.”
In the winter of 1954, Our Lord warns her not become vain for He has chosen them out of their unworthiness and lack of virtue,
“Let this thought be with you always that you may remember that it is I working through you , who sanctify you for His glory and the salvation of souls...through you a great work will be accomplished. I am the Great Sculptor of souls. With hammer and chisel I form them that they may glorify My Father by their beauty and perfection. Be pliant in My Hands, oh My two lowly ones, My priest and My little white dove, and then will you be formed into My likeness and through you, I will be formed in souls.”

Our Lord not only expressed His sorrow at the loss of faith in the world, but those of chosen souls:
"Where are your prayers, oh My priests and religious? Where are your sacrifices? Do you not know that sinners will not be converted unless prayer and sacrifices call down the grace of God upon them? My chosen ones you in particular are responsible for the souls of poor sinners. It is to you I have entrusted them. You their spiritual fathers and mothers you must care for them and by your unceasing prayers on their behalf ,lead them safely to My Father’s House.”

For Sister Mary Ephrem her humility and simplicity would draw her ever closer to her suffering Savior. Our Lord would call her to cooperate in the salvation of souls by allowing her to share in His Passion. During a night vigil on the Feast of the Sacred Heart 1956 He reveals the sorrow of His Heart over the ingratitude and indifference shown to Him in the Sacrament of His love.
“Jesus came to me holding a large cross and a crown of thorns. He said to me:
'So I come with My cross and My crown of thorns. Will you accept Me, My spouse?'
Of course I accepted,who could refuse Jesus anything?"
On the anniversary of my perpetual union with Jesus, He asked me again:
”Bride of My Heart do you still wish to suffer all things to give me to souls?”
I answered, “Yes! Yes, dear Lord, I am poor and wretched and unworthy but you know what is in my heart.”
As Sister Mary's spiritual life progressed the messages became more pressing. She began to write them down more diligently. Sharing them with other priests and religious who found nothing adverse to faith or morals in their content. In fact they concluded the great emphasis on the Indwelling of the Blessed Trinity showed a theological understanding beyond what this sister had been able to obtain in her regular religious studies.

Her confessor, Father Paul Leibold, also progressed in his priesthood. From 1948-1949 he studied Canon Law at the Angelicum University in Rome, there he received Doctor of Canon Law Degree. In 1948 he became Chancellor Archdiocese of Cincinnati and Papal Chamberlain by Holy Father, 1950 Diocesan Consultor and Domestic Prelate by Holy Father, 1951 appointed Archdiocesan Administrative Council 1958 he was promoted to Auxiliary Bishop of Cincinnati, Ohio, and in 1966 he became the Bishop of Evansville,Indiana. On October 2, 1969 he was made Archbishop of Cincinnati.
In the fall of 1954 Our Lord’s words to Sister Mary Ephrem emphasise the great renewal needed for His people:

“My children every home and every soul is My Father’s house, for He made them and they are His, But many of them are no longer sanctified by His presence. Thieves have entered in and stolen from Him ,His temples of prayer...If,My children, you will cleanse your temples My Father will return and We will come and make our abode with you.”
Our Lord prepares her for this great renewal by first sending her St. Michael, the Angel of Peace
“It was like a light in the midst of darkness. The whiteness of his robe stood out against the darkness about him. He was holding a green palm and a drawn sword in his left hand, the tips of both palm and sword resting against his left shoulder. The angel said to me:
'Receive the palm of victory.'

I became suspicious. I could not think of any victory of mine that deserved such a reward. Besides it sounded a bit like flattery to me. I have always been wary of words of praise they put me on my guard...So I shook my head and resolutely went back to my prayers. But the angel would not go away:
'You do not believe me. Will you accept the cross?'

For me this struck more nearly home. I said “Yes I will accept the cross.” To this he replied:
'Then you will accept the palm and sword. With the sword the saints conquered themselves, the world, and the devil. I am the Angel of Peace. I come to those whose hearts are attuned to the Voice of God. To such as these I remain a perpetual light through blinding darkness, I was sent by Him who said,”I am the light of the world.”
A short time after the visit of St. Michael the Blessed Virgin Mary speaks to Sr. Mary about Her holy life at Nazareth
"It is the wish of My Son that fathers and mothers strive to imitate me and my chaste spouse in our holy life at Nazareth. We practiced the simple virtues of family life, Jesus our Son being the center of all our love and activity. The Holy Trinity dwelt with us in a manner far surpassing anything that can ever be imagined. For ours was the earthly paradise where God walked among me...The Divine Trinity will dwell in your midst only if you are faithful in practicing the virtues of our life at Nazareth. Then, you also my children, you also will become another paradise. God will then walk among you and you will have peace.”
Our Lady reveals to Sr. Mary that she would like her help to bring peace into the world
This plan of the Virgin Mary will begin to unfold in a series of apparitions of Our Lady and St. Joseph. Sister Mary Ephrem had just recently been transferred to the "water cure" staffed by her order of nuns in Rome City, Indiana, to wait on tables. She was not very happy about the move. When she got to her room she felt, as she said later, ‘...like jumping out of the window.’ 

She left her room that night and went to the chapel, but the feeling did not leave her. ‘It seemed to me,’ she said, ‘like I was in a ring of evil. I couldn’t get out of it, and it was telling me to get out of there.’

One night she awoke with the sense that something was perched on her pillow a little behind her head. Before she could discern just what it was, she felt it grab her face across the eyes and pull down on them. She found no marks on her face afterward though. The next day she went to her superior and asked to be transferred back to Ligonier, Indiana. She could have gone if she had found someone to wait on tables in her stead, but she was unable to.

A 300 pound statue of Our Lady of America that has travelled to many events
The apparitions of Our Lady of America
And on the eve of the feast of North American Martyrs, that is September 25,1956 while making a holy hour she once again becomes conscious of the presence of Our Lady. Though she did not see Her, Sr. Mary did see a part of Her white gown and blue sash. She was under the impression that Our Lady came as Our Lady of Lourdes. Our Lady stood near her and spoke:

“I am pleased my child with the love and honor my children in America give to me especially through my glorious and unique privilege of The Immaculate Conception. I promise to reward their love by working miracles of grace among them through the power of My Son’s Heart, and My Immaculate Heart. I do not promise miracles of the body, but of the soul.”
It is believed that greater miracles than those granted at Lourdes and Fatima could be granted here in America--The United States in particular--if we do as She desires.
The following day after mass and the community thanksgiving Our Lady appears to her again enveloped in a soft glow of light. Sister notices the smile on Our Lady’s beautiful countenance and the lily she held in her right hand. She wore a white veil reaching almost to the waist and a mantle and robe of pure white with not a single decoration of any kind. An oblong shaped clasp or brooch held the ends of the mantle together at the top. It was all gold as was the tall and brilliant crown she wore. Her hair and eyes seemed of medium brown. Her feet were bare, but not always visible as they were sometimes covered by the moving clouds on which Our Lady stood. Then she saw her heart appear encircled with red roses the symbol of suffering as it was revealed to me, and sending forth flames of fire. With her left hand Our Lady seemed to be holding up slightly the upper part of Her mantle so that Her Immaculate Heart could be seen. Then solemnly and distinctly in calm yet majestic tones I heard these words:

“I am Our Lady of America, I desire my children honor me by the purity of their lives.”
Sister Mary Ephrem longed to stay with Our Lady but obedience called her, and so she left the chapel with the other sisters to begin her daily duties. Our Lady understood and left her free for the moment, but later that day during the holy hour She spoke to Sr. Mary again:
“My child; I entrust you with this message that you must make known to My children in America. I wish it to be the country dedicated to my purity. The wonders that I will work will be the wonders of the soul….I desire, through My children in America, to further the cause of faith and purity among peoples and nations…”

Later, in a letter written to the archbishop, Sister Mary Ephrem outlines Our Lady’s wishes:
“It is to the Hierarchy, especially of the United States, that Our Lady is making her plea. They are her favorite sons, placed in high offices in order that they might do the most good. She herself has spoken thus to me.”
“Our Lady has made know to me how pleasing to her has been the devoted service with which the hierarchy has so ardently loved and honored Her, especially in this country. So she is making Her fond appearance to them for the carrying out of of this need of spiritual reform. God, dwelling in the soul through grace will sanctify, if if the individual makes the right use of His presence. This is Our Lady’s concern, souls redeemed by the Precious Blood of Her Son, must become holy through living with Him who dwells within them. In order for this to grow and become more and more fruitful of course there is the necessity of frequent and devout attendance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the reception of the Sacraments….Peace will not be given until we have purified ourselves enough to receive it. If we fail to do this, God Himself will be obliged to do so in His justice and mercy, but the purifying punishment that He will send will be most terrible. It is from this Our Lady wishes to save us.”
She continues:
“Our Lady has asked that a statue be made as she appeared on Sept. 26th, 1956. After being solemnly carried in procession to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC. She desires that there it be enshrined in a place of honor and venerated in a special way as 'Our Lady of America', the Immaculate Virgin. She desires also that a small statue or picture of the same likeness be honored in every home.”
The apparitions of Our Lady become more frequent. Our Lady was anxious to impress upon sister the importance of the message. Many times sister would tell Our Lady how unworthy she felt and that Our Lady could certainly find someone more fitted for so great a work. With deep compunction she tells Our Lady, “Oh Mother I am not worthy.”
To this Our Lady replied,
“I do not come to the worthy, my child, but to the lowly and humble of heart.”
An appearance of St Joseph
Shortly after Our Lady’s appearance to sister she began to have interior locutions of St. Joseph. He reveals to her that immediately after his conception, through the merits of Jesus and because of his exceptional role of Virgin-Father, he was cleansed from the stain of original sin:
“My pure heart was from the first moment of existence was inflamed with the love for God. Immediately at the moment my soul was cleansed from original sin, grace was infused into it in such abundance that excluding my holy spouse I surpassed the holiness of the highest angel in the angelic choir.”

St. Joseph revealed to Sister Mary Ephrem that his heart suffered with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, for he knew beforehand of their passion yet would not be there to console them. He became in union with his holy spouse co-redemptor of the human race.
Sister writes that on October 13, 1956 the Holy Virgin appeared to her as she was working in her room. Our Lady was very beautiful and was smiling at her in her heavenly way. She held with both hands a small replica of a finished Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

“This is my shrine, my daughter, and I am very pleased with it. Tell my children that I thank them. Let them finish it quickly, and make it a place of pilgrimage. It will be a place of wonders. I promise this. I will bless all those who, either by prayers, labor or material aid, help to erect this shrine.”
From January 1957 on Our Lady’s warnings come to sister more often, stating that the hour grows late, and that Her Son’s patience will not last forever:
“It is now the darkest hour...but if men will come to Me, my Immaculate Heart will make it bright again with the mercy with which my Son will rain down through My hands. Tell the Bishops of the United States, My loyal sons, of My desires, and how I wish them to be carried out. Through him who is head over you, make known the longings of my Immaculate Heart to establish the reign of my Divine Son in the hearts of men, and thus save them from the scourge of heaven, both now and in the future.”
Our Lady asks Sr. Mary Ephrem for prayer and penance, to love and trust Her, and not to forget our poor Mother who weeps over the loss of so many of Her children.

“Sweet child, spouse of my Son, console my Immaculate Heart by many acts of self-denial. Tell my faithful sons that I ask this of them also. Let these acts, furthermore be presented to me with many acts of love,because it is these (acts of love) that make them most acceptable to me and my Son… Tell my dear and favored sons that I rely upon them to help me hasten the day when I shall be able freely and without reserve to work my miracles of grace in souls”,

And She requests an ever greater and consuming love for her Son, Jesus. A love which, unable to contain itself, will inflame those around us:
“It is love that counts, for without love there is no fire, and without fire there are only dying embers.”
On the feast of the Immaculate Heart, August 22, 1957, Our Lady reveals more parts of Her plan on how this great renewal will be accomplished:

“I wish to gather about Me, my tender child, soldiers and valiant bearers of the torch, an army of brave lovers who, as My torch-bearers, will rekindle the fire of Divine Love in the souls of men. Only those who are strong in love can become my soldiers to bear aloft, not the sword of destruction, but the sword of fire--the flaming torch of Divine Charity.”

Sr. Mary Ephrem longs to be hidden from the world and suffers for the Divine Mandate given to our country. 
It was the will of God that Sister Mary Ephrem suffer for the loss of purity in the souls of men.

For Her part, Our Lady comforts sister and asks her to be patient, that the will of the Father must be dearer to her than all else, and that soon a haven of rest would be given to her--not a refuge from suffering and pain, but a nest of solitude for the little white dove. Most of all, the will of God must be paramount: “This is the lesson that every soul desiring intimate union with my Son must strive to learn.”
On many occasions the evil one is permitted to attack sister. He tempts her into thinking that she is being deceived. This fear causes her much suffering. For this reason St. Michael will be near her in a special way. He speaks to her often, encouraging her to spread the messages from heaven. St. Michael tells her that He has come to announce the coming of the kingdom , the kingdom of peace, exclaiming:
“Repent and rouse yourselves, O' sons of men! Repent and make ready your hearts, that the King may establish His kingdom within you.”
And on February 3, 1957, Our Lady speaks on true peace and love:
Our Lady declares that peace must come from within, that to make our hearts more pleasing to her Son we must go to Her, His Mother. She asks for a reform of life as proof of our love for Her.  She says: “The Holy Trinity looks down with infinite delight upon such souls [who seek to reform themselves] and makes them Their heaven upon earth.”
March, 1957: Our Lady pleads:
"O' my sweet child, when will My desires be realized?...O' my little one, daughter of my Pure Heart, you must pray with greater fervor, and offer yourself with greater love to the Heart of my Son."
April, 1957: Our Lady continues Her warnings:
"My sweet child, unless my children reform their lives, they will suffer great persecution. If man himself will not take upon himself the penance necessary to atone for his sins and those of others, God in his justice will have to send upon him punishment necessary to atone for his transgressions."
May 8, 1957: Archangel Michael appears again:
"Do not delay or the time of grace will pass and with it the peace you seek. … My little sister, the message is a dear one, there is no doubt. Make it known; do not hesitate. I, Michael, have made this request."
July 1, 1957: Our Lady of the Nativity Cloister is established:
At the urging of Archbishop Karl J. Alter, the Precious Blood Sisters’ Chapter of 1954 voted to establish a cloister within its active community, an effort Sister Mary Florecita Bidart had worked toward for 20 years. In December of 1954, Bishop George J. Rehring gave permission for the cloister to be established in the Our Lady of Nativity Convent in New Riegel, Ohio, the Toledo diocese. The cloister gate was closed in the ceremony presided over by Bishop Rehring on July 1, 1957, the feast of the Most Precious Blood, establishing it as a truly Benedictine papal enclosure. At that time the cloister consisted of Sr. Mary Florecita Bidart, Foundress, and Sister Mary Leo (Louise) Voisard. The cloister was completely self supporting, mainly with its printing press. By April 1, 1965, the sisters had obtained canonical approval for their Constitution and by September of that year, the Holy See granted permission to erect a Novitiate within the Cloister, allowing women to enter from outside the active congregation in order to increase their membership.
August 5, 1957: Feast of Our Lady of Snows and the Divine Indwelling
Sr Mary writes: "Our Lady spoke on the great gift of the Divine Indwelling, sanctification from within. This is what she means by reformation and renewal. As Our Lady spoke this, she seemed at the time to be deeply occupied. Though the serenity of her countenance never left her, she spoke with a gravity that made her words all the more solemn. She seemed anxious to impress me with some idea of the greatness of this gift of God to us, namely, His Divine Presence within our souls through sanctifying grace."
August 22, 1957: Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary:
Our Lady intensifies Her plea for a reform of life:
“What I have asked and continue to ask is a reformation of one's life. There must be sanctification from within.”
She also tells Sister Mary to “...go to the Bishop. Tell him of the desires of my Heart. He will help you.”

Our Lady of America speaks to priests
September, 16-27, 1957: Our Lady’s admonition to priests to live lives of penance and self-denial, upholding the sanctity and dignity of their calling:
"My dear daughter and sweet child, write my words carefully, because they are of the utmost importance. I address them to my beloved sons, the priests, dedicated to the most intense and extraordinary imitation of my Son in the perfect carrying on of His Eternal Priesthood.
Beloved sons, so cherished and greatly blessed among the sons of men, be careful to uphold the sanctity and dignity of your calling. Let the faithful see in you the favored and especially loved imitators of the Son of God. Be modest in your dress and speech as becomes those of so exalted a vocation. The apparel and manners of a man of the world is not for you, who, though living in the world, must not take on its ways.
Dear sons, I ask you to practice self-denial and penance in a special manner, because it is you who must lead my children in the way of peace. Yet this peace will come only by way of the sword, the flaming sword of love. If, therefore, you love my Son and wish to honor Me, heed My admonition and be the first to give the example of a life of penance and self-denial."
November 22-23, 1957: Mary appears as Our Lady, the Immaculate Tabernacle of the Indwelling God
"Our Lady appeared, standing on a globe, her right foot resting on a crescent moon, the left on the snout of a small fire breathing dragon. She was dressed all in white and her hair could be seen through her transparent veil which was long enough to half envelope the globe. The veil was held about her head by a wreath of white roses, and a white rose rested on each foot. On her breast, the Triangle and the Eye, the symbol of the Divine Indwelling, could be visibly seen. A strong beam of light shown from the Divine Presence within Our Lady onto the globe at her feet. Then halfway around the figure of Our Lady above her head appeared a scroll on which were written in letters of gold the words: “All the glory of the King’s daughter is within.” Though it did not appear that her lips moved, I heard these words quite plainly:
'I am Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling, handmaid of Him Who dwells within.'
February 11, 1958: Our Lady renews the Fatima promise, saying:
"My Immaculate Heart will win in the end, and the Spirit of Christ will dwell in the hearts of men. Those in whom this Spirit is not found will be condemned to eternal hell-fire."
Also on this occasion Our Lady tells Sister that nothing is accomplished without pain and bids her prepare to suffer much because suffering completes the work of divine grace in the soul. Then Our Lady also spoke of her particular interest in the youth of our nation and called on them to be leaders in this movement of renewal on the face of the earth, sharing with her army of chaste soldiers the title 'Torchbearers of the Queen.'
“They must be prepared with the knowledge of the Divine Indwelling. It is to the youth of America that she is holding out this challenge.”
“America, with the United States in particular, is being given the tremendous, yet privileged, opportunity to lead all nations in a spiritual renewal never before so necessary, so important, so vital."
More appearences of St Joseph
March 19, 1958: St. Joseph appears on his feast day and speaks on spiritual fatherhood
St. Joseph spoke of his spiritual fatherhood, of his great privilege in being chosen to be the Virgin-Father of Jesus, and of his perfect obedience to the Divine Will. He spoke of his special protection of the Holy Father and of the Church:
"Fathers must come to me to learn obedience to authority: to the Church always, as the mouthpiece of God, and to the laws of the country in which they live, insofar as these do not go against God and their neighbors.
Mine was perfect obedience to the Divine Will, as it was shown and made known to me by the Jewish law and religion. To be careless in this is most displeasing to God and will be severely punished in the next world.
Fatherhood is from God, and it must take once again its rightful place among men.
My special protection of the Holy Father and the Church should be made known to him. God wishes to make this known to him that he may receive thereby renewed consolation and encouragement. During the war, little daughter, it was I who saved him [Pope Pius XII] from death at the hands of his enemies."
(Editor’s Note: Late in World War II, Hitler issued a direct order to the chief of the German SS in Rome to assassinate Pope Pius XII. The SS officer chose not to carry it out.)
March 30, 1958: St. Joseph asks to be honored on the First Wednesday of each month
St Joseph:
"Jesus and Mary desire that my pure heart, so long hidden and unknown, be now honored in a special way. Let my children honor my most pure heart in a special manner on the First Wednesday of the month by reciting the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary in memory of my life with Jesus and Mary and the love I bore them, the sorrow I suffered with them. Let them receive Holy Communion in union with the love with which I received the Savior for the first time, and each time I held Him in my arms. Those who honor me in this way will be consoled by my presence at their death, and I myself will conduct them safely into the presence of Jesus and Mary."
May 1958: Sister Mary Ephrem enters Our Lady of Nativity Cloister to live a hidden life.
She writes:
"Several weeks after I had entered the Cloister in New Riegel, OH. and was overwhelmed with a sense of frustration and heaviness of heart, Our Lady suddenly appeared to me and said:
'Do not be afraid! I will keep my promise and everything will be all right. Do not fear.'
These words consoled me very much, and I went to prayer with a peaceful heart."
Sr. Mary Neuzil with family
February 23, 1959: Sr. Mary places the message in the hands of the bishops:
Nine months before the National Shrine was finished, Our Lady admonished Sister “...to work on writing the message as soon as possible, so that it might be placed in the hands of the Bishops who will be responsible for its fulfillment."

In a very serious manner, Our Lady warned sister that she must not delay any longer to do this [prepare the message] as the time is now. (Editor’s Note: Sister worked closely with Bishop Leibold and the bishops of the Toledo and Cincinnati dioceses.)
July 18, 1959: Jesus laments over His priests and religious:
Jesus:“Oh, the pride of souls! How they resist My grace! O My priests, My religious, what would I not do for you if you would only let me! I come daily laden with graces which you daily refuse. What am I to say to you, my best beloved? How long will you resist My love? It is from you I expect everything, and you give Me but the husks of your affections. How long will I bear with you, O My chosen ones? How long will you spurn My approaches?”
“My little white dove, it was this ingratitude on the part of My priests and My religious that caused Me so much sorrow in My passion. Oh, how they resist My grace! How they fight against My love! So fearful are they that I will deprive them of their tawdry trinkets that they turn their backs lest they see the reproach in My eyes.”
September, 1959: Pope John XXIII’s letter, given from Rome to the American Faithful on the dedication of the National Shrine:“It was an extremely gratifying and enduring joy that filled our hearts on receipt of news…that a shrine is to be dedicated to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God. There now rises up to heaven a shrine, high and massive, wondrously bright within…The Virgin Mother of God is our Mother, our Queen, the sure way by which we approach most speedily to Jesus Christ, Who was given to us by her. But a temple built of stones is of little significance unless there arises a temple mystically erected within our minds. Therefore…let an altar of the Most Blessed Virgin be set up in the heart of each one of the faithful; let families, held together by the sanctity of marriage, by mutual love, by moral integrity and a common spiritual life, reproduce her virtues and be fortified by her protection."

November 20, 1959 was the day of dedication of the completed Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. Exactly one month later, on December 20, 1959, Our Lady lamented the sin overwhelming the world:
“O my child, tell your spiritual father [Bishop Leibold] that I come again to warn and to plead. See, I weep, but My children show Me little compassion. They behold the sword in My heart, but they make little effort to withdraw it. I give them love; they give me only ingratitude. Weep, then, dear child, weep with your Mother over the sins of men. Intercede with Me before the throne of mercy, for sin is overwhelming the world and punishment is not far away.
(Editors Note: Except on a few occasions, as when She showed herself as Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling, Our Lady always came to Sr. Mary Ephrem in the manner in which She appeared on September 26, 1956, namely, as Our Lady of America.)

The Diary of Sr. Mary Ephrem
February 2, 1960: Bishop Leibold compiles the messages (handwritten/then later typed)
Bishop Paul Francis Leibold, V.G. of the Cincinnati Archdiocese where the Sisters of the Precious Blood’s Motherhouse is located, personally compiled the Diary “without direct references” to specific places in which apparitions or spiritual messages had occurred. He wrote the foreword and had Sister type the messages as a “private diary,” with the author remaining anonymous. To protect Sister Mary Ephrem’s identity and hidden life, she remained unnamed. In the Diary Sister Mary Ephrem is referred to as “a religious Sister,” the “Little White Dove,” or “this Sister.” This Diary existed in handwritten and/or typewritten form only at this time and was given only to some of the sisters internally and the necessary religious superiors and Church officials, not to the public
Medal of Our Lady of America
The Virgin Mary's message to the Archbishop requesting to have a medal struck
Our Lady of America, April 4, 1960:
 “Tell His Grace, my beloved son, that it is through the medal that he will receive the sign for which he asks. I ask him to have the medal struck and distributed everywhere and he will receive not only the one sign for which he has asked but so many, so many that he will have cause to be greatly astonished. My child, God works often through little and humble things and such instruments should never be despised but accepted and used with love and gratitude. It will be through the medal that God’s Will will be manifested and glorified and my desires carried out to the very end. I place my confidence in my faithful sons, the Bishops, who will not fail to take up my cause and make it bear much fruit for sanctification among so many and countless souls. Send this word then to my beloved son, the Archbishop, and have no fear sweet child for I will keep my promise for I am the ever faithful Virgin.
Archbishop Paul Francis Leibold
As Sister Mary Ephrem hesitated because of certain doubts and fears concerning the reception of this message, Our Lady appeared in the early morning hours of April 6, 1960 to gently reproach her for her lack of confidence. Our Lady told her not to delay in sending the bishop the words she had written. Our Lady encouraged her saying:
“My children must know my desires. If my desires are not fulfilled much suffering will come to this Land.”
May 1, 1961: Bishop Leibold puts his imprimatur on Sister Mary Ephrem’s sketch of the medal. Bishop Leibold then had the medal struck and personally paid for all medals until his death in 1972. (Note: Bishop Liebold became the Archbishop of Cincinnati in 1969). He designed the prayer pamphlet to go with the medal. It contained the Prayer to the Immaculate Conception and the Prayer to the Indwelling Most Holy Trinity, as well as the magnificent explanation of the medal itself. (See Pgs. 47-48 of the Diary for this pamphlet information.)
May 22, 1962: Bishop George Rehring of the Toledo diocese favors distribution of the medal by Bishop Leibold.
Sister Mary Florecita Bidart, foundress of the Our Lady of Nativity Cloister, wrote to Mother Aquinas of the Sisters of the Precious Blood informing her that Bishop Rehring was in favor of distributing the medal that symbolized so well the doctrine of the Divine Indwelling of the Most Holy Trinity, lived out so perfectly in the Holy Family, model for every family on earth and source of all true holiness. He gave suggestions for the promotion of the devotion. Mother Mary Aquinas wrote Sister Florecita on August 31, 1961:
“I was very happy to hear that Bishop Leibold will go ahead with the medal himself. It is a great relief to me to know that it is being made, and we hope it eventually will be circulated. I have great confidence in the message of our Blessed Lady.”
January 25, 1963: Imprimatur on the Prayer to the Indwelling Trinity Paul F. Leibold, V.G. of Cincinnati, OH gave his Imprimatur and Daniel Palarczyk, S.T.D., his Nihil Obstat to the Prayer to the Indwelling Most Holy Trinity.
July 1, 1963: Archbishop Leibold writes regarding the devotion:
"First I received the leaflets on our Lady of America. I will gradually drop them around places as the opportunity presents itself. I still think of it as a private devotion and await our Lady’s action to make the seeds you are planting grow and, as it were, cause a spontaneous demand for the object of devotion, rather than engaging in any high pressure pushing of it."
September 3, 1971: Archbishop Leibold makes wooden plaques Archbishop Leibold made a series of wooden plaques of Our Lady of America. One hung in the Our Lady of the Nativity Convent in New Riegel and was used in processions at the convent. Another hung in his Chancery office in the Cincinnati, OH diocese. Later one was presented to the National Shrine by pilgrims from New Riegel, OH. In a letter to William Weberding of Weberding Woodworking Shop, the Archbishop made a proposal for the construction of a wooden or marble statue for an outdoor Shrine to Our Lady of America at the New Riegel Convent. He had a patron’s offer of $2000 for the statue which
would aid in serving public devotions to Our Lady of America at the Convent where they were regularly celebrated. He also had 3 petite ivory statues made in India.

Just before his death, Archbishop Leibold arranged a meeting with Luigi Riamondi, the Apostolic Delegate from Washington, DC, Msgr. Boffa, and his personal secretary, Fr. Francis Lammeier, to present a small ivory statuette to the Holy See and the Catholic Church. Posthumously, this statuette was presented to the Apostolic Delegate in August 1972 and is presumed to be in the Vatican Museum.
February 22, 1972: Our Lady’s image in the home:
"When a picture or statue of myself as Our Lady of America is placed in the home and honored there, then will my Son bless His people with peace. Believe in Me, dear child, believe in Me, for My love will never fail you."
On June 1, 1972, Archbishop Paul F. Leibold died suddenly. Before his death, Archbishop Leibold had decided to build a large outdoor Shrine to Our Lady of America at the New Riegel, OH. cloister property. His letters indicate he would have officially approved this message had he lived long enough to do so. Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk succeeded Archbishop Leibold in the Cincinnati archdiocese. Paul F. Leibold was born on December 22, 1914 in Dayton, OH. He was educated at the Marianists’ Chaminade High School and the University of Dayton. On May 18, 1940 he was ordained at St. Peter’s in Chains Cathedral in Cincinnati, OH. He was made Auxiliary Bishop in Cincinnati on April 10, 1958, Titular Bishop of Trebenna on June 17, 1958, Bishop of Evansville, IN on April 4, 1966 and Archbishop of Cincinnati on July 23, 1969 where he served his people well until his sudden, untimely death on June 1, 1972. The Archbishop was greatly loved and revered by his flock as evidenced by the overflowing crowd that attended his funeral. He is buried in Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Cincinnati.
Thousands attend Archbishop Leibold’s funeral Mass. The Archbishop’s personal secretary, Father Francis G. Lammeier, wrote Sister Mary Ephrem on August 13, 1972:
“With things as busy as they are, I still do not have time to think. I still am not fully aware that the Archbishop died. I am no dreamer; I know he is dead and is enjoying his reward, but I just can not realize it or be aware of it. I still think often, he will come in the office or I will see him and he will give me that quiet and peaceful smile. I think of him so often. I said many times, I was privileged to be associated with him. He kept a tremendous schedule. If I had been Secretary and Master of Ceremonies with any other Bishop with this schedule, I would have been out of my tree. But with him, it was indeed a pleasure. Often I got tired and certainly he did, but there was no pressure of any kind. He was the kindly, understanding and humble priest. He did not stand on dignity or position but was just himself. He was the Archbishop and I most assuredly respected him for his position, but he was also a dear friend.” 

In August, Father Lammeier sent the plaque of Our Lady of America that hung in the Cincinnati Chancery and a large collection of letters/ personal spiritual writings of the Archbishop’s to Sister Mary Ephrem for safe keeping and to be organized for future investigation and publication. He confirmed how deeply the Archbishop believed in this message. During these times Our Lady continued to appear to Sister Mary and continued to make known the longings of Her Immaculate Heart.
November 22, 1980: Message to the leadership of the United States:
Our Lady of America:"It is the United States that is to lead the world to peace. If the United States is faithful to this mandate from heaven, and yet fails in the pursuit of peace because the rest of the world will not accept Its leadership or cooperate, then the United States will not be burdened with the punishment that will come."
February 11, 1981: The shortness of time and a terrible purification that is to fall upon all nations:
Sister Mary Ephrem is told of the shortness of time allotted to us to pray and make the necessary sacrifices to bring about world peace. There is an urgency about Our Lady’s warnings of a terrible purification that is to fall upon all nations. She advises us to pray the family rosary with as many family members present as possible, and to pray the prayer to the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the United States, because the Forces of Evil are enveloping the world. Our Lady warns their hatred is now particularly focused on the United States because of the Divine Mandate given it to lead the world to peace.
April and July, 1981: Special warnings from Our Lady and Our Lord on the insidiousness of evil
Our Lady of America:
“Dear child, evil is so insidious that it often passes for good. The simple and pure of heart alone can detect the difference. Also, many good works are thwarted and destroyed by well intentioned people who are manipulated by the powers of evil because they do not possess that finer sense of being able to detect a false spirit from a true one."

Our Lady of America's final message to Sr. Mary
In the winter of 1984 Our Lady came to Sr.Mary Ephrem with this final message:
"What happens to the world depends upon those who are living in it. There must be much more good than evil prevailing in order to prevent the holocaust that is so near approaching. Yet I tell you, My daughter, that even should such a destruction happen because there were not enough souls who took My warnings seriously, there will remain a remnant untouched by the chaos who, having been faithful in following Me and spreading My warnings, will gradually inhabit the earth again with their dedicated and holy lives. These souls will renew the earth in the power and light of the Holy Spirit, and these faithful children of Mine will be under My protection, and that of the Holy Angels, and they will partake of the life of the Divine Trinity in a most remarkable way. Let my dear children know this, precious daughter, so that the will have no excuse if they fail to heed my warnings.”
Sister Mary Neuzil's final years
Sister Mildred Mary Ephrem led a life of hidden sufferings which she accepted with love and great patience. Given a haven of rest, but not from suffering as Our Lady said, she endured a broken hip in January 1994 which compounded her physical adversities. With crippling arthritis, a ruptured appendix and especially severe asthma, Sister’s distresses were, at times, life threatening. . Despite adversity Sister worked tirelessly for Our Lady of America and her cloistered family. With each step closer, and usually on the eve of each victory reported for Our Lady of America, Sister Mildred would suffer intense physical pains and many times battled spiritual attacks designed to discourage her from praying.
Attacks from the Devil
For example, just before World Youth Day 1993, one night she suffered from terrible abdominal pain and the “old Boy” (her name for Satan) suddenly appeared as his horrible real self, trying to entice her to“Just say that you made it all up and I promise you will not suffer anymore pain.”

She stated, “If God required her life or suffering, so be it.” She reported on the “old Boy’s” physical assaults and hateful glares. After World Youth Day her physical pain intensified with each victory; she was especially inflicted with the terrible crippling pain of osteoarthritis complicated by rheumatoid arthritis. Medical treatments to alleviate pain were negligible or made her suffering worse with the complications of side effects. She would hide her moans when people were near her. Certain points on her body radiated such excruciating pain that it was sometimes quietly wondered if she had the hidden stigmata.
Her deteriorating condition pained all who saw her gnarled hands and body contorted into a near 45-degree angle before she died. Especially tortured by the sight of Sister Mary Ephrem’s enduring pain was Sr. Joseph Therese, CIT, her long time companion, caregiver and cherished Sister, who broke down in tears several times, crying, “I can’t watch you suffer like this anymore.”
They were bonded by love and endured all for love of Jesus. They even shared August 2nd birthdays – the feast of Our Lady, Queen of the Angels! Sister Mary Ephrem was often seen surrounded by angels and loved to send people from her presence with “May the angels go with you!”

January 10, 2000: The death of Sr. Mary Ephrem Neuzil, the “little secretary of Jesus’ Heart” and the “little white dove”

Her Holy Death
On January 10, 2000, the first year of the New Millennium, this humble, holy soul, Sister Mary Ephrem (Mildred Marie) Neuzil, at age 83, was set free from the cross she had so willingly embraced for the cause of Our Lady of America. She was set free to receive her full communion with the Most Holy and Triune God that had dwelt so intimately within her while on earth. Her funeral Mass was celebrated at the Basilica of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, OH by nephew Fr. Gregory Neuzil from Tennessee. Friends from around the country, including niece Elaine Bratrovsky of Colorado, traveled to Carey that snowy winter day to bid her farewell, knowing they, too, had lived with and known another saint. Fifty white roses were brought for Sister Mary Ephrem by Ellis Maria Taylor of the Reparation Society in Baltimore, MD. Eulogies were delivered by Theresa Wukusick from Ohio, Anita Marovich from New Jersey, and Audrey Frank from California. The song to Our Lady of America, written by Sister Mary Ephrem and put to music by Richard Paul Rencher, was sung by Marty Rotella of the Divine Mercy and Life Foundation in New Jersey. Sister’s body, laid to rest in a handmade wood casket with Our Lady of America’s picture encased in the lid, is temporarily laid to rest in a vault at St. Wendolyn’s Cemetery, Fostoria, Ohio.
Sister Mary Ephrem Neuzil committed the completion of her work and the protection of the purity of the message of Our Lady of America to her only remaining companion in the Lord, Sister Joseph Therese (Patricia Ann) Fuller and trusted her to guard it against all contamination with her very life.
Overall, thus far the devotion and messages of Our Lady of America have been favorably received by the Church
On May 31, 2007, Most Reverend Raymond L. Burke, then Archbishop of St. Louis, wrote a Letter to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops outlining the results of his review of the history and canonical status of devotion to Our Lady of America. Those interested can read the original document here.

Our Lady of America told Sr. Mary Neuzil that greater miracles than those granted at Lourdes and Fatima will be granted here in America if Our Lady’s request are carried out by Her Bishops. Let us pray and make sacrifices that this may soon come to be.
Primary Sources:
-Our Lady of America- The Diary of Sr. Mary Ephrem Neuzil Availible here
-Our Lady of America Official website operated by Our Lady of America Center in Fostoria, Ohio.
-"The True Story of Our Lady of America", Unity Publishing

Litany of Stigmatics of the Catholic church

St Gemma Galgani, Italian mystic and stigmatic
(The host of this website would like to thank Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt who graciously provided this litany of prayers beseeching many of the known stigmatics of the Church--May God reward her for her efforts.)

Litany of Stigmatics
(Note: Those listed with a "Bl." in italics are notofficially declared Blessed by the Church)
Lord, have mercy upon me.
Christ, have mercy upon me.
Lord, have mercy upon me.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven,
have mercy upon me.
God the Son,
Redeemer of the world,
have mercy upon us.
God the Holy Spirit,
have mercy upon us.
Holy Trinity, one God,
Have mercy upon us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
St. Paul, pray for us.
St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us.
St. Lutgardis, pray for us.
Bl. Corrado D’Ascoli, pray for us.
St. Mechtilde of Hackeborn, pray for us.
St. Margaret of Cortona, pray for us.
St. Gertrude the Great, pray for us
St. Chiara di Montefalco, pray for us.
Bl. Margaret of Castello, pray for us.
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.
St. Lydwine of Schiedman, pray for us.
St. Frances of Rome, pray for us.
St. Miriam Baouardy, pray for us.
St. Rita of Cascia, pray for us.
St. Catherine of Genova, pray for us.
St. Vincent Ferrer, pray for us.
St. Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi, pray for us.
St. Catherine de Ricci, pray for us.
Bl. Ursula Benincasa, pray for us.
Bl. Mary of the Incarnation, pray for us.
St. Teresa of Avila, pray for us.
St. Margaret Mary Alaquoque, pray for us.
Bl. Anna Josepha Lyndmayr, pray for us.
Bl. Benoit Rancurel, pray for us.
St. Veronica Giuliani, pray for us.
Bl. Rose Mary Serio, pray for us.
St. Maria Francesca delle cinque piaghe,   (of the Holy Wounds) pray for us.
Bl. Anna Maria Taigi, pray for us.
Bl. Elizabeth Canori-Mora, pray for us.
Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich, pray for us.
Bl. Palma Matarrelli, pray for us.
Bl. Mary Martha Chambon, pray for us.
Bl. Teresa Higginson, pray for us.
Bl. Louise Lateau, pray for us.
Bl. Domenica Lazeri, pray for us.
Bl. Sor Patrocinio, pray for us.
St. Gemma Galgani, pray for us.
St. Padre Pio, pray for us.
Bl. Elena Aiello, pray for us.
Bl. Lucia Mangano, pray for us.
Bl. Maria Valtorta, pray for us.
Bl. Therese Neumann, pray for us.
Bl. Amalia Aguirre, pray for us.
Bl. Martha Robin, pray for us.
Bl. Alexandrina Maria da Costa, pray for us.
Bl. Angelo Giardino, pray for us.
Bl. Father Domenico Da Cese, pray for us.
Bl. Natuzza Evolo, pray for us.
Bl. Teresa Musco, pray for us.
Bl. Madre Speranza, pray for us.
Bl. Amparo Cuevas, pray for us.
Bl. Sister Rita Montella, pray for us.
Bl. Edvige Cardoni, pray for us.
Bl. Sister Erminia Brunetti, pray for us.
Bl. Luisa Picarreta, pray for us.
Bl. Maria Concetta Pantusa, pray for us.
Bl. Marguerite Bays, pray for us.
Bl. Raffaela Lionetti, pray for us.
Bl. Helen Pelczar, pray for us.
Bl. Rhoda Wise, pray for us.
Bl. Maria Teresa Carloni, pray for us.
Ven.Madre Maria Angelica alvarez Icaza, pray for us.
Bl. Yvonne Aimee, pray for us.
Bl. Maria Luisa Zancajo, pray for us.
Bl. Maria Bolognese, pray for us.
Bl. Rose Ferron, pray for us.
All you Holy Mystics and Stigmatics, pray for us
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

Sr. Mary Crown of Thorns (Margaret Reilly) -A purported 20th century New York mystic and stigmatic

Sr. Crown of Thorns (Margaret Reilly)
Sr. Mary of the Crown of Thorns -A Good Shepherd Sister living in Peekskill, NY who was hailed by many as a mystic and stigmatic

The remarkable true story of  Sr. Mary of the Crown of Thorns (born Margaret Reilly, 1884-1937), -if authentic, she would be one of the first reported stigmatics in America.

(Primary source for this article is the book "Sister Thorn and Catholic Mysticism in Modern America" by professor Paula M. Kane, PhD., UNC Press, 2013)

Those who study the lives of mystics and visionaries soon discover that while often a "cult" of avid followers develop around such persons, on the other hand some of their contemporaries often view such persons with excessive skepticism and doubt. For the disciple is not above the Master, one could surmise. And this writer has yet to find a mystic that did not have at least some controversy surrounding them. And so it is also in the life of Margaret Reilly (Sr. Mary of the Crown of Thorns) that we find a life story full of mystical and supernatural mystery, surrounded by strong supporters, including two prominent bishops and a number of priests and religious, yet at the same time also a number of noteworthy detractors.

One thing is for certain: during her lifetime she gained the attention of quite a few people outside of her convent in Peekskill, NY., and after her death in 1937 there was a significant movement pushing for her canonization. Eventually however the cause stalled in the 1960's, lacking the support of the local Archbishop, and also the financial backing and support of her religious Community, the Good Shepherd Sisters. And so it is that today she is almost completely unknown, her life being nearly forgotten.

What precisely happened in the life of this Manhattan Irish woman from a modest family concerning the remarkable mystical gifts purportedly given to her is very much a intriguing mystery to this day. For she was reported to have received the stigmata (the bleeding wounds of Christ), and also a indelible, raised image of a crucifix on her breast, directly over her heart, which reportedly also manifested itself on her bedroom wall in the convent, along with extensive physical torments that seemed to mirror much of the passion of Jesus. These mystical graces and sufferings drew the attention, admiration and cynicism of many persons in New York, and around the country, and her notoriety spanned from 1921 to 1937. This article will attempt to shed some light on her life and the reported supernatural graces given to her.

Early life and first mystical experiences -A raised crucifix on her chest
Margaret Reilly was born in Manhattan, New York on on July 25, 1884, the youngest of 7 children into a poor, Irish family. Her father, Patrick Reilly, was a construction contractor, and her mother, Mary McLoughlin Reilly was a homemaker. Stories of Margaret's childhood reveal a early and intense devotion to Jesus. Margaret preferred her crucifix to a doll and she treated the crucifix like a doll, taking it for walks in her doll buggy, wrapping it to keep Jesus warm, and hugging it close to her at night. When her daughter required discipline, Mrs. Reilly threatened to take away the crucifix as punishment. She preferred being alone instead of playing with other children. As a youngster, Margaret learned of penitential practices, such as putting pebbles in her shoes as a form of sacrifice and self-mortification, which she learned from the Sisters of Charity who staffed her parochial school. Later as a teenager she took to wearing a hair shirt underneath her clothing, as a form or reparation and penance. Eventually however her spiritual director requested that she stop that particular practice.

After making her First Communion, Margaret also secured special permission to receive Communion daily (an exception for young children at that time). This special grace represented some hardship however, as it obliged her to walk ten blocks before breakfast to attend Mass, and then return home for a quick meal before walking to school.Margaret also developed a fondness for the Stations of the Cross, reportedly praying the stations three times in one day, until one of her older sisters told her to stop.

The first evidence of mysticism is reported in November 1913, when at age 29 she states that a two-inch-long red cross had appeared on her breast. On that day, she recalled:
“It pleased our dear Lord to send me a very severe illness for which He prepared me in a most extraordinary way. In my illness, I beheld our dear L. (Lord) nailed to the Cross and covered with Wounds….‘Thorn,’ He called me; ‘upon thy breast I place a Cross.’
My eyes raised above. He smiled and spoke:‘Take thou this Cross because 'tis Thorn I love.’
Then a sharp pain … when suddenly my eyes closed to all around me. My very soul became entirely rapt and absorbed in the contemplation of the Most Holy Trinity.”

And four years later in 1917 she reports another mystical grace. She relates that while stooping over the oven to prepare a fish supper with her mother, she felt a sharp pain over her heart, and saw a three-dimensional crucifix emerging in blood. Her mother quickly put her to bed and immediately telephoned their pastor. The crucifix reportedly remained visible until December 8, 1917. In a friend's recollection, the mark resembled a “raised, sunburned area,” red in color, approximately two inches long. At times the three-dimensional corpus even changed color, for according to one chronicler, “Sometimes it was red, sometimes purple, sometimes livid." Jesus reportedly revealed to Margaret whom He called "Little Thorn" the meaning of the changing of colors; they meant to reveal the sufferings of His Church in various ways.

First report of the stigmata and the crown of thorns, along with a second appearance of the the raised crucifix over her heart. She becomes a religious sister.
In September of 1921, Margaret made a extended spiritual retreat at Mount St. Florence convent in Peekskill, NY. It appears that this retreat was actually more of a postulancy for her to see if she was called to the religious life of the Good Shepherd sisters. On the fourth morning of the retreat, Margaret took a stroll to view a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the convent grounds. As she returned to her room to lie down, she claims to have had a vision of Jesus standing at the foot of the bed.
He reportedly said, “I give you my cross upon your breast, because I love you very much; and you are to suffer for My very own.”

And Jesus explained that “my very own” in this case referred to priests and nuns.

At this time, the same image from her chest was miraculously duplicated on the wall of the room that she was staying in. About three inches in length, it was first documented by the superior of the convent, Mother Raymond (Born Bridget Cahill in Worcester, Massachusetts) who was further surprised to find that Margaret's left side and feet were now bleeding. Mother Raymond reported to one of Margaret's cousins, who was also a nun:
“She has shown me her beautiful Cross and you may feel certain that she was most welcome (here).” 

Even before Margaret's arrival at Peekskill, Mother Raymond claimed to have witnessed (although she does not specify where) the perfectly formed cross and corpus with its feet resting on Margaret's heart, “at times diffused with blood.”

For the next 33 days—each day, as the superior believed, symbolizing a year of Jesus's life—Margaret remained bedridden at the convent in acute pain and bleeding profusely from four wound sites in her hands and feet. Jesus told Margaret that the foot wounds were the beginning of her complete stigmatization. Puncture wounds appeared around her forehead as well, as though from a wreath of thorns. In a vision, Jesus told her that she would now be named “Thorn.” reportedly stating:
“Now you are my Thorn, but soon you shall be my Lily of Delight.”

Later, the stigmata would intensify from Wednesday through Friday each week. Returning to the story of her visit and entering the convent, on November 11, 1921 her face was said to be marked as though by whips. Margaret said she could feel the separate lashes as they were given on her face, also when they were given on her whole body. These lashes were reportedly sometimes inflicted by our Lord Himself, or by St. Michael or by her Guardian Angel. Margaret could even see this instrument: the discipline contained 48 strips of fine steel with thorn-like projections. There was also a piece of lead 2¾ inches long attached to the center ring.

Mother Raymond reported that among Margaret's wounds, the scourge marks were “more painful than the wounds of the hands and feet and side. The pain in the chest is as if an army of people were kneeling on the chest.”

The cross impressed on the skin over Margaret's heart that began this chain of events disappeared entirely from her body around December 15, 1921.

Except for a couple of visits to relatives, Margaret remained in the convent during her "probationary" or discernment period, and on December 8, 1923, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, was finally able to make her preliminary vows as a Good Shepherd sister, taking the name  "Sister Mary of the Crown of Thorns", a name which was reportedly given to her by Jesus. It should be noted here however that she was delayed in making this religious profession due to the fact that a few of the Good Shepherd nuns in the Community had doubts concerning her purported mystical gifts.

A description of the crucifix imprinted upon the wall in Sr. Thorn's room
Sr. Thorn had a cousin named Sr. Sebastian, a Dominican nun living in Ohio. On August 25, 1922, Sister Sebastian traveled to Peekskill to observe things firsthand, accompanied by Sr. Thorn's brother Tom. Prior to this visit Sr. Catherine had already received some photographs or drawings of the mark on her cousin's skin from Mother Raymond, who concluded her letter with the entreaty: “Trusting, dear Sister, this will somewhat satisfy your interest, asking a little prayer, and begging to accept the enclosed pictures which are a true copy of the Cross and position on her breast.”

Normally visitors were forbidden to see her bedroom with the alleged miraculous cross on the wall under orders from the congregation's appointed confessor, Father John F. Brady, but on this occasion permission was given. Sr Sebastian found the room “...small and very plain. I first looked at the miraculous Crucifix (on the wall). It is much like the one on the picture, and about that size. I could see the Face of our Lord, and the lettering is also very plain. We used a magnifying glass. From where I stood I kissed the feet, but would have to stand on something to reach the Face.”

Of this particular visit Sr Sebastian stated that the crucifix was not apparent on her cousin's chest at that time, but that she experienced the pain of invisible stigmata there and in her hands, feet, and side. Sr Sebastian's impression of Margaret was of “...the dearest, sweetest soul, and heavenly in appearance, but as simple and as natural as a child.”

But going back to the crucifix imprinted upon the wall in her bedroom, Paula M. Kane notes in her book that "All accounts agreed that efforts to remove the image from the wall proved to be futile, even when scraped." 

Sr Mary of the Crown of Thorns (Margaret Reilly)
Sr Thorn is confined to a wheelchair
On the very day that the provincial was to accompany Margaret from Peekskill to Manhattan to begin her official novitiate, Margaret suddenly lost the use of her legs, and never walked again. As Mother Raymond recorded, Margaret had returned to her cell after Mass in the morning and sat down. Her limbs grew stiff and she became unable to walk. She was carried to her bed. Mother Raymond later stated that God had forewarned Margaret that she was to remain there because “..the novitiate would come to Peekskill to her.” 

Along with Sr. Thorn's recent immobility there was also added the special care required by her stigmata. Benedict Bradley, a Benedictine monk in New Jersey who visited Peekskill in November and December 1922, verified that Margaret was mostly bedridden. When she left her bed for chapel and meals, she moved about by crawling on her hands and knees. Her spiritual director forbade her from doing even this after she reported that Satan had thrown her down the stairs repeatedly, and he purportedly filled her tunic with pins to prevent her from climbing the stairs on her knees. Thus the sisters were now required to lift Margaret out of her wheelchair and carry her up and down stairs. This partial paralysis also prevented Margaret from performing the usual convent chores undertaken by every sister. Consequently, when she was permitted to remain at Peekskill, she was assigned to work the telephone switchboard.

Attacks from the demons
On December 9,1921, the day after she received her first veil as a postulant, Sr. Thorn faced a demonic attack. “As she was eating her supper,” wrote a sister named Carmelita, “her plate was broken, coffee spilt on the bed and she was pulled and dragged around for sometime.” Later that night, (Dec. 9), Sr. Thorn asked Mother Raymond to stay with her and not let the “evil one” tempt her “..with some evil suggestions he was making.

Sr. Carmelita also wrote “Margaret had complained of noises in her room at night, but it was attributed to other causes.” Early on, most of the unusual activity continued to involve ordinary household objects: the turpentine bottle left in Margaret's cell by Dr. McParlan was broken, flower vases were overturned, liquids were spilled, china was cracked, a holy-water font was broken, embroidery was burned, dress buttons were removed, and the glass on a picture of the Infant Jesus was shattered. “For some days,” Mother Raymond also recalled,“the whole house smelt of sulfur.”

Margaret often endured taunts from the demons, who showed her “awful pictures” and “impure sights” that she declared were “far more painful to her than the beatings.” Add to this, Satan often assumed the appearance of Jesus in an attempt to fool Margaret.

Mother Raymond left numerous notes stating: “One attack at Holy Communion as usual.” On another occasion she wrote: “Margaret sustained an awful attack after holy Communion near the confessional. Satan threw her down, tore off her postulant's cuffs, threw her shawl over the head of Sr. Mary of St. Luthgarde, seemingly to blind them so they could not protect Margaret; pulled feet to break them; slapped her face so it could be heard; jerked her and dragged her, then left her.”

According to Sr. Thorn, the demons took on the forms of a black cat, a rat, a seal, slime, and both handsome and ugly men. During the summer of 1922, Mother Raymond temporarily left Margaret, and when she returned, she found Margaret on the floor next to the telephone switchboard. The switchboard had been overturned on St Thorn's head, leaving a lump over her eye and knocking plaster out of the wall. Mother Raymond was so embarrassed when the electrician commented on the extensive damage that when another incident smashed windowpanes and bookcase glass, she was reluctant to contact a repairman for fear that outsiders would think that the convent was a “roughhouse.”

Yet another violent episode reportedly occurred during Mass on November 21,1923, while the sisters were listening to the final portion of the Eucharistic prayer, Sr Thorn was thrown from her wheelchair to the floor and her head was jammed under the radiator. Yet, for all of its strangeness, this diabolical activity had usefulness beyond their convent in redeeming sinners, for even as Margaret struggled with a demon who knocked her down and twisted her leg around a chair, Saint Colette allegedly appeared to her and reassured her in a vision that “a certain soul has been saved through your struggles.”

Visiting Peekskill from Missouri, Sister Carmelita Quinn recorded an episode on February 17, 1922:
“Breakfast and dinner were spoiled, it meant that Margaret Reilly thought the food had a bad taste and smell. Often, Margaret envisioned little black bugs on the food and bread that repelled her from eating.”

In a vision years later, the Virgin Mary comforted Sister Thorn and told her that the evil spirits would no longer be permitted to assault her.

More notes on her alleged stigmata
Sr. Thorn believed that she suffered as a victim soul for the conversion and salvation of souls. She attributed the pain in the location of her stigmatic wounds with specific intentions: pain in her left foot indicated prayers for Archbishop Hayes and the pope; pain in her right foot meant prayers for priests; her left hand was dedicated to laypeople praying to her; and her right hand was to atone for nuns seeking higher education who forgot their duty by seeking worldly advantages. Finally, Margaret's heart symbolized the Good Shepherds and “another convent dear to Jesus.” Sister Thorn claimed that the scourge marks on her thighs and the crown of thorns on her forehead were offered for priests who were offending Jesus. She endured these torments to fulfill God's special mission for her to obtain grace for others, especially for priests and religious.

Add to this the fact that some of Sr. Thorn's devotees spent their time trying to ascertain the meaning of the changing colors of the corpus on the crucifix upon her chest and also her bedroom wall, revealing a obvious determination to affirm the bond between suffering and the possible sanctity in her life.

It is interesting to note also that in her book "Sister Thorn and Catholic Mysticism in Modern America" Paula M Kane points out that it seems that Sr. Thorn's stigmata were mostly invisible in nature. According to her readings, Sr. Thorn's visible, bloodied stigmata seemingly lasted only ten weeks, from September 4 to November 18, 1921.

Fame and opposition
Those outside of the convent first learned of "the bleeding nun at Peekskill" through a letter written by a Passionist priest named Father Bertrand Barry who composed a sort of “spiritual chain letter” in early 1922 that he sent to numerous friends. It became an embarrassment to the Good Shepherd Sisters because it contained many errors, and drew unwanted attention to the religious order, but its odd details excited the public and drew fervent crowds to the convent.

New York World newspaper article concerning Margaret
On Saturday, July 8, 1922, "The New York World" newspaper ran the headlines "Girl with Vivid Cross on Body Puzzles Both Clergy and Laity.
 At Indefinite Periods Blood Gathers about Mark and She Suffers Intensely—Many Hold That Case Is Surely Supernatural". 
One should note however that this article actually contained several errors.

Stories and rumors concerning Sr. Thorn abounded amongst both religious and laity. Many who knew her either as a child or young adult were positive towards her. The superior of the Community, Mother Raymond, who spent the most time each day with Sr Thorn, was a strong supporter. Yet she became aware that at least a few of the Sisters in the Community were displeased with Sr. Thorn, so as time progressed, Mother Raymond decided to have a private written census of each of the Sisters in the convent. The record shows that the majority of them were supportive of Sr. Thorn, but several were in opposition, for various reasons. Of the approximately 50 professed and "lay" Sisters associated with the convent, there were six Sisters who were either "not satisfied" or "not contented" with Sr. Thorn.  As side note, interestingly it seems that most of the Sisters in the convent at this point had not actually seen Sr. Thorns stigmata, which leads one to conclude that they likely were only visible for a short period(s) of time, and like other stigmatics it is quite possible that they came and went and/or were not visible at times.

Archbishop Patrick Hayes of New York oversaw the official investigation of Sister Thorn, which began some three years before he was named a cardinal. The medical part of the investigation consisted of evaluations from three separate physicians--together Dr. James J. Walsh, and Dr John B. Lynch felt that Margaret's "medical symptoms" were attributed to a "nervous condition" and possible "hysteria." On the other hand, Dr. Thomas F. McParlan became convinced that her various medical conditions were not attributable to natural origins or any ordinary means, and he eventually became one of Sr. Thorns prominent supporters.

For his part, over the years he was publicly cautious concerning Sr. Thorn, and until his death which occurred one year after hers he remained essentially neutral concerning her. One could assume that if his investigation had found anything significantly wrong he presumably would have sanctioned Sr. Thorn in various ways.

As for religious outside the convent, there was a New York Jesuit, Fr. James McGivney, who wrote a private letter to another Jesuit, Fr. Herbert Thurston, expressing his deep concern regarding St Thorn. Fr. James  McGivney had given a couple of retreats at the Peeskill convent, where he presumably obtained various information concerning Sr Thorn.

For his part, Fr. Herbert Thurston SJ, a very popular scholar known for his books on mysticism, occult phenomena, and parapsychology, was a significant supporter of Sr. Thorn. In 1925 he published a study of Margaret Reilly, whom he concealed as “Kate Ryan,” for an article in the British Catholic journal "The Month." Also around that time, Fr. Thurston was rumored to be one of four Vatican consultors for the Reilly case. Father Lucas Etlin was another priest who was very supportive of Sr. Thorn.

However, As Paula M. Kane points out in her excellent book, regardless of what those in favor of Sr. Thorn believed, certain pieces of evidence point to her purported stigmata as possibly being a fraudulent: from her sudden paralysis on the very day she was being asked to leave the convent; the short duration of the bleeding wounds and the lack of witnesses to and physical evidence of their onset; the controversial crucifix image on her chest and wall that closely resembled a commercial stamp at that time; the confusion in the written record regarding the timing, location, and appearance of her various physical markings; and the many poltergeist incidents at the convent that she herself could have performed.

On the other hand, testimonies supporting her authenticity came from trustworthy eyewitnesses who beheld and nursed her wounds, along with from the affirmations of Sister Carmelita Quinn, Dr. McParlan and Cardinal James McIntyre, the longtime conservative Archbishop of Los Angeles. The latter's association with Sr. Margaret can be understood when looking at the historical record. James McIntyre was ordained by Archbishop Patrick Hayes of New York (Sr. Thorn's bishop) in 1921, and two years later he was appointed chancellor of the Archdiocese--a position he held for 11 years until 1934--and it was in this position that he was able to keep very close tabs on the situation concerning Sr. Thorn.

In 1940, McIntyre was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of New York and it is during this time in particular that he became known for his support for Sr. Thorn. Later, when he became archbishop of Los Angeles, he continued to campaign on behalf of Sister Thorn. He gave the Good Shepherds in California his only photograph of her in order to convince them “that while the religious of her own Congregation did not all approve or believe in her saintliness, that there were others who did.”. He also gave a rosary to the superior, telling her: “Do not let anyone deprive you of the privilege of having a Saint in your congregation."

Her numerous illnesses and death
Starting with the critical moments in December 1923 when a weakened Margaret was suffering intensely, the sisters had everything in readiness for what they thought might be her death bed Profession. Yet, she clung to life. In January 1924 Margaret was about to receive the last rites, yet she rallied once more. In February Archbishop Patrick Hayes visited the convent, reporting that he scarcely recognized her since “she looks so very frail as if the lamp was nearly burned out.” At the close of 1924, she was still “suffering greatly and growing weaker.” In May 1925 she was frailer still and “suffering very much,” and by December she seemed “supremely happy” although in great pain. In 1926 Margaret “suffered a great deal during Lent” and during that summer was disturbed by constant vomiting. “There are days when one wonders how she lives,” remarked Mother St. Francis Xavier Hickey. In 1927 it was noted that her “spine was attacked now as well as the pancreas. The pain in her head is awful at times.” That year, Dr. Thomas McParlan reported on Margaret's new set of ailments: “Yesterday I saw Sister Thorn. The mass in her abdomen which includes the pancreas is greatly enlarged and her sufferings are terrible. There is no position that gives her the faintest relief and she looks very badly. I am greatly worried over her condition and feel so powerless to anything for her.” By August, Mother Hickey (who by that time had replaced Mother Raymond) feared “poor little Sister cannot last much longer. She is suffering so much, but always so sweetly and patiently.”

Nevertheless, despite her declining health, Margaret survived for another decade. Most of those associated wither her believed that her illnesses were primarily supernaturally induced, meaning that her suffering was God's will in that it was for reparation and for the conversion of sinners.

 “Our Lord is going to give us an Irish American saint!” her bishop, Archbishop Patrick Hayes, reportedly said with enthusiasm to Father Lucas Etlin, an avid supporter of Sr. Thorn.

Yet the archbishop and many others closely connected to Sister Thorn refused to give her case any significant public support, and after her death her cause for beatification eventually faltered in the 1960's.

After a life of suffering and sacrifice,  Sr. Mary Crown of Thorns (Margaret Reilly) died at age 52 in May 18, 1937. When Sister Thorn finally died, she was attended by the two women closest to her, Mother Raymond and Sister Carmelita. Mother Raymond had left Sr. Thorn's room for two minutes to fetch a drink of water; when she returned, she found Margaret vomiting blood into the basin on her table. Sister Thorn died soon afterward.

Mother Raymond was crushed by the loss of her dearest friend. She wrote a letter in her own hand to Mother Dolorosa at the Benedictine convent in Clyde, Missouri, describing how Sr. Thorn had suffered heroically "...thru her ulcers, pancreas and other ills. Then the attacks of the evil one, her sweet pains ( her stigmata). Some tests confirmed cancer of all the left side, also the bladder; she refused opiates, wanting to be coherent to make a good confession before communion. I will miss her yes more than I can say but I am grateful He took her first.Memories crowd in daily and I thank Him for all He did for her and for me."

-Sr. Margaret Reilly, pray for us!

"We cannot change the world, taking out all its thorns, making its tasks easy and its burden light; changing all its discord into harmonies, transforming its ugliness into beauty. But we can have our own heart renewed by the grace of God, and thus the world will be made over for us. . . . A soul of song will find sweet music everywhere." Message from Jesus to Sr. Mary Crown of  Thorns
(Primary source for this article is the book "Sister Thorn and Catholic Mysticism in Modern America" by professor Paula M. Kane, PhD., UNC Press, 2013)

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Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta -A collection of short sayings

A few favorite quotes of St Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)

“In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.”

“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."

“I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.”

“If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."

Mother Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us!

Is it necessary for an authentic mystic to have an impeccable character?

St Mary of Egypt -A great sinner turned Saint
A key question: Visionaries and holiness: Is it necessary for an authentic mystic to have an impeccable moral character?

When discerning the lives of visionaries, what weaknesses and faults are permissible?
We all like to think of our favorite Saints and mystics as overflowing with virtue, as "white as the driven snow" as the saying goes. Yet, we all recognize that no one is perfect, acknowledging the biblical principle that "all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). This however raises a question--one that all those who seek to discern alleged visionaries and mystics have to contend with: can an authentic mystic/visionary/prophet have serious faults? What weaknesses or sins are acceptable when discerning a visionary? Or put another way, what sins might inhibit a person from receiving communications and private revelations from heaven?

One thing is for sure--it is a very pertinent question for anyone who seeks to discern such persons. In fact, this very question just came up once again for the most recent purported mystic that I just published here on this website, a Good Shepherd nun from New York named Sr. Mary Crown of Thorns (1884-1937) who reportedly bore the stigmata. Just prior to her becoming a nun, and during a time which she had allegedly already been given some extraordinary mystical graces, she apparently wrote some very racy and inappropriate letters to a physician friend whom she was romantically interested in at the time.

In the Old Testament story of King David we find in David a visionary and servant of God who at one point committed two very grave "mortal" sins--adultery and then murder---yet because of his incredibly deep repentance afterwards, God continued to work with and through him throughout the rest of his remarkable life.

Or again, studying the life of the great St Augustine, the universally acclaimed Doctor of the Church, we find that in his early years prior to his extraordinary conversion he had lead quite an immoral life, having a son out of wedlock with his concubine, along with the giving of himself to various questionable worldly pursuits. And who could forget his noteworthy statement "Lord, grant me chastity and continence, but not yet!" Nevertheless, in his defense we find that in the years after his conversion he led a life of solid piety and heroic virtue, as the Church itself has officially declared.

We can find another example in the story of  St Mary of Egypt where we have a woman who, at the age of 12, runs away from home and soon afterwards becomes a prostitute in the city of Alexandria. She continued to live a extremely dissolute life until at age 17 when she traveled to Jerusalem for the great annual Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. She undertook the journey as a sort of "anti-pilgrimage," stating that she hoped to find in the pilgrim crowds at Jerusalem more abundant customers for her life of prostitution. Her biographers reveal how she helped to pay for her passage to Jeruselum by offering sexual favors to other pilgrims, and she continued her habitual lifestyle for a short time in Jerusalem.

God however had other plans her. As she tried to enter the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for the celebration, she was barred from doing so by an unseen force. Realizing that this was because of her impurity, she was struck with remorse, and upon seeing an icon of the Theotokos (the Virgin Mary) outside the church, she prayed for forgiveness and promised to give up her life of sin. Once again she attempted to enter the church, and this time was permitted in. After venerating the relic of the true cross, she returned to the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary to give thanks, and suddenly she heard the Virgin Mary speak to her, telling her:
"If you cross the Jordan, you will find rest for your soul."

She then went to the Jordan and ended up at the monastery of St. John the Baptist on the bank of the River Jordan, where she went to Confession and afterwards Holy Communion. The next morning, she crossed the Jordan and retired to the desert to live the rest of her life as a hermitess in penance and reparation for her sins.

And so, the simple fact is that Church history is replete with sinners turned saints, a portion of whom were, or became, mystics and visionaries.

Purported visionaries and sin -The Church speaks
However the question being posed here is must a visionary/mystic/prophet have a impeccable moral character? To what degree is sin permitted in their lives? We find much of the answer in the Vatican document entitled "Norms regarding the manner of proceeding in the discernment of presumed apparitions or revelations" where in the section entitled "Criteria for judging, at least with probability, the character of the presumed apparitions or revelations", under the title of "Negative criteria" we find the directive:
d) Gravely immoral acts committed by the subject or his or her followers when the fact [ie. apparition] occurred, or in connection with it.

Thus, according to the official Church position, "gravely immoral acts" would constitute negative criteria--meaning they would be reliable evidence that the mystic/visionary/prophet is false. But what about less serious sin, like a visionary who seems boastful at times or seemingly lacking a spirit of humility at times, or one that seems to lack charity in their statements and actions towards others, or one that is always quick to defend themselves instead of mostly suffering accusations with humility and silence, or perhaps one that seems to relish food and drink excessively, or lacks a spirit of mortification?

Given the Church's position in this matter, strictly speaking a visionary/mystic/prophet cannot (or no longer would) remain an authentic mystic during the time that he/she engages in grave, serious sin, because the effects of willful mortal sin inhibits and precludes God's direct revelation in such a person. For example, after David's sins of adultery and murder, we see from the scripture that God no longer spoke to him directly, but spoke to him through the prophet Nathan.

At the same time we recognize that lesser or "venial" sins are simply part of our everyday human condition, and that even the Saints are not perfect, but that they sincerely "seek to be perfect, as the heavenly Father is perfect." I often think of the saying "Christians are not perfect, just forgiven, because they ask to be forgiven".

Nevertheless, one should expect a visionary to be a person who seriously--even strenuously--seeks to live out the Gospel in all areas of their life, and endeavors to please God in all of their actions, obedient to the teachings of the Church, and living a penitential and sacrificial life in a spirit of prayer, joy and thanksgiving. In short, a person who fervently follows in the footsteps of Jesus.

And so, while we ought not necessarily be put off by a purported mystic who, for example, has a serious attachment to coffee, we can and should dismiss any alleged mystic who engages in any form of grave, serious sin. And when it comes to discerning mystics and visionaries, from the onset all mystics and visionaries should be given an initial presumption of sincerity and goodwill, and with neutrality one should cautiously discern their messages and mission, giving them a just and sincere hearing. For it is truly unfortunate to see that there have been more than a few purported mystics over the centuries who have been summarily dismissed by certain members within the Church, without even so much as a preliminary hearing or reasoned consideration.

We can close this contemplation regarding the moral character of purported mystics with a reflection concerning the life of St Paul from Acts 22:
"I persecuted the followers of this Way to their death, arresting both men and women and throwing them into prison, as also the high priest and all the Council can testify. I even obtained letters from them to their brothers in Damascus, and went there to bring these people as prisoners to Jerusalem to be punished.  

"About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, `Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?' 

Thus, in the life of St Paul we see how the infinite wisdom and mercy of God are so far above the thoughts and reason of man, for who would have ever have thought that Saul of Tarsus, the fervent persecutor of the early Christians, would become--through the intercession of Jesus--the great St Paul, the indefatigable apostle of the Church?

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Could we be entering upon a "Time of Justice"?

The Signs of the Times
Jesus said to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west you say immediately that it is going to rain—and so it does; and when you notice that the wind is blowing from the south you say that it is going to be hot—and so it is.
You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky; why do you not know how to interpret the present time? (Luke 12 54-56)

In St. Faustina Kowalska's Diary we have Jesus saying “BEFORE THE DAY OF JUSTICE, I AM SENDING THE DAY OF MERCY.” (Diary, #1588). It is universally accepted that we are currently living in this "Day of Mercy." Many people have surmised that this period of mercy has likely consisted of the decades spanning from the end of World War II to the present time in which we are living.

For his part, in March 2014 Pope Francis shared his belief that we are living during the "Time of Mercy" spoken of by St. Faustina, and he dates the beginning of this period to around the time of St. John Paul II's consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1984:

“I am sure of this. It is not only Lent; we have been living in a time of mercy for the past thirty years or more, up to today.” -Pope Francis, Exhortation on Mercy to Roman Priests, March 6, 2014.

For it was the 1984 Papal consecration, made in union with the bishops of the world, whose fruits of which is widely recognized by Church to have led to the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, ushering in a significant downturn in Communism, and a period of relative peace in the world.

The end of the "Year of Mercy"
In just a few short weeks of this writing, the Church will be concluding the present "Year of Mercy" instituted by Pope Francis, spanning from December 8, 2015 to November 20, 2016. With the passing of this "Year of Mercy" soon upon us, is it possible that we (humanity) may be entering upon the prophesied "Time of Justice"?

Quite a few people have observed that with the passing of recent months it seems that a certain darkness is ever increasing upon the earth. Perhaps some would surmise that such feelings simply come from the vitriolic atmosphere of the current US presidential elections, along with the war in Syria and Iraq, the heightened tensions between the USA and Russia, China's increased military presence in the South China sea, along with the conflict in Yemen, to name just a few of the troubling current global events.

For those who keep watch and reflect upon the various current purported prophets and visionaries of our time, the "sensus fidelum" seems to be that we are on the verge of significant worldwide events which, on a spiritual level, will be for the purification of humanity, for we know from the Scriptures that it is often through calamities and suffering that God draws His children back to Himself.

It is often remarked how while history does not always repeat itself, at least it always rhymes, and reading through the Old Testament we see how God would send (or permit) great catastrophes to befall his chosen people the Israelite's, to draw them back to Himself after they had strayed. And just prior to this God would always send prophets to warn them and call them back. Historically, the Israelite's would always ignore the warnings of the prophets, that being their own "Time of Mercy", and then inevitably would come their "Time of Justice." Such is the recurring theme of the Old Testament.

Remember that God has a plan, and all that happens is for our reclamation and salvation
Thus reflecting upon God's numerous interventions in the Scriptures, one point becomes very clear--though God may cause (or allow) humanity to suffer various calamities, it is ALWAYS for our reclamation and salvation. So whatever, if anything, may soon befall us in the times to come, we should not lose hope, for even in His justice God is always infinitely merciful and loving. For He is mercy and love Itself.

I once read where a person stated "...a time will come where God's mercy will end, and His justice will then prevail." The truth is, God's mercy will never end, because He is mercy Itself. But He is also just, and He loves His children with an infinite love, so when we collectively stray through abandoning God, worshiping false idols, and falling into numerous sins, there eventually comes a point which obligates Him to withdraw His protective hand, and allow us to experience the effects and consequences of our sins and our abandonment of Him, that He might, once again, reclaim us and call us to return to Himself. For in another part of St Faustina's diary Jesus tells us: “He who refuses to pass through the door of My Mercy must pass through the door of My Justice.” (Diary 1146)

The year 2017 marks the 100 year anniversary of Fatima, and the 500 year anniversary of the Protestant reformation.
But are we really on the verge of a purification consisting of very grave worldwide events? God alone knows. But as the headline above states, the year 2017 marks the anniversaries of two very significant events in Christian history--the 100 year anniversary of Fatima, and the 500 year anniversary of the Protestant reformation. Time will very soon tell what is in store for us. Meantime, on November 8 the USA will be electing a new leader, and the "Year of Mercy" instituted by Pope Francis will be culminating on November 20th. And the people of the Kingdom here below watch, wait and pray.
"Today I am sending you [Sr. Faustina] with My mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My merciful Heart. I use punishment when they themselves force me to do so; My hand is reluctant to take hold of the sword of justice. Before the Day of Justice, I am sending the Day of Mercy."
"I am prolonging the time of mercy for the sake of sinners. But woe to them if they do not recognize this time of My visitation" (Diary of St Faustina Kowalska, 1588 and 1160).

Arizona woman cured of blindness through the intercession of Saint Charbel Makhlouf


Completely blind mother of three young children inexplicably regains her eyesight after being blessed by a relic of St Charbel Makhlouf during service at Arizona Catholic church

For months now, the news of Dafne Gutierrez's remarkable cure from complete blindness has stunned the parish community of St Joseph Maronite Catholic church in Phoenix, Arizona, inspiring people from around the country to visit the Church where the reported "miracle" has taken place.

Dafne's Miracle
In 1999 when she was just thirteen years old, Dafne Gutierrez---who is now a 30 year old mother of three young children---was officially diagnosed with a medical condition called Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH). One of the effects of this illness is that it in turn often causes a condition called Papilledema in which pressure in the brain is very high, adversely affecting the optic nerves, which in some cases like Dafne's eventually leads to complete blindness.

Dafne Gutierrez and her family
In Dafne's case, over recent years the various physicians attending her tried various pharmaceutical medicines, all of which unfortunately failed, and in 2014 her eyesight in her left eye began to deteriorate dramatically, with the various prescriptions having no effect.

In a last ditch effort in 2014 the physicians tried two separate surgeries installing different types of shunts in an attempt to drain and reduce the pressure in her brain, but this too unfortunately failed, leading to complete blindness in her left eye, while the sight in her right eye was also now deteriorating. It was at this point that she was declared legally blind.  

By November 2015 she had completely lost sight in her right eye also, and was plunged into total darkness. In an interview after her cure, she explained how at that time back in late 2015 she could look directly at the sun, and not see any light whatsoever. In addition to this, she was afflicted with accompanying headaches which she described as “vise-like,” along seizures, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), vomiting and dizziness.

At this point unfortunately for Dafne her physicians had nothing left to do but to declare her blindness in both eyes to be likely "permanent and medically irreversible". 

Saint Charbel comes to the rescue
Due to her total blindness, not only was Dafne unable to care for herself, but she was also unable to care for her three young children, which completely broke the young mothers heart. On January 7, 2016, "so as to not be an additional burden on her family", she was approved for admittance to a nursing home, because "she could not take care of herself or her children, due to her blindness and seizures", and was set to be admitted as a resident in the coming months. Concerning this very difficult time for her and her family she later said in an interview: "What hurt me the most was not being able to see my children again".

In the meantime, on Friday, January 15 2016, Dafne heard in a Spanish radio news report that the first class relics of St Charbel Makhlouf were on a U.S.A. pilgrimage and were going to be coming to a nearby church --St Joseph Maronite Catholic church in Phoenix--for the weekend of January 16th-17th.

Interestingly, later that same day Dafne's sister-in-law called her and told her that she has seen a poster advertising the visit of the relics, and she wanted Dafne and her husband to go with her. At that time the relics of St Charbel were on a nationwide tour of the USA to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the beatification of the great Lebanese Saint and miracle-worker.

And so it was that the blind mother of three was taken to visit the bone relics of St Charbel during a special veneration and healing service at St Joseph Church. And she candidly admits that prior to that Saturday evening she had never even heard of St Charbel before.

"Please God heal me--if not for me, then do it for my kids!"  
In a documentary on YouTube, Dafne shares a glimpse of her inner thoughts and prayers to God while she was on the way to St Joseph Church:
"I'm tired--I'm tired of going to You praying and asking You to heal me...I am giving in. If You don't want to do it for me, then do it for my kids. That is the way I went in [to the Church] I'm giving in to You. Do it for my kids"
-Such were her thoughts and prayers on the way to the Church to visit and venerate the relics of St Charbel.

When she got into the Church she prayed to God, and then to St Charbel she said: "I don't know who you are, but please help me" -for prior to this she had never heard of St Charbel before.

After Mass and the veneration of St Charbel's relic celebrated by the parish priest, Father Wissam Akiki, her sister-in-law helped her to the confessional. After confession, Fr. Akiki was told about her blindness, he then blessed her with holy oil touched to the first-class relic of St Sharbel, praying specifically for her to be cured. Fr. Wissam told her that he would be praying for her and that "I would get my vision back". Afterwards he said to Dafne's daughter: "Don't worry, your mom will see again."

Also, when Father Akiki was praying for her and was blessing her with the St Charbel holy oil, she suddenly "...felt very strongly that someone was standing next to me on my right side."

For his part, Father Akiki states: "I put my hand on her head, then on both eyes, and I asked God to heal her through the intercession of St Charbel.”

After the prayers and blessing of the holy oil, Dafne asked her sister-in-law "Who was that standing next to me, on my right side?" Her sister-in-law replied "There was no one standing next to you other than Fr. Akiki." To this day, Dafne is not sure who was standing next to her at that moment, but she knows "someone" was there.
Dafne Gutierrez, Father Wissam Akiki and Bishop Abdallah Elias Zaidan, Maronite Catholic bishop of Los Angeles, CA
"From that moment" Dafne's stated "I started to feel different. I can't explain it but my body felt different". The next day, Sunday January 17th, 2016, she again went to St Joseph Church for the 3pm Mass and to once again venerate the relic of St Charbel.

That same Sunday evening at 4:00am in the morning she suddenly awoke with her eyes burning "They were like burning--really burning" and her head hurt "like after an operation", so she frantically woke her husband exclaiming that they were burning---he replied "They can't be because you have no sensation in your eyes!" He then put his hands on her eyes and noticed they felt hot and he said "They are vibrating and moving" and he also noticed a strong smell like "burning meat". She then realized that in the glow of the nightlight that she could actually see her husband very vaguely--like a shadow. She shouted "I can see you! I can see you with both of my eyes! I started crying...I wiped my eyes and then opened them again to see if I really could see, and I could."

"I could not believe it. I did not want to close my eyes,” she stated afterwards in an interview. “My children were shouting: ‘Mom can see! God healed mom!’

Within 48 hours (precisely three days since her weekend visit to venerate the relics) her sight was completely restored to 20/20 vision, as was confirmed on that day by an ophthalmologist, and later by several other physicians.

Press Conference on February 18, 2016
In a verbal statement attesting to her healing, Doctor Anne Borik, D.O. stated: "....Medically speaking, what is interesting--and what captured my interest in this [case]--is that you don't see resolution of vision in 48 hours from a long standing optic nerve problem such as Dafne had. My job as a medical physician is to try to find out how this happened medically. We discussed this case with a neuro-ophthalmologist, and also an outside consultant reviewed the entire case, and basically there is no [medical] explanation how Dafne Gutierrez's vision was one day completely blind, and then 48 hours later was restored to normal...And so based on this information, we as a medical community in reviewing this case cannot explain this medically."

At the very least, the physicians felt that even if she had regained some of her eyesight, there should have been some permanent damage and vision loss in at least her left eye, for that eye had been effected for 2 years. It is expected that there should be at least some optic nerve damage, and that there is simply no medical explanation for a complete restoration of 20/20 vision in both eyes.

"Faith and confession" is what Dafne Gutierrez continues to repeat time and time again when asked about her healing. "I was desperate when I walked into St. Joseph Maronite Catholic Church. I felt like God never heard me before, but this time was different, just different."
"For me to be able to see and read the papers [medical reports] that say that I would never be able to see again....It  is such a blessing!" 
Medical records relating to Dafne Gutierrez blindness

Dafne explained that throughout her long illness that she had often gone to various Catholic churches and prayed, though it often seemed to her that God did not hear her prayers, because they seemingly went unanswered. "I don't know how many different Churches I went to, how many times I asked God,..and it seemed like He never heard me. But that day was different..." She said however that she always had faith and hope that God would someday heal her.

Exactly one month later as a gesture of deep thanksgiving and gratefulness to God for her healing, a special Mass and blessing with the Holy oil of St. Sharbel took place at St Joseph Church on February 18, 2016, and was presided by his Excellency Bishop Abdallah Elias Zaidan, Maronite Catholic bishop of Los Angeles, CA. Eparchy.

On that day, standing in the Church before the crowd who had gathered to give thanks to God for her healing through the intercession of St Charbel, Daphne stated:
"All the doctors have said: 'There is no explanation'.....God healed me."
And in an interview on Youtube she says:
"I just want to keep on telling everybody; Don't lose faith. God does exist. Just have faith...[go to] confession. Don't lose hope."

As for a brief biography, Sr Charbel Makhlouf (1828-1898) was a Maronite Catholic monk from Lebanon who died on Christmas Eve at age 73. He spent the last 23 years of his life in a rugged cabin in complete solitude, with poor heat and the bare necessities of life, and was known for his practice of penance and mortifications, eating very little and sleeping on the ground.

Three days after his death he was buried in the monastery cemetery, and for the next forty-five nights his tomb was surrounded by a dazzlingly bright light. As the days passed this phenomenon was witnessed by an increasingly large number of local villagers who informed the religious Maronite monastery, none of whom could provide an explanation. Permission was sought from the ecclesiastical authorities for the monk’s body to be exhumed. Four months after his death permission was obtained, and upon the exhumation he was found to be completely incorrupt, though he had been buried in the ground without a casket. Charbel was given fresh clothing before being placed in a wooden coffin in a corner of the monastery’s private chapel. Soon a strange liquid was found exuding continually from the casket, coming from the pores of his body. Described as a mixture of fluid and blood, it continually flowed from his remains day and night. Soon, a local custom began where pieces of cloth soaked in this fluid were soon being distributed as relics, and were being credited with effecting cures. To this day this custom of "holy oil" touched to the relics of St Charbel used as a blessing is still a very common practice of the faithful, as was used in Dafne's healing.
"He wants me to tell everybody don't lose faith. Go to confession. Never lose hope." 
-Dafne Gutierrez

More information: 
-"She Came And Prayed Asking St. Sharbel To Cure Her" -St. Joseph Maronite Catholic Church in Phoenix, Arizona
-Saint Charbel- The Maronite Monk

-"Dafne Gutierrez Healed through Intercession St. Sharbel in Arizona"
-"St. Sharbel Healing at St. Joseph Maronite Catholic Church in Phoenix, Arizona"
-"St Charbel heals Dafne Gutierrez from blindness in America"

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The Presidential prophecy- An update on Charlie Johnston

Charlie Johnston during a recent FOCUS TV interview
The final days for the possible fulfillment of a purported Angelic prophecy 

Many readers of this website are familiar with the original article that I wrote back in January 2015 entitled  "Charlie Johnston -An alleged prophet with a critically important message for humanity".  In it I discussed at length Charlie's purported prophetic mission and message, along with a short biography of his life. And for the past two years it has been one of the most popular articles on this website.

Additionally, when the Archdiocese of Denver came out with a Statement in March 2016 concerning Mr. Johnston I published an article here discussing it.

The Presidential prophecy
In the past week, the comments beneath that original article have exploded (there are now currently a total of 770 comments), as has my email inbox, with most everyone commenting specifically on the angelic prophecy allegedly given to Charlie, which I have named "The Presidential prophecy":

"What I was told in the Spring of 2008 was that Barack Obama would win that year's election, that he would not finish his full term, and that the next stable national leader would not come from the political system."

The obvious reason for all of the recent attention to this specific alleged angelic prophecy is the upcoming scheduled Presidential Inauguration scheduled for this January 20th--just 2 weeks away from this writing. For his part, just yesterday Charlie published an article entitled "A Decisive Conundrum" which addresses this matter, in part.

This particular prophecy is the first of a series of alleged angelic prophesies concerning the world that are to occur mostly this year (2017). The other predictions that Charlie insists upon are highlighted in his article entitled "Go Forth". In it Charlie reveals eight worldwide events that are said to occur::

"I only have eight public prophecies that I insist on. Only the visible, miraculous Rescue by Our Lady, the Immaculate Conception in late 2017, is time sensitive. Five things must happen between now and the Rescue, but can happen at any time during that period. They are:

– The continued toppling of governments throughout the world, including that of the U.S. The toppling of a government does not mean the nation shall fall.

– The confrontation with and fall of political Islam.

– The mass conversion of most Muslims

– The confrontation between the Judeo-Christian world and the current government of China.

– The alliance between Russia and the U.S. to lead the Judeo-Christian world to endure the confrontation with China.

-Then, after the 5 things above comes the miraculous "Rescue" through the Immaculate Heart of Mary sometime in late 2017.

Then there are two prophecies that happen shortly after the Rescue. They are the unification of the faithful into one flock under one shepherd and the building and location of the Shrine of thanksgiving for the Rescue on Mount Meeker in Colorado.

Together these predicted events constitute for humanity what Charlie calls "The Storm"--a series of events which he states is already well underway. As of today (January 7, 2017), the most obvious observation concerning the prophesies above is that time is really running out for them to all happen before the miraculous Rescue in late 2017. Thus, from an intellectually reasoned perspective, it is probably readily apparent to many that such predictions are already a failure, given the time-frames involved for such things to occur in "real" time. But then, who really knows just yet? For God is not limited by our human constraints and He is always full of surprises.

It should be noted that the "Presidential prophecy" is NOT part of the eight public prophesies that Charlie insists upon. I don't know what bearing that may have, if any, in the upcoming weeks/months.

Of course for now the big question at this point is whether or not the purported angelic prophecy concerning Obama not finishing his term/next leader not coming from the election process will come to pass as foretold in the remaining two weeks before the scheduled Presidential inauguration on January 20th. And the obvious implication in the opinion of many people is that this prophecy is key in determining whether Charlie is truly an authentic prophet, or not. For as the saying goes "A prophet is judged by his prophesies", or as Scripture tells us:

"And if you say in your heart, ‘How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?’— when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not fear him." (Deuteronomy 18:21-22).

For his part, Charlie has stated numerous times that if this particular prophesy concerning Obama not finishing his term were to fail, with the presidency successfully transitioned to Donald Trump, that he will post one last post on his blog, then go away:
Charlie Johnston during a presentation in July 2016
"If there is a peaceful transition of power from Obama to Trump, I will go away. If there is not, be not afraid, God has a plan."

or again:
 charliej373 says:
December 17, 2016 at 2:54 pm
"Now, as I have said, if the inauguration goes on without incident, I will go away. "

or again:
"Certainly, if we have a normal inauguration a month from now, I will retire from the field, for that prophecy will have been objectively wrong. I take full responsibility for that. But it won’t change what you are called to do.

Noting that I do and will take responsibility, your standard would require you to dismiss St. Joan of Arc as a false prophet for the times she erred on saying how the battle would go – and many of the Old Testament prophets who were often off on their timing, sometimes by years. I do not say this to try to justify any error on my part. I strongly urge you to examine yourself and consider what God calls you to. But yep, a month from now if we have a normal inauguration, you can give me a big old thumbs down."

And so, even though this "Presidential prophecy" is not one of the eight public prophecies that Charlie insists upon, apparently he feels it is significant enough to merit his leaving the scene if it were to fail. Time will soon tell how things turn out. We need only wait, watch and pray.

Given all of the recent interest in this particular prophecy as of late, along with the popularity of the original article here on this website concerning Charlie Johnston, I thought I would publish this new article so that those interested can comment on this matter freely and directly here. As always, all comments are published immediately, without moderation. I only ask that commentators be charitable and considerate in their comments.

Statement on false claim regarding Charlie Johnston’s messages

Statement on Archdiocese of Denver website

"...The events of 2016/17 have shown that Mr. Johnston’s alleged visions were not accurate and the Archdiocese urges the faithful not to condone or support further attempts to reinterpret them as valid." -Excerpt from the Archdiocesan Statement below.

On February 15, 2017 the Archdiocese of Denver issued the following "Statement on false claim regarding Charlie Johnston’s messages". 

Statement on false claim regarding Charlie Johnston’s messages
Feb. 15, 2017
Contact: Karna Swanson
Executive Director of Communications
Mrs. Beckie Hesse, using the online profile “Beckita,” stated in a Feb. 7, 2017 blog post titled “The RESCUE Has Begun” that the messages of the alleged visionary Mr. Charlie Johnston, who resides in the Archdiocese of Denver, “have been fully approved by the Church.”  In order to ensure that the faithful are correctly informed, it is necessary to publicly state that Mrs. Hesse’s claim is false.
In fact, Mr. Johnston’s alleged messages were reviewed by an archdiocesan theological commission and Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila determined that the faithful should be warned to be prudent and cautious about Mr. Johnston’s predictions. In addition, Mr. Johnston is not permitted to speak in Church-owned venues in the Archdiocese of Denver. Read Archbishop Aquila’s message here.
The events of 2016/17 have shown that Mr. Johnston’s alleged visions were not accurate and the Archdiocese urges the faithful not to condone or support further attempts to reinterpret them as valid.
Read: Statement on the alleged visionary Charlie Johnston 

The Statement on false claim regarding Charlie Johnston’s messages can be read on the Archdiocese of Denver website here.

Other articles on this website concerning Charlie Johnston in order of publication:
-Charlie Johnston- An alleged prophet with a critically important message for humanity
-Archbishop of Denver's Statement concerning Charlie Johnston
-The Presidential Prophecy -An update on Charlie Johnston

Men and Woman messiah's? Outlandish visionaries and the strange cults that surrounded them

Dr. Cyrus Teed, aka "Koresh" -A proclaimed messiah 
Unusual visionaries and their cults- A summary of the most unconventional private revelations of the past 100 years.

-Quaternity and Quinternity's?
The extraordinary claims of persons claiming to be male and female Messiah's, along with their revelations claiming God is both male and female.

Case summary #1: 
Dr. Cyrus Teed and the Koreshan Unity Settlement, Florida, USA
Born in 1839, Cyrus R. Teed from upstate New York became a medical physician and established a laboratory in which he carried out alchemical and electrical experiments. 

During one of these experiments in 1869, wherein Dr. Cyrus Teed was reportedly accidentally electrocuted, he claims to have seen a vision of a "beautiful woman" who allegedly revealed to him the secrets of the universe, along with allegedly giving him a special mission detailed below.

After this purported vision, he changed his first name to "Koresh" (the Hebrew word for his first name "Cyrus") and after a number of years of travelling in New York, Chicago and other parts of the USA proclaiming his new religious and temporal theories, he eventually established the Koreshan Unity Settlement or "New Jerusalem", a Utopian community in Estero, Florida, which was based on his purported private revelations and beliefs, which later came to be called "Koreshanity".

Over the years, the number of people living in his community swelled to about 250, though quite a few followers reportedly lived outside the community. Some of the key Koreshan tenets were immortality through reincarnation, celibacy, that God was both male and female, and most particularly the "hollow earth" theory, wherein it was believed that the universe is a rotating sphere inside the earth, with the earth as a shell essentially wrapped around the universe (see photo below), thus proposing that humanity actually lives inside the earth, and not on the outside.
Koreshan model of the universe depicting his "hollow earth" theory of the earth surrounding the universe (Source Wikipedia)
As for Cyrus Teed's explanation of  God being both Male and Female, he cited the Fourth commandment of ' Honor thy Father and Mother' as evidence, stating "The father and mother in this passage denotes the Father-Mother God".

Cyrus Teed the "Messiah"? The failed utopia
However the most extraordinary claim of Dr. Cyrus Teed (or "Koresh" as he was to be called) was that he claimed to be the 'seventh' messianic leader, and that Jesus was the sixth, a revelation that reportedly told him by the 'beautiful woman' in a vision in 1869. 

However the belief that Koresh was the "seventh messiah" ended rather abruptly when Teed unexpectedly died on December 22, 1908. His followers, who believed that he would resurrect and that afterwards both he, and his faithful, would be taken up to heaven, as he had predicted in his book "The Immortal Manhood" and also in a book published by the Koreshian Community itself entitled "Reincarnation or the Resurrection of the Dead."

Therefore, immediately after his death they kept him in a bathtub and accompanied him in a constant vigil, awaiting his resurrection or second coming, which they deduced would happen three days later on Christmas day. When no resurrection/reincarnation occurred, the local authorities forced them to bury his corpse on December 27, and this event essentially marked the beginning of the end of the Koreshan Unity Settlement, though it would continue to survive through some of its members for more than 50 years after Teed's death. In 1910, a hurricane destroyed his tomb which was on the southern end of Estero island, and washed his coffin out to sea.

In 1961, when there were just four community members left, their leader, Hedwig Michel, deeded the 300 acre "utopia" to the State of Florida, where it is now the 135 acre Koreshan State Historic site.

"Octavia, Daughter of God", by Jane Shaw
Case Summary #2:
Octavia, the "Daughter of God"? The story of a purported Woman Messiah of Great Britain
This story begins in 1919 and takes place in Bedford, England where a group comprised of primarily middle-aged women came together to study the life of an alleged 19th century visionary named Joanna Southcott (1750–1814). To summarize this early part of the story, our subject, Mabel Barltrop (1866-1941) eventually became the person that the group believed was Shiloh incarnate, a female Messiah whose coming Joanna Southcott foretold in her prophecies back in the early 1800's.

This Mabel Barltrop, who became known to her followers as "Octavia", (because she was believed to be the eighth prophet in the Southcottian line) was the mother of four (now grown) children and the widow of a Anglican priest in the Church of England named Arthur Henry Barltrop (1856–1906),--a priest whom she later said was actually "Jesus"

Four Persons in God? The "Quaternity"?
Beginning in 1919 when she was 53 years old, Mabel Barltrop--now known as Octavia--began announcing a new theology:
There was God the Father, God the Mother (the Holy Spirit), Jesus the Son, and Octavia the Daughter. Thus for the believers in the group, the Trinitarian God of traditional Christianity was now reconfigured to become a "Quaternity" of four Divine "Persons" in one God.

Numerous single and widowed woman throughout England soon joined her, forming a Community called the "Panacea Society", that grew to include seventy residents, thousands of followers, along with an international healing ministry reaching some 130,000 people.

Along with her belief of four Persons in God "Quaternity", and that her husband (the now deceased Anglican priest) was actually Jesus, some of Mabel's most outlandish additional teachings were that:

-Her back garden was the actual physical site of the original Garden of Eden where Adam and Eve had lived, and the town where she lived (Bedford, England) was to one day become the "New Jerusalem", which is one of the many parallel's to Dr. Teed's story above.

The 'Secret box', when opened,  is said to end time of darkness and open a new era
-One of the missions of Mabel's 'Panacea Society' was to protect a mysterious wooden box, said to contain the sealed writings of her predecessor prophetess Joanna Southcott. Her Society believed if they could persuade the bishops of the Church of England to open the box together, it would signal the end of the powers of darkness. In preparation for this grand event, Mabel bought a huge house that could sleep the 24 Anglican bishops of England, and she furnished it with the finest furniture and room arrangements. The story concerning this "secret box" became quite well known in 20th century British culture that it was even satirized on the comedy show "Monty Python".

-Some of the alleged Divine powers that Mabel believed she possessed was the gift of healing. To this effect, she would physically breath directly into tap water, which was then sprinkled onto squares of cloth, which were then cut into small relic sized pieces by her followers, and spread about to various persons hoping for cures.

-Mabel also purchased an additional house for the second coming of Jesus, who she said was to come specifically to Bedford, and her followers were to be prepared to make Him personally welcomed. As the years passed, the Society decided to rent the house, with a special agreement with the tenants who were told only they may have to vacate the property at very short notice.

-Mabel was borderline fanatical is what concerned formal etiquette. She wrote: "Any person who makes an undue noise when eating toast, and declares they cannot avoid it, must leave off eating toast and must not take any other food which causes them to make a noise." Another strange eating practice was that the Panaceans were required to eat date pudding on Palm Sunday, because dates grow on palms.

Octavia appointed twelve female apostles—one from each of the signs of the astrological zodiac—and washed their feet in imitation of Jesus. She would celebrate her own form of mass and eucharist in what she called the ‘upper room’—a room in her house which served as the place of worship before a chapel was eventually built.  Octavia believed that she received daily messages from God by the means of automatic writing. She sat down every afternoon at 5.30 p.m. to receive the purported message while in a trance-ecstasy, and after writing it she then took it straight to the chapel, where it was read as one of the lessons in evening prayer.

Like in the death of Dr. Cyrus Teed in the first story above, the greatest shock for the Octavia's followers certainly must have been Octavia's own death; for she was unexpectedly found dead in her bed one morning, October 16, 1934. "The shock was not just that of discovering a dead body," writes Jane Shaw in her book,"It was the horror of discovering that the beloved divine daughter had actually died in a community that promised immortality."

And again like in Cyrus Teed's story, her followers kept vigil with her body for three days in the expectation that Octavia would arise from the dead, before finally burying it in what one can only presume was great disappointment and disillusionment.

Mother Paul-Marie (1921-2015)  Foundress of the Army of Mary
Case Summary #3:
How about Five Persons in God? The story of Mother Paul-Marie and the "Quinternity"
But if one thinks Mabel Barltrop's "Quaternity" of four persons in God is quite a theological stretch, then one surely will be even more floored with the excommunicated Catholic group "Army of Mary" of Canada, and their belief that their foundress, Mother Paul-Marie (Marie-Paule Giguere, 1921-2015) is the Daughter of God and the Fourth "Person" of a purported five Person "Quinternity".

Specifically, the members of this Community believe that the "Quinternity" is made up of God the Father, the Mother (Blessed Virgin Mary), the Son, the Daughter (Mother Paul-Marie) and the "True" Holy Spirit, united together forming one God, thus essentially adding two Persons to the Christian belief of the Holy Trinity.

This belief in the purported 'Quinternity' is reflected for example in the way in which the members of the Community make the visible Sign of the Cross upon themselves: While crossing themselves (on the four points) they say "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Mother, and of the Daughter, in the unity of the Spirit".

It should be noted however that this belief in the purported "Quinternity" was a recent addition to the Army of Mary Community itself, which back in the 1970's actually gained the initial support and official approval of Archbishop Maurice Roy of Quebec, whom back at that time officially declared the Army of Mary a "Pious Association".

Beginning in the 1980's however, the Army of Mary and its associated 'Community of the Sons and Daughters of Mary' began to lose favor with Church officials, particularly in Canada. Serious Theological difficulties between the Catholic church and the proposals and conclusions of two theologian authors in the Army of Mary/Community of the Sons & Daughters of Mary, eventually led to serious divergence from the Catholic hierarchy, culminating with an official Excommunication issued by the Vatican in 2007.

Centered upon individuals, such cults are always of a limited time frame
Some may also be quite surprised to discover that the list of those persons throughout the centuries who have claimed to be the Messiah, or God incarnate in some form or another, numbers well over 100 persons, many of whom Wikipedia references in their article entitled "List of Messiah claimants".

We find in all of these extraordinary cases of alleged men and woman divine incarnations, that because they are directly centered upon individual cults of personality--that is, certain specific self proclaimed messianic type individuals--that the cult of followers surrounding them eventually dwindles to zero, thus ending in what is always a limited run time.

In Dr. Cyrus Teed's case, the last remaining leader of the community, Hedwig Michel, deeded the colony property to the State of Florida in 1961. It is now the Koreshan State Historic Site. As for Octavia and her Panacea society, the last follower, Ruth Klein died in 2012, putting an end to the society. Its assets, amounting to approximately 25 million pounds, are now looked after by the Panacea Charitable Trust, which awards grants for research into education, poverty and sickness. A Panacea Museum has been opened to tell the story of Octavia and her followers, but they are keeping the lid closed on the biggest mystery, that of the contents of the "Secret box", which Mabel spent most of her lifetime protecting and promoting.

Mabel Barltrop, self proclaimed female messiah
Important lessons learned
When one contemplates the extraordinary lives and extravagant claims of these individuals, and the many others we also see in Wikpedia's the "List of Messiah claimants" referenced above, we see how such claims are really not new--in fact, it calls to mind the events depicted in Acts 5 wherein "...Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people, stood up...and he addressed the Sanhedrin: 'Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men. Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing. After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered. Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”

Yes! I believe Gamaliel offers the best advice concerning such persons: "Leave these men alone!..For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail..."

And thus, looking over the historical record, we see that the vast majority of visionaries and mystics turn out to be false. So, concerning such persons, the best approach is to be extremely cautious and skeptical about their private revelations and claims.
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